Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

Hi ready4onemore! So sorry I did not welcome you in my last post. My computer is on the outs at home and I was on the website through my phone. I am not a fast typer on my phone. And I am having to sneak on here at work until we can get our home computer up and running again. But anyway, I'm glad you joined in!!

So I would like some insight if you guys have any to give. My cycle was consistantly 30 days apart until my m/c last June. The first two months after getting my cycle back was 30 days then it went to 28 days for a month and then the past 2 months it has been 27 days. Why are they getting closer together? And they are only lasting 2 1/2 days if that. Should I be concerned? I just tried to get an appointment with my OBGYN sooner but she does not have anything. I am scheduled for Jan. 19. I so wish I could have gone to my Dec. 9 appointment!! I am ordering a CBFM today and I am going to stop using the IC OPK's. Hopefully that will help me track O better. I am getting concerned. After my m/c my DR said it should be easier for us to get pregnant. I just expected to be pregnant again by now. I can get in with a different doctor in the practice, one I have never seen before. Should I go ahead and get in with her you think? Surely she will refer me on to a specialist. I am 36 going on 37 and we have been trying since Dec. 2009 with a m/c in June. That should be enough to get referred don't you think? I am so frustrated!

Thanks ladies. It is always great to hear your thoughts on things!
Well I was able to get in next Tuesday to see the nurse practitioner to talk about my cycles and scheduling an appointment for bloodwork to see if I am even ovulating. They said to keep my Jan. 19th appointment with my doctor for my annual check-up and to talk further about things. I hate that you have to make an appointment to go in and talk about setting another appointment. It is so hard with work! My work does not know what is going on so they will not understand all the appointments. I called my healthcare provider and they cover FS at 90% up to $20,000 lifetime payout. Hopefully it will not come to that but it is good to know.

I am just feeling so down about this month. I had my hopes up way too high. This is getting harder and harder. I'm sure in a few days I will be feeling better. I just work today and tomorrow and then I am off till next Monday. The break is much needed!...

Sorry for being such a downer today!!!
:hi: everyone - sorry AF got you Bann and TTC - what a bummer! :growlmad: Try to do something nice over Xmas to cheer yourselves up, I reckon.

Bann - I think it's a good idea to get a CBFM - it really helped me this month to know the 3-4 days leading up to O. I don't think it's a problem if your cycles are shorter as long as your luteal phase doesn't become really short. Do you know how many days there are normally between when you O and when AF comes? I think ideally it should be at least 12-14 and if it's less than that it can make it a bit more difficult for the egg to implant. But I don't think 27 days is a short cycle. My cycles can change occasionally for what seems like no reason so I'd say try not to get too worried (if you can!!). Good idea to get things checked out though, at least you can be a bit reassured you are getting some professional advice around it. I know what you mean about feeling like you should be pregnant by now - I also had a m/c in June and keep thinking I should be pregnant again by now. My Doctor and the fertility specialist we saw at the holistic clinic both said it's a good sign we got pregnant and it should mean it can happen again, but WHEN?!!! I'm really impatient for it to happen again too. :wacko:

I'm feeling really tired today, but didn't sleep too well last night. Also, I had a couple of tiny twinges again this morning. I'm still trying not to read too much into it whilst desperately wanting it to mean something! Because I O'd late this month this feels like the longest cycle ever!!!

What's everyone doing for Xmas? My OH and I are meant to be going to Spain for 5 nights but there's been lots of flights cancelled in London today because of the cold weather and snow so hopefully we'll be able to get there ok!! I need a break!!

Baby dust everyone, good luck for the next cycle :hugs:

Bann it is okay, I didn't take it personal. I hope all goes well with you at the doctor's visit. I hate that you have to make an appointment to talk about another appointment.:shrug: That never made sense to me. I am 38 and I had a TR (tubal reversal), so I understand you being concern.

Leeze, we are going to dh's sister house. Their mother passed away this past March and they are still in the grivence part of things. We all would meet up there every Christmas.
Leeze, Spain sounds amazing for the holidays! I hope you guys get to go and have the best time ever! And I really hope those twinges in your belly are a good sign!!!!

I think my luteal phase was right at 12 days this past time. I got a positive OPK on Dec 5 so if I ovulated the next day then it would be 12. If it was a couple of days later than I am shorter than 12 and maybe that is the problem? My cycles have always been so regular, 30 days on the dot. And always last 4-5 days. Now it is 2 days most of the time, maybe very very very light on day 3. I will feel better after talking to the doctor I hope. I am feeling better today than yesterday though. My mood changes drastically from one day to the next!

Well after today I am off work till next Monday. We are hosting Christmas Eve for my husband's family. And when I mean family they include friends, neighbors, etc. I think it is up to around 45 people right now and growing! I am super nervous about it. Mainly because of the clean up it is going to involve afterwards. But it will be nice I hope.

I probably will not be back on here till next week so I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! Lots of hugs and baby dust to everyone!
:hi: ladies and I wish you all a great Xmas as I probably won't be on here much the next week or so

Bann - Good luck with your party and make sure you get someone else to agree to take charge of the washing up!! You could always get paper plates!!

Ready - I hope your Xmas is ok, and you get to have some fun/special times as well as being with everyone grieving. Xmas can be a really difficult time, can't it as well as being fun too?

I'm hoping we can get off to Spain on thursday because of all the flight chaos! Fingers crossed.

