Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

I'm on at work also so this has to be a quicky for me as well.

Leeze, why can you not try the month you get the HSG test? I have not read anything about it. I need to do my homework. I would hate the thought of missing out on a month! But a month break might not be such a bad thing. Give your mind a rest for a little bit and get to relax.

I can't wait for my doctor's appointment next week and hopefully get to moving forward with the testing and everything. I still have no symptoms. I have not tested anymore and do not plan on it. AF is due in a couple of days and I have had some AF symptoms so I feel like she is well on her way.

I doubt I will be back on here till next week so I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
the Doc said that because of the x-rays and dye they use that they think it might be harmful to a baby so ask that you don't TTC that month. I think you're right that it would be good in a way to not be obsessing about TTC all month, but I bet there would also be part of me thinking that might have been our month to get the BFP if only we'd tried! I've got to think about the bigger picture too though in terms of long-term gains and I'd rather there's a thorough check done so we can see what to do for best in the future. Also I've heard that it's quite common to get a BFP in the month after the HSG, even though it's an investigation and not a treatment, somehow it can clear the tubes and make it easier to conceive.

Bann - don't give up on this month yet, I've heard of women who haven't felt any symptoms until about 21dpo - also AF symptoms can be similar to preg symptoms!!

Hi to everyone else, chat more next week xxx
That makes sense Leeze. You don't want to take any risk. And if you waited on the test and got a negative you will be upset for not going ahead with the test and taking that month off. It is just hard. The whole process is emotionally exhausting!

Well I tested Saturday, Sunday and today and it has been BFN every time. I look and look and look for a faint line, hold it up into the light, wishing there was the faintest of lines there but nothing. The progesterone apparently worked in lengthening the time between cycles but now I am so ready for AF! I am on CD 30 and no AF in sight. I was reading online that it has delay other womens cycle 5-10 days on up to 21-30 days. Most common response was 3 days. My last dose was Friday night. It is just a waiting game now I guess.

I will check back in soon. Baby dust and hugs to everyone!
Aw - Bann - how frustrating for you. I know that feeling of searching for that little yet so important line!!! Is this your first month with the progesterone? Remember you're not out unless AF comes. Fingers crossed for you that the BFP is still around the corner. :hugs::hugs:

Hi to Irish and TTC - I hope all is ok with you both

I'm feeling really tired today and have been sleeping quite a lot the last few nights. I know it's quite early on really to have any symptoms so I'm thinking it's probably psychological!!! I'm generally feeling more positive about things and am glad to know that the process has started with the hospital. Also I've heard now from a few women on here that apparently you can still TTC in the month you have an HSG, you just can't do it in the days leading up to it so it's best to get it done as early as possible in the cycle. So maybe all won't be lost next month

hugs and baby dust all round xxx :hugs::hugs::dust:
My fingers are crossed for you Leeze that all that you are feeling are early signs!! How much longer before you start testing?

Still no AF and again a BFN this morning. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I can't wait to see her! I have done so much internet searching and reading. Appears that in some women what I was prescribed, Prometrium 100mg pill form, can have an adverse affect and cause you not to ovulate. Also very common for a delayed period and no real answer as to how long of a delay. I am now questioning if I even ovulated this month. Wish I would have used OPKs this month. Of all months to decide not to use them. Ugh. Because my hubby was sick we only BD cycle day 13 and 14. We BD later on in my cycle after he got to feeling better but it was around CD 23 so I don't really think that would count. I searched to see if the drug can cause a delay in ovulation and it moreso causes you not to ovulate rather than a delay in ovulation.

I am completely overwhelmed with work but this is all I can think about.

Irish and TTC, hope things are going good with you guys!
Hi Bann - I'm going to try to hold out on testing till Saturday or Sunday. AF is due Sunday but I O'd late this month so I predict she'll come on Mon or Tues if no BFP. I'm thinking it will probably come to nothing as it normally does, but I'm still holding on to that little bit of hope. I'm still feeling quite positive today, but who knows what I'll be like by the weekend!!

