Anyone else around a year of trying?

Hello Scarlett :wave:

Wow your pregnancy is going by quite quickly now. How exciting!! It cant be long before your scan?

:haha: You have just reminded me about that I had forgotten. Oppps will have to contact Drs on monday! Thank you for jogging my memory. I will let you know the results when I do lol.

No BFP for me yet :cry: AF arrived today after giving me spotting for 2 days! :growlmad:

Decided im going to take a break from TTC for just a couple of months. Its all getting a bit much and I dont want to forgot the importance of being with DH and not just using him :haha:

So if you dont hear from me for a while that will be why :hugs:

And sorry for the delay, been rather hectic as I've just moved home :wacko:

GG: WOW congrats to you :happydance: that's brilliant news...all round what with what the Dr said to. I hope that you have an update on your hip by now. And of course that BFP ASAP!!

Goldfish: I'm so sorry about your news, but I'm so pleased to hear that things are finally happening for you! I hope you're not feeling too poorly on the drugs and that your BFP is just around the corner. Would defo follow your journey as I've got everything crossed for you!! Where is it?

Lots and lots of :dust: dust: to you both


Hi Scarlett - hope you're enjoying your new home! you'll be 12 weeks tomorrow, what a milestone! I started injecting the IVF meds last week and my journal link is at the bottom of my signature - hope to see you there!
Hi Ladies

Just wanted to check in and see how you are all doing?

Hi Galaxy!!

Good to hear from you! :hugs: How have you been keeping? Hip all sorted now?!

I'm all good ta, 20 wks yesterday and had our scan on Sat and everything was I guess I should update my pics on here now!

Are you back TTC?

:flower: xx
Hi Galaxy!!

Good to hear from you! :hugs: How have you been keeping? Hip all sorted now?!

I'm all good ta, 20 wks yesterday and had our scan on Sat and everything was I guess I should update my pics on here now!

Are you back TTC?

:flower: xx

How exciting, Time is flying by - probably not for you though lol

Did you find out what you are having or is it going to be a surprise.

At the moment I am currently Just DTD as and when to see what happens, Was DRS orders and I asked for tests but of course they wasnt going to just do the right thing and do the bloody tests :growlmad:

AF is due tomorrow or possibly wednesday depending on what my body decides to do. If she arrives I will be off to the DRs again as they said to give it a couple of months :shrug:

Sorry about that little rant it kinda felt good to get that all out though :haha:

Hip seems to be ok now -Touch wood!!

Results came back as Normal!? Whatever that may be :haha:

How are you keeping? Hows work?
:hi: Hi! Anyone else coming up on a year of trying? Want to swap stories and join baby dust forces in hopes of getting nice and knocked up sooner than later? :thumbup:

A little on us, we're 30-ish and have been trying 11 cycles [less than a calander year but cycles wise we're there :dohh:]. We've had two confirmed losses [early, both before 6 weeks but both very loved and missed] last year. We're both healthy as far as we know. I've had short LPs in the past [9-10 days] but its been 12 days recently. Hoping there isnt anything really "wrong" with us.....
We use preseed, I temp, track cm and cp and track symptoms!

Anyone in a similar boat? :flower:
hey, im in the same boat, currently on inofolic and fertomid. I must have ovulated 12 days ago or so and last week I kept going to the loo endlessly, last night and today, my right nipple itches all the time like I can pinch myself. I tested neg but maybe its too early to test
Hi Galaxy!!

Good to hear from you! :hugs: How have you been keeping? Hip all sorted now?!

I'm all good ta, 20 wks yesterday and had our scan on Sat and everything was I guess I should update my pics on here now!

Are you back TTC?

:flower: xx

How exciting, Time is flying by - probably not for you though lol

Did you find out what you are having or is it going to be a surprise.

At the moment I am currently Just DTD as and when to see what happens, Was DRS orders and I asked for tests but of course they wasnt going to just do the right thing and do the bloody tests :growlmad:

AF is due tomorrow or possibly wednesday depending on what my body decides to do. If she arrives I will be off to the DRs again as they said to give it a couple of months :shrug:

Sorry about that little rant it kinda felt good to get that all out though :haha:

Hip seems to be ok now -Touch wood!!

Results came back as Normal!? Whatever that may be :haha:

How are you keeping? Hows work?

Hey Galaxy!

