Christ...positive opk today cd20 and partner is away till Friday and only bd Sunday. What are my chances?
Perhaps keep using the OPKs over the next couple days to see if your surge stays high? I know some ladies have several days of positives before they actually ovulate (or at least the ones I've seen in chart galleries have). Good luck to you!!!
Well, I finally broke down and took an I-know-this-is-silly-and-way-too-early-but-I've-just-got-to-get-it-out-of-my-system test.

Of course it was negative, but I'm only like (maybe) 6 DPO, if I've ovulated. I was just DYING to and I told myself that if I took one today for fun, then I had to really wait until next week to take another one. HAVE to. We'll see, LOL. I feel your TWW pain, ladies. It can be SO tough, this waiting...*grumble grumble*