Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

Oh my gosh, I just lost my entire post. I was about to hit "post quick reply" and I hit something else and the whole darn thing went away. Ugh! Ok, here is a quick version of my post...

I am super excited for you Ready. Congrats!

CMUM thanks for continuing to follow along with us and keep the positive energy flowing. Can't wait to hear about your first visit.

TTC, I am on the pill form of progesterone. I hope your visit goes well today and you got some positive news!!

Leeze, what CD are you on? Is it BD time yet? You always spice it up and keep it fun. You inspire me.

I am on CD16. My hubby has been so sick the past week. He is seeing a doctor today and for him to see a doctor he has to be extremely sick. He NEVER goes to the doctor!! We were able to get it in the morning of CD13 and the night of CD14. I think that will be all for us this month. I did not do the OPK this month. I wanted to try and keep it stress free and relaxed so the plan was every other day from CD10 or 12 through 18 or 20. Oh well. I am glad to get the 2 days in that I did. And I feel good that things are on track with me at the doctor and getting testing scheduled, etc. And there is CMUM which I feel like my story this month almost mimics hers last month and you see it worked out fantastic for her! So I have hope!!

Lots of baby dust and hugs to everyone!...
Woo-hoo - a BFP for Ready!!! Congratulations - that is amazing news! :happydance::happydance: I'm hoping you and ChysantheMUM have turned this thread into a lucky one!! Hopefully lots more 2011 BFPs on the way from the rest of us! :thumbup:

I'm on CD9 today. Started doing the CBFM sticks today but got low fertility. I'm hoping I'll O on Saturday or Sunday because this gives us lots of time for BDing in a more relaxed way! I've hated it the last few months when I've O'd midweek and we're both normally pretty tired and a bit stressed during the week. Last month my cycle was 32 days instead of the usual 28 but I'm really hoping it goes back to 28 this month and then I will O at the weekend :thumbup:

Glad to see you came back to see us, Chy-Mum - and I hope you do keep coming back to say hello and update us on how you're doing! Feeling tired must be a good sign, I reckon. And feeling anxious is perfectly natural! I remember when I got my BFP in June I felt so excited at first for a couple days then anxiety definitely came along in a big way. :hugs::hugs:

How's everyone else doing? Getting ready to start the new year of TTC - let's make 2011 the year for all of us!!! :hugs::hugs:
:hi: Bann - that's funny we must have posted our messages at around the same time!!

I've no specific plans to "spice it up" this month, but luckily my OH is normally quite obliging esp if I put some sexy underwear on! I must admit I do tend to make a bit more of an effort around O time - in terms of wearing nicer clothes and generally taking more care of my appearance! We're planning to BD every other day (starting from yesterday) - until 2 or 3 days after O at least.

I remember reading recently that apparently the LH surge can take a while to reach your urine so sometimes you can be more likely to get a BFP if you BD in the 2-3 days before the positive OPK - fingers crossed for you xx :hugs::hugs:
Cmum: :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Congrats again so thrilled for you and if I am being honest a tiny bit jealous (in a good way of course).
Glad your holliers went well, could do with a blast of sun here in Ireland as we have had the worst Christmas in over a centuary we had no water for 2days it was like being back in the ice age . We were all sick in my house with various forms of flu hope your chest infection is better very hard to get motivated when either of you is sick.
Know what you mean about being tired especially if you both work, think the CBFM is brill I am a slave to mine hoping to be able to chuck it out the window some time in the near future  Bought some sexy nightware in the sales was all happy with myself 
If it is any consolation I had very similar problems and still do now that I am trying again I had the very thin lining and I wasn’t producing any viable follicles. I went straight on to the Menopur injectibles and got pregnant that cycle even if it was EP .
I think men take their fears and express them in a different way especially when it comes to fertility I suppose b/c they feel so helpless. My husband had a lot of reservations for lots of different reasons but the FS was really helpful and really put both our minds at ease so hopefully he will come around.
I also know the worry about how you are going to pay for all this we are not covered at all by insurance except for some of the drugs under our National Drugs scheme, as women we know the end goal is definitely worth it but for men it is harder to visualize I don’t think my OH knew I was preggers until he was at the birth of my daughter 
What can I say except a big congrats absolutely thrilled for you hopefully this is indeed the start of a trend – here’s hoping xx
Hope your hubby is feeling better, I agree it can be better sometimes to de-stress and as they say it only takes one little guy to get through 

