Anyone due around August 19th?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Hey everyone!!

So I haven't been on BnB for awhile now because I felt like I didn't really fit in anywhere. I was getting tired of gender guessing threads and I felt like I had 'grown out of' the second trimester section. Now that I'm pretty close to 3rd tri I have been stalking this thread and I'm ready to jump back in :) I love hearing all of the birth stories in here but once again I feel a little out of place.

So I'm looking for some buddies who are at the beginning of the 3rd tri so we can go through the last few weeks together! I'm getting so excited and I would love to chat with some ladies who are at this point as well!!

Here's a little about me :)

I have a 4 year old son (5 next month) and I am currently engaged and getting married June 15th!!! We are having a little boy and it is my fiances first baby and he is just over the moon excited :) I am so so happy!!

At our 20 week anatomy scan they found that baby Jax has an irregular heart beat. Due to his arrhythmia I have been going to the OB once a week and will continue to do so until I give birth.

I had my son at 37 weeks and was in labor for 4 hours so the dr is guessing I will be delivering at the end of July or the beginning of August but we will see :) I'm pretty nervous because she thinks this labor will go a lot quicker as well! I'm just hoping we make it to the hospital :haha: With my son I woke up when my water broke and totally thought I had just wet the bed! Didn't feel any contractions or anything until I was at the hospital! So crazy!

It will be interesting to see how this labor progresses and how similar or different it will be from my last.

I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!
Didn't want to read and run, so I thought i'd stop in and say hi! You're getting married a couple days after I did! Congrats on the engagement and the two boys though. I'm actually due August 12th, so a couple days before though judging by your story I doubt I'll go before you :)
Thank you!!

Yeah hehe you never know! I keep telling people what my dr said about going early again this time but just wait, I'll prob end up going late!!! I'm really hoping I don't though because my son starts kindergarten the week after I am due!! I'm hoping to have baby and be SOME WHAT settled before he starts school! I know that's just wishful thinking though!
I was wondering what had happened to you!

Your wedding date is the day after my brother & SIL and SIL and her husband got married :) Good time of year! Hope you're able to get settled with baby before your son starts kindergarten! Sounds like it would be over whelming. Welcoming a new baby while sending your first baby off to school!

I'm due August 17th.

My husband and I got married November 24th (originally due to marry this upcoming May 25th!). Crazy how I'll be newly into 3rd tri on the date we were originally going to get married. This is our first (girl - who is already proving to be stubborn!) & conceived between wedding night & 3 days later.

Obviously as this is my first, no idea what to expect. I'm guessing though that if I go early, it'll be from being induced. Otherwise I'm guessing I'll go late. If I go late, my fingers are crossed for Aug 26th (it's the date of my grandfather's death, so it would be nice to bring new life).

I'm just anxious how our 4 cats are going to do with a new baby. I'm more worried about the 2 very curious boys.
I'd say go with your gut, because chances are you're most likely to know :) Though, every baby's different. Can't say from personal experience as this is my first, but I have two half-siblings myself and all three of us were born very differently. Both hubby and his younger brother were both 2+ weeks early though so you really never know!
I'm due on August 20, so super close to you! I also felt like I was somewhere in the middle, straddling both 2nd and 3rd tri and love the idea of this thread.

This is my first baby and I'm hoping for a natural birth. My mother had all three of us biological siblings at home with natural births (I'm going with the hospital though -- they're pretty good here about natural births) so I am hoping I can do so too. We were all late -- around 2 weeks. Wonder if I will be too? I'm enjoying reading the birth stories as I'm trying to get a sense of what to expect.

Other things about me: I 'm an American living in Australia. Other than DH and a 21-year old step-daughter, I have no family here. My sister wants to come for the birth but, honestly, I think she'll just stress me out. Wish my mom could make it, but my little brother (adopted from Russia) is fighting cancer so my mom can't leave him.

Once baby is here, we want to spend a few months in Australia and then travel back home for an extended visit through the holidays. I get 6 months maternity leave! :happydance:

OK, I think that's enough about me. :)
Hey ladies! I'm due 6 days after you Kelsey! Tomorrow ill be in double digits! I'm so excited! I remember that your little baby boy had the heartbeat issue, and wondered if everything was OK... Congrats on your upcoming wedding! That's so exciting!

