Anyone here joining the "2 under 2" club - 2012 edition?


Autism Mum
Jan 14, 2009
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A 2 under 2 group for mummie's expecting their second (or more) child in 2012.

I think it would be lovely to form some friendships among those of us in the same boat as we have an extra challenging time ahead of us when these little bundles arrive. We need that support network.

Our Members:
KittyVentura - Jemma
Team :pink: Pink
Due 25th May 2012

FLU77ERBYE - Claire
Team :blue: Blue
Due 12th June 2012

NickyNack - Nicky
Team :pink: Pink
Due 22nd June 2012

Kerrieann - Kerrie
Team :blue: Blue
Due 22nd June 2012

mummy2b2010 - Emma
Team :blue: Blue
Due 26th April 2012

Nuke - Lindsay/Linzatron/Linzasaurus
Team :pink: Pink
Due 15th May 2012

Hodbert - Lisa
Team :Blue: Blue
Due 25th May 2012

Purplerat - Nancy
Team :blue: Blue
Due 25th May 2012

Meredith2010 - Ali

Team :pink: Pink
Due 28th May 2012

MrsEvanson - Kirsty
Team - Not yet known...
Due 23rd June 2012

Browneyes121 - Roxanne
Team :yellow: Yellow
Due 8th July 2012

Jaybee - Julia
Team :blue: Blue
Due 22nd May 2012

Amzily - Amy

Team - Not yet known...
Due 25th June 2012

Mojobear - Vanda
Team :yellow: Yellow
Due 26th May but expecting by C-sec 11th May

Lillybells - Leanne
Team :yellow: Yellow
Due 18th June 2012

Vicky125 - Vicky
Team :blue: Blue
Due 10th March 2012

KellyC75 - Kelly
Team :pink: Pink
Due 1st March 2012

Kel127 - Kelli
Team :pink: Pink
Due 28th March 2012

x Michelle x - Michelle
Team :blue: Blue
Due 5th March 2012 (I think - Had to work out from ticker and my maths is SHIIIITE)

Ohbananas - Savanah
Team - Unknown at present...
Due 13th August 2012

Mari30me - Marianne
Team :blue: Blue
Due 1st April 2012

Razorhips - April
Team - Unknown at present...
Due 8th July 2012

Stardust599 - Stardust

Team - Unknown at Present
Due 26th July 2012

We're always open to new members. Jump right in and introduce yourselves using the gay little form I created below.

About me

Name: Jemma
Age: 27
Relationship status: Married
Occupation: Very lucky stay at home mum, supported by my husband. I also run my own cupcake business from home.
Children: I have a gorgeous, stubborn, determined and independent 15 month old called Finlay James.
Due date: 25th May
Sex of baby: Unknown at present
Age gap between babies: Expected 19.5 months
What are you most looking forward to: I'm most looking forward to seeing that bond between Fin and his brother or sister as they grow. I cannot WAIT to see them play together. In terms of the new baby I am most excited to first find out the sex... and also to baby wear again. Boy do I miss babywearing. I wore Fin til he was 12 months and 25lbs. I'd still be wearing now if it wasn't for the bump in the way lol. I'm excited to try again at breastfeeding, I think I'd have managed a lot longer with Fin had I not come ill with tonsilitis 3 weeks in. Hopefully I won't experience the same hurdle this time.
What are you most nervous/worried about: I'm worried that Fin will feel neglected. He is SUCH a Mummy's boy and for a while Ian will need to take over as primary care giver and I really don;t know how he will react to that... I, selfishly, don't want him to become a complete Daddy's boy. I love how affectionate he is towards me and I don't want our bond to be affected. I worry about how I will cope with the lack of sleep that comes with a newborn when I have a toddler to look after too. When Fin was tiny I would nap in the day... I won't be able to do that this time. I worry about keeping on top of the housework with 2 kids and also how my business will suffer.
Anything else you'd like to add: OHHHHH SOOOOO EXCITTTTTTED! Lol. Here are a few pics of us. 2 of Ian and I and 3 of Fin.


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Name: Claire
Age: 25
Relationship status: Single (Looong story!)
Occupation: Radiotherapy Clerk in Oncology hospital
Children: I have been blessed with a beautiful, inteligent little girl who is my world
Due date: 12th June
Sex of baby: :blue: :cloud9:
Age gap between babies: 18 months
What are you most looking forward to: Jorja being a big sister, and having a little playmate. I came from a big family (1 of 7) and I never want Jorja to be alone I want her to always have someone to call her sibling. I just can't wait for the whole experiance!
What are you most nervous/worried about: I am worried about Jorja feeling negected although she is such an independant little so and so! She is always off and wanting to explore. But also I'm worried that I wont bond with my son. I sadly can't upload any pics cause I'm in work! :( I'll add some after work xx
Hi claire :hi:

I think I remember you from Baby Club. Ohhhh the drama of baby club. Excited to go back again? Lol.

