Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

:wave: Ladies, Can I join you ? I am TTC #2 post TR baby. I have joined other groups but have yet to find my "place" here in my TTC journey.
I am 38yrs old and DH is 42yrs old. I have three older daughters from my first marriage. DH and I decided we wanted a LO together about four years ago. I had TL back in 1994 so was unable to have a baby till we discovered it was possible to have it reversed. I under went a TR in May '08. We TTC on our own for 10 months then turned to fertility treatments. ( we knew that I only had on open tube and that DH had a slight mobility problem ) we were told that this lowered our chances of conceiving on our own. We decided to use IUI. The first cycle we used clomid 50mg on CD 3-7 then HSG shot ( we got 2 good size eggs) on CD 13 , IUI on CD14...we got a :bfn:
On our second attempt we used 100mg of clomid on CD3-7 plus Pergeon pen ( can't remember the dose) HCG trigger shot ( we ended up with 7 good size eggs)on CD 13 with two IUI, one on CD14 and one on CD 15..we got a:bfp:
We had a beautiful daughter nine months later on her due date !!
We had orginally said we only wanted one child but when Emily was six months old we decided that we really wanted a sibling close to Emily's other daughters are ALOT older.
We started TTC this past Oct.
We are hoping to try on our own for a few months before we have to turn to fertility treatments again ( which is very expencive and time consuming)
Hi everyone and welcome future numan - I think I've seen you on other posts (maybe TWW?)- anyway, you're very welcome to join us! We're all at the stage of having various fertility tests, treatments, considering options etc - and I have to say I really liked hearing your story of successful IUI - gives a lot of hope for the rest of us!!!!

I'm a bit peed off today because I finally got through to someone in the radiology department to try to book my HSG for next Tuesday and they said it's fully booked. The woman was really snotty and unsympathetic and told me sometimes it can take 3-6 months to get a slot. We've got our follow-up appointment at the end of March so we've only got this cycle or the next one to get it booked in. And they won't let us book in advance for the next cycle. I'm going tomorrow morning for my blood tests and a urine test so will ask the fertility dept tomorrow what their advice is. I'm wondering if it would be worth seeing how much it would be to get it done privately because time is ticking away!!!!!

Irish, I'm gonna have a good look in my wardrobe for some red things!! I've definitely got a couple of red dresses and jumpers, I reckon it can't hurt!!!! :haha:

Bann - fingers crossed for your test results, I hope they all come back ok xx

TTC - thinking of you and hoping all ok
May I ask Leeza, why is it such a wait ? It is different here becuase my OBGYN did mine and booked me in for the next week. Is there another clinic you can find ?
Welcome Future Numan! It is always nice to hear other peoples stories! And congrats on your beautiful baby girl! That is an inspirational story and gives us all hope. Thanks.

Leeze, that is so frustrating that your doctors office will not get you in sooner! And to top it all off they were rude! I would definitely talk to your doctor about it at your next appointment! My doctors office is kind of the same way. The appointment people are not friendly and they don't understand the urgency of getting in. At my last visit my doctor told me to never go through the front desk for appointments. She said to always call her nurse and leave her nurse a message and they would handle it. If there are so many issues with front desk people then they need to talk to the front desk people and get it straightened out rather than putting more work on the nurses. But I really really hope they will set that appointment for you soon! My doctor did not even mention to me HSG testing. I wonder if she will at my next visit? Oh, and thanks guys for easing my mind about the upcoming pap which will be right around O time!

So I still have not received my CD3 results. And now my mind is going all over the place wondering if they have not called me because it is bad news. They never told me when exactly I should hear from them, they just said sometime this week. I e-mailed the nurse yesterday afternoon but have not heard anything. Hopefully soon! I drive myself crazy always thinking the worst.

How you are doing in the 2ww Irish? I am happy for you that you gave it a go this month. Stay positive!

TTC I hope all is well with you!

