Anyone LTTTC Number One?

So true Urchin!!

I'm off to my SIL's wedding :) I'm a bridesmaid, so I have a long day ahead of me, but I know it's gonna be a great one. Except that it's rainy and cold here...

Have a great saturday everyone :coffee:
have fun Dij - it's blue skies and sunshine here, I'll send a little your way!

you'll all be delighted to know that we are back to weeing in a bucket this weekend :lol:
I've put the first coat of sealant on the bathroom floor and it's 12 hours before it's dry enough to walk on (or ready for the second coat)
So at 10 o'clock tonight I will be on my hands and knees again - just hoping I don't need to give it a third coat :(
Urchin you do make me laugh!

I've just been to watch my DH jump out of a plane! I bought him a tandem parachute for his bday back in June but the weather was naff so went today, it's been lovely blue skies all day - I've even caught the sun a bit! In October!!!!

Hope you are all having lovely wkends! I have a crazy night planned tonight - strictly & x factor! I know how to live on the wild side! Lol!

So now I am obsessing over what the lump could be on the right side of my uterus on my HSG X-ray pics (the triangle black shape is the inside of my uterus and the white bump shape on the right side is what I am talking about)

Of course the thought has crossed my mind that it could be a baby in there and I started a thread to ask girls if i could see their 5 week scan pics in the First Tri section and for opinions on what they think the bump thing could be in my uterus...I did a pregnancy test this morning, and I got a second line on 2 IC's and a faint line on an Answer test, than after I ate breakfast I almost threw up and was over the toilet dry heaving...

here is a link to the thread, any thoughts would be appreciated about what the hell is going on with me...

I also know it could be a fibroid or a long list of other stuff..:wacko::shrug:
So true Urchin!!

I'm off to my SIL's wedding :) I'm a bridesmaid, so I have a long day ahead of me, but I know it's gonna be a great one. Except that it's rainy and cold here...

Have a great saturday everyone :coffee:

That sounds nice..I hope you have a wonderful time. Congrats to your SIL on her marriage!!!:flower:
Urchin you do make me laugh!

I've just been to watch my DH jump out of a plane! I bought him a tandem parachute for his bday back in June but the weather was naff so went today, it's been lovely blue skies all day - I've even caught the sun a bit! In October!!!!

Hope you are all having lovely wkends! I have a crazy night planned tonight - strictly & x factor! I know how to live on the wild side! Lol!


Wow, thats pretty cool that he jumped out of a plane!!!:thumbup: I am to scared to do anything like that.....:blush:

Have a great afternoon and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend hun...:thumbup:
Feisty I believe it was u who asked about the softcups? I'm on my phone so I can't scroll back... Probably should wait til my 2ww is over to give a real answer :haha: I hid the answer because of TMI if that bothers anyone...

This was the first time and I like them - at least in theory. I ordered them off amazon and they weren't too expensive. I don't think I would ever use them for AF. They are arrived during AF so I thought I'd try just to see how it worked (since its easier to tell if they're leaking if theyre leaking red I figured. It seemed to make my cramps worse and seemed difficult to get in they're kind of held in my suction so when I took it out I sprayed blood all over myself. Def a fail for AF. Much to my surprise after :sex: they slid right in and seemed to vanish! You can look up pictures online but they kind of resemble a diaphragm shape and you pinch it to make it thin and tampon shaped and slide it in while you're laying down after :sex: you kind of point them down so they 'scoop up' whatever is in there' and then they kind of just fit around your cervix so theoretically speaking you've scooped up all the :spermy: and smushed them up onto your cervix. I didn't have any leakage. I looked online about laying down after putting it in like you generally do but couldn't find anything. So it was nice cause I could get up after and pee (wee!) or shower or whatever and just take the :spermy: with you. They can stay in for 12 hours according to the packaging so I just put one in, went about my business, went to sleep, and took it out in the morning. Def not as messy as during AF and there was a little cloudy pool in there each morning... So I can only assume... And sure it 'only takes one' and. You 'don't need to worry about it leaking out. Because the good ones are already headed towards the egg when you get up' .... But listen. We've been trying THAT theory for 2 years --- it's time to get more than one in there in my opinion. So. Stand by. Well see how it worked. But I'll use them again next month I'm sure.

I typed all that on my phone so excuse all the typos
Ok, so one of the girls on the other threads asked me to do an OPK and I did just now for the hell of it...and Holy ShIT, it is positive 100%, I am only on CD 11 based on what I thought was my period and I have never ovulated on CD 11, I usually ovulate on CD 14 or 15 and even one time as late as CD 20..But never in the 2 years that I have been tracking my period did I ever ovulate on CD 11....This is nuts...I dont know what the hell to think of it???

Here is the OPK....Any thoughts on what the heck this is girls, Could i be pregnant????