You’ve got nothing to apologise for!! I don’t blame you for being frustrated at all! I’m sorry I’ve not been on here for a week or so, I really hope AF didn’t show and you got your BFP! But if she did I really hope your Drs finally sort some tests for you. Whilst I think there’s something in the trying to relax about TTC approach, if there’s something that’s not quite right then no amount of relaxing is going to help and constant BFN’s are soul destroying. You’ll have to give me a much needed update!

I’m ok thank you and work is going well, just finding life really hectic right now as we’re buying a new house and also trying to plan our wedding – somehow I seem to be doing three of the most stressful things ever all in one go! But it is making the time go quickly and it’s good to have other things to think about other than Diddy, or I think I’d drive all my friends and family mad.

Well that’s good news about your hip…just hope you get some more good news soon :hugs: xxx
Hi Scarlett well you certainly sound super busy but as you say busy can sometimes be good.

So AF did arrive 4 days late :dohh: Yes I got my hopes up AGAIN.
AF seems to be all over the place at the moment so I went back to the DRs on Friday and I am having blood tests done to check hormones, blood count, thyroid and check for diabetes.

They said PCOS is the most common :| If tests comes back normal I will have to go for an ultra scan as apparently the start of PCOS cant be detected in bloods.

So bloods will be done on CD21 of my cycle which is 2nd August which annoying falls on a friday so may have to wait a little longer for the results.
I seriously can not wait to have them done and hopefully get some answers!!

Getting married is exciting but super stressful I remember doing all of that! Have you got a date?

:hugs: xx
Oh no that's awful AF being 4 days late, not surprised it got your hopes up :( it's horrible when that happens :hugs::hugs: for you!

But YAY I'm so pleased for you that the Dr is finally sorting some tests and hopefully you'll get some answers soon and be able to move forward and get that BFP.

It may not be PCOS, your hormones may be a little out of whack, which is what I had - and that would show in your 21 day blood test. Have you got any other symptoms that suggest PCOS? Roll on August for you and answers!!!!

Yup the date is May 2nd next year, which we'd already decided on before I got my I've got about 5 months to get back into shape and into a dress :dohh: I'm trying to arrange as much as possible now so that I don't have to worry about it when Diddy first arrives. I'll have to start picking your brains about planning a wedding as I often feel like I don't know what i'm doing tbh!!

Have you got anything planned over the next few weeks or months that will help as a distraction, like a holiday or something?

:flower: xx
No other symptoms of PCOS other than crazy periods. My Dr said it could be the beginning of it though?
Oh I just dont know I guess time will tell huh :haha:

How exciting! 5 months after diddy is born wow. Im sure you can do it though :)
So will your dress be the last minute buy?
I can help if you ever need any just send me a private message :)

No plans just WORK WORK WORK. Which will keep me busy and hopefully august will be here in no time!! :happydance:
No other symptoms of PCOS other than crazy periods. My Dr said it could be the beginning of it though?
Oh I just dont know I guess time will tell huh :haha:

How exciting! 5 months after diddy is born wow. Im sure you can do it though :)
So will your dress be the last minute buy?
I can help if you ever need any just send me a private message :)

No plans just WORK WORK WORK. Which will keep me busy and hopefully august will be here in no time!! :happydance:

Hello Galaxy!'s almost August!! Bet you can't wait to get to Friday and be one step closer to answers. Hope you're enjoying work and it's keeping you busy and your mind off the TTC waiting :hugs: Do you have to make an appointment to go back and get your results or can you ring? Although I suppose you need AF to show on CD28...or rather not show because you've got your BFP?!

No I bought my dress when I was 11 wks pregnant and hadn't lost my waist totally :haha: defo couldn't get in it now, just hope I'll be able to get in it again in May, but it is helping me eat sensibly despite my constant cravings for malteasers! I shall defo be in touch with wedding stuff but atm we're trying to buy a new house so we're sorting that first.

Are you still using your CBFM? Just wondering if that was showing you were O'ing ok? :hugs: xx
Hi Scarlett

Yes I am super excited for friday!! It can not come quick enough I feel like I have been waiting forever!!
They said I can do either but I think I will book an appointment as I will have lots of questions regardless of the outcome of bloods lol

Well funnily enough I took a break from CBFM but now back on Ive only ever had 1 peak on it the second time nothing so stopped using it. Reset it and im on CD17 today and still bloody high. Saw a peak on CD15 the time it did work so stressing over that now.
When I mentioned it to my Dr previously she seemed to dismiss that I wouldnt be ovulating because im young (22)
Oh well I guess my bloods will pick up if I have ovulated or not. I just cant help stressing.

