Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Hi Everyone! :hi:

I am a newbie on this site, I have been on another forum for donkeys years. They didnt really have a place for LTTTC and even the ones that were, were a bit to nicey, nicey for me! Lots of 'its just as hard trying for 2 months as it is 2 years' - balls to them!!

The LTTTC forum and you ladies seem much more up my street! :happydance:

Anyway, introductions...I am 24 and DH is 26 been together for 9 years, married for 18 months and been trying for 18 months also. Have done all the pre-investigations (bloods SA etc) turns out hubby has super :spermy: so the problem lies with me I think. First FS appointment on the 31st

Welcome to the group and Good luck to you!! :dust::dust:
Welcome to the group hun :waves: Us LTTCers seem to have carved out a rather comfy place in this thread :haha:

Am keeping myself occupied this 2ww and it is the easiest it has been for ages!

Good Luck everyone x
Good luck and baby dust to all of the ladies in the
2WW!!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

I hope we can get some BFP's this month!!!!:thumbup:

I have to agree with you ladies that :sex: gets exhausting month after month when you are LTTC....:wacko: One time it was starting my fertile period and DH spanked his monkey and I found out and I got so pissed at him!!! I told him that I dont care if he spanks it any other time during the month but when I am in my fertile window it is my turn!!! I told him his little :spermy: are like precious gold during my fertile window, especially since my DH has a low :spermy: count...LOL....:haha::blush: At this point I think I am just going to wait until I am ovulating and than try for :sex: every day well I get positive OPK's which lasts for about 3 days, I try to have sex right before my OPK's go positive but it is sometimes to hard to predict when I will OV because it varies by a couple of days each month... Sometimes DH says the most annoying thing when it is time for fertile window :sex: and we have to do it, he will say he "Feels like he is being milked like a cow." Uggghhhhhh, I hate when he says that, I told him he isnt allowed to say that anymore....LMAO....:haha: It is such a turn off. Than when I OV I get cramping and it makes me not even want to have sex, but I make myself do it because I want that BFP...

But, Overall DH has come a long ways and is doing alot better playing his part in TTC and giving up :sex: on demand....:devil:

The hardest part of the month is when AF comes and I always have a major meltdown and end up crying my eyes out, and start feeling hopeless. DH doesnt get it though, and doesnt cry like I do, so I feel like he doesnt share in my pain. DH already has two teenagers from a previous marriage, so I feel like he wont be as devestated as I will if I dont ever have a baby, and I feel like his heart isnt into it as much as mine is because he has already had children. So i feel alone in my pain at the end of the month. And as a result I am very thankful for this website and the lovely ladies i have met on it, it is my therapy and I feel better knowing that the feelings I have are normal about TTC and that I have someone to vent to. DH just doesnt get why I get so upset when AF comes every month...He is so clueless...:dohh: But I do know that DH wants us to have a baby, he has told me that if our finances were really great that he would want 4 kids with me, and I can see a hint of excitment in him when I get what looks like positive pregnancy tests and tell him about it, (right before AF crashes the party)...hmmm...I think i would be alright with 2 kids...LOL...But at the rate I am going I might have to be happy with just the one, if I can even get that....:shrug:

So tomorrow is my HSG and I have to start an antibiotic today which will last for 5 days to prevent any infection from happening....Although they say it is only a 1% chance of infection. I have super strong pain meds that i will be taking tomorrow morning before the appointment for cramping and pain. Plus the pain meds make me sleepy so I will be more relaxed for the procedure as well. I do have anti anxiety meds and might pop one of those to to keep myself calm. I am hoping and praying that my tubes are clear!!

DH has his second SA tomorrow morning as well. I am very nervous about what his results will be!! If his :spermy: count isnt high enough than the fertility clinic wont give us the go ahead to move forward with IUI, and will want to suggest IVF to us. DH's first SA was over a year ago, and he had less than 5 million :spermy: and 36% motility. I do have him on vitamins now and our VR DR told us that :spermy: counts can improve for up to 2 years after the VR, so this month (October) is our 2 year anniversary, so I am hoping and praying his numbers are good. The fertility clinic wants 10 million :spermy: to be able to do IUI, but I am not sure what the lowest number is that they will consider for IUI. I may try out another clinic if they wont approve us to do IUI to see if maybe another DR will at least let us try it if they say no to us...