I'm pregnant with our third ( and last) baby... from the start I've had issues with this pregnancy, bleeding and cramping, and the last 4 1/2 weeks I've been cramping everyday, along with contractions, so I've been under close watch this time....
I hope y'all don't mind me joining! My first is 4 1/2 and she was born 38+3 and my second was born 37+6, hoping this last little guy will come a couple weeks early also!
August 17th here :) I've been wondering where you went kelsey. Glad to hear everything is going good. I back off a little bit cause I was feeling the same way as you in 2nd tri but here we are now I'm finally in the 3rd and you are right behind me lol not to much longer now :)
im also due august 17th

They have said that it is most likely i will have to have a c aection due to a bone condition that affects my pelvis so probably will be earlier.

This is our first so pretty nervous. Had an awful pregnancy so far with early onset of spd.

We are from the UK im 26 OH is 27. We got married in Vegas last may after 9 years together!

Im glad you started this because i also felt in limbo!

I really hope this third tri goes quickly!
Hey Kelsey! Glad to see you around again, you've been missed. :hugs: I'm still due on the 19th as well but still not sure that it won't be a c-section so I would also have a chance of having him a tad sooner.

How are the wedding plans going??? Looking forward to hearing more from you. Glad everything is going well so far despite the arrhythmia! :hugs:
Firstly your getting married on my birthday!!!! :D

I am due August 22nd with our 2nd son. I am on my 7th pregnancy but due to a blood disorder I have had 3 miscarriages 2 of which were twins and 1 singleton. I have 2 daughters Megan Grace age 9 and Abigail Lucy aged 2 and a son Callum James who was 7 2 weeks ago :D I have been married for 3 yrs on December 23rd (Yes we had the winter wedding complete with real snow) If you want to know anything else about me feel free to ask I am an open book lol xx
I am due August 21st, So pretty close to you I would say! I was also feeling in between threads. I have been ready to move into the 3rd tri for a while but then again, mostly all you see here are birth stories! I wish I was at that point lol! A little about me, this is my second pregnancy. I have a DS who is 3 years old and I'm pregnant with a little girl now and I am over the moon :) Her name is Emma, no middle name established yet.

Congrats on getting married soon, my 5 year anniversary is tomorrow, so hard to believe! I went to the doctor last Thursday after I got dehydrated and ended up in the hospital with preterm labor, not fun! But, everything is looking good now after a little fluids and according to my ultrasound Emma is weighing a whopping 2 pounds and 3 oz and measuring over a week ahead in length! I imagine she is going to be tall like her mommy :)

Unfortunately, ever since my preterm laboe episode I just haven't been feeling my best :( I have been so exhausted and uncomfortable. I have SPD and her head is buried between my hips making the pressure worse. My stomach feels so tight like it could explode when I'm standing or walking too, and that is just so uncomfortable. Anyone else feel similar or is it just me who feels 36 weeks pregnant instead of 26?

Thanksfor the thread, it's nice to see that I do belong somewhere :)
:wave: I think I belong here too, I'm due 23rd august.

Bit of history, I have 4 kids, 3 girls (8,3 and 2) and 1 boy (5) and thi is my second boy. We lost his twin early on and had a huge subchorionic bleed lifting the edge of the placenta discovered at 12+2, its still there now at 26+2 and I've been bleeding and on bedrest for 14 weeks now:wacko: I go to perinatology every 2 week and my OB in the week between. Little guy was expected at around 23-24 weeks and we did have to have labour stopped at 23 weeks but he hanged on and we have steroids on board:thumbup: Holding out for 28 weeks but 30 would be awesome! He's measuring small at the 10-20th percentile due to placenta not being used fully but is growing on his curve. My other 4 were preemie (2 at 35 weeks, a 33 weeker and a 32 weeker) as well so I'm on weekly progesterone shots as well as nifedipine (procardia) for contractions.

Oh yes def feel further on as well, when they engage it makes the pelvis so uncomfortable:hugs: A cushion between the knees can help a well as physio if it gets really bad:hugs:
I was wondering what had happened to you!

Your wedding date is the day after my brother & SIL and SIL and her husband got married :) Good time of year! Hope you're able to get settled with baby before your son starts kindergarten! Sounds like it would be over whelming. Welcoming a new baby while sending your first baby off to school!

I'm due August 17th.

My husband and I got married November 24th (originally due to marry this upcoming May 25th!). Crazy how I'll be newly into 3rd tri on the date we were originally going to get married. This is our first (girl - who is already proving to be stubborn!) & conceived between wedding night & 3 days later.

Obviously as this is my first, no idea what to expect. I'm guessing though that if I go early, it'll be from being induced. Otherwise I'm guessing I'll go late. If I go late, my fingers are crossed for Aug 26th (it's the date of my grandfather's death, so it would be nice to bring new life).