Lots of hugs to all!...
Just received a call from the nurse with my CD3 blood test results. She said they came back "ok". She said that it showed they are decreased (said some other words before decreased but all I heard was ok and decreased) and she said that after my CD21 blood test they are going to refer me on to a specialist. She said it doesn't mean I can't get pregnant but that is all she would say. My mind went totally blank. I did not know what to ask when she was on the phone. I am at work and I did not want my co-workers to hear me. What should I have asked? All I asked was if I should be concerned and that is when she said that it doesn't mean I can't get pregnant. And then she said the CD21 test will tell if I am ovulating. I have my annual visit next Wednesday. I am so anxious to talk to my doctor now!...
Hi everyone, thanks for your sympathy about the appointment!! I went up to the fertility clinic today to give in a urine sample and told them what the radiology department said about the HSG appointment and how it's fully booked, and that I was worried because the radiology staff said I might not get an appointment either next month and our follow-up at the fertility clinic is at the end of March. I asked for her advice on this and the woman at the FC desk said that what they would do is put our follow-up appointment back because it's important I get the HSG done before we go for our follow-up!!!!! I'm not sure if that was meant to make me feel better but it really didn't. :growlmad:

Basically, what the radiology dept have said to me is that I can't phone in to book an HSG until I'm on CD1 and they only do the HSG between CD6 and CD12 - also they only do it on a Tuesday apparently - so that gives me one chance a month. This month my AF started on a Monday late afternoon and I called to try to make an appointment right away but no-one answered, I think maybe the line was closed. I called again Tuesday afternoon and no-one answered. By the time I got through to anybody it was Wednesday morning and they said all the slots were taken and they wouldn't do an advance booking for next month, so what I'm worried about is that the same thing will happen next month. I was wondering about calling them a few days early next month (before AF comes) because this might then mean I'm one of the early ones to get the Tuesday appointment, but the problem with this is that if you're still bleeding when you go for the HSG they won't do it. It's really frustrating too because my OH is booked for his SA test next week and then is away on business and they told us not to TTC on the month we get the HSG. I'm now suggesting to him that he re-schedules the SA test so at least we get a couple of goes at TTC, because he has to "abstain" for 3 days before the test. My only other option re Tuesday is to call on the day to see if they have any cancellations, I've discussed with my manager and she has agreed I can get the day off work at short notice so I'm really hoping this will happen. Also, it's not far off now until what would have been my due date from the pregnancy in June when I had the m/c and I'm feeling sad about thsi too. I've gone back into a place where it all seems hopeless. I know I'll come through it because I've recognised now this happens every month when AF comes and the few days after - but I can't help but feel sorry for myself today.

Sorry for long post all about me, but I feel better now for sharing so hope you all don't mind!!!

Future_numan -That's definitely good advice to think about other options! I did suggest to my OH that we could look into getting it done privately, but I think our only option if we do this on the health service is to go through the clinic we're now with. In some ways we should feel lucky because our clinic has a good reputation, but the problem is that it's attached to a big hospital that's not just about fertility - so getting an HSG booked in the radiology department we're fighting for spaces for people that need x-rays for a whole heap of reasons. I was thinking about emailing the clinic to see if we could get some advice from them, and my OH and I did meet the clinical director of this clinic last year at a fertility fair and he was really sympathetic so I'm thinking it could be worth emailing him to see what he suggests. So, how's it all going for you with this TTC lark? Are you trying anything specific this time to help you TTC? I'm using maca, softcups, pre-seed, CBFM, grapefruit juice, starflower oil and we're BDing every other day from about CD5 onwards each month - then 2-3 days in a row once we get positive on OPK. Fingers crossed for you that you get a natural BFP this time xx :hugs:

Bann - that sounds really frustrating that you're not clear about when you get the results, I can understand why your mind would start to worry!! But, if they say sometime this week they probably would give themselves until Friday - whereas you would be hoping for it by Monday or Tuesday!! Let's hope they come back to you today or tomorrow and it's good news! :hugs: I'm not sure when I get my blood results, I think I have to wait until the follow-up appointment which is meant to be 31st March but might need to be put back if we haven't had HSG. Although, I'm tempted to just go to the appointment either way so at least we can get all the other results if the HSG hasn't been done yet!!!