The problem with IVF is that it is super expensive and our current health insurance doesnt cover infertility treatments, so we would have to switch health insurance to a better plan that costs more $$. Than it may not cover DH because he had a vasectomy before and some of the plans have exclusions of coverage if someone has been steralized before. If we just save up $$ and pay for the IVF ourselves that could take many years. I did research and it looks like IVF will cost DH and me between 10k to 14k.

I think DH has ruled out using a sperm donor for the IUI because he keeps telling me it is a last resort, and I think he has changed his mind about it since he has had time to think about it alot. So I think using a sperm donor may not be an option anymore since DH has changed his mind about it. I was having a hard time accepting it myself and wasnt sure if I could go through with it or not anyways...:shrug:

So in conclusion after tomorrow DH and I will know what we are dealing with and will at least be able to have a plan of action... Hopefully we will be able to do IUI though...Wish us luck girls...

Sorry about writing a book just now...:blush::haha:
Oh wannabe hun :hugs:

I am wishing you all the luck in the world for those numbers hun :hugs:
Had my HSG today. Everything went well. They had a little problem getting to my cervix because apparently it was super high up but everything was clear and shaped correctly. I am still a little crampy and I am happy that I took today off.

Good luck for your HSG tomorrow wannabeprego.
Glad to hear your HSG went well today Jeo

Wannabeprego - books are always welcome. I too deal with a DH who continuously manages to piss me off during my fertile window for being 'too tired' for me but not 'too tired' to go have fun without me. I guess they don't realize that during the fertile window we don't care if it's 'good' or 'romantic' after TTC for so long.... there are days we just need the swimmers for the love. THERE I said it... sometimes I don't care! I'm not ashamed. We've been at this for two years for the love of god, after we have a baby we can go back to worrying about romance, right now I'm too focused on my biological clock to care too much :shy:
Had my HSG today. Everything went well. They had a little problem getting to my cervix because apparently it was super high up but everything was clear and shaped correctly. I am still a little crampy and I am happy that I took today off.

Good luck for your HSG tomorrow wannabeprego.

I am so glad to hear that your HSG went good!!!:thumbup:

Thanks for the good luck. :flower: I am going to take my super strong pain meds that I have left over from when I had to have gall bladder surgery last year, plus it makes me super sleepy so i should be nice and calm as well. :winkwink:
Glad to hear your HSG went well today Jeo

Wannabeprego - books are always welcome. I too deal with a DH who continuously manages to piss me off during my fertile window for being 'too tired' for me but not 'too tired' to go have fun without me. I guess they don't realize that during the fertile window we don't care if it's 'good' or 'romantic' after TTC for so long.... there are days we just need the swimmers for the love. THERE I said it... sometimes I don't care! I'm not ashamed. We've been at this for two years for the love of god, after we have a baby we can go back to worrying about romance, right now I'm too focused on my biological clock to care too much :shy:

LOL....:haha: I am glad that you can understand and relate to what I go through with my DH...LOL... But yes i also feel like my biological clock is ticking too, I am 32 so I am not getting any younger....:wacko: I dont care about the romance either during my fertile window, lets just do what we got to do and get it over with for the greater good!!! LOL....ugghhhh....:blush::haha:
Wannabe good luck for today hun :flower:

Joe Glad it all went okay :hugs:

Well just to annoy me that little bit more the :witch: has put in an appearance 3 days early! Since coming off of the clomid my LP has been getting shorter by a day or so each cycle, this month is an all time low with just 26 days! Which means I either ovulated ridiculously early and we missed our chance or it stuck to 14 days but my LP has dropped to a good 14 days on clomid to 12! Any shorter and I know it is going to affect our chances even more.