I'm just anxious how our 4 cats are going to do with a new baby. I'm more worried about the 2 very curious boys.

Hey!! :)

Ugh yeah August will definitely be an overwhelming and crazy time!! I'm hoping I'll at least get a few days before having baby Jax and Dylan starting Kindergarten but we will see!!

How is your pregnancy going so far? Is there a reason why you think you might get induced early? That would be really neat if your baby got here on Aug 26th :) :)

We have a new puppy so I'm reeeeaaaally hoping she gets along with the baby! She is just a small little thing though, 5 lbs at the most and she has NEVER growled or sniped at my 4 year old so I"m thinkin we will be okay!! I'm glad you and I found each other again! Now we can stay in touch through the end!!!!! :):):)

I'd say go with your gut, because chances are you're most likely to know :) Though, every baby's different. Can't say from personal experience as this is my first, but I have two half-siblings myself and all three of us were born very differently. Both hubby and his younger brother were both 2+ weeks early though so you really never know!

Oh man yeah I guess Jax will come whenever he is ready :haha:!!!! My DF keeps going around telling everyone he will be here at the end of July bc thats what the dr THINKS and I keep trying to tell him that NOTHING is a for sure thing!!! :)

I'm due on August 20, so super close to you! I also felt like I was somewhere in the middle, straddling both 2nd and 3rd tri and love the idea of this thread.

This is my first baby and I'm hoping for a natural birth. My mother had all three of us biological siblings at home with natural births (I'm going with the hospital though -- they're pretty good here about natural births) so I am hoping I can do so too. We were all late -- around 2 weeks. Wonder if I will be too? I'm enjoying reading the birth stories as I'm trying to get a sense of what to expect.

Other things about me: I 'm an American living in Australia. Other than DH and a 21-year old step-daughter, I have no family here. My sister wants to come for the birth but, honestly, I think she'll just stress me out. Wish my mom could make it, but my little brother (adopted from Russia) is fighting cancer so my mom can't leave him.

Once baby is here, we want to spend a few months in Australia and then travel back home for an extended visit through the holidays. I get 6 months maternity leave! :happydance:

OK, I think that's enough about me. :)

ooooo we are suuuper close!!!!!!!! How cool!!!

What are you doing in Australia? That seems exciting :) I've always wanted to go there!! I'm sorry to hear about your brother though :( Hope everything is okay.... It must be really hard going through all of this without your mom or any of your family close by :( That is sooo awesome that you get 6 months of maternity leave though!! That's just crazy!! I want that lol!! Well at least you have this site for some support in the mean time :hugs:

Hey ladies! I'm due 6 days after you Kelsey! Tomorrow ill be in double digits! I'm so excited! I remember that your little baby boy had the heartbeat issue, and wondered if everything was OK... Congrats on your upcoming wedding! That's so exciting!

I'm pregnant with our third ( and last) baby... from the start I've had issues with this pregnancy, bleeding and cramping, and the last 4 1/2 weeks I've been cramping everyday, along with contractions, so I've been under close watch this time....
I hope y'all don't mind me joining! My first is 4 1/2 and she was born 38+3 and my second was born 37+6, hoping this last little guy will come a couple weeks early also!

Wooohooo for double digits!!!!!!!!!!! I had my baby shower on the day I went to double digits so it was pretty cool :) Yeah Jax's heart seems to be doing okay for now!! :thumbup: hoping it stays that way!!!

Sorry about the cramping you're experiencing right now :nope: that's awful. I had some cramping and pressure problems around 20 weeks and was put on pelvic rest and that seemed to help... Jax was head down at that point and I think thats where most of it was coming from because as soon as he switched positions and became breech I felt soooo much better!! He recently switched back to head down and my cramps and the pressure is starting again Lol! I just hope I can stay feeling okay until after my wedding!! Once that happens I will be more than fine with taking it easy!!

I'm hoping I follow you pattern and have my son at 37 weeks! That would be perfect!! :)

August 17th here :) I've been wondering where you went kelsey. Glad to hear everything is going good. I back off a little bit cause I was feeling the same way as you in 2nd tri but here we are now I'm finally in the 3rd and you are right behind me lol not to much longer now :)

Hi!! Good to see you again!!!

Woohoo for the 3rd tri!! I'm getting super excited about everything!! It feels like there's a light at the end of this tunnel now!!

How has everything been going with you?!

im also due august 17th

They have said that it is most likely i will have to have a c aection due to a bone condition that affects my pelvis so probably will be earlier.

