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Anyone else just got a BFP?

Woooo hello baby!!!
Hello to the new faces too! Xx
Hello Sasha, congrats!!! I had a feeling you'd be joining me over here :hugs:

Look at this. I'm actually going to have to start making an effort with my clothes if I want to keep waiting to announce


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Thank you Wrappunzel!

I really thought I was out even when I tested I put the test away and didn't look at it for a good 15 mins as I didn't think it would be positive! When I saw the 2nd line I went and brought a 2md test, different brand just to make sure. I'm so happy.

Your bump is growing already at 6 weeks that's amazing! I don't think I'll show until after 20 weeks as my stomach isn't flat anyway lool which is good as I don't really want to tell anybody until after the 20 week scan.

I'm going to wait until after the 1st scan to tell family and 2nd scan to tell friends and wait as long as possible before telling work lol

I have a POAS addiction, I just can't believe it
Lol mum bear did you take all of those at once???

Sasha, what a cute story with your test. I did the same thing (discarded it as negative and came back to see a line). When is your first scan?

Maaarge I know! I'm probably just huge because this is my second, but it fun to think it's because it is twins. I had a dream it is triplets :rofl: I refuse to hope for that!
I have no idea. I haven't even told my GP yet! I'm going to Turkey on Tuesday for 10 days so once I'm back I'll be around 6 weeks. I have a smear booked in for the 16th May. So I'll contact the surgery when I'm back and tell them I'm pregnant and take it all from there.

I feel a bit silly as I was having a go at my GP the other day for not taking my "I can't get pregnant, why won't you help me" episode seriously lol I must have been about 3dpo at that point.

I'm guessing my scan will be around 5th-12th June as that's when I'll be 12 weeks.

Alot of the woman in other posts seem to be having 7 week scan though is this normal? I'd love to have an earlier scan just to make sure everything is going to plan but I don't know if I'll be offered one and I don't really want to pay £80+ for it either.
Oooh Turkey! That's exciting. My brother went there a long time ago and my grandparents spend a few weeks there every year

You got mad at your GP right as you were falling pregnant! :haha: I've read that can be kind of normal, to either think you're out or can't get pregnant on the cycle you finally do get BFP. It's because of the early hormonal changes, your body turns off the biological clock that was screaming "GIVE ME A BABY" because you have one, but the brain hasn't quite caught up lol.

12 weeks is normal for a scan. I'm getting one at 7 weeks because I've had a lot of ovarian pain, otherwise I wouldn't be getting one until the 20 week anatomy scan!
Yeah pretty much aha. I think he thinks I'm mad. I kept saying reffer me to a specialist and he wouldn't but he did send me for a blood test, which came back normal on Wednesday BFP on saturday lol

Yeah I think I'll just be having a 12 and 20 week scan. I can't wait to see my little coconut. 12 weeks sounds so far away... so im glad im away for 2 weeks to take my mind off it a little bit.
Omg I hear you on how far away it all seems! Pregnancy is a great big waiting game, from BFP to heartbeat to anatomy scan to increasing viability/chance at life outside to labor and birth

Coconut is a really cute nickname btw
I know! First o was waiting for the bfp now im waiting to make sure it sticks. I can't wait to see it on the screen and the heartbeat. I'm going to try and no obsess too much but Google is my best friend lol

Not looking forward to childbirth at least that's a long way away lol

We love our coconut!
Hey Sasha! Congratulations, lucky you going on hols too!!
In th UK early scans are for those experiencing bleeding or pain, or those that have had problems in the past. Otherwise it's approx 12w. Ages, I know!

Mum bear lovely lines, we are all poas addicts in here <3

Wrap that's a cute little bump starting there!!!

I've been soooo busy, struggling to get on here much last few days. Also I've been feeling super nauseous and tired (and grumpy!) which is very reassuring but isn't helping get stuff done :haha: Two of my babies go back to school tomorrow and I have nothing done yet, better pull my finger out today!!!
Oh ok I was wandering how everybody seemed to be getting 7 week scans! I'll just have to wait it out xx
Yeah I get one at 6,8 and 10 weeks for two reasons, I've sadly lost babies at those times before and had a molar pregnancy in 2009. X

Private scans aren't usually too bad, there's a chap who does it for £55 round here. I agree 12 weeks is a long time to wait. Baby does look fully formed by then though, rather than a tiny bean at 6-8w <3
Yesterday was nuts, and any bit of activity seems to drain me to nothing!

I was too nauseous yesterday to enjoy any of the food, which stunk. But we had a good day and Easter.
I've woken up with a full blown cold and a sore throat, feel very rough, I think I feel sick but my sore throat is far worse, I've not got time to be ill :nope:
Scan booked for Friday 28th eeek! Will be 8+1 by then.

Hope you feel better soon myheart.
I feel like I've had a cold for nearly a fortnight now!

So tempted to book an early scan. 6 weeks until 12 week scan seems so long ago!
I've just being sick for the 1st time, hopefully this is a good sign for my scan on Wed! Im normally only sick on the evening so fx
Congrats everyone!!

I'm only getting a 7 week scan because I'm on two prescription medications that I can't go off of. This puts me in a higher risk. **Hopefully** the scan will reassure me that the meds aren't effecting the baby, but no one knows what the true impact will be. There aren't many reliable studies on it.

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