Anyone due around August 19th?

@Loubyroo...many congratulations to you, well done mamma xxx :flower:
WOW Nela, have you been through the ringer or what!!!!!

I painted the entire nursery and set up all the furniture on my own, and I thought that was a lot!!!! I give you kudos for being able to do all that (although unfortunately it doesn't sound like you have much of a choice).

It sounds like you are almost done, not that it doesn't make it any less frustrating. I would have broken down more than one time if I were you!!! You have got to be exhausted and frustrated beyond belief!

On a good note, that's wonderful baby is healthy!!! At the end that's the most important thing, and your still weeks away from your due date.

GL and keep us posted with how it goes, when you all finished you should show us pics of the nursery!

Haha, it's all good. Been crazy hectic for sure! I'm really aggravated now because we're stuck in a heat wave and I am not allowed to do anything much as per medical orders now. I still have the other room to plaster, sand, and paint but I cannot until the heat passes some and baby seems to be moving lower now so it's getting very uncomfy physically to be thinking of such physical work! :haha: I want to take pictures of the baby's room but I am still waiting on getting it finished but that means waiting for the wall sticker. :haha: Should be here soonish! :happydance:


How's everyone doing now though? Should be quite a few of us nearing our dates now? I'm officially 37 weeks on Monday. They say baby is considered full-term then. Does that mean we can basically go at any moment after that or should we be going more around 40 weeks? I still get confused by the dates :haha: Anyone feeling changes in their bodies now? Are people getting nervous, excited, stressed? I don't know how I feel. I am a little stressed about the house but rather calm about the delivery if I don't think it through too much. I'm much more concerned about the sleepless nights coming :haha: How about you guys? What's going on in your heads? I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool! :flower:

We have been going through quite the heat wave here too!!! Although the past couple days have been a bit cloudy. But it was about 115 degrees for a few weeks. No fun!!! So I know how you are feeling!!! As far as your questing on being full term. From my understanding (What my doctor told me). The baby is considered full term at 37 weeks, this means baby is pretty much done growing (well other than adding fat) and if born should be healthy. However, usually women do not deliver until closer to 40 weeks. My doctor said that anytime from here on out, if I were to go into labor she wouldn't stop it, as the baby is healthy enough to survive without medical intervention (Usually). But, of course I am sure I wont me that lucky.. I will probably be one of those miseable ladies that goes late!!!

Hi girls! Just thought I'd pop in and say i had my little boy on Monday :) he was born at 32+6 and was 5lb3oz and doing really well in special care :) xx

Congratulations!! Not sure my little lady is going to hang on much longer either.

...and she didn't! Jessica Seren was born at 1:46am on Monday 23rd July at 36+4 weighing 6lb2. She is doing well although is currently in special care as she is slightly jaundice. Hopefully she will be out tomorrow.

YAY that's awesome, all these new mamas on here are making me jealous :winkwink:

AFM- I just about have the nursery done! YAYYY!!! Its feels so good to have that out of the way, I will try to post pics. I plan on finishing up the nursery and packing hospital bags, and having my hubby install the carseat this weekend... then its just the waiting game!!! How is everyone else doing?
Congratulations Loubyroo!!!!!!!!! So glas everything went well xxx

Nela - im stressing about the house now too. There just seems so much to get done!!! Definitely some major nesting taking place but its all so tiring and im finding it frustrating that I cant motor along at my previous speed!!
Ah the hoooouse is driving me crrrraaaazy! :haha: Lol. I feel like time just escaped me! Had my 37 week appointment today and nurse was like "Is the house ready? Are your bags packed?" I felt so sheepish :haha: Well, all the baby stuff is pretty much set really so the rest is not related and not 'essential' I guess. Let me tell you though, baby officially stuck his head in my foof! Nurse was checking me and was like "Oh, he's got his head inside your pelvis already." I told her I could have told her. :haha: He did that on Saturday, I FELT that! :haha: Holy moly, I was not expecting it to be so sore.:wacko: I'm sorry but I poked kiddo and was like "You know, if I'm hurting so much down there, I am expecting to have had a REAL good time before that!" :blush: I've always hated shopping, but now it's reached a whole new level of unpleasantness. :haha: How about everyone else, you felt baby's head engage there yet? Was also quite sick during the night so it seems my body is very slowly starting to prepare. I just hope I won't have weeks of slow/false labor. Nurse also said that it really can be any moment now but I expect that's a standard thing once you reach 37 weeks. Curious to know when I'll go though, I still have so much to do! :dohh:

How's everyone else doing? They are announcing a second heatwave on the way... I just want to hibernate. :dohh: That was my biggest concern really, the heat. The other night, I was so hot and feeling so sick that I soaked, yes soaked, a bedsheet and pillowcase to sleep with. It worked like a charm actually, it was wet but cool and I had the fan blowing on me so that was nice. Until I woke the next morning, all stinky from the wet sheets... :dohh: :haha: Just brilliant I tell you!