So, I'm 9dpo and today am feeling exhausted. Yesterday morning I had a really strong sense of smell on the bus. These could both be nothing and I'm preparing myself that they could mean nothing while also really hoping they do mean something!! My best friend just told me she's 7 weeks pregnant and she was on the pill and not trying. I'm happy for her because they've decided to go through with it but I'm also feeling sad and a bit numb because I wish it could be me.
Leeze, I know how you feel. :hugs: But don't worry hun your day is sure to come.
Take lots of pictures while in Spain and share with us. I would love to visit Spain.
Hi girls popping in to say Merry Christmas, I have to admit I was all pumped up to have a little bean for Christmas, but it was not my time I guess, and will have to move on to hoping for a 2011 Bean!!

hope everyone enjoys their Holiday... and I will check back in with ya all next week...I am hosting Christmas Eve as well for Hubbys family... but its just family so only 15-20 peope Not 45 like you crazy girl bann hahaha!

oh gosh sorry almost forgot my update, Saline Sonogram was fine... no cysts or fybroids ovaries are right where they should be, tubes open, so got a thumbs up from FS. On to next test which is next Wednesday which is my a Postcolotial test, and I will also get scanned to check my foloicles and measurement of my lining.. (since I am on Clomid, FS do these scanns to make sure everything is going smoothly) crossing my fingers also for my blood work to come back as well for this month, hoping for some good FSH and LH values this month!!!

Have fun at the party ttc1st.

I love the Christmas season. It brings out the best in most of us.
Hi guys, sorry I've not been around for a while, i've been sooo busy but i've got the next 3 days off work :happydance: although perhaps that doesn't mean I can relax because I'm going to have to get the house ready now for when the family descend on boxing day.

Anyway, firstly hi Sue and Karen and welcome to our little group :flower:

Bann - sorry to hear AF got you, I shouldn't worry too much about your cycle length though, 27 days used to be normal for me but over the past year I've gone up to 32 days, so I'm convinced that its because of all the TTC stress, but as long as your luteal phase is 12 days (def no less than 10 I read somewhere) its still possible to concieve :thumbup:

TTC1st - sorry to hear AF also got you but glad to hear your saline sonogram went well, I bet thats a relief and I wouldn't be surprised if you catch on next month now because apparently its very common for that to happen, so hears hoping :thumbup:

Leeze - hope you got off to Spain ok, I am a bit envious :winkwink: you should have your answer by the time you get back, lets hope it a :bfp: Its always a bit of a heart sinker isn't it, to hear of someone else getting pregnant, despite trying they're best not to :shrug: life can be so cruel sometimes!

As for me, I've not tested yet although I am on CD 31 so I do intend to test tomorrow morning if AF has not arrived by then. As for symptoms, well I've had a couple but they can be easily explained away I think, I have had an increased urge to urinate but this can happen before my AF plus I think the cold weather has something to do with it. And for the past 2 days I've had pretty bad lower backache and part of me is speculating that it could be a positive sign, like an increase in the relaxin hormone maybe :winkwink: I know, wishful thinking and tbh I wouldn't want to be in this much pain for the next 9 mnths :nope: Anyway, I know a few of you won't be around for the next few days but I'll no doubt be checking in again with developments over the weekend :dust:
well I'm not sure what to think this morning. Yesterday afternoon I had a brown spot in my pants (TMI sorry) so put on a sanitary towel convinced AF was beginning but by bedtime last night they was just another 2 small brown spots and that was it. Anyway I was convinced I would be on by morning but went for my morning pee and nothing, no more brown spotting or anything and its CD32. So I tested obviously and I got a faint (not very convincing) pink line :happydance: I'm jumping to conclusions already, that it could be implantation spotting etc and trying not to get my hopes up but I can't help it. I on;y have I more test left so I'm going to do that in the morning, if AF hasn't arrived by then.
I'm hoping this works, this a photo of my test :happydance:


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Hi guys, hope you've had a good xmas :hugs: Looks like I be having a sober xmas, which is a bit difficult with everyone trying to top my coke up with vodka everytime it gets low :winkwink: But well nothings really changed since yesterday morning, no more spotting, no AF, its CD33, the backache is still there but not as bad and I took another test today but its just a faint line again, exactly the same as the one above, which makes me wish I'd held off testing till tomorrow morning. I still not completely convinced though and going to the loo has become a very anxious moment :winkwink: because I have actually felt like AF is about to start for the past few days, like theres a bloaty, heavyness just waiting to be released. Anyway if there is no change by morning I'm going to book in at doctors, so I'll let you know how I get on :flower:
Hope your all well :hugs:
I see the line cmum!!!! I am super excited for you!!! :happydance:
Cmum, thanks for the welcome. I see the line just fine. Keep us posted of your doctors visit.
Ok I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here, because I don't know for sure that its a :bfp: but I was impatient for a new ticker :haha: Tried to book in at docs but they're closed till wednesday, so I'm going to assume that I am pregnant until I find out otherwise :happydance: I've switched my exercise routine to a prenatal one and I'm generally just trying to take it easy, so fingers x'd its not all for nothing :thumbup:
no I haven't got any left and didn't get chance to go into town to get one, but I've got a feeling I'll find myself in the pregnancy test section of boots tomorrow :winkwink:
You should be fine though. I just know some women are POAS addicts. :haha: I am so trying not to be. How many DPO are you? I am trying not to test until AF is due or late.

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