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Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Fisher's right, you said it absolutely fine - there was just a tiny bit of space
for a double meaning and I liked the thought of owl being your first language :lol:
I blame my dad for my pedantic sense of humour.

Hi and welcome Sticky Beans - please don't worry about ranting in here; we all do it! Even though close friends and family know I'm ttc, there's still only so much they can take. Actually, it's probably more a case of how much ranting at them I can take. So here is the perfect place for it. We've all been trying for ages, and we're all facing the same dread fear: maybe this won't happen for me - ever.
All of this gives a lot to bottle up, so having a safe place to vent is hugely important. Oh, and to have a laugh while we're at it is good too :)

fingers crossed wannabe - I'll not go look in the gallery as I'm notoriously bad at seeing the faint ones so my opinion won't be a huge amount of use to you ... I'll send you positive vibes instead xx

AFM AF is taking her sweet time getting going. I used to always start in full flood but these days I seem to get 2/3 days of just nasty spotting first...
And I have a sneaking suspicion it's age (and Big M) related.

Today I have the house to myself and what pampering indulgent thing have I selected to reward myself with? Another day of plastering :)
Yesterday me and Mr Urch plastered the bathroom ceiling, today he's gone out with a friend and I'm going to do a wall (or two if I have the energy!)

We have someone coming to disconnect the plumbing next Friday - it's all over two walls - like something out of a Dr Seus book. Then Saturday we will plaster the remaining walls and Sunday everything will be reconnected and a new toilet put in.

It's going to mean we will be without water for a weekend - not looking forward to that at all!
Wannabe contests my darling :dance: defo positive!

Urchin you do make me chuckle! Hope the plastering goes well and that being without water isn't too bad. Don't worry about the sudden bouts of spotting being M related, I have had periods where it has helped for seven in a row, gone back to normal and happened again :wacko: in fact this cycle I have pretty much just been spotting for seven days which is completely unheard of for me! Aren't the mysteries of the body a right royal pain in the butt??
Anyway AF due tomorrow but I couldn't wait any longer so went to do a hpt and got my :bfp: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I can't believe it. It's still not really sunk in yet.

:dust: to all you ladies for helping me through this and I genuinly hope to see some more soon.


Crikey you don't log on for a couple of days and so much happens!!

Firstly congrats Midget em that's really wonderful news and fingers crossed you've made this thread a lucky one!

Sorry to all you lovely ladies here who've suffered the :witch: again this month and welcome to the newbies...

as i wasn't temping this month i'm not entirely sure but i'm at some point in my tww.

We had our fertility appt on Thursday which we came out with some news that has left me in shock. Firstly all my results came back normal :thumbup: and DH's SA results were pointing towards being normal as well, so we are basically in the unexplained infertility boat :cry: which made me start to cry as under our PCT in the NHS we wouldn't be eligable for any help until we had been trying for 3 years (and we've only really been trying for about 2) anyway that made me :cry: some more, but my DH's second SA the count was lower than what the average is, so they have said that they'll put us through for funding for IVF. So i'm in total shock, as we're borderline I think there is still a chance that we will be rejected but it suddenly feels like things are moving very quickly. I thought they would at least try us with Clomid or something before we'd get to IVF.

Don't get me wrong i'm very happy but i'm trying to not get too excited just incase it actually doesn't happen.

Oh and i recommend Bump and Grind by Genevieve Morton, just finished reading it, (bought it off Amazon) i found it really helped me this month not to obsess so much about things. Def worth a read ladies.

Hope your all having a lovely Sunday x
Hi ladies mind if I join this thread?
Me & my other half have been 'officially' trying for 3 years although been off B/c for loads longer, had dye test - all clear which actually makes me more frustrated as what's the problem if that's all good?!!
Diagnosed with PCOS.
Cd2 today so started taking my 1st tablets of my 4th round of clomid 100mg which is making me turn into some loney! This is on top of the headaches the insomnia and the need to be a Constant bitch!
Last month my bloods came back positive for the 1st time (yay!) but was doing opk's which were negative every day so didn't make the most of the month which really peed me off! Feel like I wasted a whole month.
Sorry to come on and rant a bit, not told anyone we've been trying so I have quite a bit bottled up at the moment & I think it's all starting to spill out!

Any ways it would be good to be part of a group with people in similar circumstances.


Anyway AF due tomorrow but I couldn't wait any longer so went to do a hpt and got my :bfp: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I can't believe it. It's still not really sunk in yet.