The first pic of the OPK was taken immediatly after dipping it into my urine and I looked at it a few minutes later and just as I thought the test line is darker than the control line... Wow, how odd... I even showed DH and he thinks it is weird... I always show him my OPK's to let him know when I am ovulating, so he knows all about it....LOL
Morning all :)
sorry wannabe I have no idea! Fingers crossed it means something good though xx

i could never do a parachute jump - I wouldn't be able to push myself out of the plane... Every fibre of my body would be screaming 'don't juuuuuump!' I'd be the pillock still pressed against the side of the plane, as far away from the open bit as possible, when it landed. See, open bit; that's the problem - planes have no business having open bits!

Looks like I have another day ahead with the bucket - just been downstairs and the bathroom floor definitely needs another coat. My plan is to have a bath first ( no way I can go 2 days without one) but not do any splashy splashy . Then give the floor an hour for any moisture to evaporate - and put a final coat on.

Then Im not sure what to do with the rest of my day. I could go up the lotty and dig up my fruit bushes... I came to a sad decision yesterday: I'm going to give up my allotment.
I'm hoping to be moving house next summer, around 50 miles away, which is much too far to travel to dig up spuds. It doesn't seem to make much sense to do all the hard work putting the lotty to bed for the winter, planting in spring if I am going to move before harvest. And also, my free weekends are going to be spent on the house for the next few months......still, I am very sad about it :(
Wannabe I think you best get busy!!!! My OPK were positive days earlier than expected as well.
wannabeprego - just been reading the other thread you posted in here and boy oh boy it sounds like you're going through a real rollercoaster of emotions currently. I would of thought that if the dye test showed a lump (matched with your current + opk's and hpts) then they may have said there and then "er you are still pregnant" - it just doesn't add up and confuses me they didn't suggest this.

Defo take all your HPT's to the appointment tomorrow, thats if you're still going :)
Wannabe, you need a blood test hun.

I have never had a HSG and not sure of the procedure but do they not ask if you could be pregnant? Judging by your false positives last cycle you would be almost 6 weeks along now and I would imagine that they would have been able to see the sac an any ultrasound scan that they did :shrug: You need some answers hun as even low levels of radiation (I presumed that is what a HSG uses) can cause problems this early on. I really hope that you get some answers soon :hugs:

Urchin thank you for the hilarity you peeing in a bucket all weekend has brought me ;) So sorry you are going to have to give up your allotment :( I would love to have one as we have no out door space and I love growing fruit and vegetables but allotments around our area have a 10 year waiting list and a lot of people illegally 'keep' it in the family :shrug: I did have a balcony vege patch last year that was awesome but we got infested with moth caterpillar and there wasn't the room to spray it all down so it all had to go :cry:

Well the spotting lasted Friday and all of yesterday but very minimal, had a bright red patch yesterday night before bed and I thought 'woot this is it!' Nope, it has now buggered off to one splotch this morning and now just spotting again :wacko: was a bit worried as I did a heavy workout at the gym yesterday and I had odd pains in the baby factory vicinity (didn't feel period related) so addmittedly the thought of being pregnant and causing some damage whilst working out did cross my mind. I am getting bloody peed off with this whole odd :witch: saga, this is the second time in the row I haven't had a 'proper' period! Not too sure what could be the cause and my GP is not exactly all that interested in researching my fertility so it seems pointless asking :wacko:

I have my scan this Thursday so I guess if anything glaringly obvious is wrong they will pick it up!

Fisher thank you so much for the soft cup info hun :flower: Defo agree with you about the not just taking one theory ;) I think I will try them this cycle!
Thank you for the well wishes and the feed back girls.:hugs:..You are all so wonderful and supportive!!! :flower:

@Urchin, Good luck with the continuing of the bathroom remodel, Hopefully you wont be weeing in your bucket much longer. I am sorry about your garden...

@Fiesty, Sorry that your AF's have been so crazy lately. I hope that they get back to being regular soon. If your regular DR isnt helping you with your concerns could you go see an infertility specialist instead? I know some girls take medications that help them have more regular periods?? Good luck to you hun...:hugs:

I would of been about 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant based on the date of my previous period and when the HSG took place. I was reading stories where the girls had scans done and the DR didnt see anything at all yet, most of them said they couldnt see anything until after they were 6 weeks or more along, so I suspect that if the DR is assuming that I am not pregnant than she would just assume it was something else, I have read many times where the DR's cant tell what is going on in the early days, so who knows....:shrug:

@Tanzibar, thank you for the kind words, I really wish they did do an HCG blood test before the HSG, I know one girl on the thread said it was mandatory that she got one before they would even do the HSG. I am nervous about possible damage that could happen if I am indeed pregnant, and I am also on antibiotics which arent safe for a pregnant women either due to the HSG as a percaution to prevent infection. :wacko: So in a way I am almost hoping I am not pregnant so i wont have to be worrying about potential damage that could of been caused.