Hi to Irish and TTC - look forward to catching up with you soon xxx
Just received a call from the nurse with my CD3 blood test results. She said they came back "ok". She said that it showed they are decreased (said some other words before decreased but all I heard was ok and decreased) and she said that after my CD21 blood test they are going to refer me on to a specialist. She said it doesn't mean I can't get pregnant but that is all she would say. My mind went totally blank. I did not know what to ask when she was on the phone. I am at work and I did not want my co-workers to hear me. What should I have asked? All I asked was if I should be concerned and that is when she said that it doesn't mean I can't get pregnant. And then she said the CD21 test will tell if I am ovulating. I have my annual visit next Wednesday. I am so anxious to talk to my doctor now!...

ooh - I didn't see this post earlier. I must have been posting at the same time. Great she said they are ok, I wonder what decreased means? Maybe it's what's expected in terms of our age group? :cry: and not decreased in terms of anything sinister. Can you call her back when you're in a private room? I would want to know what ok means - maybe ask specifically to know what your levels are, what the implications of these levels are and ask what are considered to be normal ranges? Good to know nothing from this suggests you can't get pregnant. Will you get the CD21 test done this month too? Good that you will get referred to a specialist, hopefully they can give you some more answers xx :hugs:
Future NM welcome great to have others to both share with and learn from their experiences this is a lovely group very supportive and full of advise along all the stages.

Bann did she give you the new result of your FSH? From my experience they will never tell you about whether you will or won't get preggers they always talk in Stats which is very frustrating the message I got was in other words roll with the dice its all a numbers game - how infuritating is that!!!!!!!! :-( I am also waiting on the CD 21 tests should have them Monday to see if I ovulated myself.

Leeze, it can all get so overwhelming especially if you are coming close to your AF when your hormones are all over the shop. Not sure where you are based if you are in the UK but I had my HSG done privately through my OBGYN's office and it cost €150 and they were able to see me almost immediately. I don't think that would affect your treatment at the clinic you could see your gyni and ask them to schedule it for you based around your dates. You are asking all the right questions so I am sure they will be able to slot you in the next cycle I am surprised however that your clinic is not more helpful securing the appointment. Given the cost (if it is the same) you should look at a few of the private hospitals and price them up a lot of them have their price lists posted and as they are private they are always super helpful even if you choose not to go down that route. I know also how you feel about approaching the date your due date or the date that you had the m/c it is awful but as you move forward it will become easier. I was so down in Nov when I had the 2nd m/c and I thought how unlucky are we and that the 2nd one happend almost a year to the day of the last one previous to that. It is a new year and we are heading in to Spring it is a time where natures energy is high and so too is ours you will get pregnant this is going to be the year for all of us we have to hang on to that. I know it is easy to say and a bit cliche'd but the power of positive thinking and visualisation definately helps - remember sending smiles to your uterus!!

TTC hope all is well with you hope you are back to us soon- thinking of you xx

For a little update from me had my appointment with the FS yesterday it didn't really go the way I had hoped that is not to say that he didn't give me the right advise. He was going mad that we tried this month given I had the Metotroxate shot he said that it plays havoc with the body's ability to process folic acid. The long and short is he put me on fortified folic acid and I have to take that through this AF and through to the next AF and under no circumstances are we to try. He also gave me my scrip for the next round of injectibles and he up'd the dose to 3 ampules think that is 150mg so bascially I cannot start the injections until mid-March boo hoo was devastated. I knwo this is the right course of action but it is still not what I wanted. I asked was there any chance that I could fall pregnant and he said of course but it was unlikely and that really I should be hoping that I am not. Now I am scared and I am hoping that I didn't but what can you do I will have to wait until the week after next as I am only 4DPO I think the bloods though will tell me a lot if it is low then it is unlikely but if it is high then who knwos. Anyhoo guys will catch up with you probably next week as have a busy weekend have loads of family over on Saturday night - have a great weekend and baby dust to you all xx
Hi there - can I join your group? I'm 37, married for almost 12 years and TTC #1. You seem like such a nice group of ladies!