Anbyhoo my story so far I started to use the CBFM even though I had no idea where I was in my cycle I got Peak on the 22nd of Dec which showed as CD17 which I know really isn’t correct I am still waiting on my periods which have not yet turned up. I am not supposed to get pregnant until at least one normal cycle which for the most part I followed using protection etc.. but one night about 2 nights before my peak we had a few drinks and didn’t quite get to the whole contraception thing sorry if TMI but he thinks he exited in time . I don’t know why I am worried as it took a shed load of drugs for me to get pregnant but I had some spotting over the last few day like the last time & I am totally paranoid. It goes against everything in me to not want to get pregnant but to be honest I do. What will be will be and I am sure I am just over reacting I am hoping AF turns up over the next few days or perhaps that was all I was going to get this cycle. Anyhoo I think I will be on CD1 by next Monday and back fully in the rat race. Had a nice Christmas was weird not trying and having a few party nights even if my OH was very sick and in bed for most of the holidays.
Girls wishing you all a fantastic 2011 this will be a good year I am sure of it.
:hi: everyone - lovely to see you back again so soon, Irish :hugs::hugs:

Just a really quick one from me as I'm feeling really tired and want to get lots of early nights this week for our busy week and weekend of BDing! No high reading on CBFM yet but hopefully will get the first high tomorrow.

Irish - why did they say you should wait at least one cycle before TTC? I've heard conflicting things about this where some people says it's ok to start again straight away if you feel emotionally ready, especially if you were quite early on in the pregnancy. I hope it all works out for you, hon - whichever way it goes. One of my colleagues had a m/c then got pregnant the next month with her daughter, so you never know! :hugs:

TTC - how did your appointment go at the FS? Hope it went ok. My OH and I are going for our first appointment next Wednesday

Bann - How's the 2WW going?? Fingers crossed you are our next BFP!!

C-mum and Ready - hopefully we'll all be joining you soon in the 1st tri section!!!
Hey ladies, I hope all is well with everyone. I am doing fine just hungry all the time. :shrug: I hope you all will be joining really soon. I will check back in later.
Hi Irish... great that your "back in the game" hopefully AF will show up soon huh? so you can start your first new cycle. And ya the FS really thinks that me starting on injectables and takin me off Clomid is the best thing. Says that injectables are "suppose" to do wonders for your CM and your lining. So this next cycle I think we are going to do the injectables which will be Follistim/Ganarelix/Ovidrel then just "timed intercourse" I am hoping my FS is correct and my CM increases, as I in the past (even off Clomid) never really notice any CM. I would love that he is correct and my lining turns out great going foward and also my CM... but we Shall see I guess.. all a waiting game it seems.

Leeze... GOOD LUCK with your FS visit next week... your prob so excited huh? I was on pins and needles waiting for my first visit. As for my visit that hubby attended it went very well. Although hubby has not for sure committed to doing IUI this next cycle, he is at least considering it. We will try injectiables and if my CM turns out bad again on my CD14 post colital test, then FS will really want us to do an IUI instead of timed if need be I am hoping hubby will participate.

Bann... hoping hubby is getting better... looks like no matter where ya live... there are all kinds of bugs going around. So you are officially in the TWW then ? yep so am I... although I am not quite sure when I ovulated... FF originally showed that I O'd last Wednesday (which was a day before my CBFM went to peak) so I didnt believe FF, but then today I plugged in my temp, and now it moved my O day to this past Sunday... I really do not trust FF, it seems it goes strickly by temps and not a combo of signs as it says it does, and my temps are ALL over the place, so I cant trust FF because my temps are crazy, I just really have to go by CBFM and OPKs I guess

soooo CMum... how ya feeling girl?

and Ready.. girl your hungry already!!! ??!! haha... ohhh my looks like ya got a lot to look foward to the next 9 months huh?

