Anyone due around August 19th?

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing??? Looks like things have died down a bit :nope:

I am super excited for the next days... tomorrow is my baby shower. We are doing a co-ed pool party/bbq type thing so Im pretty excited!! And Monday I have a doctors appointment and our 31 week ultrasound.

We get out furniture Saturday for the nursery too... super excited!!! I have a feeling everything will seem much more real.

How is everyone else doing? Any updates?
Crazy to thing our LO's will be here before we know it... Due in 9 weeks and counting... terrifying and exciting all at the same time :happydance:
Sounds like you have a lot on over the next few days...exciting! Enjoy your shower. It will definitely make it so much more real once you get the nursery set'll keep peeking in for a look like I do!
I bought 3 weeks supply of newborn nappies this week (then we go on to cloth) and of all the things we've bought for baby it was just so wierd buying nappies!!! I'm waiting for my 33 week scan date which should be in about 2 weeks time so looking forward to seeing what our little monkey's up to. This weekend we've promised ourselves we'll sit down and try to finally decide on a boy and girl name, but I've got a feeling we won't make a decision :wacko:
Have a good weekend x
Sounds like you have a lot on over the next few days...exciting! Enjoy your shower. It will definitely make it so much more real once you get the nursery set'll keep peeking in for a look like I do!
I bought 3 weeks supply of newborn nappies this week (then we go on to cloth) and of all the things we've bought for baby it was just so wierd buying nappies!!! I'm waiting for my 33 week scan date which should be in about 2 weeks time so looking forward to seeing what our little monkey's up to. This weekend we've promised ourselves we'll sit down and try to finally decide on a boy and girl name, but I've got a feeling we won't make a decision :wacko:
Have a good weekend x

Awe how exciting!!!!
I know I got some diapers as a gift... they were so so tiny!!!! But I love it!!!
Our US went great, she is measuring perfectly in the 50%. Weighs 4 pounds... yikes. So the Doctor said if she continues to grow as she does, she will weigh about 7.5 pounds!

So I take it your waiting to find out the sex?? I don't know how you do it LOL I am way to anxious to wait that long. But, that will be an awesome surprise at birth!
Bumping bumping!

How are all the fellow preggy ladies doing? :hugs: Been wanting to stop in but it is SOOOOO crazy over here!!! You guys won't believe what I am up to these days. *Snorts* I have to get going but I'll be back when I have a break to unload/update :haha:

I hope everyone is doing alright! My goodness, not long to go now huh?! :happydance:
Hi girls! Just thought I'd pop in and say i had my little boy on Monday :) he was born at 32+6 and was 5lb3oz and doing really well in special care :) xx
Hi girls! Just thought I'd pop in and say i had my little boy on Monday :) he was born at 32+6 and was 5lb3oz and doing really well in special care :) xx

Great to hear your little man's doing well xxx
Thank you :) I'm doing well, glad I managed my VBAC even in the circumstances :) and baby Matthew is doing well, he's had a really good day today after a few rough ones so that's good :) xx
Thank you :) I'm doing well, glad I managed my VBAC even in the circumstances :) and baby Matthew is doing well, he's had a really good day today after a few rough ones so that's good :) xx

Congrats!!!!!!! How exciting!!!
Hi girls! Just thought I'd pop in and say i had my little boy on Monday :) he was born at 32+6 and was 5lb3oz and doing really well in special care :) xx

Congratulations!! Not sure my little lady is going to hang on much longer either.
OMG congrats!!!! That is so awesome! I am so glad he is doing well!! <3 How did everything go?! Give me details!! Why did you go so early???

I hope everyone else is doing great!

AFM- I am currently on bedrest and taking medicine every 6 hours to stop my contractions. I spent the night in the hospital at 31 weeks my contractions were coming every 2 min but we managed to stop them. I wasn't dilating at the time but at my appt on Tuesday I am 2cm and 70% effaced... I will be checked again on Tuesday. Dr is wanting me to make it to 35 weeks and then I come off the medicine and she wont stop my labor. I'm hoping to stay pregnant until 37 weeks!
Let us know how you get on Kelsey - make sure you keep your feet up and rest and hopefully your lo will stay in there a little longer xxxx :flower:
OMG congrats!!!! That is so awesome! I am so glad he is doing well!! <3 How did everything go?! Give me details!! Why did you go so early??

Thanks, yeah he's doing really well :) the birth was really quite straight forward, I woke up at 2 with contractions, got to the hospital at 3 and was 10 cms dilated, really had to fight the urge to push while they moved me to a delivery room and got the special care team ready, and after 19 minutes of pushing he was born at 5:34 :) well my daughter was early as well and they didn't know why but at 31 weeks this time round they discovered I was 4cms dilated with bulging membranes so they believe I have a weak cervix which is why I keep going early, but thank you for asking :flower:
Hi girls! Just thought I'd pop in and say i had my little boy on Monday :) he was born at 32+6 and was 5lb3oz and doing really well in special care :) xx

Wonderful!!! Happy to hear your both health!!! He's beautiful!
OMG congrats!!!! That is so awesome! I am so glad he is doing well!! <3 How did everything go?! Give me details!! Why did you go so early???