Have a great week everyone!:flower:
Hi Nela! I'm 37 weeks on Wednesday and I'm really starting to feel kanckered now! The heat's bad here and will only get worse so that doesn't help. I just have to take my everyday chores at a slower pace and sit down now and again. I think we have everything for baby now and our bags are packed! My OH kept asking if the bags were done so I bought a couple last minute bits and bobs today and we're ready to go....eek!! Still can't believe I'm going to have a baby though!!! xxx
Hi Nela! I'm 37 weeks on Wednesday and I'm really starting to feel kanckered now! The heat's bad here and will only get worse so that doesn't help. I just have to take my everyday chores at a slower pace and sit down now and again. I think we have everything for baby now and our bags are packed! My OH kept asking if the bags were done so I bought a couple last minute bits and bobs today and we're ready to go....eek!! Still can't believe I'm going to have a baby though!!! xxx

Heya J22! Yeah it's gonna reach 36C here today! :dohh: It's a humid kind of heat too so that just kills me. I'm staying in bed, I refuse to budge. I have not 1, but 2, fans on me at the moment. Also figured I could just sit in my bra and air out my belly. Now I can watch my belly move all over the place :haha: How is it there now? I hope it's not too bad?

Oh I have not yet packed the bags. I REALLY need to do that asap. I need to buy some granny underpants though, I think that's all that's missing. Will pack the rest and add that in. Just annoying because a lot of the clothes I want to bring are clothes that I am still wearing too. :haha: I'm still a bit :wacko: about what clothes to bring baby but I guess I'll end up bringing more to have options. I need to get some extra snacks and drinks too, and set some clothes aside for OH. Sheesh, so much to do still! :dohh:

I still have the other room to sand and paint too. :dohh: Luckily, it should cool this weekend so OH and I will attack it this weekend. I really cannot do much of the room though since baby's head is well lodged into my pelvis and I am getting some random contractions here and there. :haha:

How are you feeling?


How are you guys doing over there, Louby? :flower: I hope you guys are doing great!

Fluffystar: Did you get advanced on the house stuff? Absolutely understand the frustration!

I hope everyone is doing well! I'm sure we'll be seeing more of us starting to head into labor very shortly! Oh my! :happydance:
I've definitely hit the knackered stage now! I've been fine up to now but I'm finding the bump heavier and I keep having to sit down inbetween chores!
Seems you're still pretty busy....but get your bag packed so you're not stressing! xx
Yep house seems already now, Phew! Bags are packed but hoping for a home birth so hopefully don't need it, but you never know? Birth pool has arrived now though and is up and ready which makes it real!
Little update... went to my doctors appointment yesterday. I am zero cm dilated and a little effaced (forgot what percentage). However my Blood pressure remains elevated so there is a possibility I may be getting induced before my due date. I will know more next Tuesday! Kinda exciting and a little surreal!! Hows everyone else??
Hey guys,

Anyone heard from KelseyK? :shrug:

J22, I absolutely hear you about the knackered stage. Really caught me off guard as it hit me quite suddenly. How is everything? You resting lots?

Fluffystar, glad the house is ready! What a relief that must be. I cannot wait to hit that stage so I can just sit, rest, and wait for labor. I have a sneaking suspicion that I won't get much (if any!) time to do that though. :haha: Hoping you get your home birth and water birth as desired! I really wish they had a birthing pool at the hospital! I probably would have given that a shot, myself.

momofadane, sorry to hear about your bp but I hope you get the news you want in regards to it! Might you be the next one announcing something then? :winkwink: Best of luck! :flower:

Still painting here. :dohh: I'm terribly exhausted and weepy now. Had a bit of a meltdown so SIL rushed over to help. :haha: Seriously, I couldn't keep doing everything alone. The pelvic pain is beyond what I had imagined. Can babies shatter a pelvis? It certainly feels like mine has!:haha: I don't know how women with bigger babies do it! :wacko: Getting quite crampy and sore so it's really difficult to do much. I was painting yesterday and made a move that made me yelp so I had to call quits then. Should be done with the paint today though so then we'll just need to organize and shift the stuff around so that will be a big big relief.

