Anyone else now 37 weeks... Due jan??

I am trying to see my doc today. I have to call and see if I can switch my appointment days.
Yes you can ask for an ultrasound or to be induced. No dr in the states will induce before 39 weeks unless medically necessary.
With both my other kids I had to be induced.
My dr who delivered my first two (not same doc this time) was going to be out of the states when I was due so he induced me at 39 weeks. I never got to the pitosin. My body went into labor that night from the cervidil.
My second we remodeled an entire house thru my 8-9 month of pregnancy. By 39 weeks I was so ready I asked to be induced. It was actually 39+3 days. I asked for natural induction by using sweeps, cervidil and walking. Well I wasn't allowed to walk while te cervidil was in and my babies just don't engage until my water breaks. I ended up having pitosin with her. I had bad back labor but both labors from the time my water broke we're less than an hour so it wasn't bad. I had epidurals both time which I will not be having this time. I get migrains for a month afterwards.
So fingers crossed today I can see doc and tomorrow I will be in hospital. I love being pregnant -I really do. My body adjusts well. Little to no morning sickness and I end up smaller after I deliver than I was before I got prego. But at this point this baby boy is almost always in one giant Braxton hick contraction. All balled up ad pushed out. Which isn't so bad except I'm bruised from the inside out where he pushes. The. Dd pushes her elbows or knees in that exact spot and it brings tears to my eyes.
Ik life will be hectic with newborn and a one year old but it will be easier than being pregnant with a one year old who requires lots of beindig and chasing!
I've pretty much decided I was crazy for wanting this and someone should have shot me! Lol (jk about being shot)
Ok time to call dr!
Congrats srme!!!

I will be looking for your birth story. :D

Of course, I still havn't even done mine LOL

Good luck Midg.. and your not crazy. We actually talked about having another right away a few weeks ago but since I tore so bad during labor one of the first things i aid was WE ARE DONE!
I totally hear the "being done" being pregnant. Can't wait to go into labour! I get my next sweep tomorrow. I'm also hoping I can try the cervidil thing as I was never given that option last induction. They just broke my water right away and when no contractions happened, right onto the Pitocin.
Congrats srme:happydance:

I also had an app with my OB this afternoon. I told him I was feeling sore, and when he asked where, I said ''well everywhere'':haha: I was 3 cm dilated:happydance: Not too bad considering I was 1.5 cm 2 weeks ago!! Baby is very low and he could feel the head. He did a sweep. Been feeling very crampy, but I don't know if it's from the sweep, the 4 hour walk I did in the mall or both:haha: I had it done at 1.30 pm and lost a big chunk of mucus plug with blood in it at 7pm. Having some spicy curried thai food, and will be having some cinnamon tea later, and of course scrub the floor!! Don't know if it will work but at least I had a very good day!! :)
Sounds promising melfy! A week ago at my last appt my cervix was very soft but still long, could stretch to 2-3 cm on the outside but only 1 cm dilated on the inside. Hoping there is progress tomorrow as I've been continuing with my EPO orally and vaginally, and have been feeling lots of pressure at times,
Greyson Was born at 6 pm on the dot, he weighed 7lbs, 13 oz and is 21 inches long. Birth story to follow when I'm not on my phone!
Wow congratulations Midg!! Can't wait to read your story! Were you induced after all?
A quick update from me - saw my midwife today and had my second stretch & sweep, which was pretty painful. Good news is I'm now 50% effaced and 2 cm dilated, vs. 1 cm a week ago. She said she could much more easily reach my cervix and the baby was much lower, making it easy to feel her head.

I've now had a good amount of cramping since getting home, hoping it turns into something!

