Anyone else around a year of trying?


Firstly sorry for the delay, I’ve had some much needed time off work and away for my best friend’s wedding so haven’t been able to get on a computer to reply!

Sooooo how’s you? Has your DH had his test now and are you now on a well-deserved week off work? And what about your tests, have you had any paperwork through for that yet? Wow sorry, so many questions!! It’s really good that the your Dr has got you on the waiting list for a scan already with there being a bit of a wait. I hope you’re feeling more positive though that things are finally happening :hugs:

Well we’re REALLY hoping to exchange on the house tomorrow and then have the keys next Friday eeeekkkk am hoping to get the final bits in place and sorted today to make sure that all happens. We’ve then got about a months’ worth of work that’s got to be done before we move in, so I’m really keen for that to start happening asap!

And don’t be silly, I enjoy chatting to you and I’m keeping everything crossed that you get that BFP really soon! You were one of the first people I ever talked to really on here and also I know how frustrating things are when you’re waiting all the time and just want answers and then that BFP but I’m sure you’re so close now :happydance: Just sorry again for the delay with my reply!!

Anywho hope all is well with you and that you are having (or had) a lovely week off work!!

Hi Scarlett,
Ohh I love weddings I bet it was nice to get away from all the house/work stresses for a little while.
I bet your friends wedding gave you lots of ideas for your own big day :)

Well there is a waiting list for SA so its booked for 25th september. DH has to actually go and do the sample in the hospital bless him. Hes being so good about it all though so hes happy to go and do it and he said "what will be will be" Its a relief hearing him say that lol.

Ive not heard anything from the hospital yet regarding my scan but I guess its all a waiting game. Anyway we will just continue with TTC until we either get our BFP or receive fertility treatment.
Unfortuantley we have come to a halt until DH has done his SA and the results are in.

Im off for 2 weeks and its bliss so far, DH has been off this week with me and next week im catching up with friends - This week I have been painting and doing my front and back garden.

Im so glad you will FINALLY get the keys on friday - Thats when the fun and games begin huh. Im sure it will be great painting etc and getting it altogether knowing it will be your family home :)
Hope its not to stressful for you though.
I look forward to all the updates on how you are getting on :)

:hugs: xx
Hi Scarlett,
Ohh I love weddings I bet it was nice to get away from all the house/work stresses for a little while.
I bet your friends wedding gave you lots of ideas for your own big day :)

Well there is a waiting list for SA so its booked for 25th september. DH has to actually go and do the sample in the hospital bless him. Hes being so good about it all though so hes happy to go and do it and he said "what will be will be" Its a relief hearing him say that lol.

Ive not heard anything from the hospital yet regarding my scan but I guess its all a waiting game. Anyway we will just continue with TTC until we either get our BFP or receive fertility treatment.
Unfortuantley we have come to a halt until DH has done his SA and the results are in.

Im off for 2 weeks and its bliss so far, DH has been off this week with me and next week im catching up with friends - This week I have been painting and doing my front and back garden.

Im so glad you will FINALLY get the keys on friday - Thats when the fun and games begin huh. Im sure it will be great painting etc and getting it altogether knowing it will be your family home :)
Hope its not to stressful for you though.
I look forward to all the updates on how you are getting on :)

:hugs: xx


How’s you? Hope you’ve had a really lovely break from work? What have you been painting and doing to the garden?

Well……………We FINALLY have the keys!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe it and I’m so happy and relieved!! Work has started on it today, so I’m keeping EVERYTHING crossed the house is ready before the baby is :haha: I’ve got a few days off work now as it’s my birthday tomorrow and we’re going to stay with my Mum and family to have (sober) celebrations, and knowing that the house is ours and work is underway means I feel like I’ll really be able to relax finally and enjoy some family time!

And hurrah to it being September and closer to your DH getting his test done. It’s great he’s being so good about it all, isn’t nice having to do it at the hospital :S Have you had a date yet for your scan? And sorry if I’ve asked this before, but is your DH taking any vits atm?

Really hoping things have moved on a bit for you since your last message and for some good news heading your way really sorry!!

:hugs: xxx
Hi scarlett YAYYYYY to you finally getting your keys AND work starting :happydance:

BIG happy birthday for tomorrow lovely :cake:

I have had my scan date come through - 17th september so things are finally falling into place and hopefully we are on the road for help and hopefully our BFP :thumbup:

No DH isnt taking any vitamins, he doesn't agree with taking anything like that :dohh: Annoying but it's his choice I suppose. Hopefully his SA will be ok or ill be force feeding him medication :haha:

I painted my front door (purple!!) and put a flower bed and lots of beautiful flowers in my garden (Nothing exciting but it makes me feel better :) )

So now i am counting down the days until firstly my scan and then DHs SA.