Basically in a nut shell the visit we had monday with the FS, was just to go over my last several blood work and scanns this past cycle, and his advise for us going foward was "Need to get more aggresive, because I potentially only have 1 year left to have a child" I am happy hubby was there to hear what the Dr had to say so he realizes the sence of urgency we have if we want to have children we have try RIGHT NOW. Hubby also had a big concern that I did not know about, and he was worreid that if my body is telling me I shouldnt have kids, then forceing in with drugs and perhaps IUI or IVF would that have any effect on the baby or me carrying the baby. The FS assured him there has been massive studies and there is absoulutely no difference in the health of the baby or the mother carring a child, based on how conception was done either natural or IUI or IVF there is no difference. I kind of all ready thought there would be no difference, but it was nice that hubby was there to ask the Dr himself, which made him feel a lot better.
howdi Leeze,
They told me should wait one cycle at least after the Methotrate shot as it was not a normal miscarraige as such due to it being ectopic but broke out and did a test this morning and it was negative in theory should be 13DPO so hopefully that is that and I will get my AF soon.

When you know your cycle schedule you should definately do 2-3wks of acupuncture (I do once a week) they have a proven track record of increasing the thickness of the lining - I am hoping that when I go back to the FS the end of Jan that he tells me that things have improved since my last visit. I really swear by preseed but you might notice a significant improvement of CM when you are on the injectibles I noticed some but not as much as I expected so I complimented that with the preseed. Fertileaid - "Fertile CM" is also meant to be very good but check with your FS if you can use it with the injectibles I know for instance that you are not supposed to use the "Fertile Aid" when on clomid but for the CM product it does not say this. Anyhoo I know you are probably doing a lot of research but no harm throwing this in to the pot.

Keep yee posted guys, Leeze keep us posted on your appointment and Bann fingers crossed for your 2WW. Baby Dust to all xx
:hi: ladies

TTC - that's great news that your OH seems more on board, and fab that he was able to air his fears and talk with the FS about them. Fingers crossed you get that BFP this month!!! Have you tried evening primrose oil or starflower oil from CD1 to O day - meant to improve CM. I had lots of EWCM 2 months ago from taking it but strangely didn't see any last month. Not sure if it's ok to take these with fertility treatment though so might be worth checking out. Great that you've got the option of trying the injectables before doing the IUI. Good luck with the 2WW :thumbup:

Irish - that makes sense re the ectopic, probably good to follow their advice then! Fingers crossed for you for next month. Are you trying anything new/different for next month? :hugs:

Bann - how's that 2WW coming along? Any strategies in place this month on how to keep yourself sane until testing time? :hugs:

As for me, feeling really tired today - CD12 - no signs of O and still got low fertility on CBFM. Hoping get the first high tomorrow because otherwise I will likely get O during the week next week again and I'm so keen for it to happen at the weekend!! Why oh why won't our bodies do what we tell them to? So frustrating!! Like we could just tell them when to ovulate and when to get pregnant and to choose a lovely strong egg and to create a welcoming environment for the sperm and then pick a lovely strong sperm to create a gorgeous baby with!!! Sounds so easy really!!! :dohh:
LOL Leeze. If it was only that simple!!! I hope you get your peak very soon. You anxiously await O then you anxiously await to see if all your efforts worked. It is a maddening cycle! Good luck at your FS visit. Can't wait to hear about it!

TTC sounds like you are doing all that you can right now and you guys just have to hope it all works out for the best. It is great your husband went with you to the FS and heard first hand what all is going on, your options, etc. I feel like they are so separated from it all sometimes. We need them to go at it right when it is time and that is all they have to do. I have my fingers crossed for you!

Irish, it sounds weird saying this but I hope AF comes real soon and you can get back on track!

Is it just us four now? Am I missing anyone?

I am not exactly sure where I am past O right now since I did not use any OPK's this month. And we only got it in twice. I don't have any symptoms. I really don't feel positive about this month. More so anxious to start testing and seeing the doctor which is coming up soon. The progesterone I am taking is making me extremely dizzy. I had spells yesterday and today and I seriously thought I was about to pass out. And that feeling at work is not a good feeling. I called the doctors office today and they said I need to take it at night on an empty stomach. That would have been nice to know before now. I am on CD19 today so today was my 5th day taking it. I am feeling very bloated also which is another side affect. Fun times. Anything to help though! And this is what I am talking about that our OH does not get to experience so they are so distant from what is going on. I tell my husband and I think he feels like I am just whining or complaining. We are experiencing everything emotionally and physically.

