Anyone get their cycle back while still night feeding/ feeding frequently?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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LO is a frequent feeder. At 6 months she was feeding almost hourly in the day time and every 3hrs at night. We started solids at 6 months and she loves it! She eats an incredible amount and has cut down some on the frequency but it's still frequent by normal standards. I can tell she is taking in less milk because my boobs are killing me but she still comfort sucks too. Lastnight she went 5hrs without waking for a feed (amazing for her) but most nights it's still every 3/4 hrs. We'd like to TTC before too long, we are already not using protection but I don't count it as TTC because I don't really expect to get pregnant yet. I know that sudden changes as well as frequency make a difference so I was hoping that the solids might just jump start things but I have a feeling I'm going to have a long wait unless she changes her feeding habbits.

Is there any hope? Has anyone got their period back when still feeding frequently/night feeding?
I ovulated and then had my first period right after LO started sleeping better at night, meaning he was feeding once or twice. He was still feeding every hour and a half during the day. I had a 7-day LP though and my next period was 3 months later, so obviously I was not super fertile. It really varies though. Some women get their cycle back within a couple months despite those cluster feeding growth spurts.
Thanks, it sounds like there is hope! LO always feeds frequently, not just during growth spurts. I think it has to do with her having been very under weight at 2/3 months old because of allergy problems. I encouraged her to feed as much as possible at the time and it's kind of stuck. As well as frequent feeding she will use me as a dummy.
DD feeds once or twice a night.

Got my period last week. :(

Was hoping id go longer as we want a big gap.

It was pretty light though and going by ov pains and CM my LP was only a few days so I'm not confident that I'm fertile again.
Yeh, i never thought I'd be so eager to have a period! It is really nice not having it but I'd secretly like two more and i'm 34. Your LO is just a couple of weeks older than mine, so you never know... Did you start solids at 6 months, or earlier?
We did BLW at 6 months and I got my period back at 12 months (exactly! haha).. we still nurse frequently and through the night and it's almost 'normal'.. I skip the odd month still.
Thanks, can I ask you girls how your LO's took to solids?

We are doing something like BLW too, though not strictly. LO has been crazy about food from day one. She eats more solids than any 1 year old I know. My boobs were really sore to start with so she obviously dropped a lot of milk intake but she still feeds so frequently so I'm confused about what my chances of my period starting are. I guess only time will tell :).
Still no period for me and Lo is 14 months. I am barely feeding now he has a short feed from me before bed. I have been showing signs of being fertile for weeks now with cervical mucus and twinges but no period. Last time I had to fully stop for it to return but I don't feel ready to yet. We are not ttc but not preventing either. Just seems such a long time without a period it was Nov 2011. I have done lots of pg tests but they are always negative. I worry that I won't be able to have anymore children as I'm 34.
I got my cycle back when dd was about 1 year old and my cycles were pretty regular, although I am not sure if I was ovulating or the length of my lp. When dd was about 1.5 I started using opks and found out i was ovulating much later than I thought!

I got pregnant the first time I got a positive opk but that sadly ended in mc. Then we waited a cycle for my body to regulate. 2 cycle later I got pregnant again with this baby. :)

I am not sure if I was fertile for those first few months after I got my period because I wasn't really tracking but as soon as I started using opks it seems like we were, lol. But I ovulated around cd19-21 and my cycles were around 28-33 so it seems like my lp was really short. I was actually really surprised to get pregnant!

Oh, btw, we bed-share (have since dd moved out of her bassinet) and she STILL nurses every few hours at night although she can go long stretches in the daytime when she is distracted. I definitely have a boobie monster (should probably look into tandem nursing soon, lol)!

My sister got pregnant when her dd was only a few months old and she also bf on demand, but I think everyone is different. :)

Oh, I have heard of LOTS of women get pregnant while nursing without even getting their period back, so just be aware. When we were ntnp before my cycles came back I was testing every few weeks or so just to see. :)
Oh, we did blw, but even though she ate solids starting at 6 months and we always offered she was more than a year old before solids became the major thing she ate. I would have worried about that but since she was always in the 95% for height and weight I figured she knew what she was doing, lol. :)
We started BLW at 25/26 weeks.

She does really well but doesn't eat enough to need less milk yet I don't think.

She was sleeping through but she was ill and has got some teeth so now goes down at around 8 but feeds at about 1 & 5am.
Still no period for me and Lo is 14 months. I am barely feeding now he has a short feed from me before bed. I have been showing signs of being fertile for weeks now with cervical mucus and twinges but no period. Last time I had to fully stop for it to return but I don't feel ready to yet. We are not ttc but not preventing either. Just seems such a long time without a period it was Nov 2011. I have done lots of pg tests but they are always negative. I worry that I won't be able to have anymore children as I'm 34.

This is what worries me too. I am 34 and LO is only 7 months. If I dont get my period back while feeding it might stop me from having more but I'm not sure I can bring myself to give up BF to get pregnant.
I don't think there's any way of knowing, unfortunately. Some people are like me and exclusively breastfeed with several feeds overnight and still get their period back at 12 weeks PP (I was NOT impressed!). Others won't get it back until LO completely stops, which can be just as annoying!
I am ebf and had period when lo was 3 months. Actually had 2 more bleeds since and lo is 4 months today.
I don't think there's any way of knowing, unfortunately. Some people are like me and exclusively breastfeed with several feeds overnight and still get their period back at 12 weeks PP (I was NOT impressed!). Others won't get it back until LO completely stops, which can be just as annoying!

Yeh, i know it's just a case of waiting to see. Its just that LO is such a frequent feeder still that I wondered if there is any hope. Sounds like it is at least possible anyway.
Bunny, I am wondering the same thing! My LO is 4 months old and I am really wanting to TTC again really soon but since I am ebf'ing and no witch in site, I'm worried that I won't become fertile again until I stop BF'ing. I'm 34 years old so I too am not wanting to wait that long, but also don't want to stop BF'ing my LO either. :dohh:

I have heard that its possible to be ovulating without having an actual AF. Some people are ovulating and just don't know it.
Mine came back at 6 weeks after birth and I was feeding very 2 hours around the clock so guess it's possible
Period came back at 5 months this time strictly EBF and LO still feeding frequently at night however am on CD40-odd at the moment and no sign of the next one xx
Got mine back at 10 months, and was still feeding quite often. I hadn't fed during the night from around 7 weeks pp though, so it wasn't that. My son started picking up on solids pretty well around 8 months.

ETA: I'm shocked and awed that some of you have babies who are 4 and 6 months and you want to TTC. You all are supermommies.
ETA: I'm shocked and awed that some of you have babies who are 4 and 6 months and you want to TTC. You all are supermommies.

My rush is solely because of my age. I will be 35 in May and it took a long time to conceive our first so I'm worried it could take a long time again...:wacko: I also feel I'm in "baby mode" right now and if I wait to long I might start to change my mind. lol

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