Anyone NOT opk'ing, charting & EWCM spotting and JUST bonking??!!


Mummy to Elijah and TTC
May 3, 2011
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Well i'm on my 2nd cycle of trying and it's really getting me down having it on my mind 24/7. Last cycle i used opk's and it confused me alot bcos i had a week long LH surge so i was none the wiser about my cycle. This month i decided to chart my bbt. I did this for 3 days and decided it was a bit obsessive for Ive decided to just go back to basics and just take the laid back approach to baby making and just have loads of sex! After all noone used opks up until probably 10-20 yrs ago and we all were made!! What i'm tryin to say is no matter how much you try to get to know ur cycle, the only thing that makes a baby is the actual sex. I didnt like the sex on demand approach. Anyone else feel the same way?
im not doing anything but hankypanky lol. it will happen when it happens. good luck, we got married in april and have been trying since then
Hi, you're not alone!

I've actually never tried all that other stuff and to be fair i've only been married/ttc for just over a month but the only thing we're doing in the hope of getting pregnant is having lots of sex - and fortunately we both seem okay with doing it one or more times a day, so that makes it easier.

The only thing I do is keep track of my cycles which I've always had to do anyway (so I could work out when AF would incapacitate me and plan my life around it)
^^ I'm the same all I do is track my cycles but Ive always done that so I kno when :af: is coming. Thats why I class myself as ntnp rather than ttc as I/we're not actively doing anything to increase chances of getting pregnant like temping or opk's

If I could get pregnant right now I would but I think that all that other stuff would make me way too obsessed its alredy on my mind enough lol plus the having sex because the monitor say you have IMO would really take the fun/romance out of it so no your not alone
me me me me meeeeeeeee. I'm psychotically obsessive about stuff anyway I don't think charting, bbt, opks and all that lark would do anything for my sanity lol
i havent been charting or temping as of yet..however after this thinking maybe i should..just to at least get to know my cycle a lil better....
me me me me meeeeeeeee. I'm psychotically obsessive about stuff anyway I don't think charting, bbt, opks and all that lark would do anything for my sanity lol

i feel like you've just described me!! Psychotically obsessed! Thats me! Verging on the edge of mental probs.....!!!! This NTNP/TTC malarky is really taking it's toll. It consumes my brain.....i'm trying to relax and take my mind of it.....but the thoughts just keep rushing back. I do worry if i'm psychotic now how will i be when (or if) i have a baby keeping me up all well i'm glad i'm not the only crazy one! :)
we decided last month to ntnp/ttc our 2nd.
We are ntnp but decided to actually try but I don't think I'm organised enough for the charting and Id forget to do it! I agree on the having sex on demand taking the fun and romance out of it...tbh I think we are both enjoying not actively trying but going against all the sex education drummed into our ears for years and being delightfully careless :p xxx
No temping or charting here! Just DTD as normal (minus the BC of course!) and seeing what happens. The only thing I know is when my af is due :)
i feel like you've just described me!! Psychotically obsessed! Thats me! Verging on the edge of mental probs.....!!!! This NTNP/TTC malarky is really taking it's toll. It consumes my brain.....i'm trying to relax and take my mind of it.....but the thoughts just keep rushing back. I do worry if i'm psychotic now how will i be when (or if) i have a baby keeping me up all well i'm glad i'm not the only crazy one! :)

Ever since DH and I decided to stop the bcp I've been obsessed as well. Glad to know others who feel the same way.

