Hello Ladies!
Sorry I disappeared off the face of the earth....Charlie came along and it's all been 100mph!
Anyway, Charlie is currently asleep so I have a spare 5 mins to try and catch up!
Emx - Hi and Welcome :wave: Not long for you now. How are you coping with the snow? Bet you have had to stay in?? Sorry to hear about your nuchal and blood results. What did they say? Good on you for not doing the CVS and like you say, leave it up to mother nature.
poppyfields - Leaving near Marston is lucky! Only a wee trek for you then. 27th May isn't too far away, how are you feeling?
Willow - Sorry to hear that they had to induce you because of LO not growing...TBH you never missed anything with the antenatal classes anyway as I didn't really learn much at all! Many congrats on Poppy
How is everything?
Sambitiki - How are things going with TTC? I am WTT atm and am moving to TTC towards the end of Feb/March. The Horton I thought were very good, especially when there were issues but then I suppose it's personal opinion.
littlekitten8 - Congrats on your baby!
How are things going? Are you settling into motherhood OK? Of course you can still be classed as Oxfordshire...Aylesbury isn't that far from Bicester anyway
ilovebaboo - Hi and welcome! I notice you already have a LO? How is everything?
Kirsty - Hi and welcome to you too! :wave: I live in Bicester which isn't that far so I am more than happy to meet up and have a chat? Is everything going OK?
Right, onto me and Charlie. He is going great guns. He had his lip op at 10 weeks old which went really well. His palate op is in April which is a big one so am not looking forward to that. I have started letting him have a few mouthfuls of solids (if you can call it that!) which he seems to be doing OK with. He is still not sleeping through the night yet but does only wake once which isn't so bad. He has also decided to sleep on his tummy which is giving me heart failure but the more I turn him around, the more he just turns himself back again
Motherhood has been hard. He was a very colicky baby so just spent 2 solid months screaming which drove me mad. He is much better now though but has recently started teething so he is back to grumpy again
Anywho, hope you are all well and not stuck inside in the snow like we have been most of the week!