I was planning on stress free ttc until the new year but now that my body has decided to throw a spanner in the works I am going to have to start BBT and OPK again :cry:

I am trying to find the positives in this and they are as follows;

1. Good chance I will have finished up by my trans-vag ultrasound on the 20th October
2. Can celebrate DH birthday on the 21st with some romantic bedding
3. I can enjoy my spa that me and a friend planned for the last week of October
4. I can go and buy that big bottle of malibu that I wanted to enjoy whilst off work and not panic about the 2ww trauma
5. I can enjoy London on the 29th without worrying about over-doing it

All in all I guess this isn't too bad of a month NOT to be pregnant :haha:

I guess I am going to have to monitor things and if my LP drops to 11 or below I will have to fess up to the GP that I have been ovulating naturally and ask for something (maybe progesterone :shrug:) to lengthen it. I have a sneaky suspicion I will be told that he can't prescribe anything as he isn't a specialist and I can't be referred for a year but who knows!
Fisher & Wannabeprego - I'm the same, I really couldn't give two hoots about the romance during the fertile window either LOL
There's plenty of time for that before the fertile window, post Ov and of course all the time in the world after there's a baby.
I'll happily take romantic :sex: when I'm old and there's no baby making to be done, but right now I'm 32 and my bio clock keeps poking and prodding to remind me that in baby making years I'm not getting younger :blush:

Jeo - glad all went well
Wannabe - GL hope it's not too painful for you
Feisty - I see you found a Pollyanna moment there :flower: My GP isn't a specialist but he can and does prescribe norethisterone (progesterone) although admittedly when I've had it iot's been to stop prolonged bleeding (even though it doesn't for me) and not to lengthen my LP.
Wannabe - yes good luck for today, but i'm sure you'll be fine. And try not to worry about your OH's reactions, i think men just show it differently and they are just as disappointed as us when AF shows up.

Jeo - glad it went well.

FF - sorry the old :witch: got you.. but glad your feeling okay about it, sounds great the things you got lined up in the next couple of weeks, i really must book myself a spa day as well.
When I mentioned to my GP that I thought my LP was a little short, he dismissed it and didn't seem to think it was a major factor.... so if you do ask and your GP says something different, let me know and i'll bring it up again.

Hope you ladies are having a good friday. x
Sorry the beotch got you Fisher.

Yeah, I don't care about romance anymore either. If I'm really not in the mood I'll just pop my hiney up in the doggy style position because I know it will only take a few minutes to DTD that way!
Sorry the witch got u ff at least u can enjoy the spa amd malibu etc lol. Good luck wannabe hope it goes ok. Glad everything is ok Jeo.I am the same as u guys i get really annoyed when oh is too tired at my fertile time and i say look it doesn't have to take long just a quickie to get the swimmers where they need to be, which is not very romantic but am passed caring at this stage lol. 3yrs we've been trying and when it's baby making time romance doesn't come into it anymore, there time for that in the rest of the month xx
Good news, I got my bloods back and they are nice and high so looks like I ovulated this month! 
Just got to sit the rest of this 2ww out now!!!
Good luck to everyone else on their 2ww
FF sorry af came Hun! at least you have an action packed month coming up to take ur mind off things!

So I'll need a few more temps to technically confirm but I think my OPKs at home were right on. I don't know why my blood LH was low but I'm pretty sure I O'd later in the evening of the same day I got my pos OPK. (they looked positive at 7a and 1p that day so I don't know why they said my LH wasn't high enough to ovulate)?

My temp was up over 98 this morning though and while my CP still seemed open yesterday i noticed my CM decreasing throughout the day. So I'm fairly sure I O'd CD 12-13ish.