Ok enough rambling for now. Chat with you ladies later. Lots of hugs and baby dust!
Oh no Ready! I did not mean it the way it sounded. Sorry! I meant just us four left on the thread that are still TTC. I am glad you are still following along and I hope you keep us updated on your progress! :flower:
Oh no Ready! I did not mean it the way it sounded. Sorry! I meant just us four left on the thread that are still TTC. I am glad you are still following along and I hope you keep us updated on your progress! :flower:

I know you didn't mean that way. I just thought I would tease you. You will be preggers before you know. I pray for all my TTC ladies. :hugs:
Hi :hi: ladies :hugs:

I'm not sure how to say this so I'm sorry if it comes out wrong but I think I will really struggle if those who have got their BFPs keep coming back to this thread regularly. I don't want to sound mean or hurtful but personally I'm really struggling with the amount of people in my personal life who are pregnant and get reminded constantly of this on a day-to-day basis. This group is my personal haven where I can rant and rave about the difficulties of TTC, especially being over 35 and the additional problems this can bring. I'm happy for those of you who have got your BFP and today I'm in quite a good space emotionally but there are some days where it's really hard for me and on those days I want to only be around those who can totally understand (mainly my OH and the girls on here who are still TTC). I'd like to still keep in touch with those from this group who have got their BFPs and it's nice to know how they're doing - and I've already got C-mum and Treykids on my contacts and friends lists so will send Ready a friend request too. This means on the days where I'm feeling strong and positive then I can drop by onto their profile and say hi and find out how they're doing but I don't have to see their ticker advancing on a thread where I can moan about TTC. And I don't feel I'm in a position at the moment to support people going through morning sickness or any worries/concerns about being pregnant when I'm finding it so hard to get pregnant myself. I'm really struggling in my personal life at the moment to be supportive to those around me who are pregnant and this is a place where I can get away from this. I'm sorry if this sounds really selfish but this is how I feel.

If others on here feel differently from me then what I'd suggest is that you could start a group under the "Discussions and Groups" section for women over 35 and not in the TTC buddies section and that we keep this thread for those who are still TTC. I'm part of a discussion and support group about Maca on that section and there's women at all stages of TTC and pregancy and I know when I go on that thread what to expect and if there's days it's really difficult I can take a few days out from that group. But when I come to this group I know that everyone is in the same position as me and this really helps.

Now I feel like a complete cow, but to be honest I've realised in this life that sometimes for me it's important that I speak up for what I need, especially when it comes to this sensitive subject.
Good morning girls… hoping you all are having a great weekend.

Leeze- wow girl… I really really do see your point. I myself am having a really really hard time even going in public and seeing babies… Gosh I have always loved children and babies and non-stop have always wanted to been around them. But you know what is soooooo weird… I want them soooo bad But when I see now a baby or a pregnant person I get SOOOO depressed. ….It is getting progressively really bad for me, even watching TV now, or online researching all this TTC crap on how to get pregnant or on the forums, I see a pix of a baby… and I get SOOOO BLUE. Doesn’t make sense really….Ok that’s what I want…a baby… dah…then I ask myself WHY do I get sick to my stomach with jealous and envy and get so depressed when I see a child or a pregnant person.

Irish- I very well may have to look into the acupuncture… I have never had it… and have a really bad idea of it… literally sticking needles in ya right? May sound a little ignorant on my part.. haha…

And yep thanx, I am really thinking I may order the FertileCM your right… I heard some really great things on that… and I do use Conceive Plus already (same as Pressed) but for that post coiltal test they wanted to test me with out using it to see what I produce “naturally” well which was nothing. And again I don’t really think I have any…that is why I don’t really know if it was just the Clomid that contributed to this ya know ? and the thin lining thing toooooo… FS is really blaming this on the Clomid as well? I don’t know really… it was only my 2nd month on the Clomid, but only the first time I had my CM examined or my lining checked, so I don’t know if I really personally want to contribute both of those to the Clomid. Gosh I don’t KNOW!!!