Sounds really frustrating what you're going through. What is your cycle length normally? Remember some women get to 21dpo before getting a BFP. Good look with the Doctor's appointment, I hope you get some answers. Would they do a blood test to check it out? Seems odd that they would prescribe you something to help with TTC when one of the side effects might be to stop ovulation - I don't really get that!! I know that feeling about it being all you can think about. Sending you big hugs and positive vibes :hugs::hugs:

TTC and Irish - sending you hugs too :hugs::hugs: and hope to see you back with us soon
Leeze, good luck holding out testing till Saturday or Sunday!...

AF came this morning. Which I am pretty relieved. If I am not pregnant I want to move on to the next round of trying! Doctors appointment went well. I was hoping she would prescribe clomid but she will not prescribe anything without going through the testing first. (Her nurse practitioner is the one that prescribed the progesterone and my doctor got a little upset about that. Said my cycles even though not consistant are long enough. They have been 27 days apart for the past few months, prior to that 30.) CD3 testing is this Friday. I think she said this test will make sure I am ovulating and test how good my eggs are? We talked about so much I wish I had a tape recorder with me to play it back. She will not prescribe anything right now because she does not know what is causing us from getting pregnant. Once we go through the round of testing she said she will know better if she should just put me on clomid, go ahead and get me in to a specialist, etc. My hubby is going in for a SA test next week. I am feeling much better about things. For now anyway.
Bann, sorry to hear AF got you but sounds like you got just the right attitude. :hugs:

If I don't get BFP this month then I'll be joining you next month for all the tests! As soon as AF comes I've got to book the blood test for between CD2 and CD5 and then will have an HSG between CD6 and CD12 - and my OH will go for SA again. Of course I'd really love a BFP this month but seriously for the first time since TTC I think I would be ok with not getting it because I would like to know the results of all the tests. Also, it would be good to get a sense as to whether there's any possibility of us being able to have 2 children as we'd really like to have 1 in the next year or so then 1 about 18 months after that. It might be wishful thinking given I'm not far off 39 now so it would be good to know that. Also if there is anything stopping us getting pregnant (other than the eggs being a bit older that would be ideal) then it would be good to know and get it treated

I'm not really spotting any symptoms this month except for feeling tired and having slight tugging on my lower right side. The thing is, I've felt like this pretty much every month at this point in my cycle since the m/c in June so I'm trying not to read too much into it.

I think the CD3 test is to test your FSH amongst other things (follicle stimulating hormone) and I think from the level of that they can get an idea about your fertility potential. Good luck with it all, glad to see your PMA xx :hugs:
Howdi guys been mental with work too and my OH is travellilng so it is all go. Bann sorry about the BNF but glad you got your AF without too much delay it gives you so much more control when you know where you are in your cycle believe me I know. Fingers crossed for your tests I hope they go well I know it is hard but I think you are better off getting the tests first.

Leeze, all my fingers crossed for you I really hope this is your month but if not then like you said at least you are going to all the tests which will give you a really clear picture of how you need to proceed. I had the the FHS test done and got 10.1 on Clomid which apparantly isn't terrible but means decreased fertility. The FS did say that it can be affected by the Clomid I haven't retested yet but thinking about it next cycle.

I am now CD14 and very frustrated I had a low on the CBFM until this morning so my body is definately not back up to speed yet only had two bars normally I would get a Peak latest CD15. I was at Acupuncture on Tuesday and burst in to tears didn't even realise that I was upset but I felt much better after it. Sometimes I don't feel the stress building up until it bubbles over. She was advising me anyway not to get pregnant this month that we should wait until further in to Feb even early March as your Kidney Chi is rising at this time of year. She pointed out to me again that if you look at nature it is the time of year that nature is renewing itself and I suppose that makes perfect sense.

We have our appointment with the FS on the 27th so lets see what he says about how we should move forward.