I have to say I forced DH into :sex: CD-11-14 with preseed and softcups so this is perhaps the most optimistic I've been in a while. I just really hope the softcups holding everything in there will be enough of a difference.
I too deal with a DH who continuously manages to piss me off during my fertile window for being 'too tired' for me but not 'too tired' to go have fun without me. I guess they don't realize that during the fertile window we don't care if it's 'good' or 'romantic' after TTC for so long.... there are days we just need the swimmers for the love. THERE I said it... sometimes I don't care! I'm not ashamed. We've been at this for two years for the love of god, after we have a baby we can go back to worrying about romance, right now I'm too focused on my biological clock to care too much :shy:

Haha!! I know what you mean! We came home really late last night, I was exhausted but not him, and it was probably my last fertile day, I told DH flat out "I don't want to have sex, I just want your sperm, so either it's a quickie or you come in a cup!!". :haha: It made him laugh and he chose the sex, big suprise!!

Feisty, I'm sorry that AF is playing tricks on you. :hugs:

Have a good day everybody! :flower:
The amount of arguments in our house that not being in the mood has caused is unbelievable! :dohh: DH does seem to have improved this month but not too sure how long it will last. Tragically we hardly ever dtd in our none fertile time as neither of us can be arsed, rather sick of :sex: now to be honest :haha:

Fisher glad you got your ovulation sorted hun :thumbup: Can I ask how do you actually use your softcups? I have been considering it but was wondering if there is a brand proven to be more effective, whether it should be inserted straight after :sex: how long to keep it in etc. Thanks chick :flower:
Well girls, DH had his SA this morning and he had "performance anxiety" because it was done in the DR's office because we are an hour away from the DR's office so it would of been to difficult to try to do it at home. He said they had porn movies in the room and the wall paper had naked ladies on the walls...LOL...I have never seen wall paper like that before. DH thought it might of come from the 1970's...LOL...:haha: He also said he had a hard time because he could hear nurses walking back and forth and talkings, so it was a struggle, but he was successful. He also got paranoid because he said the ceiling had a tile pushed over and he thought he was being video taped or something, so he got all paranoid that he was being watched....:haha: He abstained for 5 days before the SA, but he didnt feel like he produced that much this time...So now we have to wait for the results and I am hoping he has good :spermy: numbers.....

So I had my HSG dye test after his appointment. I did eat breakfast although I probably should of eaten a little bit more. I took some really strong RX pain meds that I had left over from when I had my gall bladder surgery and an anti-anxiety medication to keep me calm. So I was pretty drowsy, but I could still feel my nervse getting the best of me. I felt when they put this cleaning antiseptic stuff in there a few times, and it was unpleasent but not to bad. Than the real pain came when they pushed the dye in, I felt alot of pressure and like huge heavy cramps coming in long waves. I was crying out in agony, and the DR told me to take deep breathes, which helped a little bit. So when I was crying out in pain the DR would slow down on the dye and than she would push again. So after the procedure I got super dizzy, and got really hot and broke out in a cold sweat, I was seeing stars, felt like I might pass out and I had to ask the nurse to hand me the trash bucket and I threw up in it. They had me sit there for a few minutes and put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me into another room so I could lay down for a few minutes. The nurse brought me a juice box and some crackers to eat. So in conclusion I did not like the HSG, even though it only last a few minutes the pain when they were pushing in the dye was pretty bad, like severe cramps that last really long. DH wasnt allowed to be in the X-ray room because of the radiation.

The nurse said that it was normal to feel faint after and that I am not the only person that threw up after so that made me feel better. I think the pain, my nerves, the meds I took before the procedure and lack of food made me end up feeling pretty sick. Thank goodness DH was with me, and he sat with me after the procedure in the room after well i got myself together and he drove me home and also drove me to the appointment. I am glad that he was with me.

So the good news, One of my tubes is open and the dye flowed through and spilled out like it should. But the other tube hardly had any dye running through it, I could sort of see where it started to go through but never made it to the end. So the DR said it may be because the tube spasmed and stopped the dye from going through or of course I know it may be blocked. I also have one medium size lump and than one smaller one below it in my uterus that was able to be seen when my uterus was filled with dye.

