Anyone Else NOT Planning Long Term Breastfeeding?

i never intented to BF for a year at all. Orginally i just wanted to make it a week, then a month, then 6 months and bang we hit a year.

I think you need to do what it right for you and what you feel comfortable with. x x:D
when i started out i didn't think i would get to 6 months at all, not becasue i didn't think Freddie should be bfed behond that point but because i found it hard at the start and thought no way will i be doing this for long!

but i persevered because it was something i really wanted to do for my baby and im so glad i did xx

around 4 months i started combi feeding, he now has a couple of bottles formula and the rest bfeeds now. i was upset at the time as i felt like a failure for some stupid reason! but now its working so well for us, it has also given me a little more freedom as i can leave Fred with someone else and have the odd trip out!

you have to just go with the flow and see how you feel xx im not sure when i will stop now as its such a special part of our relationship, i will just follow Fred's lead xxx
I never really planned a time limit. I set out with a plan to do my best to breastfeed knowing that it might not be easy and with no timeframe in mind. 7.5 months n we're still going strong. I view it as a journey, an evolving relationship which changes as your baby grows and only you and your baby know when it's time to stop. We haven't reached that stage yet.

But, I'm aware that breastfeeding long term isn't right for everyone and as women and mothers we should be supportive of each others choices
Im thinking/thought exactlly the same as you babe. First off dont worry about offending people :) We are all rather nice really!!! lol

My intention was always to BF first off, mainly cos of the expense and the ease of it (whip one out rather than having to make a bottle up!) 4 months on Im still doing it, and he does have one FF in the evening that daddy gives him.

TBH I will be stopping when he is fully weaned and use bottles for the extra milk feeds if he needs them. It was solely my intention to BF until he was getting suffiecint solids that can be 'supplimented' with FF.

I definatly wont be doing it like that woman on that documentary last month!

Again like has been previously said it isnt for everyone and no-one should think differently of you either way ... and I hope they dont of me. ...

I always thought I would stop when Evie was weaned but now she is I dont feel the need to. Its so easy to BF her now she only feeds 4 times a day and no night feeds anymore I can't be doing with the hassle of bottles. I am going back to work at the end of August and are going to attemp to express when I am at work but if it doesnt work out think I will give her formual during the day and breast feed early morning and before bed

I think its fab to breast feed for how ever long you want be it 2 weeks or 2 years mummy needs to be comfortable and happy too and everyone is different.
I plan of bf 4months max i will be happy to get to 6 wks at the moment any breast milk is better then none
I DONT plan to breastfeed for more than 2 months. Yes, it's easy. my nipples are okay, baby's fine but I feel tired and how can I explain, emotionally drained somehow. I dont like being food supply...

Do you know when I feel very very happy? When I express milk and DH feeds the baby from the bottle. Amazing feeling really.

Now my left leg is broken, I broke it when I was 38 weeks pregnant. And adding FF fuss to my husband will be very unfair to him, he takes such good care of us... but as long as I'll be able to walk properly, I think I'll start switching to bottles. Or at least try combining.

Ah and I constantly freak out, does he eat enough or not? When expressed - I'm so calm, at least I know he ate A LOT :D
Don't know why you'd think this thread would start a fight? There is nothing wrong with BFing for less than a year :lol: Any BFing, even a few days is a huge achievement, and any one who does or has is welcome on this board.

I'm at 6 months (yay!) but am stopping this week as I need to start concentrating on my Army selection, and I need to start taking supplements for my physical training. I made a damn good go of it though, and will still be hanging around (as if you lot could get rid of me ;) )
I'm at 6 months (yay!) but am stopping this week as I need to start concentrating on my Army selection, and I need to start taking supplements for my physical training. I made a damn good go of it though, and will still be hanging around (as if you lot could get rid of me ;) )

And as if we'd want to!! ANOTHER of my top BFing heros :)
Aww thanks hun :hugs:

Gonna keep my blinkies though! :lol:
You earned those blinkies in sweat and tears girl - NO ONE takes those off you!! :D
Originally I said I would do a minimum of 3 months. Lucas will be 12 weeks on Thursday and I think I am going to introduce a formula feed every evening but there is no way I can see myself giving it up totally yet.

