Anyone due around August 19th?

She is testing me every two weeks to see if I have the hormone you produce a couple weeks before labor starts.... she tested Thursday and it was negative! Thank goodness... if things get worse, more bleeding or if one of the test comes back positive then she said we'll go from there! Just limited on certain things I can do right now...
Do you have a certain theme/color for your wedding? Hubby and I married April 2012 after 6 years together ( and 2 kids hahaha)

I'm glad everything is coming back negative so far! I hope it continues!!! <3

As for the wedding I don't really have any colors or a theme.... We are flying to Las Vegas and everything will be all set up when we get there! I have red roses everywhere and everything else is white and black :) I'm so excited!!

Hi ladies

Although due 30th August I'll be getting induced around the 19th as I'm diabetic. Excited to be almost on the home stretch

Welcome!!!!!!!!!! <3 The 19th is a GREAT day to have a baby :)

I still havent mastered the multi quote thing:haha: Its good you did the homework for us:winkwink:

In the heat a pool and a fan are very helpful, cant believe the swelling during the day when it gets so hot! Whats your dress like?

There will be lots of crying:hugs: They're growing up! I'm from the UK, only been in the states for just under 4 years so the american system can be a bit confusing.

Its alot like a flu feeling yes and strangely the longer on bedrest the more tired:wacko: I did bedrest with the last 2 as well but nowhere near as long as this. Lol yeah ometimes is nice to get a break though:haha:

Al1317 is that the fetal fibrinectin test? I've been trying to get that the last 3 weeks but keep bleeding. Its a really accurate test, amazing what they can do nowadays:thumbup: I had it twice with #3 and 3x with #4 and for me was negative at first and when it went positive with the last test baby arrived within 10 days. Its not as predictive with a positive result for every woman but a neg result is very reassuring:hugs:

Oh yes, I will be at the pool A LOT!!! :) I'm just going to feel a little out of place lol. Everyone is BEGGING me to go to the topless pool at our hotel because it's fun people watching... I agreed but I'm not taking anything off obviously lol!!! :haha:

Everything is good...still going every 4-5 weeks for growth scans which if fine with me cause I get to see Paige ALOT. Everything turned out good with all the tests no ds or t18 and her cysts were gone at my 22 week scan they just want to make sure she is growing properly. She was in the 44th percentile at 26.2 and she weighed 1.15. I just can't believe time is flying so fast now. Today is the start of 3rd tri thank god....2 more days for you!!!! YAY!!!!!! How is everything looking with your prince and the heart issue? I pray for the best for you and LO :)

Omg I'm so glad to hear that everything is turning out to be okay!! What an amazing thing for you guys <3 so happy!!

Today is the start of my 3rd tri :happydance::happydance::happydance: Yay! look at us go!! :):)

His heart issue is good at the moment :) Staying under 180 which is what they keep checking for so everything is great so far! I still go once a week to make sure though!

So many people.. so many posts.. I got all confused haha..

It was gorgeous but blooming cold! Have you got your dress and everything sorted?

Yep baby 4 :D I said no more after my 1st so who knows! I am not suppose to ovulate when I am a certain weight so I have stayed over said weight (I am not allowed to take contraceptives and condoms suck) but obviously this baby was meant to be :D I love even numbers in family's. My third has been the hardest work she is full of mischief and a bit too stubborn but gorgeous!

Has your little baby got a name yet? Sorry if I have missed this in your thread xx

Yep I have my dress!!!!!!!! it's so pretty :) I'll post a pic of it next time I'm at my parents since thats where I"m storing it :)

I will be taking it to the taylor June 1st so they can take out the zipper and put in a corset so that I can grow as much as I need to and still fit into it!! :) I can't wait!

Yep our baby's name is Jaxon, Jax for short :)

Wow, I am super impressed with your response to us all! I'm supposed to be preparing to teach tomorrow morning (ugh) and make dinner, so I am keeping my response short. :)

To answer your questions, I got a job here in Australia about a year and a half ago, teaching at a university here. It's a great job, but I really miss my family. :cry: My brother's prognosis is good; it just seems to be a matter of going through all the chemo he needs. But it's hard on my mom and hard on me being away. Anyway, we'll get through it all okay! And, like you said, the good thing is that I get six months of maternity leave! That's one good thing about Australia.

And guess what? I used to live in Boise before I moved to Australia! Do you like it there? I loved it and wish I could move back.

