Anyone had IVI?

miss maternal

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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I came on today :( so the only hope I have left now is IVI which i have an appointment for on 27th march. Im not quite sure what this involves and weather I can still TTC before as I couldnt when i was waiting for a HyCosy. :?
Any thoughts on this? x :idea:
Hi hun ...

No idea ... Have you checked out Google?
Think it is!!

Thinking about it I wouldn't have sex anyway - Get those spermies nice & strong :twisted:
I would have sex about 10 days before so theres a fresh supply, abstaining for a long time can decrease the quality of the lil swimmers
Have they not given you any advise? Is IVI on this dat eor is it just an appointment to talk things through?
Arcanegirl said:
Is that InVitroInsemination?
yeah, sounds like it.

Wobbles, you may be right about an appointment to talk things through as I cant see it being free either! :shock: Will check it out on google.

Thanks x
I've never heard of this. Fertility treatments are usually IUI, IVF, ICI or ICSI. None of these are cheap, but IUI and ICI (Which are basically the same thing) are the cheapest because they are procedures that are carried out inside the body. They are basically monitored ovulation and artificial insemination at ovulation.
In Vitro Insemination is actaully IVF as an acronym.

IUI - Inter Uterine Insemination
ICI = Intra-cervical Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Insemination
ICSI = Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
RachieH said:
I've never heard of this. Fertility treatments are usually IUI, IVF, ICI or ICSI. None of these are cheap, but IUI and ICI (Which are basically the same thing) are the cheapest because they are procedures that are carried out inside the body. They are basically monitored ovulation and artificial insemination at ovulation.
In Vitro Insemination is actaully IVF as an acronym.

IUI - Inter Uterine Insemination
ICI = Intra-cervical Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Insemination
ICSI = Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Hi rachie,
I got it wrong and it is IUI Inter Uterine Insemination.
Thanks x :wink:
I had 2 weeks of daily injections in the bum, which left it abit bruised, and then at the end i had sperm placed into my uterus. And then it was a case of wait and see. I make it sound easier than it was, it was an emotional rollercoaster and unfortunatley it didn't work for me, but i do have quite a few fertility issues. The injections themselves were not too bad, you just kind off get on with it really.

If you have any questions feel free to pm me or ask on here and i will do my best to help you. sorry if this all sounds abit vague but it was 3 years ago that i had it done.And i am rubbish at puttting things in to words.
Thanks for the info Fluppyfrog. the way you put it was fine and gives me an idea of what to expect when i go for my appointment 27th march. i am a day late but waiting for the old witch to show. :witch: I have had a case of the farts today so hopefully i wont have bad wind it they have to inject my bum!:blush:
Will you be doing the injections yourself or do you have someone to do them for you. I got my partner to do mine and the first injection was a nightmare, i couldn't help but scream at him everythime he came near me, it took him 2 hours to convince me to let him do it, but i do have a phobia of needles.
i will get my OH to inject me as i too have a phobia of needles and can faint in blood tests!! the things we have to do to get pregnant. it would be so much easier if the stalk brought it!:pink: :pink:
Good luck hun, if you ever need to chat, you know where i am. I heard that numbing your bum with a bag of frozen peas before you have then injection makes it easier, but i don't know if it works, as i didn't get told told untill i had finished my IUI.
I dont know weather i should go to my IUI appointment tuesday as
IM PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yipee:
I found out today after being 6 days late but i didnt want to test.
Hehe just read your post in the first tri hun ....

YAY you :dance:

Give them a call first thing Monday x
:happydance: congratulations hun, thats fantastic news.

i would give them a call just to let them know.
i had 4 sorry to tell you all failed. anyway, i conceived after i took a break and had some herbs instead. well, i does work for some keep it a try at least and move one if it fails after 3 0r 4 attempt.don't waste time

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