Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Have any of you guys had to do a NST Biophysical? Today at my Maternal Fetal Medicine appt (separate from OB, they just follow me due to having Type 2 Diabetes), they told me that beginning from week 32 onward, they want me to come in twice per week to do this test to ensure that the baby is getting enough oxygen.

That sounds like a really intense schedule, especially since my diabetes has been so under control (I test 6 times per day and the majority of the readings are great).

Also, I don't know that my job is going to allow me to go in twice per week, especially since their office hours are from 9-4 & Fridays 7-3 and my work hours are 9-5, so honestly I could probably only go in on Fridays (as I have been) so it didn't get in the way of my work schedule.
Congrats Louisa, fab weight! Bet you are relieved he is here now xxx
Clipmywings i haven't had to, though i'm in the UK so it might be different here sorry xx
Gah! Most of my BM's have been fine, the odd glitch,but generally fine. Now I have issues with the placenta and my lo's body is measuring 2 weeks behind. Apparently it's linked to the diabetes with high BP. Thought I was at risk of a big baby, I was prepared and now it's the other way. So confused & terrified for my lo
Foxy i hope everything is ok, i saw your thread a few days ago, do they know when they are aiming to deliver for? xxx
I've been told thats a good milestone, i've been having some concern with hypos/reduce FM and when i went in to be monitored (this was around 22 weeks) they said they like them to get to the 32 week mark, of course that seemed ages off from the stage i was at then, my friend is diabetic and her baby was born at 29weeks due to placenta deterioration, her baby is now 6 months old and doing great, i will keep my fingers crossed all goes well, i'm sure it will do x
Thanks. I've just been admitted again. Had a steroid shot and humilin to be 40u tonight and novo rapid 34 in morning. Check blood at 2am & 6am. I'm terrified as I'm 29+2
I hope everything is going well for you both now shes here xx

Bumping the thread, 31 weeks today, 7 weeks til i'm induced, can't wait!
Foxbaby - hope things are going ok. Thinking of you.

080509 - those 7 weeks will fly by.

This thread has been around a while - I was here when pregnant with my second who is now nearly 2.5 years old. And now I want to do it all again but I want it to be better than last time as we cannot go through that again.

I have moved doctor in the hopes that I can get a pump and prevent the severe hypoglycaemias of last pregnancy. My first appointment to evaluate if I am a candidate for a pump is in early August - what would make someone not be right for a pump? I can think of some weird reasons, but nothing that should disqualify me? Also are there any on here who have done pregnancy with a pump and without and how did it differ - will it get me what I want (basically a safer pregnancy for me and my family). We will not even start to think of TTC til things have settled and my hbA1c is down (have been struggling a lot lately to get things under control after stopping the breastfeeding - that gave me almost a free ride to do what I wanted as far as eating went).

080509 how has your third pregnancy been - how did you cope with two others to look after?
Tanikit i've no advice regarding the pump, my team here seem to not be that favourable of them (probably due to money grr!) but i know it would work wonders in the dawn phenomenon for me, as my fasting reading is always around 8mmol, when i increase my basal i go hypo, so i think it would help in that respect. I don't see why they wouldn't give you one, have you looked at the Input site? Its quite helpful in terms of criteria and what to do if they decline, i honestly don't see why they would though, lots of ladies i've heard on other forums opt for one when planning a pregnancy.
Its been a struggle i won't lie, i seem to live in constant fear of hypos at the moment, hba1c was 5.9 on conception but its gone up to 7% in pregnancy, due to my fear of hypos. I don't know what your targets where but mine were supposed to be less than 7.8 one hour post meal, they agreed to let me stick to 2 hour targets as the hypos (especially first tri) were making me depressed and i couldn't do anything/look after my children.

Sorry if that sounds abit negative, i'm sure it will be ok just push for the insulin pump, i'm glad we are having another baby now, it took some getting used to at the start as my children were only 2 years and 7months when i found out i was pregnant, but i wouldn't change a thing and its so worth all the hypos xxx
Foxbaby - hope things are going ok. Thinking of you.

080509 - those 7 weeks will fly by.

This thread has been around a while - I was here when pregnant with my second who is now nearly 2.5 years old. And now I want to do it all again but I want it to be better than last time as we cannot go through that again.

I have moved doctor in the hopes that I can get a pump and prevent the severe hypoglycaemias of last pregnancy. My first appointment to evaluate if I am a candidate for a pump is in early August - what would make someone not be right for a pump? I can think of some weird reasons, but nothing that should disqualify me? Also are there any on here who have done pregnancy with a pump and without and how did it differ - will it get me what I want (basically a safer pregnancy for me and my family). We will not even start to think of TTC til things have settled and my hbA1c is down (have been struggling a lot lately to get things under control after stopping the breastfeeding - that gave me almost a free ride to do what I wanted as far as eating went).

080509 how has your third pregnancy been - how did you cope with two others to look after?

Hiya Tanikit......I have done first pregnancy was with injections (lantus and novo rapid), my pregnancy was fine, hba1c's of 6 ish all the way through but my daughter had ery low blood sugar approx ^hrs after being born..went down to 0.6mmols, we ended up in nicu for a week and being tube fed until she could keep them up and take bottles, it was very distressing.
This time around I had been on the pump approx 3 months before I got pregnant, hba1c of 7.1mmols and so it began again, but this time it was so much easier with the pump.....much more controlled, not as many hypos and alot easier to control my bloods via the pump, don't get me wrong its hard work to get used to it and to teach yourself how to be a diabetic with a pump to begin with but it is well worth the hard work because once you have it syncd to your body its worth its weight in gold :)
I went in for c-section on 28th of May and had Rosalie, I was petrified it was all going to happen again but it didn't, she was fine with blood sugars of 2.8 and 2hrs later 3.4mmols :)
My hba1cs were .4 through the whole pregnancy too which I think made a difference.