Guys best of luck with all the testing either with the FS or for the BFP will tune in over the weekend probably Sunday night. Have a great weekend I am doing nothing this weekend just chilling xx
Hi ladies :hi:

I got BFN this morning, still early but I think I'm going to be out this month. Feel crappy today, feel like I've got a cold coming and also a bit pre-menstrual too! Feeling quite sorry for myself and like life is really unfair. Just saw a woman really shouting at a kid in the supermarket and it made me seethe with anger, I came really close to saying something to her. I know it's easy to judge somebody else and not know their story but I was behind her in the queue for about 5 mins and the whole time she was being really critical of her little girl. The little girl was just being a normal, inquisitive and lively child but everything she said or did she got a shout for. It was horrible. GRRR :growlmad:

I know it's still early for me this month, but I'm pretty sure AF is just round the corner. It will be good to get the tests done and find out more about where things are but I can't help but feel sad too.

Irish - I think it's totally understandable to cry, this is so important to all of us and all that sadness and frustration builds up, doesn't it? That's interesting what your acupuncturist said to you about it not being a good time of year. I keep thinking as the next few months go on about what month a baby would be born and thinking that anytime over the next 4-5 months would give a winter baby and that it would be nice to have a summer baby, but to be honest I really don't care now. A healthy and happy one born any month will do me!!!! :haha: Also, I'd say try not to worry too much about your highs on the CBFM coming a bit later, mine O has ranged from CD13 to CD18 over the last 8 months or so since I've been doing OPKs and as long as you've still got about 12 days LP then it doesn't really affect TTC, as far as I know. I know it's difficult because it puts you out of sync a bit and if you've started the regular BD-ing it can become quite tiring but I think it's pretty normal to have some cycles that are a bit longer than others. I've actually found since I started the acupuncture that my cycles have been a bit longer and I wondered if that was maybe actually a positive result of the acupuncture. Good luck with the FS appt - let's hope they got some good ideas/advice about how to move forwards :hugs::hugs:

Bann - hope all ok with you and you're hanging on in there! Will be nice to have someone to go through all the tests with next month as I'm about 95% sure I'll be joining you

TTC - thinking of you, hon

Have a great weekend everyone, I'm having a really quiet and lazy one xx
hello there girls!!!! been jumping on an off the internet lately...just been able to catch up on our little thread here...looks like we are all moving along...

bann & leeze... yep all these tests is what I have been going through the last several months... my CD3 has not been good lately, that is what made me hurry to the FS last month... it was showing I had a decreased "egg quality" by the values being received... so I know all about these tests... anxious to see how you girls report back!! wishing ya great luck..

hey there bann... sorry AF gotcha...darn.. so ok then you were able to move on to your testing then...which is something to look foward to huh? ok so your CD3 tests were just friday then? when do you get your results back? good luck that you have nice low FSH value!! and hoping your hubbys SA is great as well..,.,.my FS put me on progestrone vaginal pill suppisitories this month...(I start those in a few days) this will be my first month taking them ?? wondering as well if this will lenghten my LP ? mines been semi consistant at 12 days so far would hate for it to get too long, cause then I will be thinking that I am actually preggers...when it would jsut be the darn progestrone tricking me...

hello there Irish... wishing you luck on your first month "back in the game" I really really need to think about finding an as well as many others have been talking about how great it is...that is what I think my goal is next month!!! good luck with the FS next week !!!

hi ya Leeze... so we still all got are fingers crossed for you then this month... and if that darn AF gets ya... you and BANN will be BFFs cause you will prob be going through all your testing at the exact same time...