How are you ladies doing?
Sorry ladies forgot to post here :) Baby Annabelle arrived on New Years Day at 10:10am weighing 7lb 2.5oz after being induced due to pre-eclampsia and the induction being stopped due to over stimulating me. Her heartrate was dropping with every contraction from around 10am. It says in my notes i was only in active labour for 10 minutes although it took 1 hr 10 mins from 2 cms to birth and she came out shocked because of how quick it all happened but shes here and healthy which is all that matters :)


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Aww she's absolutely lovely, congratulations wrightywales! :)
Thanks Lisa she is a real cutie and such an easy baby to care for she doesnt really cry and sleeps lots lol
congrats midg and wrightywhales!

wrightywhales, she is so cute. that facial expession seems so mature for a little baby.
Oh my I hope my girl follows your girl's example, sounds perfect!
congrats midg and wrightywhales!!!! wrightywhales, she looks perfect!!!

Had my 40 week appointment on Tuesday. Dr said he doesn't do sweeps because they are too painful. We scheduled my 41 week appointment for next Tuesday and will schedule an induction for that night if I still haven't gone into labor naturally.

Today I felt SO much more pressure on my butt/pelvis and now when the baby has hiccups I feel it in my vagina not in my stomach (hope that means he is down the tunnel ready to come out!). Also I MIGHT have lost my mucus plug, (tmi alert) I went pee and wiped and a HUGE mucus discharge came out, but there was no blood in it. Soooo not sure.....hoping labor will come naturally before Tuesday!!

also my parents are here and are driving my CRAZY - I have to babysit them all day long at 40+ weeks pregnant. PLEASE baby COME OUT!!!!!!
midg and wrightywhales: Massive congrars!!! Those babies are so precious:cloud9:

Rache: Mine didn`t hurt at all!! But the more dilated and effaced you are the easiest it is and also has a higher chance of being effective.

Well I guess my OB did a great job by stripping my membranes; Alexa was born 24 hours later :) I started having contractions tuesday night, roughly 6-7 hours after my sweep and we left for the hospital at 2 in the morning. I was 6-7 cm dilated by 3:30 am and was having back labor again. I got the epidural, but for some reason it took a long time getting to 10 cm (with DD1 it was the opposite, as I went from 5 to 10 cm in 2 hours with the epi). I was fully dilated by 9 or so, but she would not engage. Labor actually stopped but the resident wouldn't do anything. So when the attending came in we asked for Pitocin to get labor started again, since the few contractions I was still having were not strong or long enough to allow effective pushing, an because I was only allowed Jello, so at 11 am, 16 hours after my last meal, I was hungry and getting weaker. It worked and only had to push for 10 minutes or so

Alexa was born Wednesday (January 8th) at 12:05 pm, weighing 6lbs 14oz :) She's doing great!! And I get to go shopping for a new dress our friend's wedding next weekend:happydance:
Congratulations melfy! That's awesome news! Man I wish my sweeps worked like that. I'm back to waiting with no cramping anymore :(
Baby story

I went to the doc for my 39 wk(38+6) appt and requested to be induced. We settled on Wednesday at 4 pm (to b at hospital). My dr told me they would call if anything changed.
About an hour later my phone rang. It was the dr office calling. I was shocked when I answered and it was my doc on the phone not a nurse. She told me she called and got special approval to induce me that very day. I had to be at hospital by 2.
I called my dh, informed him go the change in plans and that I was headed home to get things ready.
We arrived at hospital a bit before 2. They got me settled, started a pitosin drip and at 330 my dr came in and broke my water. Good thing I was induced - baby had passed his first stool in utero. So there was meconium in my water. She came back to check on me at 5pm is. The pitosin was on a 3ml/hr so very low dose. I was starting to get uncomfortable and she sat the bed up into a chair. 45 min later we put the chair back down and I was fully dilated ready to push. I pushed for approximately 10-15 min. Greyson Joseph Giles F. Was born at exactly 6pm, he weighed 7lbs and 13 oz. he is 21 in long.
Out of my 3 pregnancies his delivery was both the easiest& hardest ever. I had no drugs-unlike with my first two. And while I go so quickly there is no real time for the epi to kick in. The little that it does kick in is quiet a bit when you go 100% with out.
Plus with my other two I had a local to take the edge off. I didn't even have that this time.
My dh was a trooper and was very supportive. It has been a long 48+ hours. Having 2 babies under 1 in the house has been a lot to adjust to. But it's getting easier each step of the way.
Congratulations on your baby boy Midg! That sounds super fast!

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