Im sure your dress will fit. You will look amazing!!
Good Luck with your house move. Moving house is stressful enough let alone when you are 23 weeks pregnant and cant be much help.
It will be nice setting it all up and making it into a lovely home for when your little miracle arrives

xx :hugs:
Three sleeps til Friday!!!

Maybe knock the CBFM on the head if it’s stressing you out? I only used OPK’s the month I got preggers - they all came back negative and I found it just upset me cos it’s like getting more BFNs…but they must have been wrong!!! I guess you can miss your peak? Have you tried temping? I found that really helped me, although like you said you’ll know soon enough!

Defo think it’s a good idea to make an appointment so that you’ve got time to ask all your questions! Will you wait until CD28 or after that for your appointment? Only cos I think I went on CD26 and the Dr said that whilst my blood test showed my levels were too low, he couldn’t say for sure until after CD28. If my AF showed up on CD28 it meant that my levels were too low, but if AF showed up after CD28 it could mean I possibly did O and that the longer cycle meant that the blood test was done too soon. Sorry if you know this already, or basically I’ve said it in the most backwards way and it doesn’t make sense!!

God yes this house sale is taking FOREVER because of rubbish estate agents and solicitors and I’m starting to worry as we can’t move in straight away cos we need to do some work to it. But my Dad and FIL to be have both said they’ll help and oversee the work, so that makes me feel a bit better. I’m hoping we can complete in the next couple of weeks!!

:flower: xxx
No I wasnt aware of that but that is really good to know so thank you :hugs:

I will just be desperate to find out the results so not sure I will be able to wait until CD28 - unless the results take that long to come back.
I will just book 2 appointments if needs be.

AF has been all over the place recently so I never know when it will come!! :(

Glad you have help with your move and getting the house all up together. Bet you cant wait for it to be finialised!

Going to stop using the CBFM and use the clearblue digital sticks (smileys) Instead and see how I get on with them - well that depends on the results from drs ....

No worries - I just went to check on the NHS website that what I was saying is right, and it is - but this is clearer!!

Progesterone test
During a progesterone test, a sample of your blood can be tested for progesterone to check whether you are ovulating. The test is taken seven days before you expect your period to start.

So yes if your test was taken on CD21 (cos it would be done earlier or later if your cycle is shorter or longer) than you won't know 100% until CD28. But I think no matter what the outcome you should push for a referral to the fertility clinic and get the ball rolling with that.

Just prepare your arguement in advance...if your cycle wasn't 28 days this time and therefore your blood test results are void, what's the point of keeping of trying for the next couple of months, because you may never get the test done on the right day. Can they not just refer you, even if they do try and do the test again whilst you're waiting for your appointment to come through...

My friend was made to have the blood test 3 times before they referred her, and then of course you've got a slight wait for your appointment so it's just really frustrating!! Just don't want you to be in the same situation hon when I know you're already fed up :hugs:

Well another week has gone by and not much has happened with the house apart from we've realised the delay is because some info has gone "missing" between the two solicitors *sigh* so hoping to have some progress early next week!!

I think that sounds like a good idea going to the digi's rather than the CBFM. Am keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you for some good news soon!!! Please keep me posted

:hugs: xxx
Awww your a star Scarlett thank you so much :hugs:

I WILL push for a referral regardless of results as I think I have been trying for long enough now and Ive lost over 2 stone now :happydance:

I will keep you updated on my blood results and the next stages etc.

Why is everything so complicated with morguages huh.
Saying that we are renting because we cant afford a bloody deposit on a house :cry:

Life can be so hard sometimes xx
Awww your a star Scarlett thank you so much :hugs:

I WILL push for a referral regardless of results as I think I have been trying for long enough now and Ive lost over 2 stone now :happydance:

I will keep you updated on my blood results and the next stages etc.

Why is everything so complicated with morguages huh.
Saying that we are renting because we cant afford a bloody deposit on a house :cry:

Life can be so hard sometimes xx

WOW massive congrats on the 2 stone :happydance: good for you! Good to hear you're defo going to push for referral! Did you make an appt on Fri to get results?

Well another week has gone by and nearly nothing has happened on the house bar our solicitor resending some questions to vendors solicitor - I can't believe in this day and age that has taken 5 days, but sadly it seems that way :cry:

We've both been lucky and had help from our parents - defo couldn't have afforded to save that money on our own as you need so much these days :wacko: the good thing about renting though is if something goes wrong in your home at least it isn't your problem and your landlord has to get it sorted! Are you saving up at the moment? xxx
Hi Scarlett got my results back today and everything has come back as 'normal' :shrug:

DH now has to have a SA done. I was feeling good about it DH is being really great about it all which I didnt think he would be but there is always something that jumps in the way.