I wish I had time to individually reply to the rest of you, but instead I'll just say hi for now. :wave:

Thanks, Kelsey, for starting this thread! :hugs:

Oh my gosh what a small world!! Yes I LOVE BOISE!! It's such a great place to live and raise a family :) How long are you going to be in Australia? Is is a permanent thing?

I am due August 19th! This is my second baby, I have a little girl who is 15 months old. I had a fantastic labour and birth with her and I can't wait to do it again!!

Can't believe we are in THIRD TRI!! Well nearly lol.. Xx

I had a wonderful labor with my first as well! I'm hoping it will be the same with this one!! I can't wait!!!!!! So excited!!!!!!! <3

I bet you dont miss the weather in the uk though! Having the heating on full blast on may is driving my bills through the roof hahaha.

I tried to go out for a meal last night without my crutches so i am really paying for it today!

I have started shopping for buts for my hospital bag. Has anyone else?

I bought some maternity pads yesterday, for my bag! I love packing the hospital bag! With my daughter I had it all packed at 30 weeks but I'm not feeling quite that organised this time! I need to find some nice button front nighties, and I want to get some nice shampoo and shower gel to take in with me :)

I want to start shopping for my bag!!!! Good idea ladies! I need to stop buying baby things anyway lol :haha:


Sheri thats a great weight:thumbup: My guy was 1lb 4oz at 24+3:baby:

The men so need to do the bedrest :rofl:

Becca, lovely big family:cloud9: Baby was obviously meant to be! I wasnt planning my guy, was bfing and avoided the whole 2 weeks around ovulation so massive shock!

Aurora lol I'll take the cold, AC bills are just as high:wacko: Sorry you're so sore hun:hugs: Yep hospital bag packed and at the door:thumbup:

Phrumkidost:hugs: Sorry you miss home:hugs: Australia is a lovely place, have you visited Cairns? So glad your brothers prognosis is good:hugs:

Welcome missmaternal:flower:

Foxy, crossing everything she doesnt get too big for you!

Been an eventful night/morning for me, I didnt feel little guy move all night so went in to get seen, go on the monitor and the wee ratbad moves like the clappers:dohh: The machine starts showing contractions every 2-3 minutes and lasting a minute though and I'm only feeling 10% of these even though they're strong:wacko: So had to get a terbutaline shot, then they did ffn as bleeding slowed right down and checked cervix, somehow I'm dilated to 2cm now but ffn was negative so will get another 2 weeks:happydance: Had to get more antibiotics for a bad UTI as well. Back to perinatology on wednesday for growth scan and check of the clot/placenta. Still got to stay on strict bedrest:sleep: Thats laying on left side with bathroom privaleges and 10 mins for a quick shower a day.

Oh how scary!! I would have gone in too! I'm glad your LO started moving!! That's crazy that your were having contractions like that!! good thiing you went in! Thats how I was with my 1st... Afte my water broke and I went to the hospital they were saying that I was having regular contractions but I wasn't feeling any of them!!

You have had a busy day!!! <3 get some rest!!

Thank you, we didn't really do much for our anniversary this year, I guess with a 3 year old already and me being so uncomfortable and hubby just starting a new job we had enough going on already. Oh well, I'm planning on having many more anniversaries to come :)

Yes, I was having contractions! 2-3 mins apart and I guess that caused me to dilate and her to turn around and get ready to come out! It is always very scary, fortunately I knew a little bit about what to expect though. I went into preterm labor several times with DS and was put on brethine to control the contractions. I think the issue though lies with my fluid intake. I wasn't too sure what caused it until now, but I have always been someone who could carry around a bottle of water all day and sip on it, but still be on the dame bottle at the end of the day! I know that's bad, because with any kind of sugary, caffeinated drink I could finish it right up :p

What can I say? I love my coffee and Dr. Pepper! Oh well, I have cut out all my sodas and just go with my morning coffee now. I try to drink loads of water the rest of the day now. To think I could have possibly prevented this to begin with. I am not on bedrest at this moment because once everything stopped, I had a check-up and everything looked great so my OB wasn't concerned too much yet. He said just do as little as possible and stay hydrated!

I am feeling loads better though since that episode and I hope things will stay that way, I hate feeling so uncomfortable so early on. Hope you feel better too! Are any of you planning baby showers soon?

Oh how scary!!! I'm glad everything is okay now!! I'm horrible at staying hydrated too :( I'm a caffeine ADDICT!! I have actually been pretty good this pregnancy though :) I have to sit and just chug a bottle of water though and force myself to do it or I won't drink any! It's awful.

I actually had my baby shower last week!!!

