Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

Hi Irish! Good to hear from you! You sound positive. Try to keep it up! Glad to hear things are moving forward for you and you will soon get to start trying again. Maybe the little break will get you motivated for trying again. I know it can be so exhausting physically and emotionally! Stay positive!...

TTC, that is positive that your OH agreed to go to the urologist. He is willing to do what he needs to do sounds like. That is nice that he is being supportive! How did your visit with the FS go?

Leeze, glad you had a nice weekend with your OH and friends! Probably just what you needed!!... I can relate to everything you said regarding putting on some extra pounds!!! I have done that myself! I used to be in the gym 4-5 times a week, very conscious about staying fit and healthy. Since we have been trying and since the m/c I have stopped going to the gym, I have been emotionally eating, and the weight comes on much quicker than it goes off! My clothes are tight and I feel self conscious about how I am looking. I have not let it get out of control but it does affect me being intimate with my husband because I am worried about how I look now. I have been using the same excuse about what is the point because hopefully I am pregnant. It's hard...

CMUM - you sound so relaxed and laid back! Which is a really good place to be! That is the best way to conceive!

So I thought I got a positive OPK last Thursday so we BD'd Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Well yesterday afternoon just to be on the safe side I did another OPK and it was positive. No question about it, it was positive! So we are going to get back at it again tonight and tomorrow night. I have only been using the internet cheapie OPK's. We have agreed that if we don't get pregnant this month we are going to invest in a CBFM. We should have invested before now. Hopefully this month will be the month though! I am staying positive!

Positive thoughts out to all you ladies and lots and lots of baby dust!!...
Hello there Irish, nice to hear from ya... we've missed you!!! sounds like things are going in the right directions huh? so the 4-6 weeks is a little sooner than ya thought huh? and be BRAVE... I know its easier said that done, but I am wishing you some positive vibes that you get back to where ya want to be very soon and brave enough to try again. Happy Holidays to you.

Bann... I would highly recommend the CBFM, I have been using my for 5 months and I absolutely LOVE it, Leeze just started using one this month as well... and I think she likes hers too!!! I also use OPKs in the afternoon, as the CBFM needs to use your FMU, and since LH "usually" surges in the afternoon/evening... I also use OPKs as a back up.

Leeze... it is soooo funny you said that about how we are suppose to drink plenty of water for CM...but on the other hand you shouldnt drink any thing and hold your pee for 3-4 hours for the OPK... I was thinking the same damn thing... so which one do we do !! haha..or how the heck are we suppose to do both !! gosh these darn TTC rules are so hard!!

Cmum... you are so right... lots going on... and this month of December is a busy month with visiting and work and more visiting, and parties and Christmas etc etc. Hoping your laid back approach and guessing your O this month, may be the trick... sounds like your a lot more relaxed than ME!!! but some say that is when they get their BFP!!!

as for me... as you know I was allllll worried that my O would be delayed on this Clomid... and I would miss my O date since I am leaving for a trip tomorrow... but NOPE I O'd right on schedule... got my BD in the best we could and I am off my for Christmas Visit with to see my family tomorrow until the weekend, so you girls wont hear from me for a while!! try not to miss me tooooo much :)

ok so as for my FS visit yesterday!!! first of all Loved Loved my Dr... he was quite amused by all the info I already had for him... he didnt have to waste his time on me telling me what FSH is, and how to time Sex etc... I already had that all figured out.... he chuckled at me more than once.

So he said...if we are not pregnant already this month... next cycle he wants me to continue on the Clomid... said my results from my blood from this month shows that I absolutely responded great to the Clomid... (great news) and then he wants to run 2 tests on me... first one is like an HSG but is one with Saline its called a sonohysterogram,
the HSG one is with Iodine, but this one is with Saline, and they do an internal scan (I think) and flush saline through to see if your tubes are open, and if there are any fibriods etc... then the same week he wants to do a Postcoital, which is a test that me and hubby has to have sex, then 2-4 hours later I go into the office and they take a sample of my CM to see if the spermies are mixing well and penetrating. Sounds interesting huh? and from these results of these 2 tests we will take it from there.... oh and the best news yet... He is not TOO concerned of hubbys SA results... he said sure they are low, but they are THAT low... Hubby was certainly happy to hear that... he also said at this point he doesnt even think hubby has to go to urloogist yet!! nice huh? so lots of great news..some testing coming up next cycle... and hubby has agreed we can do IUI if need be... but that wouldnt be the next cycle it would probablly be the one following... YAYAYA!! HOPEFULLY I dont need all that though!!!
Awesome news TTC!!! I am really excited to hear your OH is open to IUI, especially since you were very concerned about this. That is if it will even be needed. Hopefully it will not!!

I had a visit scheduled with my OBGYN December 9th and we were to discuss her referring me to a FS. But I had to reschedule that visit and the soonest could reschedule it for was January 19th. I was disappointed but there was nothing I could do. What is another month at this point?!