So DH is registered to another GP to me because he just hasnt changed from when he lived at his mums I didnt think it was a problem until I was talking to my TTC buddy and she said his DR probably wont just do a SA on him but MY dr said just to say ive had blood work done and all has come back normal so now he needs to be tested. I just dont want anything to get in the way I would just like to get things moving!! As if his SA comes back all ok we will be referred to a FS and then hopefully go on to have IUI/IVF. Its been long enough I just want a baby now :cry:

My head is in a crazy place right now im not even sure that has made sense but I hope you understand what im trying to say.

No we arent saving. We have a stable home and what will be will be. :shrug:

I hope things get moving with your house it all sounds rather crazy at the moment and the last thing you need is any added stress!!
These solicitors charge a lot of money yet dont do there job half the time :growlmad:
Hi Scarlett got my results back today and everything has come back as 'normal' :shrug:

DH now has to have a SA done. I was feeling good about it DH is being really great about it all which I didnt think he would be but there is always something that jumps in the way.

So DH is registered to another GP to me because he just hasnt changed from when he lived at his mums I didnt think it was a problem until I was talking to my TTC buddy and she said his DR probably wont just do a SA on him but MY dr said just to say ive had blood work done and all has come back normal so now he needs to be tested. I just dont want anything to get in the way I would just like to get things moving!! As if his SA comes back all ok we will be referred to a FS and then hopefully go on to have IUI/IVF. Its been long enough I just want a baby now :cry:

My head is in a crazy place right now im not even sure that has made sense but I hope you understand what im trying to say.

No we arent saving. We have a stable home and what will be will be. :shrug:

I hope things get moving with your house it all sounds rather crazy at the moment and the last thing you need is any added stress!!
These solicitors charge a lot of money yet dont do there job half the time :growlmad:

Well first things first YAY for your blood results :happydance: so did your AF arrive day 28 and they're happy you're O-ing then?

As for DH and SA do not worry his Dr WILL do it! :hugs: When my OH had to have his done we were living in two different counties let alone different Drs in the same city and we got it sorted. Yes just get your DH to contact his Dr and explain - just like your Dr said - and then they should get it all sorted for you. Has your Dr asked you to go back there once you've got the results, or are you being referred to FC whilst you're waiting for SA test and results? Because no matter what the results are, I guess the next step is the FC anyway?

Depending on your DH's results you may find that they give you Clomid and also suggest a scan and x ray for you to make sure your tubes aren't blocked and that your ovaries are ok - at least that was what was meant to happen to me and what happened to 2 of my friends who have also been referred to FC in the last 12 months...

I know exactly how you feel and I'm sending you MASSIVE :hugs::hugs: the rollar coaster of emotions and the waiting is so horrible. My appointment for the FC got moved and I had a total meltdown on the phone to the receptionist about it because it was even more waiting and it was sending me mental! I know it's really hard but at least things are finally moving in the right direction for you now.

With the house, *sigh* we FINALLY got the paperwork we were waiting a month for on Friday so have spoken to our solicitors and IF we can just come to an agreement about some work that needs doing that got flagged up in our survey then we could hopefully have the keys in about 2 weeks! I'll be back to my chasing ways tomorrow!! Really need it sorted as there's a lot of work that needs doing before we can move in and I'm starting to worry that I won't have the energy now to make it all happen :wacko:

Well it's good that you've got a home that you're all happy and settled in - doesn't matter if it's rented or not. Defo don't do what I've done and buy when you're preggers, I don't recommend it!!!

Keep in touch :flower: xxx
Hi Scarlett,
DH has his appointment with his DR on tuesday to request a SA. We both have the following week off so we will drop the goods off then and sit back and wait for the results.

When the results are in I have to get DH to get a print out which I will then have to take to my DR.
My Dr has put me on the waiting list for a scan which she has said may take 2 months which is a pain but at least it is a step in the right direction.

I would happily try clomid to see if that helps!!

AF actually arrived 2 days early so CD 26 but my results came back as I had ovulated, as my progesterone levels were 30 something which indicates ovulation.

I guess if the scan all comes back well it will then be the lap and dye test to check my tubes, seriously hoping I get pregnant before then but we will see.

Hope everything gets sorted with your house, sounds like things are finally starting to come together. Sometimes always being on there backs is the only way to get things done. Shame really.

Thank you for being available for me to rant to even though your busy trying to get ready for your new arrival and your house move :hugs: xxx

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