Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

I'm not sure when I ov'd because I didn't test for it this month but assumed that I would have done by day 20, because when I did poas inthe previous months I usually ov'd between CD18 - 20. So I think that makes it at least 15 DPO, today is CD34 and I have never had a cycle longer than 32 days before, so either I am pregnant or my periods are getting messed up, but I can't see any reason why they would because they've always been regular as clockwork. I'm starting to see why people do develop poas addictions though because some hard evidence would be nice :winkwink:

Whereabouts are you in yourcycle at the moment ready?
HEY THERE CMUM---- great pix you got there girl!!!! congrats to you!!! so have ya made an appointment for Wednesday when they return, or were ya unable to get ahold of them until Wednesday?

gosh super happy for ya... keep us posted..

hello to all the other girlies tooooo...

hope everyone had a great christmas....

Althought my saline sonogram went pretty well, I did however get some pretty bad news this month... I had some really bad FSH/LH values on my CD3 this month, really quite disappointing... FSH 15.4 LH 8 ish actually the highest I have gotten so far, Nurse that called to give me the results sounded really somber when telling me, then said "well since you already started on the Clomid this month just go ahead and finish it I guess.. and still come in for your postcoital test on the 29th then the Dr will talk to you about what he sees in the future for you. So I will be seeing him this Wednesday for that Postcoital test (thats the one where hubby and I have sex then 2 hours later go into the office and they take see whether sperm are present and moving around and the overall health of such including my CM) during this visit he will also do some checks since I am on Clomid, check that my lining is the right thickness and see if I have any folicles present, this is my first appointment to check all this and I was initally really excited, but with this high FSH level, it really really puts us at even a further disadvantage for producing nice strong eggs...obviously already on top of my age of 40. So I guess all I can see is what the FS explains to me on Wed..... I really believe he is going to strongly suggest we need to move to IUI or IVF asap... but even with really high FSH I really believe he will say IUI is not even worth it.... but at this time I dont know if hubby is willing to do either procedure anyway.... so I actually have been quite blue the last week or so after hearing all this bad news... but really anxious for my Wednesday appointment... will keep you all posted on the news I get... not expecting it to be good.. :(
I'm not sure when I ov'd because I didn't test for it this month but assumed that I would have done by day 20, because when I did poas inthe previous months I usually ov'd between CD18 - 20. So I think that makes it at least 15 DPO, today is CD34 and I have never had a cycle longer than 32 days before, so either I am pregnant or my periods are getting messed up, but I can't see any reason why they would because they've always been regular as clockwork. I'm starting to see why people do develop poas addictions though because some hard evidence would be nice :winkwink:

Whereabouts are you in yourcycle at the moment ready?

I am on 7DPO and very nervous for whatever reason.:shrug: I have a feeling that I am preggers but I don't want to read to much into it and get disappointed. My cycles are normally 28-30 days, it is not often I go 30 days though.
Hi Guys, checking in on yee - Happy New Year to you all. C-mum OMG that is such fantastic news I am so thrilled for you I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you what exciting news to get for Christmas. TTC1st I know it is easy to say but it is never over until the Fat Lady sings there is so much they can do now and it sounds like you are being super proactive and the FS is pushing you in the right direction. To the new guys welcome, I am an old Pal that dropped off line a while ago due to EP. Anyhoo for the latest I finally tested negative on the HPT 20th of Dec got my HCG back it was 2.1 so I can finally say that it is behind me. It has been a roller coaster of emotions but now I am puttign my best foot forward and starting again. I am still waiting on my AF but I started to use the CBFM about 3.5wks ago even though I had no idea where my cycle was. I did eventually get a peak which means that hopefully I ovulated so expect my AF between the 4th - 10th Jan. We are back to the FS on the 27th so we hope to start the injectible in Feb.

I have been keeping up the acupuncture which is brilliant, my practicitoner has told lme that treatment can help lower your FS number, improve the quality of your eggs and the general overall health of your uterine lining etc....

Anyhoo congrats again to Cmum, good to catch up on everyone eles's posts will be back on line again in Jan when we will hopefully start the trying game again. Wishing you all a Super Baby filled New Year - extra baby dust to you all xxxxxxxxx
Hello ladies.

Irish, great to hear from you!! Glad to hear things are moving in the direction for you guys to start trying again. I wish you all the best!

Ready, I have my fingers crossed for you! I hope your instint is right on! The wait is agony I know! I am not very patient during the 2WW. I drive myself crazy!...

Leeze, I hope you are not on here because you are having the time of your life in Spain!