Jorja is beautiful. Do you have a name lined up for your little boy? xxx
Hi Jemma, Sadly no, I am having a bit of a problem with his name...he is just 'Squidge' still at the moment. I am still 'detatched' from my bump. I feel like such a horrible person, but there has been alot going on between me and FOB. So I really need to sort myself out and get my head around that I am going to be a single mummy to two beautiful babies :) xx
You'll do wonderfully at it I am sure. If you ever want to talk you can always PM me love.

Fin didn't have a name until he arrived. We'd thought of Fin about 3 days before he arrived but weren't convinced.

I too feel rather detached from the bump at the moment. I think it's not knowing the sex... that's stopping us from planning and buying things as we're already equipped for a boy.

:hugs: xxx
It's horrible :( when I found out I was pregnant with Jorja, I was instantly in love, but I think with all the stuff that has happened, I am just not feeling anything, also, My placenta is on the front so I'm not feeling as much movement as I did with Jorja. I think I'm just going to have to sit and talk to him! xx
Name: Nicky
Age: 27 TOMORROW!!
Relationship status: Married
Occupation: Gave up a Finance job in October to study Law this year :)
Children: Charley, Niamh and Kayci so far....see picture <-----
Due date: 22nd June
Sex of baby: Find out 14/01 hopefully, think BOY!
Age gap between babies: approx 19 months
What are you most looking forward to: hopefully getting my long awaited son! and hopefully my first natural, vaginal birth
What are you most nervous/worried about: how I'm gonna cope with two under 2....having enough space for 4 kids!!
Anything else you'd like to add: :hi:
NAME: Kerrie
CHILDREN: Jake aged 4, Jude aged 13 months!
DUE DATE: 22 June
SEX OF BABY: find out 2nd feb hopefully!! :cloud9:
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? Also cant wait to see them grow together and play, there was a year between me and my siblings and was lovely being so close!

Dreading that i will find it hard to cope with age gap though :wacko: everyone thinks we are mad lol, but still its all exciting! xx
Name: Emma
Age: 26
Relationship status: Married
Occupation: Currently an office manager for my dads cleaning company but will be giving it up in march as childcare costs too much and my wonderful hubby will be the sole income bringer :D
Children: Oliver - 19 months
Due date: 26th April
Sex of baby: Boy :D
Age gap between babies: nearly 23 months
What are you most looking forward to: Oliver being a big brother which i am certian he will be absolutely brilliant at.
What are you most nervous/worried about: how I'm gonna cope with two under husband works away so 3 days of every week ill be alone and i worry about not having enough time to split it between the two boys, dont want Oliver to ever feel left out :(
Anything else you'd like to add:
Welcome Nicky, Kerrie and Emma. :hi:

Lovely to meet you all. How are we all feeling today? xxx
Tired,my DS has had a chest infection and croup all week and last night we let him sleep in his room alone last night for the first time since being poorly (hes hugely better) but he kept wakin up wantin us in there...Hes pretty much better today thankfully but ive woken with a sore throat :( sorry for my moan lol

How r u anyway hunnie xxx
As if you don't know all this stuff already ;)

Name: Lindsay (or Linzatron to the OP :haha: )
Age: 26
Relationship status: Married
Occupation: Stay at home momma, I'm unable to work atm due to severe anxiety but am lucky to have a hubby with a very well-paid job :D
Children: a wee lady, Poppy, who will be 2 on 28/02/12 and is the sweetest, cutest, cleverest, WEIRDEST wee woman you'll ever meet!
Due date: 15th May
Sex of baby: another wee lady! :dance:
Age gap between babies: if she arrives around her due date, it'll be roughly 26.5 months
What are you most looking forward to: Poppy helping me with her little sister, she's got a real caring nuturing streak in her :)
What are you most nervous/worried about: 6 words... HOW THE FUCK WILL I COPE??!!?
Anything else you'd like to add:I have the bestest bump buddy, the OP, the wonderful KittyVentura :D
Hey girls :wave: I remember a lot of you from my pg with Holly! Anyway here's me:

Name: Lisa
Age: 27
Relationsh: married
Occupation: v lucky to be a stay at home mum
Chldren: Holly aged almost 13 months
Due date: 25th may
Sex of baby: wil hopefully find out at our 20 wk scan on Monday!
Age gap: 18 months
Most looking forward to: watching Holly and the new baby interact and the bnd forming between them
Nervous about: how I'll cope with 2 under 2!
Name: Nancy
Age: 23
Relationship status: Engaged
Occupation: Stay at home mum, but also a casual youth worker for disabled children in the holidays!
Children: 1 very sweet, special and brave little boy, William
Due date: 25th May (quite a few of us with this due date lol!)
Sex of baby: Another Boy
Age gap between babies: 28 months
What are you most looking forward to: I'm most looking forward to enjoying the early stages again and seeing William bond with his little brother. I'm looking forward to trying to breastfeed again (didn't manage it at all before) and feeling like my family will be complete :)
What are you most nervous/worried about: I'm worried that this baby may have the same medical conditions as William - Hyperinsulinism (low blood sugars so the opposite of diabetes) and ARPKD (Polycystic kidney disease which will require a kidney transplant in the next year). Both these conditions mean we have spent a lot of time in hospital and have a lot of medication to give. I'd love this baby even if they were the same but it would make things very hard. I just so want a baby who I can take home from hospital within days of birth (Will was transferred to Great Ormond Street for a few weeks shortly after birth). Theres a 1 in 4 chance of these conditions, and so far by the looks of scans this baby looks healthy! So hopefully my worries will be put at ease completely soon.
Anything else you'd like to add:I'm excited! After my good scan on Wednesday I'm finally starting to enjoy this pregnancy! I am moving house soon so will then be able to prepare for the baby! :D x
Name: Ali
Age: 28
Relationship status: Married
Occupation: HR Administrator
Children: One cheeky little 8 month old monkey, Nathaniel (Nat, Natty Noo Noo, Noodlecake...)
Due date: 28th May
Sex of baby: No idea whatsoever, not finding out :nope:
Age gap between babies: 12 months and 3 weeks :dohh:
What are you most looking forward to: Not being pregnant seeing as I'll have spent the best part of 2 years (and all of my married life) pregnant :haha: Nat having a little brother or sister to play with and protect. Seeing that first smile and hearing that first giggle again :happydance:
What are you most nervous/worried about: LABOUR! Totally traumatised after last time and utterly terrified now. If I can get through that then everything else will be a breeze.
Anything else you'd like to add: I can't believe I've been lucky enough a second time to get pregnant so quickly, although 2 in 12 months may be slightly insane I think.
Name: Kirsty
Age: 24
Relationship status: Married
Occupation: Very lucky stay at home mum, supported by my husband. I am also in the middle of setting up my cake decorating business :)
Children: I have a gorgeous but cheeky little minx named Sophie May :)
Due date: 23rd June
Sex of baby: Find out the 27th jan!
Age gap between babies: Expected 27 months is expected gap
What are you most looking forward to: I'm most looking forward to seeing that bond between Sophie and her brother or sister as they grow. I cannot WAIT to see them play together. In terms of the new baby I am most excited to first find out the sex

What are you most nervous/worried about: I worried about Soph feeling left out and also about breastfeeding again - i only managed 2 weeks with soph due to having blood poisioning (sepsis) when she was 3 weeks old :(

heres a pic of my monkey :D


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Name: Roxanne
Age: 26
Relationship status: Engaged
Occupation:Mostly a SAHM, supported by my wonderful oh, but I work around 16 hours in a clothes shop.
Children: Imogen Elizabeth, born 17/10/10
Due date: 8th July (I know I'm slightly early to be in 2nd tri but 1st tri and all its worries and scares wwas getting to me)
Sex of baby: Won't be finding out.
Age gap between babies: 21 months.
What are you most looking forward to: Having two kids grow up together and be close friends.
What are you most nervous/worried about: Erm, absoltley everything! Imogen has pretty much been an angel-breastfed like a trooper for 9 months, sleeps from 7pm to 9am every night and is a mostly well behaved little girl (apart from a few hitting issues at the moment that I'm hoping are just her slightly heavy handed approach to being nice) so I'm convinced that this baby will be the opposite. I'm very scared about sleep-I don't bode well on not a lot of sleep and am so worried about not being able to do the whole nap when they nap thing. Oh and I'm pretty worried about moving the length of the country the month after I give birth-from sunny kent to the not so sunny lake district. Then theres the small case of my wedding 8 months after the birth- don't even get me started on wedding dresses. So yeah, bag of nerves here!
Anything else you'd like to add: I'm honestly not a nutter. Just very excited and very scared!
Some pictures.....
Gorgeous Immie on christmas eve
Baby number 2!
Me and Imogen on mothers day last year.

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