:dust: to all you ladies for helping me through this and I genuinly hope to see some more soon.


Crikey you don't log on for a couple of days and so much happens!!

Firstly congrats Midget em that's really wonderful news and fingers crossed you've made this thread a lucky one!

Sorry to all you lovely ladies where who've suffered the :witch: again this month and welcome to the newbies...

as i wasn't temping this month i'm not entirely sure but i'm at some point in my tww.

We had our fertility appt on Thursday which we came out with some news that has left me in shock. Firstly all my results came back normal :thumbup: and DH's SA results were pointing towards being normal as well, so we are basically in the unexplained infertility boat :cry: which made me start to cry as under our PCT in the NHS we wouldn't be eligable for any help until we had been trying for 3 years (and we've only really been trying for about 2) anyway that made me :cry: some more, but my DH's second SA the count was lower than what the average is, so they have said that they'll put us through for funding for IVF. So i'm in total shock, as we're borderline I think there is still a chance that we will be rejected but it suddenly feels like things are moving very quickly. I thought they would at least try us with Clomid or something before we'd get to IVF.

Don't get me wrong i'm very happy but i'm trying to not get too excited just incase it actually doesn't happen.

Oh and i recommend Bump and Grind by Genevieve Morton, just finished reading it, (bought it off Amazon) i found it really helped me this month not to obsess so much about things. Def worth a read ladies.

Hope your all having a lovely Sunday x

Good luck with getting approved for IVF.:hugs:.I hope you can get some assistance to help with making your dreams come true sooner than later....:hugs:

Wow Newbies and looks like another BFP wannabeprego, This is a lucky thread can't believe it f'x's for lots more.
Hope you have all had a fantabulous w/end Internet Angels? :) xx
Thank you to you ladies for looking at my HPT's... :flower: I really do hope that this is finally it and this is my month, But I am feeling pretty skeptical still since I am not sure I can trust the IC's and since it is still early, AF isnt late yet and I have been fooled by HPT's in the past so I am having a hard time believing the tests.....:wacko::wacko: So please wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed me.....:winkwink:
:dohh: Stupid itouch updated congrats to contests earlier?!?! So sorry wannabe it was supposed to be congrats on the :bfp: xxx

Pinkfee I really hope that you get that funding darling :hugs: Will definitely buy the book as could do with a distraction :lol:
It amazes me that some of you can get IVF paid for in your countries! Im sooooo jealous. If my husband and I are unable to concieve, and need IVF, it will cost, literally, tens of thousands of dollars, and there is no way we can do that! :( I cant even see a FS for free. That would be hundreds. We are so stuck!!!
It amazes me that some of you can get IVF paid for in your countries! Im sooooo jealous. If my husband and I are unable to concieve, and need IVF, it will cost, literally, tens of thousands of dollars, and there is no way we can do that! :( I cant even see a FS for free. That would be hundreds. We are so stuck!!!

Soooo, true...Here in the States we dont get anything paid for fertility related..You have to have health insurance that will cover infertility which costs an arm and a leg or alot of $$ to spend on it, for the rich even!!! I am sooooo jealous of you girls in the UK, IVF without insurance costs anywhere between 10k to 30k..... I read where the UK girls only have to pay admin fees for adoption where here in the states to adopt a new born baby it costs like 20 to 30k... I know it sucks that you guys have long waiting lists in the UK for fertilty treatments, but in the states we dont have any waiting list at all.. Either you have alot of $$ to pay for it or very expensive and good health insurance or else your fertility options are pretty limited to almost nothing...it sucks to be honest....:growlmad:
Sorry for the rant, I am happy that you girls have these options in the UK..But man it made me realize that the United States health care system is not that great...I literally joked with DH about moving to the UK to try to take advantage of the free fertility care...:wacko:
I know ladies. But our NHS system works this way as everyone who works pays into it, its like a tax, so the way I like to think about it is, as me and my husband have never really been ill, this is us finally taking our cut!

I must admit over here we don't really think about it but if we weren't getting it on the NHS me and my husband wouldn't be able to afford to do IVF and what with the mortgage and everything else to pay it would take us years to save up to even do 1 cycle. I was looking at the prices for going private and well it just wouldn't be an option for us. So I do realise how fortunate we are...

I really hope you lovely ladies in the US don't have to spend too much money to get your BFP's

and fx wannebepreggo your HPT's aren't lying to you and you are pregnant this month!