First day back at work today and my goodness it has been full on!! So full on I couldnt face the gym :haha:

Enjoy your time off work and your birthday and don't forget to REST :hugs:

Thank you for the birthday wishes! I had a lovely day (although sober :haha:) and was also good to have a break from work, really didn’t want to come back yesterday…especially as I’ve got a 100 mile round trip commute. But hey it won’t be for much longer!!

:happydance: that’s BRILLIANT about your scan, I’m so pleased it’s all happening for you this month after all that horrible waiting. When will you get your results? Yes everything crossed that your DH test results come back all fine, it must be frustrating for you but there’s nothing you can do…bar sneak them into his dinner lol!!! (maybe that’s why you’re feeling sneaky atm?!) My OH refused to drink less and take vits etc until his results showed there was room for improvement, but after that he did. I think men take this more personally than we do sometimes?

WOW loving the idea of a purple front door! And I love gardening, so it all sounds very exciting to me! :flower: Hope you’re back on top of everything at work now?

:hugs: xxx
Hi Scarlett,

Work is exhausting at the moment but it doesnt help that im on a count down for my scan and DHs SA :haha:

Have you moved into your new house yet??

Im not sure when I can get the results for my scan but I will ask on tuesday when I go. Eeeek feeling rather nervous about it now!

Think DH is worrying about SA. Hes made a couple of comments about not wanting to go but he doesnt have a choice if he wants a baby and a happy marriage :haha:

As soon as we get the results from his Dr and I have passed them on to mine (yes we have different Drs lol Annoying!!) The ball can start rolling and we should receive an appointment to see the FS :happydance:

Anyway Im glad it is friday I can't wait for my lie in.

Hope all is well with you??

:hugs: xx

Hope you've had a couple of lovely lie ins and feel better for it! Have you had a good weekend?

Not long until Tues now eeekk, how are you feeling about it all? Sure the 25th will be here before you both know it too. Sometimes I think with these things, the waiting is the worst bit. You don't think your DH is serious about not wanting to do it do you? Do you know how long it will take to get his results back?

Nope not in the new house yet as there's still a lot of work that needs doing to it before we can move in. But I've decided to move my maternity leave forward so that I can concentrate on the house a bit more...if I have the energy that is!

If I don't catch you before, hope all goes well on Tuesday :hugs: xxx
Hi Lovely.
I can't wait for tuesday, Im hoping something good will come out of it, Im starting to think I could have PCOS (even though im ovulating) I just have that feeling ....

DH is going to the appointment since then he has been asking questions about it so I think he was just worrying about it.
The results take a week to come back which he will have to go to his Drs to get. He will then need the results printed out so I can take them to my Dr for referel to FS. All a bit of a palava but never mind lol.

My weekend has been ok, today im having a day in my onsie then got to do some book work! Bit boring but needs to be done Ive been slacking :haha:

Hope your house gets sorted quickly so you can move in soon. Must be frustrating having a house that you cant move into yet - Im sure it will be worth the wait though!

Do you know if your having a pink or a blue or is it a secret :)

I will keep you updated on scan and SA :hugs: xx

How'd you get on yesterday? You must be pleased it's done and you're one step further forward! Did they give you any idea how long you'll be waiting for results for that?

That's great that the SA will only take a week to get results back, when my OH had it done we were in different Counties and it was a nightmare! In the end his Dr faxed them to mine, and I ended up knowing the results before my OH did!!! Is there anything else that makes you think you've got PCOS then?

No we don't know what we're having, we decided on a surprise but even if we wanted to know, where I am you have to pay for an extra scan for it! And we thought that money would be better spent on other things right now as we'll know soon enough.

I feel quite chilled about the house atm, I think it's because I'm too tired to even think about moving right now! My Dad is arriving tomorrow to do some work on it, so that will be exciting. I'm now going on maternity leave in 4 weeks :happydance: so am hoping the house will be ready around then so I can spend my last few weeks nesting!

A day in your onsie, sounds perfect to me! Hope you managed to get back on top of your books? I'm finding it so hard to get moving in the mornings - nothing to do with being preggers, just hate getting up in the dark. I must have been an animal that hibernated in a former life :haha:

Well, roll on this time next week and you being another step closer :happydance:

:hugs: xx
Hi Scarlett.

Scan went well. I had an Internal and external scan as the lady said they will request it when I am refered to the FS so best to kill 2 birds with one stone :).

