The line turned pink within seconds, I toke a pic when the line was fresh, and this pic was when it had dried.
I'll be buying a clear blue tonight x
:wave: Hello everyone! My husband and I have our first appointment with the RE on Monday, so I wanted to join up. We've had a little testing done already: AMH for me - 1.03 ng/mL, so on the low end and SA for DH - his results are super low, so we feel pretty certain that we will either have to try to get his numbers up or do IVF. We're ready to get the process started! I just started a journal (link in sig) and would love to have you all join me!
Hello everyone,
how are all of you doing?
I just sent in my counsyl test, so we will find out if there are any genetic issues in my or Dh's, DNA.
Just checking in keeping my fingers crosses hoping that everybody's tests are normal and positive.
No updates from me yet, 8 more days 'til the RE induces a cycle and testing begins.