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Anyone expecting their FIRST in April 2013?

Our first lil peanut is due to arrive april 2nd!! Cannot come soon enough!

If I didnt think it may actually give daddy a full fledged heart attack (or that he'd never forgive me) id have the PERFECT april fools joke this year! hehe

Me and the FOB thought it would be funny if i went on the 1st. He's going to tell his mum just for a joke i thought was cruel
Our first lil peanut is due to arrive april 2nd!! Cannot come soon enough!

If I didnt think it may actually give daddy a full fledged heart attack (or that he'd never forgive me) id have the PERFECT april fools joke this year! hehe

Me and the FOB thought it would be funny if i went on the 1st. He's going to tell his mum just for a joke i thought was cruel

either of our parents might actually kill us if we did that, too! would be horrible but funny.
Our first lil peanut is due to arrive april 2nd!! Cannot come soon enough!

If I didnt think it may actually give daddy a full fledged heart attack (or that he'd never forgive me) id have the PERFECT april fools joke this year! hehe

Me and the FOB thought it would be funny if i went on the 1st. He's going to tell his mum just for a joke i thought was cruel

Ha ha. I have thought about this myself, as I am due around the 4th.
So I found out someone I know is a few weeks pregnant and it almost makes me feel like it was on purpose BC I am. Ours was planned and we've been together for 7 years got married in May. They are 19 n this is her 2nd
wannab - cool pics

Is cocoa butter the best to use? Has anyone used it before or gotten recommendations?

AFM - I am doing well. We got to see the baby again last week and heard the hb. I just love that. And then sit and wait and twiddle my thumbs until the next time (which is next Fri.) I am feeling more tired these days and mostly trying to take it easy. I hope in a few weeks to not be so tired. OH has been great with cooking and cleaning and supporting me in getting rest. It has been so nice.

I told my boss yesterday as I had to tell them about a whole bunch more appts. when I will have to take some time off of work. I had wanted to wait to tell him but needed to let them know of the appointments so they can block it off my schedule and not schedule any patients during those times (I am a psychotherapist). He is going to keep it mum and was supportive.
I think cocoa butter works best I just started usingit as well, I was a toothpick before baby just now starting to show.
wannab - cool pics

Is cocoa butter the best to use? Has anyone used it before or gotten recommendations?

AFM - I am doing well. We got to see the baby again last week and heard the hb. I just love that. And then sit and wait and twiddle my thumbs until the next time (which is next Fri.) I am feeling more tired these days and mostly trying to take it easy. I hope in a few weeks to not be so tired. OH has been great with cooking and cleaning and supporting me in getting rest. It has been so nice.

I told my boss yesterday as I had to tell them about a whole bunch more appts. when I will have to take some time off of work. I had wanted to wait to tell him but needed to let them know of the appointments so they can block it off my schedule and not schedule any patients during those times (I am a psychotherapist). He is going to keep it mum and was supportive.
Hello ladies...
I haven't been on here for some time.
I hope everyone's baby's are growing to be strong and healthy :winkwink:

So much has happened the last 3 weeks. While I was driving to work, I started to feel this sharp pain in my lower back. At the moment, I just figured I had slept wrong or something. The pain got more intense through out the day and by the time I got home from work I was in tears. I ended up at the ER the following day. They explained that I had a bad kidney infection. :dohh:
Sent me home with antibiotics and a few days of bed rest.
Well pain got better a for a few days, then by that Sat. evening pain had come back and just seemed to magnify in intensity. I was in tears and practically on my knees bc I was unable to stand or walk from how UNBEARABLE the pain was. So my wonderful mother and bf took me to the ER yet again. Infection was no where near gone. They ended up admitting me into L&D and running an IV and antibiotics. They also gave me a low dose of vicodin to help me rest, mind you I had to sleep sitting up bc I couldnt move around without it hurting. Well long story short I followed up with my OB and she told me to continue with by oral meds and be on bed rest for a week. It was probably caused by the extra work my kidneys are putting in with baby in the oven now. She did and US and saw baby and it's little heart beating up a storm. So THANKFULLY baby is good. I have my next appt. on the 18th and hopefully we get to find out what we're having then. With the trouble I'm having so far, my mom and gma have predicted a boy (old wives tale huh) hehe.

Well I hope everyone is doing well :hugs:
sweetangel - that is a bit scary but I am glad you got good medical care and the baby is doing well.

AFM: I had my 12 week NT test this morning. It was great to see baby again on the u/s moving around and it's heart beating! It is just so reassuring. Our results were really good so that also feels good. I talked to my sis who it due in early April and she said they don't give her the results but wait for her next u/s at about 18 weeks and then do. I am curious what others have experienced that have these tests - whether they get the results right away or later.
Its weird hearing some people only get a few u/s whole 9 months. I have had 3 so far n have 2 more scheduled b4 Dec.
Ive only had 2 u/s so far and my third i just received yesterday for my gender scan :) Also got my next midwife app to and so far only seen her twice. I think it different everywhere aint it lol

Sweetangel: sorry to hear you werent doing to well hope your feeling better and glad baby is ok to.
Thank you ladies... Thank God I'm feeling a whole lot better!

Now I was wondering, have any of you ladies had that "I don't feel pregnant feeling"? I know I've felt that way the last few days. I always read how some women feels all this fluttering and are showing there little bumps. I feel and see none of that. Has me a bit concerned. I mean I don't have cramping or bleeding but just don't know what to think/feel. My next scan is on thurs. I hope I don't drive myself nuts til then!
Ive been feeling that way a little to. But this pass week think i jinxed myself and had been sick every morning. This is the first time this week i woke up ok. Just gasy that little mild cramping nothing else
Ive been feeling that way a little to. But this pass week think i jinxed myself and had been sick every morning. This is the first time this week i woke up ok. Just gasy that little mild cramping nothing else

At least I'm not the only one. I don't really have any symptoms other than tender nipples.. But even then they're not as bad as they were before. Hopefully the preggo feeling kicks in soon.. Hope your MS subsides soon too Hun
Me to was gutted it came back a little But oh wells it shall be worth it all lol. I wanna buy Doppler to just so i can hear the heartbeat when i feel not pregnant lol
Me to was gutted it came back a little But oh wells it shall be worth it all lol. I wanna buy Doppler to just so i can hear the heartbeat when i feel not pregnant lol

Omgoodness I was thinking of doing the exact same thing. Lol Idk if they sell them at local stores but I told my bf I wanted to go look for one today

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