small update on me...I have been on the injectables for only 8 days... seems like my blood work and ultrasounds have come back good... my lining looks good this month it was a 9 on CD 9 this cycle...last month on Clomid CD14 it was 6.9 (entirely too thin) so that is good news... and they saw some nice folicles... so I have to do a ovulation trigger shot tomorrow night, then go in for a post colital on Monday... see how my CM is mixing with my hubbys swimmers... if I dont get good results there... I know they will suggest an IUI for Tuesday....BUT hubby has not agreed to it yet though. I have to be patient with him... I love him to pieces BUT can also get so angry...but I cant push him, I just cant. so if he doesnt do it this month... I plan on compromising and saying ok I am fine with ONE (just ONE) month trying without an IUI but we have to do it next month...because if my CM is bad, his sperm will never get to my cervix to even see if we can get pregnant...and we really litterally have NO choice but to try an IUI either that or we can pretty much just say we have to give up evening trying at all to have kids. And I am NOT PREPARED TO DO THAT AT ALL!! I am trying to be patient and am trying to see his point of view, and I love him with all my heart... I just KNOW in my heart if WE together dont do EVERYTHING there is to have children that I will be BROKENHEARTED and even though I will try my hardest to not let it effect our marriage, I know that it will and that saddens me even more!!!

just have to keep positive and be patient and hope these injections we are doing are helping us with our chances, and if need be hubby "gives in" where he needs to and that we are blessed with a little bean that sticks and sticks for 9 months and we get our angel... I pray this every night... EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!

hoping you girls have a fantastic weekend, and I'll check back in with ya next week. happy thoughts and baby dust to all you girls!!!
TTC I think first of all you are very brave to say exactly how you feel to be honest I think it will do nothing but help your OH will see that and if you have to go for the IUI I am sure that he will go along with it especially when he see's that it is (if needed) the only way to move forward.

I am on my own tonight my OH is away he went to watch a macht with my father and brother and is staying at my family home tonight. Sometimes I am afraid to be alone wiht my own toughts b/c I think of all the bad things that have happened to us and how unlucky we have been. My natural instinct is to be a fighter and that is what I am doing total fighting mode but it is exhausting. Don't get me wrong I am in it and I am not bowing out until the last round but sometimes despite myself I get weary and I doubt my reslove. Anyhoo I am sorry I am not trying to be negative I suppose this is my really only outlet to be perfectly honest. I AM TIRED AND SAD AND NERVOUS !!!!!!!!!! I will be fine tomorrow so thanks for listening and thanks for bearing with me the last thing I want to do is bring yee down. I know the next few months are going to be positive I really think Jan is a terribel month even if it is my bday. I think this may be at the root of it that a whole year has passed since my miscarraige and I have another one under my belt - have to think what doesn't kill you will make you stronger chiche'd but true.

Girls you are brill really appreciate all the support and advise - I knwo we will all get there it is just a matter of time xxx
hi lovelies - great to see you back TTC :flower:

Wow, we're all going through it at the moment, one way or another aren't we? I love that we've got this forum to share with each other and be totally honest and I want to say very clearly that I've no problem with any of you coming on here and being down and saying how you feel. That's what we're here for!!! :hugs::hugs:

TTC - great news that your CD9 tests are good. I really hope your OH comes round to you if they recommend you do the IUI. I think it's pretty natural to feel the way you do, that you want to understand his point of view but also know that if he says no that it will have an effect on your relationship. I think I remember you saying that he was against IUI because of his religion (is he Catholic?). I just googled "religious views on IUI" and found an interesting discussion on there. - the third post or so down is interesting in that they say that with IVF they have an issue because it could involve destroying embryos but with IUI or clomid they feel there's no moral issue with it because you're creating life - and there's a reference to the story where a man prays that God will help him and rescue him - then a car comes and he says no he's waiting for God, then a plane comes and he says the same etc - when he questions God later on about why God didn't help him God says "But I sent a car and you didn't want the help, then I sent a plane..." - I thought this was a nice way of looking at it, you could consider that IUI is a like a helping hand from God! Good luck, anyway. I know what you mean about wanting to try everything to get that BFP. I know I will regret it later if I don't feel I've tried everything. :hugs:

