hello ladies. nothing to report here. all my cramping has stopped and I have not had any more hot flushes.
spent the weekend spending time with my son. today he is not well do to this heat. I can't get him to drink anymore then 30ml at a time and he just keeps bringing that up. the problem with my son is he don't like water or juice. he will only drink his milk and he will only drink that hot.
we have only had 3 wet nappies today as well, but he seems to still be mostly his happy self and when he cries there are tears.
im going to keep trying to give him some fluids through the night and hope he will drink a little more then what he has.
Hi meya, sorry to hear that your son isnt doing very well. I hope he feels better soon.
Its so late here and i cant get to sleep. I went to bed 3 hours ago and ive been tossin and turnin. So much for trying to fall asleep early lol
oh no I hate night like that. I hope you manage to get some sleep. Have you tested yet?
thanks my lo is a lot better today. though he still would not drink in the night he did have 3 bottle since 7am, so im happy and he is bouncing around in his walker right now watching cat in the hat.
I had a nightmare last night. it seemed so real....thank god it was not though. the last thing I need is my oh being possessed by some evil thing. lol
Wow that sounds like an unpleasant nightmare!!
I'm glad your son is doing better today
Lol how does he like his bouncing chair? My friend's son would get all excited sitting in it when she first started putting him in there. It was so cute lol
Yea i'm not a big fan of nights like those.. and I wanted to start the week off with a good night sleep lol. Well I fell asleep not long after my last post. I opened the window and everything seemed to make sense again after that lol.
Still no AF for me this morning. I'm on cd37 now. I'm nervous to test still.. I might wait another couple days lol. My bbs didnt hurt as much yesterday and today. I'm still getting twinges of cramps so that is still making me think like AF is coming. Yesterday morning I seen some dry blood on the TP when I wiped but I havent seen anything since. But it's still early.. she might show some time during the day. I've been soooo gassy LOL! I was stinking up the whole bedroom last night lol.. maybe that's why I couldnt sleep