Anyone LTTTC in Australia :) ?

Hey MissCassie, I am starting injections on Monday I think if AF starts tomorrow. We are at the same clinic too so would be so cool if we could be bump buddies hehe first timers get the first BFP's together eeeeek
Do you live in Brisbane or are you travelling?

Is it strange that he started me on 200 of Gonal F straight up? My AMH is 52 so high but no hugely high.

My last doctor had be on 50mg of clomid and never did an ultrasound to check on follies etc only did blood tests to confirm ovulation. Does this sound strange to either of you?

Scan next week Jillie :D hopefully you can see what it is !! :happydance:

It would be awesome if we ate hump buddies especially being so close together. I am moving from south brisbane to Upper Coomera this weekend.. can't wait to move. Perfect timing haha.

I'm sure you'll he fine on 200 gonal f :)

I had scans every week when I was on clomid, first cd13 and then once a week after that's for 2 weeks. And never had an ovulation blood test either..
Jillie, good luck and let us know how you go next week :) !

MissCassie, I moved from Gold Coast out to a place near Beaudesert :) I used to live in Burleigh when we lived there. I was originally from Brisbane but moved to the coast when I was in year 12 - I never really liked it and came back :D Hope your move goes well this weekend, try not push yourself too much, you are brewing some lovely follies right now hehe
Fingers crossed it works for us !!
Hi ladies! How are you going? Any updates???

Promised I would update after my appt with our ob. Scan was great. Bub was active, (which I can actually feel now too as of this week!). Heart rate of 150 (textbook!), I am measuring on track for 17 weeks and blood pressure good. So all is going as well as it can be for now :happydance:

We asked if we could find out gender. Our ob happily went and had a look for us. Bub was in a funny position but dr is 90% sure that we are having a... boy! I started crying. So overwhelmed that it was all looking good and very surprised as I was convinced it was another girl. We will hopefully have it confirmed at our 20 weeks scan on the 10th July, so we are waiting til then to tell everyone (family, friends, etc)... so you ladies are the first to know!
Woohoo that's awesome Jillie, you will have one of each now :) perfect ending to your journey. Congratulations. I'm glad everything is going along nicely.
Thanks for stopping into let me know !! '
How are you lovely ladies going with your IVF cycles? Any updates? Been thinking of you and wondering how you are going.

I just got back from a week away with my mum and sisters down to Montville and Brisbane to visit some family. Definitely cooler down there compared to my central qld.
Hey Jillie, :)

I had my egg collection on friday and I only got 3 eggs out of 5 follicles and all have fertilised, which i am pretty damn excited about !! i will get an update tomorrow as to how they are going hopefully they are all behaving and will make it to 5 day blast.

Your weekend sounds lovely, it's been a nice and warm weekend down here on the gold coast too.

Happy 18 weeks BTW!
Hey Jillie, :)

I had my egg collection on friday and I only got 3 eggs out of 5 follicles and all have fertilised, which i am pretty damn excited about !! i will get an update tomorrow as to how they are going hopefully they are all behaving and will make it to 5 day blast.

Your weekend sounds lovely, it's been a nice and warm weekend down here on the gold coast too.

Happy 18 weeks BTW!

Thank you. Next Friday is our 20wk scan. Hopefully time will go fast til then. Definitely feeling preggo now. Tummy getting bigger and feeling more and more movements.

That is wonderful news about your egg pick up. Sounds like you made good quality eggs and now embryos. My first round we only got 4 eggs out of 20+ follicles but all fertilised and made it to day 5 so hopefully all yours will too! Keep me posted. :)
Thanks Jillie, I ended up with 8 eggs out of 23 follicles, I think I triggered too early because some were just undersized and I think they thought they'd grow in time for pick up.... but am still so happy and excited I actually had some eggs in there hehe.
6 have fertilised normally (1 of my eggs looked abnormal and 1 didn't work). Hubby is so stoked that we can fertilise together, that was one of our biggest fears as we are unexplained with not one pregnancy ever.
Your story of getting 4 eggs retrieved and making it to day 5 gives me hope. What an awesome result for you. So you still have 2 left?

I'm sooo nervous about them making it to freeze, its all my husband and I are talking about hahaha its so nerve racking.

I've decided to wait for my phone call from the clinic on Thursday to see who made it to freeze... BUT in saying that I may cave and call on Tuesday.