Irish - I really feel for you just now, honey. I'm rapidly approaching the EDD I had when I got my BFP in June - it was 2nd Feb - and I always assumed I'd be preg again by now. Sometimes I feel really low and wonder what's the point of it all, feel like a failure etc. But then I hear positive stories, like an actress from Eastenders who's 41 has just announced she's pregnant with her first child, and this gives me hope again! My Mum's cousin is 51 and his 2nd wife has just had her first child at 41 too. We can do it!! We got pregnant before and we were really unlucky, but we will do it again. I know sometimes it doesn't feel like it, and I think it's ok to let ourselves feel shit and feel sad - as long as we pick ourselves up again a few days later. I know now too that I always feel worst emotionally at the beginning of my cycle but as I approach O I feel a bit better!! Hang on in there, and remember we're here for you and will listen and support you whatever frame of mind you're in!! :hugs::hugs:

Bann - how's it all going for you, hon? How did the test go on Friday? I hope this brings you some answers and helps you plan the next steps. How's your weekend going? :hugs:

As for me, I'm still feeling ill. Definitely got a nasty cold now! :growlmad: No sign of AF yet, she is due today but I predict she comes tomorrow. I didn't test again today, I'm going to test in the morning if no AF before then but I'm pretty sure this isn't my month. Speak soon everyone. Thanks for being there xx :hugs::hugs:
Howdi Gals, feeling much better today Thank God - got my peak reading this morning CD17 struggling whether to try or not but given I have so many issues with getting pregnant I don't think it will really matter. If it is meant to be it will happen and if not then back to the injectibles.

Leeze thanks for the encouragement appreciate it, best of luck with the testing still hanging in there that this might be your month but if not then like we say we soldier on. Hope your cold is cleared up a bit and you are feeling better.

Bann & TTC looking forward to catching up with yee during the week hope all is going well with tests etc...
so the dreaded witch came GRRRRRR :growlmad::cry:

onto testing for next month and let's see what that brings. catch up more later, am at work now but just needed to vent a little!! Xx
so, Bann - it looks like you got yourself a fertility testing buddy this month!!! I have to admit, it feels nice to have someone else going through it all at the same time, but I must admit (a bit more) that I WOULD HAVE LOVED A BFP AND IT'S NOT FAIR!!! Ok, hopefully that's out of my system now and I can focus on the tasks ahead!! Hey, has any of you had the HSG and if so did they tell you not to TTC in that month? I just read the leaflet again today and mine definitely says not to TTC for the whole cycle. I read from someone else on here that you're meant to be super-fertile straight after the HSG and she got her BFP that month. I'm not sure what to do!!!

Hi Leeze, I had the HSG done and you can't be pregnant when you go for it as they use an x-ray so it really depends where you are in your cycle I would say don't take any chances but you are right you are mean to be very fertile after it as it spring cleans your tubes and can remove any minor build ups etc.. it didn't work for me but I have other fertility issues such as not ovulating strongly etc... but it is definately worth doing so they can get a clear picutre of the tubes. Also you will read loads about the procedure and how terrible it is I promise it is not bad at all and is over in less than 5min. For all intent and purposes it is like an extended smear it is a little uncomfortable but take two Nurofen about half an hour before hand it helps. I spotted a tiny bit but that was it. If there is a blockage it can sting a little but often the HSG can clear it. Anyhoo hope that helps and doesn't confuse you even more. xx
Hi ladies. Our home computer completely died on us so I have been keeping up with your posts through my phone but have not been able to comment. Left work in a mad dash yesterday and was so upset I did not get on here before hand and catch up with you guys. We are computer shopping and hope to have one in the next couple of weeks. You don't realize how much you depend on your home computer till it is gone!

TTC, I applaud you for speaking from your heart! When I read your post I had a talk with my husband that same day. I want to make sure we are on the same page and thank you for prompting our discussion. I am glad you got some positive results about your lining. I hope all is well otherwise.

Irish, we all have to let it out at times! We are only so strong. I find a good cry sometimes makes me feel so much better! So you got your peak. That is good news! Did you decided to take this month off or did you move on with trying? After my M/C and getting my cycle back I took that next month off because I just was not emotionally ready. I completely regretted it later since I still have not got a BFP since. But it was probably for the best. We have to emotionally heal as well. Our bodies can only take so much!

Leeze, I am excited to be testing buddies this month also! Sorry about AF though!! I know how you feel about rather getting that BFP! Good luck with your testing!!

