Anyone doing medicated FET starting in March?


Apr 15, 2010
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It'll be my first FET, would like some buddies!
Yes me... HI :hi:

March feels like a lifetime away! I have no idea if its going to be medicated or natural yet we haven't got that far.

Unfortunately I had a double ectopic 6 weeks ago so I have to wait 3 months before I am allowed another transfer. How come you are waiting until March?

I'm having a lap to have my remaining dodgy tube removed! I had an ectopic in it and treated with methotrexate. It was my second ectopic, my first I had my tube removed. I'm not allowed to start down reg till 6 weeks after surgery.

I'm sorry for your losses x
We are on a similar route then... good luck with the lap. You must be having that soon?

Found out I am having a medicated FET, I could potentially start BCP on my next period. Looking forward to getting my treatment plan in place.

My surgery is booked for 4th feb.

I start birth control 1st of February for 21 days then bleed and then start down reg on CD21 after my pill bleed.

Looks like we are on a similar time line. What's your protocol? I go for my coordination 20th January.
If I start the bcp on my next cycle that should be 1st Feb too. I don't have my full protocol yet, I am waiting for confirmation but I also have blood clot tests in London on Friday so I don't know if that will make a difference? If my cycle is on time I will down reg with a Prostap Injection and I think that will work out to a mid March transfer? Do you have a ET date?

Not yet, I have my coordination a week tomorrow.

I'll be DR with burselin I think (have friend at same clinic doing FET currently so I'm assuming same protocol).

From what I've worked out I think my transfer will be last 2 weeks of April because soonest I can start DR is 17th March which is 6 weeks post surgery.

Got pill today no issues. Are you in London? Our clinic is in London, hammersmith but we live in essex.
Hi there! I may be on this path. I just had my 2nd frozen cancelled today because lining wasn't thick enough. So on cd 1 I call and make an appointment for cd 21, then I start lupron and estrogen injections! We are using donor egg though. Transfer is looking like the beginning of March. Have you ladies had issues with lining not thick in the past by chance? It's kind of making me discouraged! :(
I think my next FET will be in March. I had my first FET in early Nov, pregnant, thought I had chemical pregnancy then they thought it was ectopic because my beta wasn't dropping (it was too low to begin with, dropped to where they thought I wasn't pregnant anymore, then it rose again), but not anywhere near where it should be. Got methotrexate shot and my beta yesterday is now all the way down, so the IVF nurse told me I can do FET after 6 weeks from this beta. We'll see when I get a period. I am also talking to another RE office and after talking to the financial person about my health insurance & costs on Friday, then I'll probably make a decision on whether to stick to the old RE or go with new RE. It costs at least twice a much (on estimate they already gave me) for new RE, not including medication (which I already have most of). However, if my new health insurance covers new RE for any of this (I know they won't cover old RE, they are not on their list of providers), I will probably go there and am already on the wait list.
Hey there girls, I may be on this path too.

We were planning to have a natural FET in January but unfortunately my body has decided to go crazy and I got a positive OPK on CD10 which isn't the norm for me. Waiting for my AF to arrive then I can phone the hospital and arrange what is happening next. They did mention that unless my period came early in line with the early positive ovulation test then we would be better doing a medicated cycle.

CD24 today and no AF so thinking it's the medicated route for us too!

Welcome ladies.

Stacer - I'm really sorry about your cancelled cycle, are they changing your protocol?

Jean - if they used methotrexate did they suspect ectopic? I don't think you're meant to conceive for 3 months after methotrexate as it depletes your folate reserves and your not allowed to take folic acid for 3 months so may well be worth checking? I had MTX for my second ectopic before my first fresh IVF and had to put it all on hold.

Tina - oh that is frustrating. It's why I didn't even want to attempt a natural FET as I don't trust my body at all. Damn thing!
4magpies, I am in the West Midlands I used a local clinic for my own IVFs and went to Greece for my DE. I used Burselin on my own cycles, but thankfully with my DE I only have to take one injection which makes a nice change. Shame you have to wait 6 week post surgery to start DR but best to wait until you are fully recovered.

Hi Tina, I commented on your journal also, I am sorry your cycles have messed you around this month but excited that we could be cycling together :hugs:

Jean, sorry to hear you've had a tough old time. That all sounds a little scary. I agree with 4mags and thought you'd have you wait longer? I had an ectopic 7 weeks ago, had my tubes removed and was told I had to wait 3 months before another transfer.

Stacergirl, sorry to hear of the lining troubles, that must be very frustrating. I personally haven't had issues but I am buddies with a lady who had a lot of trouble and few cycles cancelled too, she is now 9 weeks pregnant after finally getting her lining to 7.5m. She was on letrozole (also known as femara) 5mg for 5 days starting on day 2. We have also heard very good things about tamoxifen though. I spoke to this lady before replying to ask for any tips to share with you and she has given me her email address if you would like to speak to her about what she learnt or some advice. It was a long road for her and I think they tried a lot of things. Let me know and I will PM you.

AFM, I am getting my blood clot tests done tomorrow, that will be one more thing crossed off my list. I don't think there is anything wrong, think I was extremely unlucky last time but they don't want to leave anything unturned. I have also been told that if my AF arrives early Feb as I think then ET can be from 16th March. Excited!

Hey girls. Hope your testing went ok Pinkie?

I'm off for my coordination on Wednesday so should know more about protocol then. Quite excited!

Just over 2 weeks till my surgery now, just want it to be here.

My AF turned up this morning, 4 days early. Just confirmed in my head why I've made the right choice choosing medicated!
Hi ladies, :flower: Can I join in? I am going to do a FET in March and I am planning on transferring 2 of my 3 frosties! Good luck to everyone! :dust::dust: I hope all of us get our BFP's!

Once my AF comes at the end of this month I will be starting lupron on CD 21 and than going for my baseline scan at the start of my period. I am guesstimating the transfer will take plave around the week of March 20th.
Of course you can! Welcome.

What day frosties do you have?
Thanks for the warm welcome! :hugs: My 3 frosties are day 5 embryos! :thumbup:
It's great you have 3. We only have the one and trying not to worry about thaw. It's a 5AA day 6 blast so fingers crossed it's good and strong.
It's great you have 3. We only have the one and trying not to worry about thaw. It's a 5AA day 6 blast so fingers crossed it's good and strong.

Good luck! :dust::dust: I asked my RE about the chances of a successful thaw and he said that more than 90% of the time the embryos thaw just fine so the odds are in your favor! :thumbup: Fingers crossed for you! I hope you get a BFP! :thumbup: :dust::dust: Keep up the PMA!!
Hi ladies, I went back to work this week and trying to catch up on posts.

Wannabe, welcome and good luck. I am hoping to transfer around the same time as you. How many are you transferring?

2mags, are you all set for surgery next week? I think its only natural to worrying about thawing, I only have one embryo and I am terrified but the clinic said they only freeze the best and the ones they believe that will survive and I pretty sure that's the rule.

My tests went fine and got my results back quickly, thankfully there are no blood clot issues so we stick with my original treatment plan. Will start BCP on next period which should arrive first week in Feb. I am praying she is early for once.

Pinkie - I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'm going to treat myself to a new dressing gown so need to buy one before surgery. Starting to feel nervous about it now, it's been years since my last lap.

Welcome cvaeh oh wow what alot of transfers. I hope they get the right combination of things this time and you're lucky.

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