This is our first so pretty nervous. Had an awful pregnancy so far with early onset of spd.

We are from the UK im 26 OH is 27. We got married in Vegas last may after 9 years together!

Im glad you started this because i also felt in limbo!

I really hope this third tri goes quickly!

Yay! We are so close!!

Sorry to hear about the SPD :( I have sciatic nerve problems really bad and I feel as though I am getting SPD. By about 8PM I can barley walk, my hips feel like theyre going to give out! It's awful :( Ugh especially sitting on the toilet seat, ouch!!! I'm also to the point where I can't sleep because I'm so uncomfortable in bed and rolling over is just excruciating!

I'm hoping the 3rd tri will go by quickly as well!!

Hey Kelsey! Glad to see you around again, you've been missed. :hugs: I'm still due on the 19th as well but still not sure that it won't be a c-section so I would also have a chance of having him a tad sooner.

How are the wedding plans going??? Looking forward to hearing more from you. Glad everything is going well so far despite the arrhythmia! :hugs:

Hey Nela!!!!!!!!!! How have you been?!?! :hugs:

Yay for the 19th!! It's a good day :)

Wedding plans are going great!! Everything is set up and ready!! I picked up my dress today and LOVE IT! They are taking out the zipper and putting a corset in the back so I will fit into the dress no matter how much I grow this next month :haha:

Fill me in on everything with you! How is baby?!

Firstly your getting married on my birthday!!!! :D

I am due August 22nd with our 2nd son. I am on my 7th pregnancy but due to a blood disorder I have had 3 miscarriages 2 of which were twins and 1 singleton. I have 2 daughters Megan Grace age 9 and Abigail Lucy aged 2 and a son Callum James who was 7 2 weeks ago :D I have been married for 3 yrs on December 23rd (Yes we had the winter wedding complete with real snow) If you want to know anything else about me feel free to ask I am an open book lol xx

Ahhh well its a great day for wedding AND birthdays!! :):):)

Sorry to hear about your miscarriages :hugs: So this is your 4th? I want to have 4 :) Is this going to be your last??

I bet a December wedding was BEAUTIFUL!! Mine will be soooo HOT!! It will be about 110F I will be dying but oh well lol :haha:

Im due August 12th with my first baby, a little boy :) xx

Congrats!!!!! My first was a boy too! They are so great <3 They love their mommas!!! <3 We are pretty close together too! Thats awesome :)

I am due August 21st, So pretty close to you I would say! I was also feeling in between threads. I have been ready to move into the 3rd tri for a while but then again, mostly all you see here are birth stories! I wish I was at that point lol! A little about me, this is my second pregnancy. I have a DS who is 3 years old and I'm pregnant with a little girl now and I am over the moon :) Her name is Emma, no middle name established yet.

Congrats on getting married soon, my 5 year anniversary is tomorrow, so hard to believe! I went to the doctor last Thursday after I got dehydrated and ended up in the hospital with preterm labor, not fun! But, everything is looking good now after a little fluids and according to my ultrasound Emma is weighing a whopping 2 pounds and 3 oz and measuring over a week ahead in length! I imagine she is going to be tall like her mommy :)

Unfortunately, ever since my preterm laboe episode I just haven't been feeling my best :( I have been so exhausted and uncomfortable. I have SPD and her head is buried between my hips making the pressure worse. My stomach feels so tight like it could explode when I'm standing or walking too, and that is just so uncomfortable. Anyone else feel similar or is it just me who feels 36 weeks pregnant instead of 26?

Thanksfor the thread, it's nice to see that I do belong somewhere :)

We are definitely close together! yay! Ugh I wish I was at the birth story point as well!! :haha: That is so exciting that you're having a girl! I want a little girl so bad! I really want to have one of each! Hopefully my next one will be a little girl :)

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: That's so awesome!!!

Sorry to hear about your preterm labor scare :( were you having contractions or what? That would be so scary :( I'm glad they stopped it and that everything is okay with your little one!! Did they put you on bed rest or anything??

OMG I FEEL THE EXACT SAME WAY!! Everything you described is me to a T!!! I feel like I am close to giving birth and I"m only 26 weeks!! I don't remember feeling like this until I was like 36+ weeks with my son! It's crazy! I don't know how I'm going to make it another 13 week!!

:wave: I think I belong here too, I'm due 23rd august.

