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Anyone else just got a BFP?

Scan was good, I'm in shock lol!
Measuring 6w2d and heart beating away <3
Edd 5th December as I thought. Next scan in 12 days.

Bittersweet given Leilani's news, still hoping xx :(

I am glad to hear it went well!! We're due date buddies :)
Koifish and Dan, so glad your scans went well.

Aw, my symptoms have been coming and going ever since i found out i was pregnant. Really sore boobs one day and not the next. Waves of nausea and then feel great. I think its normal so try not to worry. Are you having a scan soon?

I've got my first midwife appointment on Tuesday, actually wasnt expecting to have it this early so thats taken me by surprise. I've also tried to book a private scan for 8 weeks but they haven't got back to me, probably because its the school holidays, so i will try again next week if i don't hear anything by then.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
Aw1990 did you call or go in for the cramps?? I hope all is well. I will keep you in my thoughts :hugs: I will say my boobs aren't sore and I get pains and cramping on and off but everything is good, try not to stress to much but get it checked. I think it's better to bug them about it and have it checked to put your mind at ease rather then stress about it.
I was having them last night myself! Ladies I'm 23dpo and my breast tenderness is acting super weird. Daytime it vanishes completely and while I'm asleep some of it comes back. I'm also on 20mg of progesterone pills and wondering if my only symptom (boob tenderness) has vanished??? I've read that symptoms come and go but did any of you have this happen to you? Also theyre definitely not as tender as they were in the 2ww.... keep worrying because of an mc in dec....
I dont see the MW until next thurs, i waited until then to book in for school holidays too lol ... im hoping she will book me an early scan as i had a mmc in oct, i dont know if I'll book a private one or not, i can't go to the clinic i usually use as thats where i found out in oct and i couldn't go back in there xx
I hope she takes you in for an early scan, just try to take it easy and don't stress to much! (I know easier said). Private scan isn't a bad idea if it helps keep you sane, I will be booking one for a bit later.
Lauraloo I hope you appointment goes well.

As for symptoms I ve had a lot come on and off. The only one sticking around but it comes and goes is my MS. I had sore boobs at first and only at night and now not at all. I got spotting then cramping and now back pain that comes and goes. It's weird some days I feel horribly pregnant and some days not at all. I think it just depends on your body and how it's adjusting. This time around is nothing like my last pregnancy.
I've had nausea come and go today. My boobs are KILLING me. Of course, one of my clients accidentally hit me in my boob and it triggered a near murder it hurt so bad. Now that may sound a bit crazy but Jesus!
Hey ladies sorry I've been quiet, I've been in town working and also not doing well withdrawing off a med that is not pregnancy safe

Leilani I am so sorry. :hugs: You've been in my thoughts and prayers. I know you've got your dates right, but I think babies do develop at slightly different rates... praying you've got a slowpoke in there!

Nadya nice to see you in here!

My boobs are big but not tender. Other than that I feel literally nothing, I don't feel pregnant at all. I'm actually going to poas tonight because I just feel so NORMAL today ugh!
I've been quite crampy today as well, I think it's most likely baby growing and stretching things, obviously push for a scan if worried tho xx
I'm so crampy today, and back pain. I had a slight pinkish discharge early today but nothing like that since. Not sure what to think. Today has been crazy at work, and I've been walking around like a maniac it feels like. :wacko:
Scan was good, I'm in shock lol!
Measuring 6w2d and heart beating away <3
Edd 5th December as I thought. Next scan in 12 days.

Bittersweet given Leilani's news, still hoping xx :(

I'm so happy your scan was as it should be. xx
So after stressing last night and alk day, tonight my nipples are agony and I've been sick! genuinely glad to be puking haha! Pregnancys weird! X
I've woken up feeling ok this morning, lets see how long it lasts. I hate days when symptoms go, aw1990 I'm glad yours have returned with a vengeance!

Silas maybe you overdid it? I guess anything over what you normally do on a daily basis is overdoing it. Will you stay at work into 3rd tri? I guess when you get a bump people will be a bit easier on you, hopefully!

Hi nadya!! :happydance:

Laura, hope you can get that scan date, then you have a day you can countdown towards!

Wrap, sounds tough, but good on you hun. Hopefully you are past the worst bit. I was on painkillers for an injury I was still exercising on, and also quit, had a tough and grumpy few days!!! :hugs:

Myheart how are you doing sweet?

Koifish that's awesome, how funny we were in July 2015 and now due date buddies!!
Hi ladies!! I just got my BFP today as well and I created a December '17 babies FB group! If you would like to join let me know!!
Hello Ladies I hope you all are doing well!!

My excitement is short lived I have red blood when I wipe now and I am so nervous. I was cramping last night I know I had a lot of gas but some didn't feel like it was from gas. I do have some pain to the right and don't feel nauseous but that's probably cause I took my meds. Ugh. I am hoping by this afternoon it will settle and be nothing.

I had bad symptoms so my team at work knows plus a few and I feel like I jinyxed it because it's so early &#129296;

Hope the pains and nausea are getting better for everyone else, take it easy!!!

Congrats and welcome Ashleyg!
Koifish I really hope its nothing, but i can understand your worries. Are you going to contact your mw? As for what you were saying about your symptoms I am exactly the same, the other day my boobs were sore all day, yesterday hardly at all - in fact yesterday i just didnt feel pregnant. I don't have much in the way of nausea either, just the occasional day I get waves of nausea in the morning. Sometimes though we think we aren't getting many symptoms because we don't have much morning sickness or sore boobs but we forget the many other symptoms like fatigue, extra discharge, constipation, thirst, etc etc. Am sure all will be fine, this stage of pregnancy is always so nerve wracking!
Hi ladies!! I just got my BFP today as well and I created a December '17 babies FB group! If you would like to join let me know!!

I would be interested but can't join it yet as no one knows about my pregnancy :haha: and Facebook has a habit of showing your friends what group you are a member of lol. Would love to join it later on though. xx
Congratulations Ashley! There is already a Facebook group set up that aw has done, though this seems to be alot busier.

I had red heavy bleeding with dd2 koifish, hopefully it all settles down, can you speak to a midwife or the epu?

My symptoms are coming and going as well, my nausea gets worse in the afternoon and I'm tired but I'm always tired! Sore nipples also come and go as well, only 5 days until my scan! I'm petrified tbh x

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