I would suggest to give yourself a few months on the pump to get used to it and become a geek on it really, learn its ins and out so you can get it down to a tee!! Then if your happy go for it :) be prepared for lots of blood sugar testing though and testing in the night to begin with as the pump needs to know how you work as well, hope this helps a little....ask away if you have any questions :) xx

080509....hope you are well and not too long to wait now!!!
Foxbaby - hope things are going ok. Thinking of you.

080509 - those 7 weeks will fly by.

This thread has been around a while - I was here when pregnant with my second who is now nearly 2.5 years old. And now I want to do it all again but I want it to be better than last time as we cannot go through that again.

I have moved doctor in the hopes that I can get a pump and prevent the severe hypoglycaemias of last pregnancy. My first appointment to evaluate if I am a candidate for a pump is in early August - what would make someone not be right for a pump? I can think of some weird reasons, but nothing that should disqualify me? Also are there any on here who have done pregnancy with a pump and without and how did it differ - will it get me what I want (basically a safer pregnancy for me and my family). We will not even start to think of TTC til things have settled and my hbA1c is down (have been struggling a lot lately to get things under control after stopping the breastfeeding - that gave me almost a free ride to do what I wanted as far as eating went).

080509 how has your third pregnancy been - how did you cope with two others to look after?

Hey Tankit I was only thinking of you yesterday and wondering how you were :flower:
Thanks Kellyrae, had my growth scan today, baby is measuring 4lb 10oz, belly is abit big and his head too lol, sugars been 10mmol 1-2 hours post breakfast so just keep increasing it, hard though with this weather i think that may be doing it too x
Thanks for the responses - I have to persuade my DH that being on the pump can prevent the really severe hypos of last time (and by severe I mean in the 1s where I was passed out and totally unresponsive - and I was still ok at 1.7 so usually that meant below 1.3) I have hypoglycaemic unawareness that I have been trying to fix. So I will definitely have to be on the pump for a good few months before even trying so my DH can hear it works, plus my HbA1c is much too high now to even try. They told me during pregnancy not to go lower than 7 with my HbA1c since to achieve that was resulting in such terrible lows.

080509 - glad the growth scan went ok - don't worry too much about size - if your baby's head is big then maybe he is just meant to be big - its usually a disproportionate abdominal size they worry about.

Celtic - hey... see your next baby is about to appear pretty soon. Good luck. Nice to see you around.
The lows are terrible hun, i had unawareness with my second baby and was often below 2 before i knew, i tested 1.8 once and it was only by chance i thought i would check, luckily i did and downed nearly a pint of juice, i could feel my vision going though once it kicked in, horrible.
This thread hasn't been so active lately :( sucks lol, keep coming accross GD threads where people are extremely panicky about a reading of 7mmol, i keep thinking i wish i could achieve 7's all the time, but thats just me being bitter i know.. :/
Good luck when trying, it will all be worth it in the end and keep us updated xx
080509 - not too much longer now. I know what you mean about the GD threads - I couldn't read them when I was pregnant as I often though they were worrying about unnecessary things - but it is hard to get GD and worry about your baby - maybe we should send them all to read our thread and they'd worry less :)

The lowest I ever tested by myself on my own machine was 0.7 - how I managed to do that I do not know - I know the machines give slightly lower readings than in reality, but still. I tested myself at 1.7 yesterday and was just feeling tired and this is without pregnancy - trying to get things right has pushed them too low. Sigh.

How has the heat wave been - are you coping?
Oh no, horrible hypos! Did you manage to sort/treat it yourself ok? Mine have been in the 3's lately and i've been aware, i'm just struggling keeping my overnights on target as we are having abit of a heatwave at the moment and its dropping them, so i'm scared of going low overnight, its difficult balancing it xx
I was diagnosed with my first baby in pregnancy, they originally thought it was GD, i honestly wish it had been, but it didn't go away after he was born, and they did antibody tests to check incase it was type 1 and it was, such a horrible shock but i'm used to it now, just hope it doesn't get passed on to them but i think everyone worries about this from time to time. I hope you are ok and don't have any more nasty hypos xxx
Yes I treated it myself - totally over treated though - my DH was giving me food and I was just eating it and then I gave myself some but my brain wasn't working too well and after eating, I went to check that my machine had really said 1.7 and it had so I ate even more - it went to 11.6 2 hours after eating and 20.2 another 2 hours later! I need to stop it going so low to prevent those type of highs too. It has been better today though.

Hope the heatwave stops soon and that you can keep things ok. I also worry about my kids and if they are thirsty I keep a very close eye on them, but I kow what to watch for so I should catch it if it ever starts long before they get to the stage I was when I was diagnosed. I hope they never do get it though.
Its so hard when i overtreat mine too, plus once i'm back in the 4's i get hunger pangs and have to stop myself raiding the cupboards! With the weather i'm having a few lows, its abit of an excuse to eat nice things actually, though i'm testing an awful lot but it can't be helped. I saw the diabetes team today (i had a growth scan last week and he measured 4lb 10) they said they are pleased with my readings but i sometimes feel they aren't good enough, but in terms of safety and looking after little ones i think maybe they are as good as they can get! Not had any prolonged highs for a while though so i'm glad about that.

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