@Fisher, thanks for the suggestion, i have considered that I might be ovulating early, as weird as it would be, it very well couldbe the case.

I did an OPK this morning and it still looks positive and I have been having mega cramping on my lower right side so I am wondering if I am ovulating super early this month?? Maybe the HSG is making me ovulate early, or maybe the antibiotics are affecting my OPK's??? Well if I am ovulating early than I did have :sex: with DH on Friday and Saturday so I would of covered my bases and i think i will have :sex: tonight as well. I should be able to tell if I am ovulating because eventually my OPK's would go to negative if I am... i usually get about 3 days of positive OPK's before they go negative, so i am thinking like tomorrow or Tuesday they should go negative and it would help me figure out what could possibly be going on.

But, if the OPK's stay positive than something has to be up???

Here is todays OPK, I think it still looks positive....
@wannabe...when was the most recent pregnancy test? I would recommend one of those as well if you have some ICs floating around!
:spermy:Hi ladies!

The wedding was great, we managed to get some great pictures in between showers (thanks urchin!! :thumbup:). I'm pretty tired because we went to bed so late, but we had a blast :dance:

Feisty, I hope you get some answers soon, and maybe our next :bfp: ?? I sure hope so!

I've had the same experience as you Fisher with the softcups. There is a pharmacy that sells them in the town where I work. They seem to get the job done. It took me a few times to figure out the best timing to put them in.
I have to wait a few minutes after :sex:, because if I do it too soon, the cup doesn't cover my cervix and is useless. If I wait too long I get the usual mess and waste perfectly good :spermy: (sorry TMI, but I would have like to know that ahead of time so maybe it can help someone!!

Good luck everyone! xx
@wannabe...when was the most recent pregnancy test? I would recommend one of those as well if you have some ICs floating around!

I did a pregnancy test yesterday and posted it in the other thread, I had 2 positive IC's and a faint second line on an Answer brand test, that I have posted in First Tri thread I have going asking about what the X-ray may show on the uterus. I didnt do an HPT today, but I will probably do one just to check on everything in a few days. I will be sure to update you lovely ladies if I do though...:winkwink:

AFM, I have been doing some research to find out if anyone was indeed pregnant and they did an HSG without knowing they were pregnant, and apparently it is possible, even though it is unusual.

Here is an article i found on it.... Pretty crazy but interesting stuff...:wacko: They discuss 3 different cases where it happened and the outcomes....
:spermy:Hi ladies!

The wedding was great, we managed to get some great pictures in between showers (thanks urchin!! :thumbup:). I'm pretty tired because we went to bed so late, but we had a blast :dance:

Feisty, I hope you get some answers soon, and maybe our next :bfp: ?? I sure hope so!

I've had the same experience as you Fisher with the softcups. There is a pharmacy that sells them in the town where I work. They seem to get the job done. It took me a few times to figure out the best timing to put them in.
I have to wait a few minutes after :sex:, because if I do it too soon, the cup doesn't cover my cervix and is useless. If I wait too long I get the usual mess and waste perfectly good :spermy: (sorry TMI, but I would have like to know that ahead of time so maybe it can help someone!!

Good luck everyone! xx

I am so glad that you had such a wonderful time!!! I just love weddings!!! Congrats again to the bride and groom!!:thumbup:
Called about my blood test results and OH's SA sample on Friday. We were told they were okay and that the doctor didn't think there was any action needed.

Now we have to wait until 8th November to find out exactly what the figures were and whether or not anything can be done. It sounds awful but I honestly feel like I wish there had been something a problem because at least then we would have an idea of what needed to be done to fix it. Now I feel like we're back in limbo.
its all sounding a bit weird wannabe :shrug: mind you, there's so much weirdness attached to this ttc business, we really shouldn't be surprised at it...I mean, here we all sit, discussing our vaginal secretions and our partners' jizz, in public, with people we have never even met
then there's the lying tits, and the late/early/bizarre periods, and goodness knows what else :haha:

FF - I keep getting strange spotty splodgey ones too ... makes me worry that the big M is on her way - not something I want to entertain :(

Glad the wedding went well Dij - and you're welcome for the bright patches :D

Naneth - It is horrid to keep waiting and waiting and still not have a clue what's going on ... I hope they have some ideas soon for you hon :hugs:

And a big ay up to all the rest of the crew *waves to the lovely bunch of ltttcers*

AFM - bathroom floor is finished - just waiting for it to dry (which will be in the wee small hours of the morning) and I have built a flatpack cabinet that will sit under the sink ... and I'm having a very low day. It's 2 years this week since I miscarried and I'm just feeling very sad and hopeless about it all.

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