I get my CD3 results back later this week. My hubby goes today for his SA test. I have to go in for my annual pap on Feb 2nd and I am a little concerned. That will be CD 15 for me which should be right around when I have ovulated. So will a pap possibly cause it not to stick? My doctor told me not to be concerned. It will not affect our chances this month at all. But I can't help but feel with them poking and proding doing the pap that it could affect this month. I am overdue and I know it needs to be done. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with cervical pre-cancer. They had to do 2 different procedures and removed a portion of my cervix. So I know how important these paps are. I just wish it was earlier in my cycle.

Ok I have to get to work now before my boss walks by. Chat with you ladies later. Lots of hugs and baby dust!...
oh, I'm feeling really grumpy today and sorry for myself! so unfair to have AF pains and a cold at the same time!!!!!

Thanks Irish for the feedback about the HSG. I'm hopefully going for mine next Tuesday so I will check with them again about whether we can try later in the month. I couldn't get through to book it though so I'm hoping they'll still be able to fit me in! I'm going on Thursday for my blood tests - it will be CD4 but should be ok because my AF started late afternoon on Monday so nearly CD3!!! How are you feeling, what cycle day are you on now? I hope you got some well-timed BD-ing in :hugs:

Bann - what a pain that your home computer had died! I hope you can get it fixed, I know what it's like not having a computer as mine died last year. You realise how much you use it, don't you!? I occasionally sneak on at work but we're really not supposed to so I try to avoid it as much as possible! Sorry to hear you had cervical pre-cancer, but glad you got it treated. Did they say anything about whether it would have an effect on TTC, I hope it doesn't make it harder. What a bummer that it's on CD15. If it makes you feel any better when I had my scan a couple weeks ago when they checked my ovaries I was only 1 or 2dpo and told them and they said it would be fine. I know you can't help but worry though! :hugs:

TTC - did you get any further with your chats with your OH? I hope all is ok and he's coming round to your way of thinking! :hugs:

Slowly but surely we will get there!!!! :hugs::hugs:
Leeze there should be no issue with trying the same month as your procedure as long as it is after it that is what my Gyni told me but check with your FS so you shouldn't have to miss a complete cycle. The issue I think is that if you were for example 1or 3DPO and you had been BD'ing before the procedure there is a chance you could be pregnant and not know it. Best of luck with all the tests xx

Bann so sorry to hear about your previous results on the Pap that must have been scary good that you are out the other side of it. Totally agree I am on the National program and just had mine done in September there should be no issue with it affecting the implantation at all they are only barely skimming the surface of the cervix. Best of luck with the results from your CD3 I am off for my 21day progestern test on Thursday to see if I ovulated on my own - fingers crossed my history off medication is not good barely ovulating at all.

TTC hope your tests went well, I hope your OH came around if you needed the IUI today I have all my fingers crossed for you, the improvement in your lining is excellent I had almost exactly the same results when I went on the injectibles.

So my little update I had to give in I just could not pass up the chance of trying for a cycle so we BD'd the last two nights but that is all we are doing if it is meant to be it will be and if not then we move to the injectibles next cycle. I am now on CD19 so in to the dreaded 2WW - don't know I am not that anxious this month probably b/c I know there is only a very tiny chance of it working so I am happy to go with mother nature at least for this cycle anyway. After that give me all the drugs I will take them all if it means getting pregnant. I know this might sound silly but hey I think at this stage if anything helps - my acupuncturist was speaking about the power of color and she mentioned that around the time of ovulation and during that you should wear and surround yourself with warm earthy colours such as oranges and reds (earthy shades) she said it would be no harm to have those colours also in the bedroom. I know it is a bit far fetched but there is a serious science on the sensory powers of colour on the human phyci - God loves a trier and God knows I am trying :) !!!!!!!!!!!

Girls I am off to bed now I am wrecked so baby dust to you all best of luck on the different paths looking forward to catching up with everyone during the week. Baby Dust to all xx

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