Bann--- oh gosh that is crappy that progestone is making ya feel so bad… ewww now is that the suppositories? or is it a pill you have to take ? you testing soon ? or when is your AF due date ?

And Ready and CMum hoping our BFPers are doing well… hopefully we will all be joining ya in 2011…GOD I HOPE SO!!!

Well small update for me…as I told ya girls. My FS next and only step he has recommended is to move onto injectables drugs… pretty much no more tests for me to take or evaluation…only resort is injectables… BUT looks like I am not quite sure if we are moving on to the injectables as quickly as I thought… It appears that it has been confirmed that an injectable cycle with all the blood work and ultrasounds that are required to go along with it will cost us close to $3000.00 out of our own pocket. yep… (that doesn’t even include an IUI..that is only $275 more) my insurance will not pick up any of it. FS pretty much told me I only have roughly a year to even get pregnant, and with my age and rising FSH value that on my own naturally I have appx 1% chance of doing this. With injectables it brings me to appx %10-12 chance. So very long story short I don’t know what I am doing this next coming cycle… I am so depressed right now. AF is due next Thur-Fri I believe. If by some chance hubby agrees that we will spend the 3K I really want to push to spend the extra $275 for an IUI to up our chances, whats the sense in spending 3K and going for all these Drs visits, pumping my self full of all these hormones and just trying to BD ourselves…when they will do an IUI for only $275 more. He really is stuck on trying to keep this as natural as possible and really just doesn’t like the %%% Dr is giving. But then again it is more than %1 is the way I am looking at it!!!

I don’t even know how long I will be able to do this all if I know each month I only have a %1 chance… GIRLS I AM SOOOOO BLUE!! SORRY if I am sounding like a downer, but this really the only place I can voice these feelings… I can not talk to hubby too much or he thinks I am getting neurotic with all of this, and I haven’t told much of my friends and family all the nitty gritty details… So typing it all out and letting you guys read it makes me feel a little better.
Leeze, important that you can feel you can say what ever you want on this forum I don't think anyone will judge you for that.

TTC, I want to give you a hug you seem to be really going through the mill. Honestly the acupuncutre is not at all painful once you get over the fact that you are paying someone to stick needles in you. There are loads of schools of thought on IUI my FS won't do it unless you have some medical problem with your cervix as he did a comprehensive study on IUI against injectibels with intercourse and if anything he said that BDing yourself is as if not more effective. To be honest there are different schools of thought but that might give you some comfort if your OH won't agree to the IUI. If he will agree I don't think it is a bad idea. I know it is easy for me to say but try to stay positive you are doing everything you can so hopefully it will work out xxx

Bann I was on progestern too they put me on the supositories Crinone I had no side effects except a build up of residue which you have to manage they advise to use them in the am so that activity during the day helps manage the situation you should ask about it or google it maybe it might suit you better. If I go again I am going to ask them to let me start using during my 2WW. Let us know how you are getting on hopefully this is your month.

So guys my AF turned up on Friday, never thought I would wish for that but hurray back on track now again I am CD4 it was very light (which I was surprised at) but still there so back to acupuncture today after the Christmas. By the time on see the FS on the 27th I will be CD21 I should start the injectibles CD3 of my next cycle so that will bring me the begining of Feb I am hoping that March will be my month.

Anyhoo guys hang in there be strong we will get there it is a new Year and still full of hope!!!!!!!
Hi everyone and thanks for your kind and supportive words!

TTC - that sounds really tough but I wonder if the FS is erring on the side of caution when he tells you those stats? It feels to me like more and more women are waiting until they're around 40 before TTC and I keep hearing of success stories of women over 40 who go on to have healthy babies so I'm amazed that they have given you such low stats. I guess it's hard to think about paying all that money out when the FS tells you about stats like that, but if it was me I'm pretty sure I'd go for it anyway as 10-12% is better than 0%! Would you consider IVF or do you think your OH would be totally against it? I'm just wondering if it might increase the odds? That really sucks that your insurance won't cover it. Fingers crossed for you honey, and don't give up hope! :hugs::hugs: I'm glad you're able to share on here and we're able to listen. I haven't tried the FertileCM but I've been taking starflower oil and drinking lots of grapefruit juice to try to bring on the EWCM. I haven't noticed any for the last 2 months. I was reading this week about using actual egg whites, quite an interesting website, might be worth giving it a go!!