So I went in to the doctor today to discuss my cycle and my concerns of them getting closer together and only lasting 2 days. She gave me a prescription of progesterone to start on cycle day 14 and said hopefully that will help the bean stick. Said if this month is not successful to call the first day of my cycle as they are going to go ahead and get me in for CD3 tests and will also do CD21 tests. Also want my hubby to do SA on or before CD10 of next cycle. I don't plan on doing any OPK's this month. Doctor agreed and said that might help take some stress off actually. Said to start on CD10 or 12 and DTD every other day through CD20. She said that would get it all covered. Our work schedule just makes things so difficult but we are going to do our best to stick to that plan. We will see how it goes. I am on CD10 today. I am thinking we will start on CD12. We will see how hubby is feeling when he gets home from work.

Cmum, keep us posted on your doctor visit and hopefully their confirmation of the BFP!

Take care ladies. Lots of baby dust to all!
TTC, I did not mean to leave you out of my previous post. So sorry to hear about your disappointing test results. I know it can be so difficult to stay positive. But you need to do your best. Every baby is a miracle and hopefully you will have your little miracle soon! I hope your visit and test on Wednesday goes well. Keep us posted!...
TTc1st - sorry to hear about your bad news over the fsh levels, thats sucks, but its not the end of the road yet and as for your age, I'm 40 too and I believe we are still spring chickens yet :winkwink: I got my fingers x'd for you that you wednesdays appointment goes well :thumbup: stay positive :hugs:

Irish - nice to hear from you, and so soon too, it doesn't seem that long (to me at least), so happy to hear that things are looking more positive again for you :thumbup: and that you're able to start trying again, good luck :hugs:

I'm going to ring the docs in morning and try and make an appointment. But I have been so impatient, so got a clearblue digital test today and it said pregnant 3+ weeks since conception :happydance: I feel tons better now because the uncertainty is awful but now I feel like I can allow myself to believe it :happydance: Anyway its looks like maybe I should be moving over tto the 1st trimester forum but I'll still be lurking and checking in on you guys and keep my fingers x'd that you'll be joining me there soon :winkwink: So good luck and all the best for the new year :hugs:
TTC, I am so sorry about your test. But all is not over. Stay positive.:hugs:

Irish9yo, I have heard some good things about acupunture too. I am just a scary cat. LOL

Bann, I hope it heps your cycle and that you get a BFP really soon.

Cmum, so happy for you. :happydance: Keep us posted about the doctors appointment.
I can't believe it, I go away for a few days and look what happens!!!!!!! ChysantheMUM got her BFP!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

And Irish comes back!!!! :thumbup::thumbup:

C-mum - What fantastic news! You've really cheered me up. Sorry I wasn't around the last couple days to share more in this with you. What a lovely Xmas present for you and an inspiration to the rest of us! You'd better pop in and see us and let us know how you're doing!! I'm wishing you lots of joy and happiness in the coming months and years! How are you feeling, hon? Any new symptoms?

Irish - so lovely to see you back here and I'm really pleased for you (and us) that you'll be back in the TTC rollercoaster with us next month

TTC - it's great you're getting all of these tests done. I've also heard of a few people who get their BFP after the test where they run the dye through your tubes, so hopefully this will help you along your way and you won't need IUI or IVF. :hugs::hugs:

Ready - 7dpo - ooh the agony of the 2WW! Fingers crossed for you. When will you test?

As for me, we've just got back from Spain - Spain was lovely (and if I can work out how to get it to work to post pics then I will!!) but I was ill from a chest bug for the whole time we were there and on an emotional downer when I got the BFN and then AF came on Boxing Day. My OH was an absolute star though, I love how he can totally handle my moods, and in fact I think this brings us closer together. Now all we need is that New Year BFP!!!

So, C-Mum, let's hope you've brought some more luck to this thread and the rest of us will catch some of your baby dust over the next few months!! :hugs::hugs::dust::dust:
Yes I have been having lots of back pains and sometimes I feel a little naused. Some AF like cramps and yesterday my breast kind of had a sensation feeling. But some or all those things could be AF on her way. I am due for her Monday or Tuesday.
Hi ladies. I will not be on here for a few days so I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope 2011 brings everyone many blessings!...
And I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. May 2011 be a lovely fertile year for us all :baby::baby:
Irish-nice to see you back!!!

Leeze- would love to see some pix from spain!!! Too bad you had such a cold while you were there… doesn’t it always seems ya catch colds at the worst time!! And sooo sorry darn AF gotcha too. start on the progesterone yet? Did they give you suppositories or a pill? And looks like you got loads of testing coming up….thats awesome stuff to look forward to…Good luck to you !!!

CMum- how ya feeling girl !!!you get in the see the doc this week at all ?

Ready—so hows that TWW coming along… did ya give in and test yet !!?!?!