So far I'm only on my second cycle. No meds, no previous pregnancies. Using to track all my info. I'm peeing on sticks and spitting on microscopes all the livelong day! Should be starting TWW in a few days :) Would really like to make some TTC buddies - Thanks, ladies :)
hello FRIENDS!!! ITS me I am still alive

Leeze… sorry darn AF gotcha…I have to tell you this cycle I also got AF then got a really really really awful cold the exact same day…!! I really thought I was gonna DIE!! Ok slight exagaeration but still!! It was so bad…... So did you get your results back from your CD3 ? as for the HSG Leeze, I agree with Irish…I did hear the exact same thing that a lot of people have had great success the cycle they did HSG… they just want to time the test before you Ovulate so there is not a chance that you have a little eggy in trying to implant, so they schedule the test before so your clear, then afterwards the tubes are nice and cleaned out and ready for some “action”… and I also heard the dye used is also good for the little cilli thingys in your tubes that help push the egg along…. Gosh I do too much googling huh? Anyway I have always heard/read all that and your Dr telling you otherwise hmmmm its up to you if ya want to go by his advise…but I guess that’s what we are paying these guys for huh? Also Leeze that is so crappy they only do Tuesdays…. Darn hope you don’t have an issue for next month… how aggrevating!! I am sorry

Bann: your having some awful luck with your computer lately huh ?? I guess I just never thought a pap would bother things… but to be honest I would be thinking the exact same as you Bann… cause don’t they go right up in your cervix for the Pap right…?? As for CD3 results… I would straight up ask them what your results were…. And what the ranges are as well. I believe you have a right to know… I personally would not settle for your average or your low or your high, I would want to know what the results are to be honest. I did so I could do my own research. On CD 3 they usually take your FSH and LH and also your Prolactin and E3 which is your estridiol. When she is saying they are decreased is she basing it off a past test that you had and your values decreased since then? Or what would she mean decreased? That some values are low ? you kinda one some of them to be low… like your FSH you want that to be low… yep best you just as the Dr at your visit next week. I personally have an elevated FSH it seemed ok back in June but the last several months it has been high which is one (of many) signs that I have a start to a diminishing ovarian reserve. (means eggs may not be quality) and perhaps I would not respond well to Fertility Drugs… well I know I respond well the the fertility drugs so that’s not the case…perhaps the quality of my eggs are bad though…I know they are atleast 40.8 years old !! haha

Irish---ok so how did the cd21 progestrone testing go ? yes I was super excited that my lining thicken up.. thank God!! Oh and your friends idea on colors… hmmmm I need to break out my reds… I am a brunette so that is actually my color !! haha oh gosh and sorry you got scoulded by your Dr… oooops… I would not have been able to wait either Irish!! I so know why you couldn’t girl!!!

Future_numan… WELCOME!! And Congrats on your previous IUI success… I am hoping I follow right in your foot steps and can get a BFP with an IUI as IVF may cause me to sell my house and my car and my dogs and all my furniture to fund it !! haha Good luck on trying on your own for a bit… when do you think you’ll go back to the Clomid or such ? I did 2 rounds of Clomid and it produced nice follicles for me and I O’d on it Naturally but my CM was hostile and my lining was thick, so this is my first month on injectables.