I did start doing the temping only so I could understand my body because I just stopped taking pill at end of July. But pretty much only :sex: is what we are doing.
We aren't temping or using OPKs this cycle. I am just going to check my CM and BD 2-3 times the week I am supposed to O and pop in a softcup everytime and hope it happens again. Back in June, I was too tired to care or even try and we basically just had sex once a week, we got lucky and apparently did so around O (I never knew when I did) and got pregnant, ended in mc. That caused us to really try this past cycle, did everything perfectly and nothing. It also caused some issues for us sexually and put a little strain on our sexual relationship. So now we aren't trying again.
Just :sex: for us! I have a 5 month old and am too freaking tired to track all that other crap lol
We are ntnp but decided to actually try but I don't think I'm organised enough for the charting and Id forget to do it! I agree on the having sex on demand taking the fun and romance out of it...tbh I think we are both enjoying not actively trying but going against all the sex education drummed into our ears for years and being delightfully careless :p xxx

Totally agree! :)
Me and DH are NTNP and we're both agreed that we don't want it to take over our lives and put a strain on our relationship by over-thinking or being over-obsessed with trying to get pregnant!! I'm hoping things will happen naturally for us, and as one of you said (sorry I can't remember who!:dohh:) that they didn't have all this technology 10-20 years ago and people still managed to conceive without opk's, temping and charting various other things!! Saying this, I may change my mind if things don't happen within a few months! :blush:
Yeh it was me that said about opks not being around 10-20 years ago......i just think some women can become WAY too obsessed with it all....and in fact its causing them not to conceive bcos theyre so's very hard to not become obsessed but ive calmed down with it all. I actually found myself feelin so unattractive with thermometers in my mouth and peeing on sticks twice a day....was like some kind of clinic!! So now im into just enjoying the love making with the extra glimmer of excitement that we might be making a baby......i think thats the best way!! <3
This month I have been doing just this. I was on the ttc forum for a few months but I have given up. BBT would drive me bonkers and opks made me feel pressured...and freaked DH out. This month I dedicated to him and relaxing, we've been dtd when we feel like it and just having a good time. I booked us both in for full body massages to help us both relax and it worked.

Since stopping all the charting and opks etc I feel like we're in it together and its not just me being obsessive. It might work, it might not. I'm so used to bfns that I am not sure one this month would bother me. A bfp would be amazing though, when that day finally comes I know all this will have been worth it.
This month I have been doing just this. I was on the ttc forum for a few months but I have given up. BBT would drive me bonkers and opks made me feel pressured...and freaked DH out. This month I dedicated to him and relaxing, we've been dtd when we feel like it and just having a good time. I booked us both in for full body massages to help us both relax and it worked.

Since stopping all the charting and opks etc I feel like we're in it together and its not just me being obsessive. It might work, it might not. I'm so used to bfns that I am not sure one this month would bother me. A bfp would be amazing though, when that day finally comes I know all this will have been worth it.

yes the opk's definitely made me feel pressured and anxious to have sex!! And your so right about relaxing with it all feels like you're in it together. I'm actually really enjoying being more relaxed about it. It's so much more natural and fun and more healthy for the mind also!! Good luck ladies!!!
This is kind of what we are doing. Except I have a pretty good idea where I am in my cycle, so the husband will ask, "Is this babymaking sex?" Then we're like, "Awesome, let's make babies!" But more as a joke. I only get crazy when my body starts doing weird things on me in the week after... (like currently)
I've been keeping note of symptoms and cycle length but that's more to figure if I'm getting ovulation pains or if it’s a cyst or something else. Apart from that, we've just been bonking when we feel like it - although I think my ovulation and sex-drive is linked as so far I've been like a nymph for about a week each cycle then cool off considerably after that, which is kind of good thing as I'm prettier sure my partner needs to recuperate, lol.
Okay, I just joined this site, and I can honestly say I'm pretty confused by all the charting, temperature taking, etc. that women do, and all the abbreviations that are being used in reference to everything!!

I am just coming off birth control after 9 years, so we're just testing the waters and seeing what happens. In fact, I'm still having to wait and see what my cycle is even like...since it's been totally scheduled for so long, I don't know what my body will do. So, maybe if we get into this a little further with no results, I'll start looking into all the procedures everyone else is doing....but until then, we'll stay all natural! :happydance:

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