Foxbaby - hope things are going ok. Thinking of you.
080509 - those 7 weeks will fly by.
This thread has been around a while - I was here when pregnant with my second who is now nearly 2.5 years old. And now I want to do it all again but I want it to be better than last time as we cannot go through that again.
I have moved doctor in the hopes that I can get a pump and prevent the severe hypoglycaemias of last pregnancy. My first appointment to evaluate if I am a candidate for a pump is in early August - what would make someone not be right for a pump? I can think of some weird reasons, but nothing that should disqualify me? Also are there any on here who have done pregnancy with a pump and without and how did it differ - will it get me what I want (basically a safer pregnancy for me and my family). We will not even start to think of TTC til things have settled and my hbA1c is down (have been struggling a lot lately to get things under control after stopping the breastfeeding - that gave me almost a free ride to do what I wanted as far as eating went).
080509 how has your third pregnancy been - how did you cope with two others to look after?
Hiya Tanikit......I have done first pregnancy was with injections (lantus and novo rapid), my pregnancy was fine, hba1c's of 6 ish all the way through but my daughter had ery low blood sugar approx ^hrs after being born..went down to 0.6mmols, we ended up in nicu for a week and being tube fed until she could keep them up and take bottles, it was very distressing.
This time around I had been on the pump approx 3 months before I got pregnant, hba1c of 7.1mmols and so it began again, but this time it was so much easier with the pump.....much more controlled, not as many hypos and alot easier to control my bloods via the pump, don't get me wrong its hard work to get used to it and to teach yourself how to be a diabetic with a pump to begin with but it is well worth the hard work because once you have it syncd to your body its worth its weight in gold

I went in for c-section on 28th of May and had Rosalie, I was petrified it was all going to happen again but it didn't, she was fine with blood sugars of 2.8 and 2hrs later 3.4mmols

My hba1cs were .4 through the whole pregnancy too which I think made a difference.
I would suggest to give yourself a few months on the pump to get used to it and become a geek on it really, learn its ins and out so you can get it down to a tee!! Then if your happy go for it

be prepared for lots of blood sugar testing though and testing in the night to begin with as the pump needs to know how you work as well, hope this helps a little....ask away if you have any questions

080509....hope you are well and not too long to wait now!!!