My update--- My Wednesday testing had semi good and then some bad news. First good news.. they spotted 6 folicles on my Ovaries… was really neat to see.. 3 of them were of decent size. And they were happy that the Clomid worked well to give me some nice big follicles… But the bad news was the post colital test… my CM is apparently hostile, they couldn’t find much of it, and of what they found they said had all dead sperm in it…it was only 2 ½ hours after we BD. Also my lining was too thin. Initially when they were testing the CM they said “hey if its bad we can just bring ya in tomorrow for an IUI” I was like ohhh I cant my husband hasn’t agreed to that yet… but then again when they saw the lining was so thin, they said they wouldn’t have offered an IUI anyway because ti would be a waste of money… So they say that the CM issue and the lining can be a result of the Clomid. But to be honest I NEVER have CM anyway.. even before the Clomid. Anyway they instisted at my age I need to take a more aggressive approach and want me to go on injectables then do another postcotial and lining scan at CD14 to see how I reached to those drugs, then if the CM is bad maybe do a IUI.

Hubby actually agreed to go to the FS on Monday with me so that we can together discuss our future on TTC with the FS. I KNOW the doc is really going to steer us in the direction of assisted conception (IUI/IVF)As I have mentioned before…hubby has let me know more than once that he does not agree with all that because it just is so “unnatural” BUT he also just let me know that he is frightened that if my body is telling me that that it cant get pregnant on its own then is it perhaps unhealthy to force conception, and would it effect the baby we would have. I tried to assure him that NO Dr will give anyone any type of 100% assurance that a baby will be 100% healthy regardless of how it is conceived. So I am not quite sure the FS will be able to ease his mind enough to have him agree for us to atleast start IUI.

So I will keep ya posted on that… oh and another thing… so far my insurance has been covering all my testing and blood work and scans etc, bottom line is they will only cover diagnostics and testing of infertility… and they do not cover any IUI or IVF procedures, its rarely covered by any US companies from what I understand. BUT….if/when I would decide to get my first IUI, then the insurance stops covering any further testing, blood work scans as well… then it appears I guess that it would mean I am being now treated for infertility and the testing is related to “fertility treatments”…and they will only pay for the testing of actually “diagnosising infertility”… So that is another big decision we have to make…knowing that if we do the IUI that absolutely every single test would also come out of our pocket here on out…..

Gosh where is that darn stork when you need it !!!!

Hoping you girls all have a fantastic New Year and I will keep ya posted on how my Monday appointment goes.
Hi and Happy New Year!!!

I've tried getting photos on but somehow it won't load up, I think maybe they're too big. I'll ask my OH if he can help because he's better at that kind of technical stuff!!

TTC - Wow - feels like you got some good news and some not so good news. Great that you've got those healthy follicles, I guess that would be harder to deal with than the no CM part. Have you tried natural ways to improve CM? I drink 2 glasses of grapefruit juice a day for CD1 to O, also take 1000mg starflower oil (you can take evening primrose oil otherwise) - from CD1 to O. There's also something in the States you can buy called Fertile CM that looks quite good. And green tea is meant to help. Oh, and fresh pineapple/pineapple juice is meant to help thicken the uterus lining. Might be worth giving all or some of these a try. Good that your OH has agreed to go to the appointment with you, that sounds like a promising start. Hopefully you'll be able to win him round if you need to :hugs::hugs:

Ready - any more signs yet? Fingers crossed!

Have a great evening everyone, whatever you're doing. I'm going to have several drinks tonight as a little treat as I'm still about a week before O. My OH and I have agreed to cut out alcohol for 3 months after tonight to try to improve our chances of getting the BFP. Hopefully it won't be too difficult because I've cut down a lot already. Here's hoping, anyway!!!

TTC, glad you got some good news but sorry for the bad news:hugs:. But all is not lost. I have heard that grapefruit juice is good for making CM and I am considering it if I am not prego now. Nope:nope: I haven't tested. It is hard but every morning I make myself get up and pee before I can grab a test.:haha:

Leeze, just having AF like cramps but I am not due until Tuesday and never cramped this early. Have fun tonight. I wish you well with cutting down on :wine:.
ooh - AF cramps a few days early sounds promising!! I got this the month I got my BFP, really noticeable ones. Fingers crossed for you. I'm still amazed at your willpower to not test!! Are you going to test tomorrow? xx :hugs:
ooh - AF cramps a few days early sounds promising!! I got this the month I got my BFP, really noticeable ones. Fingers crossed for you. I'm still amazed at your willpower to not test!! Are you going to test tomorrow? xx :hugs:

I had plan to test tomorrow but tested today and got my :bfp: Thank God!! I am on :cloud9: but also very nervous too.
Hi guys

Ready - woo hoo, fantastic news, congratulations :happydance:

TTC1st - sorry to hear the news about you're CM, but its good to know theres more they can do, I'm sure you OH will come round to the idea of further intervention, surely he won't want to give up trying after all the effort you've put in so far, maybe he just needs more information and reassurance, so its good he'll be going with you tomorrow, let us know how you get on :hugs:

Where is everyone else in their cycle at the moment, like I say I'm going to keep checking in on you girls :winkwink: :dust:

As for me, I'm just patiently waiting for the midwife to contact me. But I'm doing ok, so far symptom free and problem free except for extreme fatigue and anxiety every now and then, but can't complain about that :winkwink:

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