Anyone LTTTC in Australia :) ?

I know I've been harassing my non IVF fall pregnant in a couple of cycles sister all day hahahaha... she gets it to a point and she has been super helpful but you girls on here get it in a different perspective if that makes sense. We know the hurt and the want etc that we all go through first.

I'm just so happy.

I was so thinking Chemical in my head all day. Now I need to woosaaa and know my afternoon wee rocks hahaha
That last test looks great!!! So glad it put your mind at ease! I just did my scan today and I had 11 follies over 11mm (ranging between 12-18) but I have no more info than that :( I don't know what to do? I tried to call but the nurses were on lunch and I got a voice mail when I finished work saying I had to stay on the 300 dose of gonal and keep going with oragalutran (which I did my first dose of today and it hurt sooooo bad lol!) dr sterling wants my final scan to be done in Brisbane this Friday but I don't know what that means? Will my egg pick up be after do you think? I'm starting to feel like I'm left in the dark with all this :(
Hi ladies hope your all well :)

I am currently on my second cycle at life fertility too! And today got bumped up from 150 gonal f to 250! Because I am a super slow responder, and have been swimming for 17 days and only had 2 dominant folicles which 1 was 12mm and the other at 14mm. . But I have about 20 on each ovary due to pcos so hopefully this boost gives then the kick they need!!

Congrats on your BFP wantingb told you this was your cycle :dance:
Can't wait to see more darker tests in the next few days wantingbubba! Positive thoughts :)

Sounds like it is all on track farrar. They must be happy with how you are responding if they are keeping you on the same dosage. Call them tomorrow for more clarification to ease your mind though. :hugs:

Fingers crossed for you miss cassie that the higher dosage will gear up your follies and make some beautiful mature eggs for pick up!
Try not to stress Farrah, they really cant give you an exact time of egg retrieval until they are happy with what your follies are doing. By the sounds of yours you are right on track :D If you have your scan Friday and they are happy I'd say you will trigger Saturday night for egg retrieval on Monday :)

Cant wait to hear how your follies respond on Monday MissCassie :) Fingers crossed x

Jillie, I tested again this morning and its really the same as yesterday afternoon which is ok because it hasn't even been 24 hours... I seem to respond better in the afternoon anyway . That sounds about right doesnt it? Sorry for spam pics but its so scary. See new piccies :)

Farrar, one piece of advice I got for Orgulatran is ice the area before doing it :) made it so much better when actually giving the injection. :) :)
Test looks just as dark :)

I am going nuts at home today. DD still has temps and is super clingy. I can't get anything done. She is just laying in my lap on the couch watching the tv and cracks it if I put her down to play. Got my inlaws arriving Thurs as we are having a bbq Sat for the big 1st birthday. Need to clean. Hope she is well by then!
Fingers crossed it keeps getting darker.... I am not testing today have had way to much water so I am waiting again till tomorrow morning :)

Oh no the poor little thing. Has she just got a flu thing?
I know the feeling all to well of the inlaws coming and wanting to clean. I get paranoid and scrub everything haha just not had to do with a 1 year old around. Has her first year just flown?
Hope she is feeling better soon and you can get some cleaning done!!
The first year has flown. I was looking at photos of her the other day. She is a toddling little girl now but only feels like yesterday I was holding this tiny little baby in my arms for the first time.

I took her to the doctor yesterday and they said it is just teething as her ears, chest and throat are all fine. I think she has a virus though. Dr Google of a virus fits her symptoms lol. Not much I can do apart from keep up nurofen and panadol to control her temp. She will miss daycare tomorrow. Got to work out who will look after her if I get called in to work teaching. Need the money desperately.
Thanks girls - spoke with them today, my scan is Friday and my egg retrieval is Monday so fingers crossed! Wanting - I think that line is darker!!! Which is exciting! Xx
Jillie, did you get AF like cramps after your BFP? Im getting them and its scaring me :(

Good news on your egg collection Farrar!!! Fingers crossed for some nice healthy eggs :)
Yeah I got some cramping. Felt like AF was coming but she didn't.
Good luck for your scan tomorrow Farrar :) and I hope Monday you get some great lil eggs :D will you go local or general for egg collection?
I am at the Dr on Monday to see Glen for a follow up... so I may run into you hehe

Thanks Jillie, the cramps have pretty much gone now... they just wouldn't go away on Tuesday and it started to scare me. Guess it was just my lil "bug" snuggling right in :)
Now they just come and go sometimes.