My OH was sooo tired when he got home from work last night I did not think we were going to get it in. We pulled it out though. But I am going to let him off the hook tonight. We got it in Thurs-Sat, I got the positive OPK Sunday and we got it in last night. I feel good about our efforts this month though.

I keep reading up on how long sperm can survive and it looks like the average is 48 hours but some sites say it can be up to 5 days. What have you guys read about that? Have your FS commented at all regarding that?
HI guys

I read somewhere (can't remember where but probably on B&B somewhere :winkwink:) that it can survive upto 5 days but maybe thats only likely if everything is spot on with sperm and cm quality etc

Anyway fingers x'd girls that you pulled it off this month and managed to get yourselves some :bfp:

I have been feeling sooo crappy for the past 2 days, really bad head cold and tbh have no energy or desire for :sex: so we haven't done anything now since saturday maybe which was CD11. I'm now on CD14 and just hoping that I have another late OV (at the end of the week :thumbup:) when I will hopefully be back to normal, because the idea of DTD with my snotty nose isn't exactly putting me in mood and I'm sure its doing nothing for my OH either :winkwink:
:hi: hi everyone

Great to hear from Irish, hope you're doing ok - and I think you definitely deserve some pampering over Xmas. :hugs:

Cmum - sorry you're feeling crappy, hon. hope you feel better soon and get lots of energy together for BD-ing. Otherwise what about some BD-ing with no kissing!!! :haha::blush:

Bann - the FS I saw said sperm can survive up to 5 days if the environment is right. she said don't use tampons, use a mooncup instead or sanitary towels/pads, drink 2 litres of water a day, take starflower oil for days up to O and then Mor EPA from O to AF (or BFP) - also only use pre-seed if using lubricant

TTC1st - that sounds great news re the tests and what the specialist said. hopefully this will be enough to put your mind at rest and you'll feel more relaxed now and conceive naturally this month!!! Have a good time visiting your family.

I've been using the CBFM this month. I love how you can use FMU but I'm a bit worried as I'm still getting low fertility readings and normally I would get a positive OPK by now. I'm going to start using the internet cheapies again for the next few days just to be sure.

I'm going to bed now, want to have lots of energy for the important next few days!! Bye for now. Lots of baby dust xx
Hi Ladies.

Cmum-how you feeling? Better I hope!

Leeze-did you get a positive OPK?

TTC-I hope you are having a wonderful visit with the family!

I have felt like I have had no time for myself lately. I guess it is that time of year; holiday parties, family visits, etc. I am feeling very calm and positive. I might even wait till AF is due before testing. (Easy to say now but come next week I'm sure it will be a whole different story, LOL)

Well back to laundry and house work. Yuck!

Lots of hugs and baby dust!
Hi, still not feeling 100% although its probably on its way now, hope so anyway. Unfortunately OH now seems to be coming down with it too :nope: which is not great because we still haven't managed to get any :sex: in yet!!! I just haven't felt like it and OH said that with me the way I was (dribbler he called me), he'd rather not :shrug: Anyway, I suspect I am highly fertile at the moment, so I guess we'll just have to see how we both feel over the next 24 hours but its starting to look like its not going to be this month for us. I suppose on the plus side it would men that I could just chill out over xmas and enjoy a few drinks but we'll see how it goes :winkwink:

Glad to see your managing to remain calm during your 2ww bann, best way to be, so keep it up and try to hold off with the testing if you can :winkwink: I know its not the same for everyone but I find the testing makes me more anxious about it :dohh:
Well looks like I spoke too soon, told OH as soon as he got in from work that I was convinced I was about to OV and he just said "well we'd better go get on on with it then" So job done :thumbup: Not very romantic but hey I guess its got to be done :winkwink: Anyway i will probably try to get another in over the weekend but as I'm not really sure when OV is for me this month (as I haven't been testing), I am going to assume I am now in the 2ww. AF is due anytime between 21st - 25th. If she doesn't show that'd be a nice xmas pressie :happydance:
:hi: hi everyone

ChysantheMum - you made me laugh out loud then with your description of your last BDing and what your OH said! You know what, our BD-ing this week has been far from romantic. We've both been exhausted and in the end my OH took half a viagra one night so he could finish the deed off, as it were. Also, I was practically in porn star mode trying to get him excited, but feeling exhausted myself so my heart not really being in it. I think the main thing is to be happy that our OHs will do their best to oblige us when it really matters!!! :thumbup:

I still haven't got a positive O yet but did get a high reading on the CBFM today and yesterday. I started doing the internet cheapie OPKs too but haven't had anything like a line on these either. I'm now predicting Sunday to be O day, mainly because I really want it to be Sunday. I will be so happy if this is the case because then we can be a lot more relaxed about BDing and not feel like we have to do everything we can to even get a quickie in on those very important days. :haha: Also if we don't get a BFP this month then hopefully I'll go back to a 28 day cycle next month and then my O will be at the weekend again. I find it so hard trying to keep it up during the week (no pun intended!! :haha::blush:)