Cant beleive you are nearly 20 weeks, I remeber talking to you ages ago before you had stared. Time flies. Hopefully I'm pregnant soon too :D

MissCassie, are you taking Progynova leading up to your FET?
Thanks Jillie, I ended up with 8 eggs out of 23 follicles, I think I triggered too early because some were just undersized and I think they thought they'd grow in time for pick up.... but am still so happy and excited I actually had some eggs in there hehe.
6 have fertilised normally (1 of my eggs looked abnormal and 1 didn't work). Hubby is so stoked that we can fertilise together, that was one of our biggest fears as we are unexplained with not one pregnancy ever.
Your story of getting 4 eggs retrieved and making it to day 5 gives me hope. What an awesome result for you. So you still have 2 left?

I'm sooo nervous about them making it to freeze, its all my husband and I are talking about hahaha its so nerve racking.

I've decided to wait for my phone call from the clinic on Thursday to see who made it to freeze... BUT in saying that I may cave and call on Tuesday.

Cant beleive you are nearly 20 weeks, I remeber talking to you ages ago before you had stared. Time flies. Hopefully I'm pregnant soon too :D

MissCassie, are you taking Progynova leading up to your FET?

Oh that is great! FETs are a lot easier on the body and have great success rates. For us, 100%! Hopefully you ladies have buns in the oven ASAP!

We have 3 frosties left. We decided after we had a BFN after our first srim cycle and fresh transfer to try and bank extra frosties for future babies as there is never a guarantee with embryos surviving thaw and we knew we wanted 2 babies at least if we could. So we did another stim cycle. In the end after all our transfers and FETs, our daughter is from our first cycle and 'frosty' is from our second.

Down the track we are looking at donating our remaining frosties to other couples. We don't like the idea of just getting rid of them. If they can be used to complete other people's families that is a much nicer option for us.
Jillie how did your scan go? Did they 100% confirm its a boy now :) it must all be so exciting. Half way though now woohooo

I have my scan on Monday to check my lining ready for transfer. I'm so excited I cant sit still and time is moving in slow motion for me atm. :coffee:

Can you remember what day of your cycle that you had your transfer? I will be day 12 on Monday so wondering what day I might transfer.
Not long left to wait now for you! Hope your lining scan goes well. I had my transfer on CD17 looking back on my calendar. I had my scan on CD12 and then had 5 days on the progesterone before transfer to mimic ovulation timing as we had a day 5 frozen blast put in.

Scan went really well today. Bub is definitely still a boy! Lady who did the scan went there first for a look and the image was quite convincing. Bub is measuring on track, all looked healthy and weights approx 350g. We get the full results from our OBGYN on Tuesday then will let all our friends know we are baking a boy this time.
Right, that makes sense. So I probably will do the same then, so transfer may be a bit later on then I thought (all so new to me) :) I wont start Progesterone until after my scan on Monday when they will let me know. I'm so excited. (not for the Crinone hahaha)

Thats good the scan went well, I thought it was today. I feel kinda special knowing its a boy before anyone then haha !You are so lucky to get one of each one after the other. Will this be your last scan now until pretty much full term? My sister is currently pregnant and her last scan was at 18-20 weeks (cant remember exactly) and apparently after that they just use the doppler thing for a heart beat and that's it from then on for her. (this is her 3rd baby).

Well I'm glad everything seems to be humming along nicely for you.
Keep me updated along the way :) I'll let you know how I go with transfer when it comes around... :D
Oh and I only ended up with 2 frosties. I had 5 moralas looking good at day 4 and then all of a sudden only had 2 good enough to freeze. Its funny how the IVF journey can change so quickly.
Apparently my clinic are fussy with what they freeze though. The Scientist I spoke to said I had 4 make it to Blast but only 2 were good enough to freeze, the other 2 looked funny. Does this sound like the normal thing to do?
Yeah in our first cycle one of ours wasn't suitable for freeze even though it made it to day 5. I trust them though, they are the experts and ultimately you want healthy embryos put back in.

I don't think it matters too much on what cycle day your transfer is. Lateron just gives more time for lining to thicken up nicely.

Will you be on crinone twice a day? It was so expensive we opted for it in the morning and the cheaper pessaries at night as I just popped it in and went to bed as they are messy. Crinone is definitely a lot nicer!