The lady who did it didn't say much at all (not sure if that is a good or bad thing!?)
The only thing she did say was that she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary whatever that means :dohh:
So I'm not really any wiser :haha: I have to wait 10 working days (2 weeks) for the results!!! Crazy!!

But I guess I will get the results for my scan and DH's SA results can be given to my DR at the same time so it means less time spent at the DRs - It's a nightmare trying to get an appointment anyway!!

Awww I like surprises!! When /IF i ever get pregnant I wouldn't find out. Im shocked you have to have a seperate scan to find out the sex!! Another way of them making money :growlmad:

Ohhhh your on a countdown to maternity leave then :happydance:

The dark mornings are horrible, Luckily DH gets up before me or i would never get out of bed :haha:

Fingers xd your house will be perfect very soon :)

:hugs: xx

Sorry I've been so crap replying, I (stupidly) took on a BIG project before I finished work so that's also keeping me soooo busy :wacko: thankfully 2 weeks left and then I'll be able to concentrate on the house, which has sadly slipped behind schedule this week!

Anywho, most importantly - how's you? And how did your DH test go?! Hope it wasn't too horrible for him! And have you got a Drs appt for both results now?

I'd say that's a good thing that the lady said she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary! It must be hard for them not being able to really comment when they know we're desperate to ask and not have another wait to be told what's happening. And great that you had both scans at the same time to hopefully hurry things up further down the line.

Ahem, don't you mean WHEN you get pregnant you wouldn't want to know the sex?! :winkwink::hugs: Yeah it's naughty that they charge you here, when where I used to live I'd have been told for free if they could see. Although we wouldn't wanted to know even if it was free, I see how it makes life easier. So many things are gender specific it's hard to buy nice neutral stuff as there isn't much of a choice.

Hope you've had a lovely weekend :flower: xxx
Hi Scarlett.
Don't worry about not replying quickly you have a lot of thing on at the moment.

I bet you can't wait to finish work! It's coming around quick It won't be long until you have you beautiful baby in your arms!! (I can't wait to find out what you have had so please keep me updated hehe)
Sorry your house is behind schedule! If your anything like me you will need to be around properly (ie off work) to ensure everything is perfect anyway :haha:

DHs SA went well. He wasn't worried about it at all. His appointment for the results is on friday eeeek.
I'm having trouble getting a drs appointment at my surgery (me and DH have different surgeries) But it seems my appointment will be tuesday 7th october!!! It seems so far away :cry:

Waiting waiting waiting - It sucks!! Lol

Hope the next 2 weeks go super fast for you and your project doesn't stress you out to much :hugs: :hugs:

Well I've FINALLY finished work...kinda! The big project I was working on I didn't quite finish but got it to a point where it was easy to hand over to someone else to finish. Only my boss didn't want me to do that and asked if I'd come back :dohh: so my official last day was Friday but I'm going back next Mon and Wed to finish off properly...they wanted me this week but I was too busy for work :haha:

Sooooooo please get me up to date with everything cos I'm presuming you've both had your results now? Really hope that things are moving forward and you don't still feel you're in a waiting/limbo hell :hugs:

Oh yes we're both the same on the house front - am much happier I can get up there now to make sure things are happening...and to my standard :winkwink: we've got 6 weeks now til due date so I'm going to be cracking the whip!!!

Hope to hear from you soon and I'll be able to check back here more often now!!

:flower: xxx
Hello Lovely :hugs:

Ohh i bet you cant wait to get the project over and done with so you can RELAX!
6 weeks is that it!?! That has gone so fast!! How are you feeling?

So my scan results all came back 'normal' Whatever normal is :haha:
And DHs SA came back very good -Above average on everything! ;)
Funnily the only part he was proud of was the fact he produces more than the average amount :haha: Men hey!!!

Now I am waiting AGAIN for my letter for my first appointment to see the FS :happydance: Finally been refered so things are looking up. In the mean time me and DH will carry on as normal :shrug:

I will keep you updated as much as possible.

Hope all is going smoothly with the sorting of your new lovely house

:hugs: xx
Hello Lovely :hugs:

Ohh i bet you cant wait to get the project over and done with so you can RELAX!
6 weeks is that it!?! That has gone so fast!! How are you feeling?

So my scan results all came back 'normal' Whatever normal is :haha:
And DHs SA came back very good -Above average on everything! ;)
Funnily the only part he was proud of was the fact he produces more than the average amount :haha: Men hey!!!

Now I am waiting AGAIN for my letter for my first appointment to see the FS :happydance: Finally been refered so things are looking up. In the mean time me and DH will carry on as normal :shrug:

I will keep you updated as much as possible.