Bit of history, I have 4 kids, 3 girls (8,3 and 2) and 1 boy (5) and thi is my second boy. We lost his twin early on and had a huge subchorionic bleed lifting the edge of the placenta discovered at 12+2, its still there now at 26+2 and I've been bleeding and on bedrest for 14 weeks now:wacko: I go to perinatology every 2 week and my OB in the week between. Little guy was expected at around 23-24 weeks and we did have to have labour stopped at 23 weeks but he hanged on and we have steroids on board:thumbup: Holding out for 28 weeks but 30 would be awesome! He's measuring small at the 10-20th percentile due to placenta not being used fully but is growing on his curve. My other 4 were preemie (2 at 35 weeks, a 33 weeker and a 32 weeker) as well so I'm on weekly progesterone shots as well as nifedipine (procardia) for contractions.

Oh yes def feel further on as well, when they engage it makes the pelvis so uncomfortable:hugs: A cushion between the knees can help a well as physio if it gets really bad:hugs:

Oh man you have been through so much already :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss<3 What wonderful news that you still have your little boy though!! I'm so glad to hear that he is still in there! I hope you continue to carry him for awhile longer <3

How is bed rest going? That can't be easy with 4 kids! You're a strong momma!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!! <3<3

*** It looks like we have an awesome group going here :hugs:**** So glad I feel like I fit in SOMEWHERE again!!!!!!!!
Wow thats one big reply:thumbup:

110F heat? Sounds alot like here in San Diego, been upto the high 90s a few times already! We got married at 7 months pregnant years ago but in dec, was so much fun, congratulations:hugs::wedding:

My little guy starts kindergarten this year too, crazy how fast they grow up:wacko: You excited/nervous?

Pets can be good with children, we have an englih bulldog, she's getting old now so doesnt do much more than sunbathe lol but is so good with the kids:thumbup: Just got to supervise all the time becaue she's pretty big. Not sure about cats but same rules should apply? Give them time to adapt.

Phrumkidost, so sorry to hear about your brother:hugs::hugs:

Bed rest sucks, was nice to have a break for a bit but now its dragging, my muscles are really weak and its just boring:sleep: We had to get a nanny:blush: My 2 older kids go to different schools (my on is in special ed pre school) and then my youngest has to have loads of therapies throughout the week for her rett syndrome so just impossible without help. Just want to get up and do it myself though:haha:
Wow thats one big reply:thumbup:

110F heat? Sounds alot like here in San Diego, been upto the high 90s a few times already! We got married at 7 months pregnant years ago but in dec, was so much fun, congratulations:hugs::wedding:

My little guy starts kindergarten this year too, crazy how fast they grow up:wacko: You excited/nervous?

Pets can be good with children, we have an englih bulldog, she's getting old now so doesnt do much more than sunbathe lol but is so good with the kids:thumbup: Just got to supervise all the time becaue she's pretty big. Not sure about cats but same rules should apply? Give them time to adapt.

Phrumkidost, so sorry to hear about your brother:hugs::hugs:

Bed rest sucks, was nice to have a break for a bit but now its dragging, my muscles are really weak and its just boring:sleep: We had to get a nanny:blush: My 2 older kids go to different schools (my on is in special ed pre school) and then my youngest has to have loads of therapies throughout the week for her rett syndrome so just impossible without help. Just want to get up and do it myself though:haha:

:haha::haha: I noticed how long my reply was once I finished lol!!! I guess that's what happens when I take too long to check BnB :haha: I love it.

Yeah it's going to be hot hot hot but I'm not going to be outside much, thank god! I might go down to the pool for a bit too but we will see how huge I feel at 30/31 weeks!!

I'm both excited and nervous! I know I'll just start bawling!! I can't believe my little boy will be in Kindergarten! It's so crazy!!!!!!!!!! I just hope he loves it because I HATED it lol!

That's good that you got a nanny, you would have to! Seems like you have a pretty busy house!! I can only imagine how your muscles are feeling :( I got a horrible flu/cold when I was about 12 weeks and I stayed in bed for a good solid week and even that started to kill me! Although bed rest seems wonderful some days :haha:
I also think we have a nice little group going! I haven't really felt like Ive fit in anywhere, till now!!!!
I wish pelvic rest had helped me but no luck!

Mummy3- hope your little guy will hang in there for awhile! I'm also curious as to how bed rest is going with 4 kids!
( just saw your reply to Kelsey! )
I also think we have a nice little group going! I haven't really felt like Ive fit in anywhere, till now!!!!
I wish pelvic rest had helped me but no luck!

Mummy3- hope your little guy will hang in there for awhile! I'm also curious as to how bed rest is going with 4 kids!

Do you think that you will end up on bed rest? Have they said anything like that?

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