Next scan will be Tuesday with my obstetrician. (Every appt with him we get a scan to see baby and check heartrate). Then big growth scans again at 28 weeks, 3D scan at 29 weeks (we are opting for that), 32 and 36 weeks. So just a few more!

I will definitely keep you updated. I look forward to your updates too!
I'm officially PUPO as of about 1:45 yesterday woohoooo
It was a hatching blast hehe all by itself it didnt need any assistance :)

I'm so over the moon :) fingers crossed this is it.

How are you feeling? Last scan confirmed definitely a boy now?

I'm officially PUPO as of about 1:45 yesterday woohoooo
It was a hatching blast hehe all by itself it didnt need any assistance :)

I'm so over the moon :) fingers crossed this is it.

How are you feeling? Last scan confirmed definitely a boy now?


YAY for being PUPO! :happydance: Sounds like a strong embryo they put back in. :thumbup: Crossing everything for you. :hugs:

I am doing a lot better than I was last week. We had our ob appt on the Tuesday to get results of our big anatomy scan. No abnormalities detected!!! :happydance: So our BOY is looking nice and healthy and measuring right where he needs to be for now.

Later in the week it all went downhill... DD got sent home early from daycare Wed with doing 3 poo explosions in a few hours, so she was unsettled. (She is currently teething too!). I woke up in the wee hours of Thursday morning with a vomiting bug. I was vomiting every 15 minutes. By 9am it was blood. So I rang my ob who ordered me straight up to the hospital. I was already so dehydrated from not being able to tolerate any fluids that it took 5 goes to get a canula in. My arms are now covered in bruises. I stayed in hospital all Thursday and Friday, had many bags of fluid pumped into me and lots of anti nausea meds. Came home Friday afternoon after getting the ok from dr and then Saturday morning hubby came down with it. :dohh: He was off work yesterday but we all seem to be back to normal today that goodness. House looks like a bomb has hit!!!
Hey girls,

Hope you don't mind me joining in, I could use the support! My husband and I have been trying for years and have taken the plunge to ivf! Started my meds 2 days ago. I'm on 300iu gonal and injections are going smoothly. We are using a clinic in Brisbane but we live in Gladstone so it's not been easy getting started! I have my first scan Monday and I am so nervous. Hopefully everything is on track for egg collection 3/8 but I am really nervous. I have no idea what to expect :shrug:

Looking forward to hearing your success stories :flower: xx
Hey girls,

Hope you don't mind me joining in, I could use the support! My husband and I have been trying for years and have taken the plunge to ivf! Started my meds 2 days ago. I'm on 300iu gonal and injections are going smoothly. We are using a clinic in Brisbane but we live in Gladstone so it's not been easy getting started! I have my first scan Monday and I am so nervous. Hopefully everything is on track for egg collection 3/8 but I am really nervous. I have no idea what to expect :shrug:

Looking forward to hearing your success stories :flower: xx

Welcome! You aren't far away from me. I am in Rockhampton. Hope you are going well so far on your stims. I never had any side effects on them. Just take it easy after egg pick up. First cycle is always the scariest but you will be fine! :hugs:
Hi jillie - not far at all. We often come to Rocky for shopping because Gladstone has nothing lol I am so nervous! It's crazy. I am normally very cool calm and collected but this is bringing out a side in me I didn't know existed! Might be the level of meds im on too though. first scan is on Monday so I'll know more then. I have organized to stay with my cousin in Brisbane for the pickup and transfer so I'm glad about that! How's your little boy going?? X
Hi jillie - not far at all. We often come to Rocky for shopping because Gladstone has nothing lol I am so nervous! It's crazy. I am normally very cool calm and collected but this is bringing out a side in me I didn't know existed! Might be the level of meds im on too though. first scan is on Monday so I'll know more then. I have organized to stay with my cousin in Brisbane for the pickup and transfer so I'm glad about that! How's your little boy going?? X

Good to hear you have accommodation sorted. One less stress for you. We did all our cycles here in Rocky so it was one less thing to have to organise. Time off work was hard to sort. Which clinic/dr are you with in Brissy? Do you go to Brisbane for scan?

Frosty is kicking away as I type. He likes to use my bladder as a trampoline already. Still got morning sickness. Almost vomited while teaching the other day. Not very pleasent. My daughter however has been fighting a temp all day. Not herself at all. Early to bed for us all tonight!

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