Hi Shannie- welcome to our group!!! I am also using FF to monitor my cycles… I have never treid the spit and microscope thing.. whats your thoughts… I also just heard about an Ovulation Watch… its not new or anything I just heard about it… anyone else ?

As for me… So No IUI for me this month… we just went with the injectables and the trigger shot Sunday Evening and “timed intercourse” the two days after that. Next step is Monday I go in for my CD21 progestone test to see how well my ovulation was… hoping for a good strong number there !!!

We were suppose to go in for another post colital test Monday to see how my CM is doing on injectables, and this would also be a clear indicator to both myself and my Dr if IUI was really the only option we have going forward if my CM is just too hostile, which means we would NEVER get the sperm to the Cervix, and IUI would be the only course to go….Well hubby just did not have it in him Monday AM, poor guy tried like crazy… but nope couldn’t do it. I called the Drs office they said, that’s fine, just come in for an IUI anyway tomorrow, and I had to decline as hubby is just not there. They said that was fine and we can try this all over again next month. But that I am not “out” this cycle and we should be sure to just have sex at least 2 times in the next 24 hours as I was exactly in my “fertile window” so we got 3 times in instead. So here I am in the 2WW. Hubby did feel really really bad about us not being able to do this test, he said he really does understand that we probably have no choice but to do IUI, and he is now not opposed to it, but he didn’t want to do it this month…. So I guess that means he is ok with it next month…I have decided to not bring up anything baby related or injection related or anything for the next 2 weeks with him. Not that I don’t think about it my self hourly… I just really need to take the pressure off of him, and just go these next 2 weeks not talking about baby making.

I am hoping my plan is to do 1-2 IUI and then talk hubby into IVF… there really is just no time to wait… I will be 41 in April… so really no time at all!! And a lot of clinics around here if you are 42 they really really want you to do Donor Eggs instead of using your own, and hubby will DEFINITELY NOT do Donor Eggs. Sooooo we’ll see I can just take one cycle at a time right now. But since my current FS does not do IVFs I have been calling around and may make an appointment next month to just be prepared with hubby is and get all the preliminary testing done etc, so when he finally agrees then I am on it !! and there will be no delay..
:hugs:Hi lovelies and welcome to Shannie! :flower:

TTC - that sounds like great news that your OH is now on board with IUI. :thumbup: Hopefully you'll get your BFP this month with 3 x BDing at the right time and the helping hand from the injectables. Maybe you'll be able to a be a bit more relaxed this month knowing that the IUI is an option next month and you won't need the IUI. That would be a nice bit of irony, don't you think? Fingers crossed :hugs: Oh, and I meant to say I was looking on another forum the other day to try to find some info about where I could get an HSG privately in London and there was a post by someone who said she was told she had a 1% chance of getting pregnant and so had an IUI and got her BFP and had a happy and healthy baby! I wanted to post the link but I'm not sure if BNB let you post links to similar forums. But I thought it was a nice story to share

Irish - that's a shame about what your Doctor said, but good he's got you on the fortified folic acid anyways. I know I'd probably be the same as you, it's so hard to think about giving up any chance each month, isn't it? I've got my best red dress on today, am starting the red onslaught for the week leading up to O, even though I'm not sure what chances we'll have this month to TTC with everything going on. I figure it can't hurt!! :haha: I'll be interested to know what your CD21 tests show, hopefully this will be a good result :hugs:

Bann - Hope you're doing ok, not long till Wednesday till you can talk more to the Doctor and find out more about your CD3 results. :hugs: Great you've got TTC, our resident expert to help you understand all this :winkwink: TTC - I'm going to be coming to you next month when I get my results because you can bet I won't understand them and will probably forget the right questions to ask too!!! :haha:

Shannie - I don't know anything about spitting on a microscope, what's that all about? Sounds intriguing! :haha: Good luck with the 2WW

Hi Future Newman - how's it all going with you?