With my first I waited WAAAAY too long to do it and I was miserable!! I just wanted the damn thing to be over and done with! Plus I was stressed because I didn't want to buy anything until after the shower but then I felt so unprepared and it was like a race to get everything we needed between the shower and having my son! Not to mention I had to get the baby shower out of the way before my wedding haha I can only focus on 1 thing at a time and then right after my wedding is my sons Bday, and then is 4th of July weekend and everyone is out of town and then I'm just too close to when Jax might come soooo I decided to just do the shower early and I felt GREAT during the whole thing and now I have all this time to buy the things we didn't get :)

When are you thinking of having yours?

** Wow another long reply from me lol!!!!! ** I'm so nervous, I babysat my 2 year old niece and 5 month old nephew last night for my brothers birthday and as soon as they left my niece started having horrible diarrhea and throwing up!!!! Sooo I'm pretty sure she has the flu and i'm REALLY hoping I don't get it!! That would be awful :(
ahhhh! I can't believe I'm finally in the 3rd trimester!!!!!!!!!!1
I know the feeling....I keep forgetting lol 13 more weeks hopefully a few less ;-)
Ugh I don't know how I'm going to go another 13 weeks! I feel like I'm out of room already! Lol
Hi girls! Can I join in with you all too?
I'm 27 wks tomorrow and I've just had my first peek in 3rd tri, saw this post and thought I'd jump over today! My EDD is 22nd August with baby number 1. I'm 39 (...that sounds old, but I like to think I'm a young 39 :haha: !!), I'm from North West England but have lived in Spain for almost 16 yrs. I'm now in a rural little village with my OH (who's Spanish) so it's been wonderful having all you girls to listen and chat to throughout this pregnancy.
I'm getting really nervous and anxious about labour but I'm hoping this tri will help educate me on all the things I don't want to know but need to know, so I'll be mentally prepared and ready to go come August....yikes!! xxxxxx :flower:

Sorry I haven't had time to read through this entire thread but thank you Kelsey for starting it, it will be great to chat to people around the same stage of pregnancy :) I also dropped off the 2nd tri board for a while as just too many gender guess threads and I'm just rubbish at telling haha. Then I came over here the other day but felt a little out of place as really, not much is going on with me right now as only at the start of 3rd tri so I'm really pleased to see some people at the same point as me :)

Anyway just a quick intro - I am 30, DH 36 and our baby boy is due Aug 19th and it's our first baby. So excited but quite scared too!

I forget who mentioned about their EDD being the anniversary of their grandfather's death - my due date is also the anniversary of my grandfather's death. I felt bad telling my mum and aunties when we found out but they were all really pleased. If I do deliver on time we might give the baby his name as a middle name, but not sure.

Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you all x
Urgh my SPD went up a notch yesterday i managed about 4 hours sleep! Anyone else with SPD?

I have a very busy week this week i have midwife tomorrow, consultant thursday and physio friday hahahaha.

Hope your all ok! X
Mummy, yes, there are so many good things about Australia and I should concentrate on those! Funny you asked about Cairns -- in two weeks I am going up there for almost 6 months (flying back when I am 36 weeks). It's for work, but work I am really looking forward to -- peace, quiet, and a stimulating environment to finish wiring a book I should have finished some time back!

Kelsey, my job in Australia is a four-year contract to begin with, and I've bee here a year and a half already. It may become permanent, though I'm not 100% if I'd want that. My family is in Wisconsin/Minnesota but I'd be happy just about anywhere now in the U.S. as anything there is closer than here! I'd really love to come back to Boise, actually. Like you said, a great town and a great place for a family.

J22, I've seen you on various previous forums and always felt I had a bit in common with you -- both us being over 35 (I'm 36), expecting our first, and living in a country we are not native too (and, I guess, also being married to someone from another culture -- my DH is from Bhutan).

Smiler, we're also a day apart due date-wise. It's exciting you are expecting your first, too!

Aurora, so sorry about the SPD! That's mean to be really painful. I get hip pain pretty bad, and can have a hard time sleeping as a result. But it comes and goes -- I think it must be linked to growth spurts.

Sorry I am too lazy to go back through the other pages and reply to everyone else like Kelsey. But I'm so happy there are so many of us here!