Bann - I know what you mean about it being a busy time of year. I'm really not in the mood for it to be Xmas at all, all I want is a BFP for Xmas!!! How amazing would it be to have a new baby by next Xmas!! I think that's great you're going to hold off on testing till AF is due. I'm not so great at doing that anymore, I normally test from about 11dpo onwards! Hope the 2WW isn't too stressful. :hugs:
What a fanastic way to think of it Leeze, that in all probablility we could all have a new born by next xmas and from then on xmas will never be the same. Kids are what make xmas special and that is certainly something to look forward to :thumbup: So here's to lots of happy family christmases ahead :happydance:
Good luck in the 2ww everyone :dust:
I got my first peak reading on the CBFM today!! :happydance::happydance: How happy I am to see that little egg on the monitor! And how great that it's a Sunday and not a weekday!! My OH has gone round to visit his Mum for the afternoon but will be back early evening so we'll be going for it again later. We had a very successful BD yesterday as well so hopefully there might still be some swimmers there waiting for that egg!

Because my O has been late this cycle I'm thinking this will mean that my AF will now be due later, so probably around 26 Dec. I want a Xmas BFP!!!!! :haha::haha:
hi im sue im old at 43 already have kids youngest is 4 yrs old.lost baby last yr had mc march this yr .go to keep try though my periods area all over place again .sue.
Hi ladies, pretty quiet here the last couple days! Hope everyone is ok

Welcome Sue, sorry to hear about your losses :hugs: Hopefully you'll get lots of support on here

I'm feeling exhausted today, it's been hard work all last weekend and the weekend with BD-ing. We didn't manage last night as I was so exhausted I fell asleep on the sofa. The next 2WW begins for me. Oh the pain!!! :haha:
Hi ladies. Sorry I have been missing. I have no time at work right now and our home computer is not working. We need to invest in a new one soon! I just snuck on for a few minutes at work. I actually typed this out in a word document so I could copy and paste it real quick so nobody would notice what I was doing. LOL. Isn’t that terrible…

Yay Leeze! You are officially in the 2WW. Not really fun but I’m glad you got your positive OPK.

I have not had one single symptom. Not even anything that I could mistake as a symptom. I broke down and took a test this morning and of course it was negative. All that positive energy I had going on last week is pretty much gone. Ugh! AF is due Monday.

I hope everyone is having a nice holiday season and a stress free 2WW.

I’ll try to get back on here again sooner. I can check my e-mail through my phone so I am seeing the posts.

Lots of baby dust to all!...
:hi: ladies

Bann - good to hear from you, hon. Sorry to hear you haven't got any symptoms yet, but don't give up!! Somebody on one of the other threads recently got her BFP and she said it wasn't until 13dpo when she got the BFP when she started getting symptoms. So, it certainly isn't over yet! What a bummer that your home computer isn't working! Mine broke last year and I hated not having it!! Hopefully you'll get it fixed soon!

Hope everyone else is doing ok and looking forward to Xmas. My OH and I are going to stay with my parents this weekend and have an early Xmas with them because we're going to Spain next week for 5 nights. I can't wait. Some quality time together away from work stress!! It's a shame in a way that's it's during the 2WW and not around O time but maybe this means we can relax more, somehow. I will wish you all a lovely weekend, hope the PMA stays strong. We will get there, we will!!!!! :hugs::hugs:
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind me joining. I am 38 and ttc my hubby's first. I have 2 older kids. My name is Karen.

Feel free to ask me any questions you like most can be answered in my journal.
hi ya girls... just checking in..... hope everyone is well and enjoying their holiday season...

AF got me on Thursday... was the first time I actually cried when AF showed!!! ughhh!!! moving on to Month # 6 of trying and my second round of Clomid... tomorrow I go for my Saline-Sonogram, so hoping they dont find any weird fybroids or cycst down there.. will let ya know how that all goes...

hope you all are doing well
:hi: everyone and welcome Karen!

TTC1st - sorry to hear AF got you. Good luck with the procedure tomorrow. I've heard sometimes even just going through this procedure can help clear out your tubes and some women get their BFP the next month!!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok!

I'm really tired, it's late here and I haven't been back from my parents for long but couldn't resist checking how everyone on here was doing!! I had a few twinges today in my lower right side but I've had these before then not got my BFP so I'm trying to be open-minded but not read too much into it!! x
Hi ladies.

Sorry TTC about AF. She got me today also. I cried as well. I felt so heart broken! On to another month I guess.

My fingers are crossed for you Leeze!!

Lots of baby dust to you ladies.

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