I hope no-one minds me popping in here and that everyones' pregnancy is going well? I am normally on the GD thread as I just have Gestational Diabetes as opposed to type 1 or 2, but I was after some information on insulin and I thought more ladies here would have experience of that.
I was diagnosed at 24 weeks and had my first diabetic clinic appointment at 25 weeks. After the first week they put me on slow acting insulin each night (Levemir) and then after another week, so at 26 weeks, they put me on fast acting before each meal. (Novorapid) I started on 12 units Levemir and 3 Novorapid before each meal. That has gradually increased as time went on and then a few weeks ago the clinic told me I could increase the levels of insulin myself if I needed to to keep my blood glucose within target as they simply couldn't see me often enough to increase it themselves. All fine so far.
The thing that is worrying me is that I am now 31+4 and my insulin requirements seem to be increasing quite rapidly. I am increasing it every 2-3 days as they suggested, but my blood glucose readings seem to be going up if anything, they certainly aren't lowering as I increase the insulin, so I assume my insulin resistance is going up rapidly. I have been told to increase the levemir by 2 units at once and the novorapid by one unit at a time, so that's what I am doing. I am alone in the house with just my children at the moment as my husband lives away for work, so I am a little worried about giving myself a hypo if I'm not careful, although I currently rarely get readings under 5mmol and never under 4mmol.
I worry I am doing something wrong. I am sticking to low GI foods where I can, but the dietician suggested carb counting was the way to go and has suggested 40g carbs with breakfast, 50g each at lunch and dinner, then 3 snacks of 10g of carbs each per day and another 10g of carbs as milk in tea or coffee. I am allowing myself the very odd 'treat', of say, maybe a scoop of icecream, but make sure I stay within my carb count for each meal and am very careful. Breakfast seems the worst, which I know is quite common.
Does anyone have any advice? Is this normal at this stage of pregnancy?