AFM, it's my first official day in 3rd tri! I am so excited! :)
Congrats on the 1st day in the 3rd tri phrumkidost :happydance: I hope you enjoy Cairns, I went there once whilst travelling and had lots of fun, but I was 21 and able to drink haha ;)

Aurora_Rose really sorry for your SPD. I have something similar but I was so thankful my chiropractor sorted it out. I was barely able to walk for a time early in the 2nd tri and it was the most pain I've ever been in it was truly awful. Are you having any treatment? I would really recommend chiropractic if you have any spare cash. The NHS will refer you to a physio if you haven't been already, but there is a lot of evidence to say chiropractic is much better. Someone in my yoga class has it really bad and was suffering for months, then saw a different chiropractor to me, and honestly within 1 session she improved so much she was just over the moon. She isn't totally better but she can at least walk better now.

Re hip pain I've also been having that, when I sleep on either side. I found a wedge pillow really helps. Some nights I am totally pain free, other nights not but it is a lot better than it was before.
Hi girls can I join? I'm due August 20th :D I've got a little girl who's two but she was born at 29 weeks so m hoping to hold out a little longer this time! Oh and I'm having a little boy :D xx
Yay! We're due the same day! Wow, one born at 29 weeks -- that's amazing.
Yeah she's always been determined! Lol so I'm really hoping this little monkey decides to stick around in the womb a bit longer! Xx
Hi girls! Can I join in with you all too?
I'm 27 wks tomorrow and I've just had my first peek in 3rd tri, saw this post and thought I'd jump over today! My EDD is 22nd August with baby number 1. I'm 39 (...that sounds old, but I like to think I'm a young 39 :haha: !!), I'm from North West England but have lived in Spain for almost 16 yrs. I'm now in a rural little village with my OH (who's Spanish) so it's been wonderful having all you girls to listen and chat to throughout this pregnancy.
I'm getting really nervous and anxious about labour but I'm hoping this tri will help educate me on all the things I don't want to know but need to know, so I'll be mentally prepared and ready to go come August....yikes!! xxxxxx :flower:

Of course you can!! Welcome!! :)

It will be great going though all of this together <3 You'll feel like a pro before you ever even go into labor with all of our help! <3


Sorry I haven't had time to read through this entire thread but thank you Kelsey for starting it, it will be great to chat to people around the same stage of pregnancy :) I also dropped off the 2nd tri board for a while as just too many gender guess threads and I'm just rubbish at telling haha. Then I came over here the other day but felt a little out of place as really, not much is going on with me right now as only at the start of 3rd tri so I'm really pleased to see some people at the same point as me :)

Anyway just a quick intro - I am 30, DH 36 and our baby boy is due Aug 19th and it's our first baby. So excited but quite scared too!

I forget who mentioned about their EDD being the anniversary of their grandfather's death - my due date is also the anniversary of my grandfather's death. I felt bad telling my mum and aunties when we found out but they were all really pleased. If I do deliver on time we might give the baby his name as a middle name, but not sure.

Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you all x

awww that's so sweet about the middle name! That would be awesome :)

Urgh my SPD went up a notch yesterday i managed about 4 hours sleep! Anyone else with SPD?

I have a very busy week this week i have midwife tomorrow, consultant thursday and physio friday hahahaha.

Hope your all ok! X

Good luck with your midwife appointment!! Make sure you update us!! :) You are a busy girl!

Kelsey, my job in Australia is a four-year contract to begin with, and I've bee here a year and a half already. It may become permanent, though I'm not 100% if I'd want that. My family is in Wisconsin/Minnesota but I'd be happy just about anywhere now in the U.S. as anything there is closer than here! I'd really love to come back to Boise, actually. Like you said, a great town and a great place for a family.

Sorry I am too lazy to go back through the other pages and reply to everyone else like Kelsey. But I'm so happy there are so many of us here!

AFM, it's my first official day in 3rd tri! I am so excited! :)

That's so crazy! My DF is from Minnesota! His parents live there :) That would be great if you eventually came back!!

Yay for the 3rd tri!! :happydance::happydance:

Hi girls can I join? I'm due August 20th :D I've got a little girl who's two but she was born at 29 weeks so m hoping to hold out a little longer this time! Oh and I'm having a little boy :D xx

Of course!! Welcome!! You're one day behind me!

I hope this one stays in longer!! how scary! Have you shown any signs of going early this time??!

AFM- Went to the dr today for my weekly check up, baby is measuring perfect and heartbeat is staying in the 150's! :) so happy!!