How is your daughter ...? Hope she is well. Did you end up finding someone to take care of her for you yesterday if you went to work?
Good luck for your scan tomorrow Farrar :) and I hope Monday you get some great lil eggs :D will you go local or general for egg collection?
I am at the Dr on Monday to see Glen for a follow up... so I may run into you hehe

Thanks Jillie, the cramps have pretty much gone now... they just wouldn't go away on Tuesday and it started to scare me. Guess it was just my lil "bug" snuggling right in :)
Now they just come and go sometimes.

How is your daughter ...? Hope she is well. Did you end up finding someone to take care of her for you yesterday if you went to work?

Glad those cramps have gone. I agree, just your bubba making themselves comfortable in there. Have you done any more tests or just waiting for beta?

I got called into work yesterday. Hubby stayed home with her and worked from home. My sister came over for an hour or so in her work break to give him some solid time to remote in on a meeting he had to attend. She is much better today and no fever since lunch yesterday. We sent her to daycare today and will see how she goes. Hope we are all done with sickness for a while now!
Yeah I've done more but the arent really changing.. maybe slightly darker but that is about it. See pic. What do you think for 10dp ? Blood test is tomorrow :)

Glad she is feeling better today and able to go to kindy :) you can get some of your jobs done ready for the weekend.
Its nice when family can help out :D my family all live like central Brisbane and I"m out near Beaudesert so too far to pop over :P
The tests aren't getting lighter so that is good! HCG varies so dramatically from person to person, so you won't know til blood tests and then repeated blood tests which is a painful process of more waiting! Not too long to wait now though!

Hubby's family is 7 hours away and my parents are about 1.5 hours away. My triplet siblings all live here (share a house together) going to uni and working. They are busy most of the time, and not the most comfortable being left alone with a baby. But they pop over and visit often to see their niece and are a good backup if we are desperate for some help.

Most of the jobs are done now! House is cleaned and outside doesn't look like a jungle anymore. Might get a 5 minute rest today sometime before everyone arrives. :thumbup:
Oh awesome wantingbubba!! I'm there at 12:30! I'm hoping for some good follies! Been feeling really full and crampy today so I hope that just means it's working the way it should! Monday can't come quick enough lol although yay for beta day tomorrow for you!!! That's so exciting!! I have thought about that all week for you! Sending lots of good vibes your way! X

Jillie I'm glad your darling girl is on the mend. Its hard to see little ones sick :( how's your little growing bundle doing? X
Hope your follies are behaving Farrar! Looking forward to your update after your scan!

Wantingbubba - finally beta day! Crossing everything that it is all good news.

So glad to have a happy face on my girl again and no more temperatures. She is enjoying having some grandma, grandpa and aunty cuddles and play today. Other family coming tomorrow to help celebrate her first birthday.

Frosty likes bouncing on my bladder heaps. 23 weeks and I am up to the loo 5+ times a night. Was up to 12 times at the end with my daugther!
Hey girlies - I had my scan and I have waaaaay too many follies 20+ right side and 30+ left side!! Going to do egg retrieval Monday and freeze all this cycle. I'm a little sad but at the same time I won't get ohss which is good. Thanks for always being amazing support girls! Bring on Monday!!! When will you know the beta results wantingbubba?? Haha frostie sounds like a little ball of energy!! Xx
That's awesome Farrar.... sounds like you'll get a great amount of eggs. Freeze all is what I did and I think its better as it gives your body time to heal ☺☺

Well jury is in and my beta is 132... fingers cross it doubles on monday ☺

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