So the DR wants me to come back in on Monday afternoon for another test. This one isnt supposed to be as difficult and it uses a Saline solution and a sonogram. It is called a "Saline Sonohysterography." It will give the DR a better look at the bumps in my uterus and I think it may be able to unblock the other tube as well....I am going to research the procedure to get more info on what it shows and I also want to research what the lumps could be on the side of my uterus....

So on the bright side at least I for sure know that one tube is open. The DR did mention me maybe needing surgery to fix whatever the issue is but of course I wont know for sure until she knows what is going on for sure. I also wonder if maybe the dye didnt flow into the one tube because I was freaking out and in pain, so it wasnt letting the dye flow through, where if i was relaxed than maybe it would of went through, that could be what she meant by it possibly spasming??:shrug:

Here is a picture of my HSG scan, and you can see the bumps on the right side of my uterus... I was able to see the dye start to flow through the other side of the tubes that are blocked but it never made it through to the end....:nope: I also was thinking how great it would be if I was pregnant and the bump on the right side of my uterus wall was a baby?? But I highly doubt it, I have no clue what it could be, I am going to do some internet research to see what the heck it could be...:shrug:
Wannabe good luck for today hun :flower:

Joe Glad it all went okay :hugs:

Well just to annoy me that little bit more the :witch: has put in an appearance 3 days early! Since coming off of the clomid my LP has been getting shorter by a day or so each cycle, this month is an all time low with just 26 days! Which means I either ovulated ridiculously early and we missed our chance or it stuck to 14 days but my LP has dropped to a good 14 days on clomid to 12! Any shorter and I know it is going to affect our chances even more.

I was planning on stress free ttc until the new year but now that my body has decided to throw a spanner in the works I am going to have to start BBT and OPK again :cry:

I am trying to find the positives in this and they are as follows;

1. Good chance I will have finished up by my trans-vag ultrasound on the 20th October
2. Can celebrate DH birthday on the 21st with some romantic bedding
3. I can enjoy my spa that me and a friend planned for the last week of October
4. I can go and buy that big bottle of malibu that I wanted to enjoy whilst off work and not panic about the 2ww trauma
5. I can enjoy London on the 29th without worrying about over-doing it

All in all I guess this isn't too bad of a month NOT to be pregnant :haha:

I guess I am going to have to monitor things and if my LP drops to 11 or below I will have to fess up to the GP that I have been ovulating naturally and ask for something (maybe progesterone :shrug:) to lengthen it. I have a sneaky suspicion I will be told that he can't prescribe anything as he isn't a specialist and I can't be referred for a year but who knows!

@Feisty, I am so sorry that the :witch: got you....:hugs: :hugs:

I am glad that you are trying to keep a positive outlook for this cycle and that you are focusing on the good things coming up soon. Happy early Birthday to your DH as well!!!
I hope you enjoy your trip to London that you have coming up also!!! :winkwink:
Morning my lovelies! And a big welcome to OIskiWotsit (sorry I'm on my iPhone and going back to check is a pain!)
2 months is NOT the same as 2 years! Absolutely, definitely, completely, utterly NOT THE SAME! At 2 months you are still greeting each month with excitement, wondering if it will be this month, or one of the next 4, that you succeed! After 2 years you are desperately afraid of it never happening for you and the excitement has evaporated entirely - well, that's how it is/was for me anyway :)
we are all long termers in here, very supportive with a cracking sense of humour - welcome to the club xxx

just been musing about the sex on demand thing - thing is, around Oscillation time (as Mr Urch calls it!) I am always super horny - so extra strumpage is pretty much always welcome.... And tbh even if I'm tired it doesn't take much to get me in the mood.
Me and Mr Urch are pretty well matched in the sex drive department, so it doesn't usually take much to get him interested - on the rare occasion that he isn't really in the mood I just take *cough* matters *cough* into my own hands and *cough splutter* pay them attention *cough* until I get a response! :)
good thing with men is, they can't pretend they're not turned on - the evidence is right before you :lol:

but like the rest of you, these days if I miss a furtile day I don't beat myslef up over it - doesn't make a difference as far as I can see, each month ends with AF anyway!

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