So, I emailed the medical director at the fertility clinic we're going to and told him about the HSG situation and asked for advice and whether we could get it done privately. He emailed me back the next morning (Saturday at 9am!) to say he was sorry about the delay in getting the HSG and would look into the options for me and get back to me. This seemed like quite a positive response, also I've found somewhere near my work where I can get it done for £300 privately - it would be good not to have to pay for it but we've decided we'd rather do this than have to risk putting it all back by a few months. So fingers crossed we will still be able to have our follow-up appointment at the end of March! I'm feeling pretty determined again!!
very quiet on here, where is everyone? have we scared off the new people already? hope not! :hugs:

My quick update is that we've booked the HSG for Thursday so I'm feeling much better about things. I'm out the next couple of nights so will catch you all later in the week xx :hugs:
Hi ladies!

Welcome Shannie!

Leeze, any response from your medical director? They going to get you in for your HSG test in March? I hope that works out for you!!

TTC, glad to hear your husband is on board with trying IUI if this month is not successful. That is great news!!

Irish, did you go in for your CD21 test? Results back yet? Hope all is well!

I have my annual visit tomorrow so I will talk to the doctor in more detail about my CD3 results. Get some questions answered I hope. I got a smiley face on the OPK yesterday. We got it in Friday, Sunday and yesterday and I am hoping to get it in tonight and then on to the 2WW. I am feeling very positive. Trying to stay that way. Does no good to get down and out. Easy to say but sometimes it is hard to maintain that positive flow. I go in for CD21 testing on Feb. 8th.

We still have not bought a new home computer so I am on at work. Have to keep it quick. But I hope everyone is doing well, hang in there, lots of hugs and baby dust to you lovely ladies!...
very quiet on here, where is everyone? have we scared off the new people already? hope not! :hugs:

My quick update is that we've booked the HSG for Thursday so I'm feeling much better about things. I'm out the next couple of nights so will catch you all later in the week xx :hugs:

We must have been posting updates at the same time! Awesome news about the HSG test this Thursday!! Yay!! I know you feel so relieved to get to move forward with that and not have to wait!! :happydance:
My hubby's SA results came back today. They said that overall they looked ok. BUT morphology was at 2% and it needs to be higher than that. They want him to do another SA test in 2-3 weeks and if it is still at 2% they are referring him to an infertility urologist.

I so wish my doctor would go ahead and refer us on to a FS. I know it is going to take a while to get an appointment and I would like to go ahead and get it scheduled. I will be begging for a referral tomorrow!!...
Welcome Shannie always good to have a new voice, Future Numan hope you are hanging in there keep us posted.

Bann that will be interesting to see what they say about your CD3 results I am afraid to go back to get mine done - I know that is totally stupid given I am already with the FS but can't bring myself to go in for the test! I have all my fingers crossed for you for the 2WW it is brill that you feel so positive I am sure that positive thinking helps with stress if nothing else

TTC - I know you didn't do the IUI this month but remember I got pregnant 1st cycle on the injectibles I know in my case that it wasn't meant to be but my egg quality wasn't good that cycle and my lining still wasn't great you seem to be having much better results than me and I don't know if I mentioned it but my FS and his clinic did a comprehensive clinical study on timed intercourse against IUI and they found that TI was just as if not more effective. My Cervix tilts back at an angle so I am thinking that I might try to go for the IUI the next time so the swimmers are not knackered by the time they get to the tubes :) Again have all my fingers crossed for you this cycle.

Leeze I am so relieved that you have your appointment for the HCG it is hard enough without uneccessary roadblocks and at least with this the results are immediate they can tell you pretty much what the story is. It is nice for a change to do something and not have to wait for pathology or all the other blah di blah with tests.