I think I will make it to 6 months, maybe longer ?

Its so strange as in the first weeks I was in agony but I kept going as I knew it was best for him, but if I had given up I would not of missed it at all such was the pain ! Once I got through that stage and it no longer hurt I started to think it would actually be hard when I do stop bf, I can't imagine what the 'last' feed ever is going to be like :cry:

At this moment in time I have no plans to continue past 6 months.

I went back to work part time when Lucas was 8 weeks old and during the time im away from him he has two feeds both of which are expressed milk. It is hard work fitting in the extra pumping so he has enough milk but somehow I manage it :)
I bfed for 3 months - 2 months solely bf and then v. slowly weaned off over the last month. I have to say though really struggled to give up the last feed - think my hormones were all over the place but I had to in the end as I'd pretty much dried up. Still my goal was to be stopped by 3 months and I think it was right for me. The only thing is I thought I'd be less stressed as I'd know how much she's taking when she was on the bottle, now I just panic more as she isn't a big eater and only takes about 4 oz so I now worry that she's not taking enough! (Grass isn't always greener!)
I'm not even pregnant yet, but in my line of work I'm around a lot of HVs and attend an NHS BF forum every month so it is kind of on my mind!

I feel really fortunate that even if I returned to work quickly I would be completely supported becuase the NHS has a policy to support BF mums returning to work. Including dedicated fridge storage for expressed milk if you live too far from your workplace to feed during your extrended breaks!

At this poitn I imagine I'll BF to 6 months, but who really knows?

My mum BF me & my 3 brothers past 18months so I have a great example!
I am still unsure of how long I will breast feed as I find it draining. I can be feeding - doing nothing else from 6am to 3pm some days and to be honest, I hate it and I get nothing done and I am getting depressed about that. It means that when OH comes home I have to do everything then when he can keep an eye on her.

I have already taken to giving her a formula feed between 6-7pm just so that I can get food (I often dont manage to eat till late afternoon), and get some stuff done.
Also, because I have to hold her and hold the breast I cant do anything whilst I feed her, so I am getting dehydrated. and over all I feel ill, and generally crappy after I feed her.
I am still unsure of how long I will breast feed as I find it draining. I can be feeding - doing nothing else from 6am to 3pm some days and to be honest, I hate it and I get nothing done and I am getting depressed about that. It means that when OH comes home I have to do everything then when he can keep an eye on her.

I have already taken to giving her a formula feed between 6-7pm just so that I can get food (I often dont manage to eat till late afternoon), and get some stuff done.
Also, because I have to hold her and hold the breast I cant do anything whilst I feed her, so I am getting dehydrated. and over all I feel ill, and generally crappy after I feed her.


I used to be the same. There were days when I barely moved from one chair all day. It does get better. Honestly - even though you can't see a way out of it at the time. At this age, babies are going through wee growth spurts so often and it does tail off.

On a practical level, can you get any help during the day - any friends or rellies who can come round and replenish your food and drinks, stick a load in the washing machine and so on? Also this is a time when it's ok to let the housework go a bit (or a lot as in my case). You are giving your baby a great start in life and that's more important than the cleaning ;).
I always intended to BF, however found it so difficult and my baby screamed constantly day and night that I only managed two weeks. I didn't know this part of the board existed at the time otherwise I'd have turned here for help/support. I also didn't know until it was too late that I could combine feed as my MW had told me they would develop nipple confusion and not go back to the boob.

BF for as long as you are comfortable with hun you have to do whats right for you and baby and you may find it so easy that you want to continye further. I'd say take one day at a time
I have the same story as a lot of the others. I had no intention of BF. The htought of it totally freaked me out. But I gave it a shot and here we are 8 months later. If I didn't like it, or LO didn't take to it, then I would have FF. I don't know when we'll stop. But if you only want to BF for 2 weeks, then do that hun. You have to do what makes you both hapy. Stuff what other people think.

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