Crazy thing though... the nurse who checked me in said I was 28 weeks tomorrow according to everything? I was so confused... I told her I thought I was 27 weeks yesterday and she said 'Nope! You're 27+6 today' could they have moved me up and not told me?? I only say the nurse practitioner today and by the time she came in I totally forgot to ask her! ( My son was with me and being crazy lol, I just wanted out of there!) But now I"m just super confused! Do you think the nurse messed up? She got the little wheel out and everything to check my dates? Lol I have no clue how far along I am now!!!
Hello ladies :wave:

I am 31 and due 15th August with my first baby, DH already has two children (from a previous marriage) a boy and a girl who spend every other weekend with us. We are all so excited and can't wait for my little girl to arrive!
Hello ladies :wave:

I am 31 and due 15th August with my first baby, DH already has two children (from a previous marriage) a boy and a girl who spend every other weekend with us. We are all so excited and can't wait for my little girl to arrive!

welcome! How exciting!! What ages are they?? I have a little boy from a previous marriage and he is 4 so this will be DF's first baby :)
Hey everyone! Just thought I'd jump in here now that I'm 27 weeks. :happydance: I'm 21, from northern California, and our baby is due August 20th. He'll be our first after several miscarriages.

I'm hoping everything goes okay with the rest of this pregnancy. My doctor has already said I'll probably need a c-section because of my placenta and I've had some bleeding recently. :nope: Just praying Liam (our baby's name) will stay inside until he's ready!
Yay Kelsey that's great. Maybe jax's measurements put you ahead of what you thought! Yay for that.
Hi everybody. I am due on 19th of August with a little boy, which we named Leon last night. I have a 2yr old son, too.
Apart frpm still experiencing nauseau, I have had a good pregnancy.
At this stage I am wondering if I should try for a vbac or just go for a c section and get it done. It also kind of depends on if I am growing another very big baby or not - time will tell!
I lost some mucus plug today and am cleaning house, but Idoubt that this has any significance.
Pleased to meet all you ladies.
Hey Kelsey! Glad to see you around again, you've been missed. :hugs: I'm still due on the 19th as well but still not sure that it won't be a c-section so I would also have a chance of having him a tad sooner.

How are the wedding plans going??? Looking forward to hearing more from you. Glad everything is going well so far despite the arrhythmia! :hugs:

Hey Nela!!!!!!!!!! How have you been?!?! :hugs:

Yay for the 19th!! It's a good day :)

Wedding plans are going great!! Everything is set up and ready!! I picked up my dress today and LOVE IT! They are taking out the zipper and putting a corset in the back so I will fit into the dress no matter how much I grow this next month :haha:

Fill me in on everything with you! How is baby?!

Hey hey Kelsey, glad to hear about the wedding plans! I cannot wait to see the pictures!!! A corset makes sense and it's lovely anyway. You must be so excited! You're going to be a gorgeous bride! Seriously, looking forward to hearing all about it. :flower:

We just discussed ours over the weekend and decided to aim for next spring/summer ourselves. We decided to change it entirely and stick with something small that will be much more comfy for both of us and yet keep it feeling like a wedding rather than doing only the paperwork at the city hall.

We've kept busy with all the medical appointments really. It's slowly starting to sink in now... Has it for you? I think the highchair at our dining table and stroller in the corner are helping with that... :haha: Still, it all feels so strange and surreal! We'll only get to fix up the nursery late in June as we are having the extension put on the room. I am nesting so badly now and just want to get it all sorted! I cannot wait! We've been buying a lot of things now and we're getting pretty equipped. How about you guys?

As for baby, he's doing well! Perfectly in range in terms of growth so very relieved about that. He's been using my bladder as a toy and insides as a trampoline... I think he thinks my ribs are monkey bars too :wacko: :haha: We call him 'Bubbles' after the fish in Nemo because every time I have bubbles, he goes nuts. We had our 3D scan on Friday but he wouldn't cooperate, of course! :haha: Here is one of the better shots we got...

That's about it for us to be honest. Just been keeping busy! Again, it's great to catch up with you! :hugs:

How wonderful to transition into 3rd tri with all of you. Not long now! :flower:
Hi everybody. I am due on 19th of August with a little boy, which we named Leon last night. I have a 2yr old son, too.
Apart frpm still experiencing nauseau, I have had a good pregnancy.
At this stage I am wondering if I should try for a vbac or just go for a c section and get it done. It also kind of depends on if I am growing another very big baby or not - time will tell!
I lost some mucus plug today and am cleaning house, but Idoubt that this has any significance.
Pleased to meet all you ladies.

*Waves to Luzelle*

Wonderful to see you. Also expecting a boy due on the 19th here. Wishing you the best with the delivery and looking forward to tagging along for the ride! :flower:

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