So I got my 21 day progestern back - NOT GOOD - they were 25.6 so it is very doubtful that I even ovulated and if I did the egg is probably not great this is probably why I had the issues with the last pregnancy. FS has up'd my dose not to 150mg with TI but I think I am going to push for the IUI my OH is not thrilled about the prospect but is reluctantly on board. I am technically still on my 2WW but I am not holding my breath and to be honest it is probably just as well - I really have to learn to have more patience - (NEVER!!!!!!! :) )

Have a fab week can't wait to hear all the progress reports and to catch up with our newest arrivals - BABY DUST TO ALL THE 2WW's. Today is the 1st of Feb the begining of Spring the sun was shining and for the first time in a long time I felt almost human again.
Hi ladies

Very quick one from me, will definitely post more tomorrow after HSG. Funny that most of us seem to be getting tests done and results back at the moment. Sorry to hear some of the levels are low - Bann and Irish - hope that by getting the treatment and support that this will improve things. Great you both seem to still have lots of PMA Xx :hugs::hugs: Bann - does your OH take any supplements - my OH was recommended to take something called Biocare Male Forte because of the zinc and selenium in this and how they're both good for sperm. Might be worth a shot.

We're having to pay for the HSG test tomorrow privately, but decided it would be worth the money in order to speed things up with the other hospital as they said there might be a 6 month wait for this test otherwise and we wouldn't be able to go back until we had that one done! will let you know how it goes tomorrow. Thanks for being there and caring, it means a lot xx :hugs::hugs:
Hi :hi: ladies!

I had the HSG today! Was quite painful but not as bad as I thought it might be!! A bit like having a smear test with lots of pressure building up too and a pain like AF cramps. Since I had it I've also been having some cramping feelings and a bit of stomach ache. Am really glad I had it though, that's a definite weight of my mind. OH went for his SA and blood tests today too so we've had all of the first round of tests done. I can't remember if I said but the medical director of the local hospital said that because we've had to pay privately for the HSG he wants to offer us an appointment for our follow-up sooner and he will see us personally! This is amazing news as we met him last year at the fertility show and he seemed really nice and very knowledgeable! So, hopefully things will work out for the best after all. We could have done without spending all that money on it - It worked out around £550 in total in the end - but I certainly don't regret it. It will mean a few cut-backs over the next few months but I think it's worth it!

Irish - I totally understand why you're reluctant to go for the CD3 tests, but I wondering if you don't go then isn't it possible you might not be able to get the best support you need - that's what I would worry about? I still don't know very much about all the tests and levels and what they all mean, but from what TTC has said it sounds like it's been really helpful for her to be able to see how different treatments has changed her CD3 levels? Might be worth getting some support from TTC on this one! I can also understand about not wanting to do the IUI!! I'm not keen on the idea myself either - strangely enough my OH is more open to it - his theory was that if we end up going for it that we should still BD lots around the fertile time and then we wouldn't know which had got the BFP - the natural way or IUI!! I think the romantic side of me wants to conceive in a totally loving and passionate way, but to be honest a lot of the time we're so tired anyway and the BD-ing can feel quite clinical so maybe it's not so far away from that!!! I guess if we keep communicating with our loved ones in an open and honest way then hopefully we'll get through it all and find the right way :hugs:

Bann - how did it go at the Doctor's yesterday? Have they decided to refer you to the FS? Sorry to hear about your OH's morphology - I don't know much about this but I guess it would be good to get more advice from a specialist. Would you OH be open to looking at diet, alcohol levels, lifestyle etc because I think all of these can make a big difference? I've read before that the levels can change a lot in men if they make a few changes to lifestyle - more exercise, 8 hours sleep a night, healthier eating, less alcohol etc - even things like avoiding hot baths, wear looser trousers - all meant to make a difference. :hugs:

TTC - did you get your CD21 results back yet? How's it all going. Wouldn't it be lovely if you got a natural BFP this cycle!! :hugs:

Future numan and Shannie - if you're still around let us know how you're getting on xx :hugs:
I meant to say, the Doc said it all looked normal on the HSG - fingers crossed!!

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