Irish - I don't normally say this either but hurray for AF!! :thumbup::thumbup: Will you have a go at TTC naturally this month or will you wait until next month for the injectables? I'm really starting to enjoy my acupuncture too and it's done wonders for my AF pain. Now it just needs to help me get that BFP!! I was a bit cynical at first but given how much my AF pain has improved (I've always had it bad since I was 12 and now it's pretty none-existent) it's encouraging me to think it definitely does something!!

Bann - I hope you're feeling better. :hugs::hugs: that's funny that the Doc didn't tell you take the progesterone cream in the evening until you contacted them to say it was making you feel unwell! What we have to go through!! I hope it works for you! Any potential symptoms yet?

As for me, I got 3 high days on the CBFM the last 3 days and my first peak this morning! We've BD-d on the first high day and then yesterday morning and are planning to do tonight and tomorrow night too. Fingers crossed, but I'm not feeling too hopeful really. We've got our first appointment with the FS this Wednesday so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will give us some hope!! :thumbup::thumbup:

Baby dust everyone :dust::dust:
Hi Ladies. I computer crashed at home again. This time I think it is gone and is not coming back!

Leeze, I completely understand and share in your struggles. I think we can all relate!! It is so difficult when you do everything you can, try so hard each month, with no results. It is important to be able to express your feelings! And I totally relate and share the same feelings as you! I have my fingers crossed for you in your 2WW!!!

Yay, so glad to hear AF came Irish and you are now getting back on a schedule!

TTC, so sorry to hear about your FS visit and the results! Those odds seem so low to me also! I am sure you and your husband are having lots of heart to heart talks and you will figure out what is best for you guys. It is such a difficult position to be in. Don't give up and stay positive, as difficult as it may be.

I am on the pill form of progesterone. AF is due Saturday or Sunday for me. I took a test this morning and it was negative. I have had no symptoms so I was not upset at the results. I will go in for my CD3 test next week and I have an appointment with my OBGYN January 19th to discuss being referred to a FS, I hope.

I am on here at work so I had to make it quick. I'll check back in with you guys again soon. Lots of hugs and baby dust!!
Bann, fingers crossed you are still in with a chance this month and if not then onwards and upwards hopefully you will get an appointment with the FS soon.

Leeze, the killer 2WW but you will be fine here's hoping for a good result

TTC hope you are keeping well and you are not feeling so blue hugs to you

I have decided to not even try this month we are going to use protection and start fresh with the injectibles next month. The only thing is have to travel and it is going to be cutting it very fine normally they won't give you the trigger shot without scannign you day 10 I have to go Poland on the 15th of Feb so it will really depend on when next AF shows up. If I fall on a 28day cycle then I should just about make it btu if not then I think I will just skip the injectibles that cycle too as they are so expensive there is no point in my being at the other side of Euope when I am ovulating and no husband :) it is so hard. I can't really put off this visit either given that I missed two visits the back end of last year so can't appear to be difficult. I don't think people realise that trying is just not trying it really effects every part your life and really influences what you do and when. I think we don't give ourselves enough credit for being as strong as we are b/c even though it doesn't feel like it we choose to get up every day and fight the fight. We are all doing all we can so I feel it in my bones that we will all get there. xx Hang in there Baby Dust to you guys!!!!!!!!
Hi ladies - a very quick hi to say I probably won't be on much in the next few days as I've got busy days at work, busy evenings and a friend staying at the weekend.

Irish, fingers crossed for you the dates work out ok. I can understand your frustrations!

Bann - it's still early this cycle, you never know!!

TTC - sending you a big hug, hope that you and your OH are having some good chats and supporting each other

I went for FS appointment last night. Very short version (i'm at work so only got couple minutes) - they want to do lots of tests before they talk to us about a treatment plan. So if we don't get BFP this month then next month we will get all the tests done and won't be able to TTC next month because of HSG test - then we will go back for follow-up in March to discuss possible options. I'm pleased we've started this process but got mixed feelings about having to miss out next month if we don't get BFP this month!!


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