Hope all is going smoothly with the sorting of your new lovely house

:hugs: xx


Well I've finally finished work...WOO HOO :happydance: although I was so emotional my last few days and cried all the way home the final time! Didn't expect to find leaving work to feel like that, but now I'm looking forward to getting this house ready as I'm desperate to nest!! I'm ok apart from the not sleeping too good (hence replying at 4am!) but I guess that gets me ready for the sleepless nights to come!

Well :happydance: for your normal results and :happydance::happydance: for your hubby, I'm not surprised he's super proud, I think in a way men find dealing with fertility problems a lot harder than us women don't they?! So have you had your appointment through yet and do you know what to expect? I'm guessing they may put you on clomid?

Have you thought about giving something like acupuncture or reflexology a go? I'm a massive fan of acupuncture, but if you're not a fan of needles then reflexology is also really good. One of my best friends had unexplained infertility as her and her hubby's results all came back fine. In the end they were put forward for IVF (she's late 30s so guess they didn't want to keep waiting about) and whilst waiting for her appointment to come through had a course of reflexology and she's 6 weeks behind me in her pregnancy! Of course these things are not for everyone, but thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't thought about it!

Anyway, happy Friday and hope you've got a lovely weekend planned :flower: xxx
Hi Scarlett,

Sorry I haven't been on for so long!!
Hope you have been able to nest!!? and your house is now a home

I bet your emotions are all over the place at the moment, rubbish that your not sleeping so great at the moment though!!

So we are now in November so not long until your gorgeous baby is here :happydance: I bet your super excited!

Hubby has been super laid back regarding our fertility issues but I guess that is just men for you and like you said they really do not know how to deal with these things. He has been so supportive though more than I ever thought he would be anyway :haha:

I would love to do accupunture particularly as it has worked for you! How do go about having it??
I don't have a clue where to start :haha:

Hope you're well :hugs:

How's you? Any news on appointments yet?

Well 37 weeks yesterday for me and we're still not in the house :cry: part of the problem is there's a lot of different tradesman involved each holding another one up! I'm starting to think that I may well end up having baby at the old house and I guess that isn't the end of the world so I'm trying not to get too stressed about it!

It's good that your DH is being really supportive and I think things like this can make you stronger as a couple, I'm sure it did with me and my OH anyways.

With acupuncture I just googled it to see who did it near to where I lived and then got a couple of prices. Search for acupuncture as well as acupuncture for fertility because it's like weddings when you put "fertility" in front of stuff and I know that people will charge more specifically for fertility!! But most people who do acupuncture will actually treat lots of different things, like my SIL is hoping to see my acupuncturist for a back problem.

In my experience they like to treat for a first time right at the start of your cycle ideally and I pay £35 per session and I also had herbs at the start which I think were about £7. Just giving you an idea of price cos I was on an acupuncture thread on the TTC board and some woman were paying HUGE amounts of money but I guess it's who you feel comfortable with and what you're willing to pay!

Any questions please ask and I really hope it works for you like it did for me! :hugs::hugs: xxx
Sorry for my late reply. I have been really busy at work getting ready for parent's evening, thankfully that is over now!

Can't believe how quick your pregnancy is going, less than 2 weeks to your due date!!!!
Sorry to hear your house developments aren't going as planned. Keep positive and remember everything happens for a reason. It will be perfect when it's already.

I can't wait to read on here when you have had baby!! I'm excited for you! Please keep me updated :haha:

I still haven't received a letter regarding my first FS appointment, it's taking forever!!!! :cry:
But then again it's getting closer to christmas and I would like to enjoy that plus I've got a girlie holiday booked to look forward too (That's february)

I will get on to google to look up accupuncture and see what it says. Expensive but hopefully worth it!!!

Take care :hugs:
Scarlett ... I hope you have had your baby and not overdue and uncomfortable!?
I can't wait for the post with the details :haha:

I have my first appointment with the FS finally!!! 16th December so before Christmas :happydance:

Hope you are well :hugs:

So sorry for delay... I finally had my little girl on Dec 3rd by emcs after a 4 day long labour and I was really poorly afterwards so we're only just finding our feet. We managed to move house about 2 weeks before that but only go internet sorted right before xmas so its all been rather mental!

We've called her Orla Danielle May and she's such a good (and gorgeous!) baby :cloud9::cloud9: feels like shes been in our lives forever (in a good way!)

So hows you? How'd your appt go? Did you have a good Christmas? And where are you off on holiday?!

:hugs: xx

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