Pinkfree is right, we don't get the option to pay into our health scheme, it is a legal obligation. So for the people that never actually require medical care I guess it kind of sucks and the NHS are very strict with who they will allow treatment to be carried out on and because we have 'free' healthcare insurance is astronomical. That said I still can't believe that in such a civilised country as the US you don't have a similar structure to the NHS, it seems to penalise those on the lower income scale. I know that you have free clinics but aren't they supposed to be just for immediate or medical care? xxx
I have to agree, the US healthcare system sucks. We do have to pay a lot just to find out if there is a problem with us conceiving. A simple HSG here in southern Virginia is $900, blood tests can costs anywhere from $40 to over $100. Standard IVF is about $20,000 and IUI isn't cheap either. I'm happy to have health insurance, but the problem is we still pay alot out of pocket just to be looked after. A simple surgery can still cost us thousands. On the upside, as its been said, we don't have to wait any longer than about a month for anything.
Pinkfree is right, we don't get the option to pay into our health scheme, it is a legal obligation. So for the people that never actually require medical care I guess it kind of sucks and the NHS are very strict with who they will allow treatment to be carried out on and because we have 'free' healthcare insurance is astronomical. That said I still can't believe that in such a civilised country as the US you don't have a similar structure to the NHS, it seems to penalise those on the lower income scale. I know that you have free clinics but aren't they supposed to be just for immediate or medical care? xxx

Yes Feisty free clinics are basically for "preventive maintenance" and routine stuff, like pap smears and such. They are great for people with low incomes or no health insurance at all. We do have programs in the states for people with really low incomes to be able to even get surgeries for free if needed, but nothing elective, such as fertility treatments, would ever be covered. Infertlity is not life threatening, therefore not covered. Little do the professionals know what infertility does to our emotional freaking well-being!!!

:hugs::hugs::hugs:to all of my fellow LTTTC'ers from both sides of the water!!!
Thanks for the welcome,

Wannabeprego fingers crossed for you!

NHS does have good points to it but on the other hand you have to wait sooooo long for appointments, I had to wait over 3 months just to get the results of my dye test, and it took even longer to actually get refered to the specialist!
A few of my friends get healthcare with work - I would love to go private!

Back to work tomorrow, love my job but find myself day dreaming more & more lately and wishing the days/ months away til I get my BFP!

Sadly for me there is no IVF on the NHS ... As I'm over 40 I fall outside of the criteria and have to pay everything myself - which is £5,000 per cycle (not sure what that is in dollars). It has taken us over a year to top up our small amount of savings to that level and if it doesn't work we have to save all over again.
Another thing that would mean you wouldn't get funding is if either partner already has a child and although the guidelines say couples should get 3 goes, most PCTs only fund one cycle.
Other people have already mentioned the waiting lists,
so I'll not go there!
So although the NHS is a good system, it does have it's drawbacks.

It does amaze me though that the American public doesn't seem to want an NHS ... Ours isn't perfect, but it's a whole lot better than giving only basic health care to those who can't afford to pay.

FF - I did wonder what you were talking about ... Makes much more
sense without autocorrect :)

Pinkfee - good to see you! I really hope you get accepted
for funding ... One of us should get our money's worth
And for some reason I'm awake at four-o-blummin clock in the morning - I'm gonna be so very tired in the morning... Just been to the bathroom though and admired my freshly plastered wall - it's looking fab if I say so myself! The mate who plastered
our sitting room gave me 8/10 for it :D
Hey, thought I would join the thread as I am also trying ttc #1 with my husband at the moment.

Been a long and dragged out process so far, but we're finally on the Clomid.

Here's to a lot of BFP's! :)
hello to everyone and welcome to those who've joined this lovely thread! :flower:

wannabe, that looks like a nice BFP line! Fx..

Djibou and urchin, you just made my day about speaking owl, thanks dears, I had a good laugh :haha:

Feisty, how was the party?

pinkfee, i'm sorry to hear that you have to wait for another 3 years to be covered by NHS but on the positive light, you and DH have normal results which means your BFP could be just lurking around the corner anytime soon! ;) For my case it was very frustrating pretending to think it could happen for us naturally when we knew that my DH had low counts and we were even turned down to do IUI and was referred straight to IVF ](*,)

As for me, I am still on the 2ww. My official testing date is on 6 Oct. For now, I am keeping myself busy with shoving 2 progesterone capsules three times a day up into my V! :bodyb:

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