I hope everyone else is doing great!

AFM- I am currently on bedrest and taking medicine every 6 hours to stop my contractions. I spent the night in the hospital at 31 weeks my contractions were coming every 2 min but we managed to stop them. I wasn't dilating at the time but at my appt on Tuesday I am 2cm and 70% effaced... I will be checked again on Tuesday. Dr is wanting me to make it to 35 weeks and then I come off the medicine and she wont stop my labor. I'm hoping to stay pregnant until 37 weeks!

Yes, Good Luck with everything Kelsey!!! Please keep us posted :hugs:
OMG congrats!!!! That is so awesome! I am so glad he is doing well!! <3 How did everything go?! Give me details!! Why did you go so early??

Thanks, yeah he's doing really well :) the birth was really quite straight forward, I woke up at 2 with contractions, got to the hospital at 3 and was 10 cms dilated, really had to fight the urge to push while they moved me to a delivery room and got the special care team ready, and after 19 minutes of pushing he was born at 5:34 :) well my daughter was early as well and they didn't know why but at 31 weeks this time round they discovered I was 4cms dilated with bulging membranes so they believe I have a weak cervix which is why I keep going early, but thank you for asking :flower:

So glad to hear you are both doing well! Congrats! How are things now? Enjoying being a mum of two? (It is 2 right? lol) :flower:


Kelsey, how are you feeling? So sorry you've had such a tumultuous pregnancy so far but glad things are going relatively okay, considering baby is still in! It must be a relief knowing you guys have made it this far and he's staying put. :hugs: How's the heart doing? :flower:


Been rather hectic here. We had the extension put in on June 28 and we were juggling a million appointments and the doggy having an abscess that needed taking care of the same day as the extension. The renovation went really well and they got it all done in one day, it was pretty awesome. They were here at 7am and left at 3pm. What a big difference it made on the rooms! Well worth it.

From then, it has been work non-stop. My OH's sister was leaving the following Friday for a 3 week vacation so I knew they only had that week to get the nursery done and OH was working all week so that only gave us that weekend and evenings. Of course, OH being the man he is, didn't discuss with his sister and so they got nothing done that weekend. I was furious really as I knew it left them no time to get it done before she left. So that Saturday, we went out and bought loads of plaster, paint, etc. and OH and I started plastering late Sunday (of course, there was an F1 race on that weekend so room had to wait!)... OH went to work on Monday as usual so I ended up doing the rest of the work on my own. SIL came over on some days to help a bit with the ceiling as I didn't want to climb in the ladder whilst being on my own. I ended up having to patch up and sand down entire walls because they were such a mess. Anything less would have not been good enough, and would have left the room looking only half done. I was in pain and was exhausted but I didn't have much of a choice really. OH is not physically well enough to do such work on his own and there was no one else to help. I needed to advance the room enough to get it to where they could start painting at least. Well, in the end, I ended up doing most of it either way. I ended up in the ladder as well, I just knew they weren't managing. The room was only half done by the time SIL left for her vacation and that was before we realized that there was a problem with the paint color that left the cutting in lighter than the final coat, because we hadn't painted over the cutting in again. So, because of that, we had to redo the walls all over again. I broke down and sobbed because we had to have the room ready by Wednesday when they would come put the new flooring and Thursday the furniture was coming in. That meant, with OH having to be at work, that I would have to paint it all on my own and I had already been pushing myself way too hard. I felt absolutely defeated. I would have done it since I had no other choice, but my goodness did I just need to bawl my eyes out at that point. Thankfully, OH took pity on me and called into work and got permission to take the day off so we got it all done together. Now, with that final coat on, I was able to do the remaining color on my own the following day. I was done by Tuesday evening before OH came home and the guys were there with the flooring early on Wednesday. PHEW!

On Thursday, I expected OH to be working from home since we were expecting the furniture but, while I was still sleeping, he kissed me goodbye (I only remember this very vaguely) and headed off to work. The furniture was due to arrive anywhere between 12:30 and 2:00. At 12:25, still sleeping, I heard a truck pull up and I woke up, checking to see, only to realize it was the furniture. I thought maybe OH was home, looked for his car, only to realize he wasn't. Panic! There I was still in my jammies, furniture here, and no money to pay for it as OH had the card on him. Brilliant! I ran to get dressed and luckily was able to answer the door in time. I had to explain to the poor guy that I was trying to figure out where my OH was since he had the card. He was pretty relaxed and just told me not to worry and proceeded to unload it. I felt frazzled. Luckily, when I texted, OH told me he was on the way. Twenty minutes away, but at least it wasn't an hour. I made the guy coffee and we awkwardly conversed until OH got home and paid for the furniture. We apologized again to the guy, and that was that. I nearly collapsed from the exhaustion and poured myself a large mug of coffee and scoffed down some pie for comfort. :haha:

