Anyone else counting down to April 1st?

Omg how cute is he! He has his eyes open on one. I can't beleive how good these 4d scans are. Love the pics & he looks totally adorable x
He's a naughty little monkey playin hide and seek with us covering his face with his hands and hiding :p
Great scan pics mummy and Diddy :) I am glad all is well!

Mom so sorry your surgery is rescheduled :(

Mzhwd hope you are doing good :)

AFM i was away as I had a bleed at 13 weeks. I took 2 weeks off work and today I got rescanned. Thankfully no more bleeding and baby is fine too :) Also I got pushed from 15w1d to 16w as my last 3 scans had baby measuring ahead to my LMP.
Great scan pics mummy and Diddy :) I am glad all is well!

Mom so sorry your surgery is rescheduled :(

Mzhwd hope you are doing good :)

AFM i was away as I had a bleed at 13 weeks. I took 2 weeks off work and today I got rescanned. Thankfully no more bleeding and baby is fine too :) Also I got pushed from 15w1d to 16w as my last 3 scans had baby measuring ahead to my LMP.

I'm measuring a week ahead now and they said they aren't moving my date. They said my earlier screens were more accurate. So either in ahead, or this is going to be one big baby lol. I talk to my dr tomorrow so maybe she will switch it.
Molgold glad you rested up & everything is fine. Thats good news too your measuring ahead of what you were less time to wait lol

So will you & Diddy be getting gender scans? And have bumps started to show?
My belly is pudging out, but unless you know in pregnant it's not super noticeable. The gender scan is two days before Christmas.

I went today and had a Doppler. They asked how I felt and genwrall all my pregnancy symptoms are more manageable accept I'm super tired. I told her just walking up a set if stairs I get way more winded then I feel I should. She listened to my heart and said it was beating abnormally. (My heart rate is normally low but she said it was low but would throw extra beats in). So then she ordered an EKG.

I have no results yet but I'm still breathing so assuming all is well!? Lol I feel okay.
My belly is pudging out, but unless you know in pregnant it's not super noticeable. The gender scan is two days before Christmas.

I went today and had a Doppler. They asked how I felt and genwrall all my pregnancy symptoms are more manageable accept I'm super tired. I told her just walking up a set if stairs I get way more winded then I feel I should. She listened to my heart and said it was beating abnormally. (My heart rate is normally low but she said it was low but would throw extra beats in). So then she ordered an EKG.

I have no results yet but I'm still breathing so assuming all is well!? Lol I feel okay.

If baby is big it could be cause baby's pushing against your lungs. My daily digests I get through email keep mentioning it as a symptom so it's likely just that hopefully ur results be ok.
Well so far no good news. EKG was abnormal, I have to see a cardiologist...couldn't just be okay? Bradycardia, PVC, and something she quote "isn't qualified to read". Hopefully I hear something good from the cardiologist today.
Ladies!! It feels like forever since I checked in here. Hope you are all okay. Congratulations Diddy :) great news! Mom2sam good luck with your surgery, how are you feeling?

I'm almost 32 weeks and suffering quite a lot now. Constantly breathless and uncomfortable and so so tired! I've been diagnosed with under active thyroid so that has been making me feel awful too. Not long now though and he will be here :) It's gone so quick x
Welcome back around!

Cardiologist has me scheduled for a heart echo monday. Possibly could have ischemia (low oxygen to the heart or low blood to the heart) that's worst case scenerio, they are leaning towards I don't. But I won't know the results till next Wednesday.
Diddy hope it all goes well & it's nothing to worry about i'l keep you in my prayers

Hey kell 32 weeks yikes! Where did the time go lol so nice to hear from you & can't remember if you mentioned is it boy or girl? Hope you & kids are doing great

I'm feeling good just cant wait til Monday to get this problem of mine sorted & will be back to ttc.
Hey Kell, 32 weeks! Hope the 8 weeks pass soon :) take care hun!

Diddy, I hope the tests come out good.. Keep us posted. We'll be thinking of you :hugs:

Mom All the best for the procedure, FX for a great outcome TTCing post that :)
Thankyou Molgold just realised you have a journal lol goung to head over to follow you on there
Hey hope everyones well, diddy did you go for heart echo hope it went well x

Afm had my surgery yesterday, she had to cut the milk ducts said was causing the nipple to pull back also was alot of scar tissue behind which she had to cut away. Then she put seutures behind nipple to keep it from pulling back. She did tell me all the things that could go wrong afterwards & that it's still prone to get infected so got to be careful wen showering although they've applied water proof dressing that has to stay on for 2 weeks & then i go bk into hospital to get it removed. She said outside should heal in 2 weeks & can take 4/6 weeks for onside as she's put slow dissolving stitches on the inside.

Anyway i feel ok so far thankGod i got discharged same day she said to expect swelling bruising over next few days & has given me codeine for pain but makes me drowsy & dh has to be back into work tmrw so i'l see how i go on paracetamol as still gotta be awake for ds. Feel ok so far though. Also will wait till it's fully healed before ttc again
In laws are stressing me out. My sis in law called dh today saying it's mums birthday & you both need to be there to which he replied she has just had surgery & needs 2 weeks for recovery at moment not well to which sis in law got moody & said 'its your mum your putting your wife before her & i'm sure she well enough to come!' Dh just hung up. I've always tried but they always get funny over everything dh has never had a good relationship with them but i always talk him round to making an effort with thm but thy make it so difficult. I'm more about keeping family together but thier always finding excuses to argue. Anyway i told her you both need to stop over reacting. I will come & so will he but the things you said wer'nt neccesary. Would've been nice if you could be a little more u derstanding. Her reply wasnt nice but i haven't told dh lol as i think it'l make thngs worse but my own patience with thm is starting to wear down nw too
Oh Mom I am sorry you are sore from the surgery, but glad everything went well..

I cant even imagine how it must feel to just comeout of surgery and have that inconsiderate behavior slapped on you :( I am sad your SIL isn't more understanding..

Hope Diddy's tests went well.

Hey Kell, Mzhwd and Mummy - hope you're good!
Hey hope everyones well, diddy did you go for heart echo hope it went well x

Afm had my surgery yesterday, she had to cut the milk ducts said was causing the nipple to pull back also was alot of scar tissue behind which she had to cut away. Then she put seutures behind nipple to keep it from pulling back. She did tell me all the things that could go wrong afterwards & that it's still prone to get infected so got to be careful wen showering although they've applied water proof dressing that has to stay on for 2 weeks & then i go bk into hospital to get it removed. She said outside should heal in 2 weeks & can take 4/6 weeks for onside as she's put slow dissolving stitches on the inside.

Anyway i feel ok so far thankGod i got discharged same day she said to expect swelling bruising over next few days & has given me codeine for pain but makes me drowsy & dh has to be back into work tmrw so i'l see how i go on paracetamol as still gotta be awake for ds. Feel ok so far though. Also will wait till it's fully healed before ttc again

Glad you finally got your surgery :D fx for a quick recovery n gettin to ttc again :D your sil should b more considerate that's not nice.

All ok here get back on the net today, can't wait hehe

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