Had an appointment with the anesthesiologist yesterday. They needed to check on things and we discussed the epidural and all that. Been cleared and they have all my info on file now. Was a rather odd appointment and at one point she asked me to insert 3 fingers into my mouth. It looked like I was trying to shoot myself and I was laughing so much. I asked if this is what I'd be doing at the delivery. :haha: Turns out my mouth isn't very wide so if ever I need a full GA, it is a risk for my teeth? :shrug: Ah well, I'd rather have teeth issues than breathing ones really. :haha: Was quite happy to hear that they first spray with cold numbing spray, then give the numbing injection, then the epidural, and then the catheter. It'll probably still hurt some but it took a lot of the anxiety away. At least for now... :haha: Now, if they would only convince me the IV won't hurt... :haha: Seems I was approved for getting the epidural right away but I asked to get it only on demand if I thought the contractions were bad enough, which I totally expect to do. They really want to control my heart rate so I guess I won't have to beg too much for pain relief if I feel I need it so that sounds like a good plan to me. :haha: The funnier part was when the anesthesiologist told my OH that he couldn't come with me when they would do the epidural. He was delighted, looked at me and said "Good, you figure it out!" :dohh: He was just so thrilled at not having to choose whether he should be there or not. I told him he better find some courage if I end up needing a c-section! :haha:

Hoping to hear more from you guys! Have a great day, ladies! :flower:
Hi girls
My sciatica kicked in over the past week so I'm pretty much in agony right now! Unfortunately I can't rest much 'cos I have a b&b and we have guests most days this month! My OH gives me a hand when he's home at lunch but otherwise I'm doing what I can at the speed I can!
I had a routine monitor check with the gyno on Thursday and there's nothing happening yet - no contractions! I'm back to be monitored again on the 19th, a couple of days before my due date to see if there's any progress.

Momofadane - good luck on Tuesday, let us know what they say!

What was the reason for the fingers in the mouth thing Nela!?!?!? That sounds strange!

Sorry for those suffering with pelvic pain or sciatica, it sucks doesnt it. My mum had the same pelvic pain that I have had for the last 6 months and the only good thing is that she said it went within a couple of days of giving birth.....I cant wait!!!
Hi girls
My sciatica kicked in over the past week so I'm pretty much in agony right now! Unfortunately I can't rest much 'cos I have a b&b and we have guests most days this month! My OH gives me a hand when he's home at lunch but otherwise I'm doing what I can at the speed I can!
I had a routine monitor check with the gyno on Thursday and there's nothing happening yet - no contractions! I'm back to be monitored again on the 19th, a couple of days before my due date to see if there's any progress.

Momofadane - good luck on Tuesday, let us know what they say!


Aaack yeah the sciatica sucks. Really kicked in for me as well, plus the SPD. Omg, my pelvis cracks soooo bad! :haha: Makes me wonder if that's how I will sound when I'm going to be an old lady :haha: I hope it eases up for you some soon :hugs: So you run a B&B huh? That's cool! Unfortunately, I guess you don't get to rest too much these days! :hugs: I hope you are having nice guests staying at least!

I had some false labor yesterday :haha: Holy crap that had me hurrying up to finish up my hospital bag and OH hurrying up to install the ISOfix :haha: It calmed down after a couple of hours though and that was that so we went back to our original plans of running to IKEA to grab a few things. :haha: Sure made me wonder if I'd know when to call OH home if it happens again though :haha:

We have an appointment scheduled for the 19th as well so I think the 19th will be a big day for both of us, huh J22? Hihi. We will set an induction date then if baby hasn't come this week. The OBGYN has decided they aren't comfy with me going much past my due date so it's either he comes on his own this week or getting an eviction notice apparently. :haha: Not quite what I wanted to hear but I know they've already allowed me to get to 40 in the hopes I could go naturally as they would prefer that. J22, is there a particular reason why they already need to monitor you for contractions? Are they planning on inducing you as well if you reach 40 weeks? Just trying to understand what situation you are in, as I've never been monitored for contractions and find it interesting! They don't do internals here either so I have no idea if my body is doing anything other than giving me false signs :haha:

What was the reason for the fingers in the mouth thing Nela!?!?!? That sounds strange!

Sorry for those suffering with pelvic pain or sciatica, it sucks doesnt it. My mum had the same pelvic pain that I have had for the last 6 months and the only good thing is that she said it went within a couple of days of giving birth.....I cant wait!!!

Hey Fluffystar! I think it was just to check the width of my mouth? I think it has to do with a possible emergency and needing to be intubated... I guess my mouth isn't very wide so my teeth risk getting broken for them to intubate? :shrug: I didn't really understand. It was something the anesthesiologist had to warn me about as a 'possible occurrence' but she was hopeful and happier knowing that I was getting the epidural so that cut down the risk of needing general anesthesia. (I'm quite at risk of having a c-section so we're preparing for that, just in case, but hoping for a smooth vaginal delivery)

SPD definitely sucks. Are you doing anything for it? I haven't bothered with it, personally. I just feel it's part of the deal and rest when I can since I don't work and already have that luxury of being able to stop when absolutely needed. It is nice to know that it should pass quickly after having the baby. I was actually wondering about that. Makes sense of course, but I wasn't sure how quickly muscles might bounce back, etc. How are you feeling aside from that? :hugs:
The monitoring for contrations and fetal movement is just routine here in Spain, they do it for everyone from around 37-38 weeks x

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