Friday, I spent the afternoon priming all the base mouldings and chair rails... I started measuring the walls and was getting ready to saw them when I was filled with hesitation and decided to wait and do it together with OH instead. Thank goodness I waited as I had completely overlooked having to make 45 degree angles for the corners! :dohh: That would have been 80euros and hours of work down the drain! :haha: We started working on them on Saturday but, of course, we were delayed and didn't finish as we decided we preferred going with double sided tape rather than glue so we had to go buy that instead. So, at 11pm, I was painting the final coat as I was frustrated and wanted them done Sunday so we could get the furniture up and knew the coat needed several hours to dry. Sunday, we went back to work, only to realize the dang base ones didn't fit in our tool so we had to buy another... Cue us going to the store, staring at the tools, not knowing if the one worked or not, having to ask the service ladies (who surprisingly knew what we were talking about), and FINALLY getting what we needed. Of course, by that time, we hadn't had lunch. Anyway, at 3pm we were finally back home to get back to work. :dohh: We managed to get all the mouldings and chair rails up on Sunday but it was too late to start on the furniture.

We've been putting up furniture from 9-11:30pm since Monday evening. We would have finished the commode/hutch yesterday if it hadn't been for us coming to an abrupt stop. Yes, like you can imagine, we are missing a hardware bag so no dowels, screws, etc. for that piece. :dohh:

I seriously just want to scream right now. I'm so bloody tired and fed up. I just want it done already so I can start putting things away. Everything is everywhere. Gah!!!!

Luckily, everything is fine with baby. We've been juggling appointments in between all this but baby is measuring perfectly. I've gotten the all clear from the insulin and should be already for attempting a vaginal birth rather than going for a straight csection. They've decided to put me back on beta-blockers though as I am having more complaints. Not surprising, considering all I've been doing and the warmer weather on top of it. *Sighs* I cannot wait to show you the finished product though! I hope I'll get to do that reeeeeeeeal soon! :haha:

Take care ladies!
WOW Nela, have you been through the ringer or what!!!!!

I painted the entire nursery and set up all the furniture on my own, and I thought that was a lot!!!! I give you kudos for being able to do all that (although unfortunately it doesn't sound like you have much of a choice).

It sounds like you are almost done, not that it doesn't make it any less frustrating. I would have broken down more than one time if I were you!!! You have got to be exhausted and frustrated beyond belief!

On a good note, that's wonderful baby is healthy!!! At the end that's the most important thing, and your still weeks away from your due date.

GL and keep us posted with how it goes, when you all finished you should show us pics of the nursery!
WOW Nela, have you been through the ringer or what!!!!!

I painted the entire nursery and set up all the furniture on my own, and I thought that was a lot!!!! I give you kudos for being able to do all that (although unfortunately it doesn't sound like you have much of a choice).

It sounds like you are almost done, not that it doesn't make it any less frustrating. I would have broken down more than one time if I were you!!! You have got to be exhausted and frustrated beyond belief!

On a good note, that's wonderful baby is healthy!!! At the end that's the most important thing, and your still weeks away from your due date.

GL and keep us posted with how it goes, when you all finished you should show us pics of the nursery!

Haha, it's all good. Been crazy hectic for sure! I'm really aggravated now because we're stuck in a heat wave and I am not allowed to do anything much as per medical orders now. I still have the other room to plaster, sand, and paint but I cannot until the heat passes some and baby seems to be moving lower now so it's getting very uncomfy physically to be thinking of such physical work! :haha: I want to take pictures of the baby's room but I am still waiting on getting it finished but that means waiting for the wall sticker. :haha: Should be here soonish! :happydance:


How's everyone doing now though? Should be quite a few of us nearing our dates now? I'm officially 37 weeks on Monday. They say baby is considered full-term then. Does that mean we can basically go at any moment after that or should we be going more around 40 weeks? I still get confused by the dates :haha: Anyone feeling changes in their bodies now? Are people getting nervous, excited, stressed? I don't know how I feel. I am a little stressed about the house but rather calm about the delivery if I don't think it through too much. I'm much more concerned about the sleepless nights coming :haha: How about you guys? What's going on in your heads? I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool! :flower:
Hi girls! Just thought I'd pop in and say i had my little boy on Monday :) he was born at 32+6 and was 5lb3oz and doing really well in special care :) xx

Congratulations!! Not sure my little lady is going to hang on much longer either.

...and she didn't! Jessica Seren was born at 1:46am on Monday 23rd July at 36+4 weighing 6lb2. She is doing well although is currently in special care as she is slightly jaundice. Hopefully she will be out tomorrow.
Congratulations to everyone who has their babies already. Hope all is well. I am due August 17th and am soooo ready for this pregnancy to be over. Bring it on!!

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