Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

Hi ladies :hi:
I had a TR in 2008 got my :bfp: right away. A month later I miscarried:angel:
I have been trying for over 2 years now..I'm 44 and my DH is 33 and I finished my second round of femara..go in the morning for my follicle scan and get the trigger shot. I will take any encouragement I can get ...starting to think it won't happen for me. It's really hard to stay positive after getting your hopes up and then AF show up. Need a pep talk! Need to hear a sucess story from someone close to my age. Somebody out there tell it can happen:cry:
Hi Tinarenne! Thanks for posting and I think you'll feel very at home on this thread as you're in good company with most of us being at different stages of fertility treatment and testing! We've had 3 BFPs on this thread so far - all around age 40. A good friend of mine is currently pregnant (naturally) at 41! What about Kelly Preston (John Travolta's wife) - just had a baby aged 47! Marcia Cross was 44 too. Ok, I know they probably got 5 star treatment in luxury hospitals but I don't think there's much difference they got in terms of options! :haha:

Sorry to hear about your loss. I had a m/c too last year. What gives me hope is to know that I can get pregnant, and just hope that the next time things will work out better! It's great your getting the support with the treatment, fingers crossed it will work out for you soon! :hugs:
Hi Tinarenne! I hope we can give you the support that you are looking for! We all need a place to vent and talk about what we are going through and get all the positive support from others that we can get. I wish you the best of luck and I really hope you get your BFP soon!!!

I am so glad you got positive news on the HSG testing Leeze! And it is even better your husband is positive about trying IUI! It is great when our other half is on board with everything!!

Hi everyone else! Hope everyone is doing well.

My appointment went good. I felt like the pap was more invasive than normal but that is probably just because I was worried about it to begin with. I am 3 days past O and I am so anxious to test!! My doctor would not give me numbers as far as my CD3 test goes. She just said that there are good eggs and bad eggs and you just never know which one is going to drop that month. She said my eggs are reflective of my age. As far as my hubbys SA test goes, she said that there are many components to the test but morphology is the most important. That is the shape of the sperm and it needs good shape to get into the egg. My husbands percentage was really low. He has agreed to another SA test in a few weeks. And I made my appointment with the specialist. It will be Feb. 17th. I can't wait! First appointment is just a consult. Wish they would go ahead and do something right then and there but I know they can't. Hopefully we will not even make it that far and we will get our BFP this month but if not I am so happy to finally have it scheduled. Oh, I go for CD21 testing next week. Anxious to see how those results are.

Leeze, my husband is not overweight at all, he does not drink much (only when he is out with his friends but that is maybe once a month if even that), he is a much healthier eater than I am and he exercises regularly. He takes supplements. He does not wear tight clothes. I have read all that also and I have to say I can't think of one thing he could change. I am at a loss. Hopeflly his test was a fluke and the next one comes back much better. We shall see.

That all being said my husband and I got into a huge argument last night and I am really trying not to get too upset as I don't want to affect any chance of being pregnant. Our argument had absolutely nothing to do with TTC. It was so stupid. I reacted and spoke before thinking when he was trying to tell me about his friends bachelor party plans. It resulted in a HUGE fight and he really isn't even talking to me now. I have apologized and apologized and apologized and nothing. I know it will pass but it could not have came at a worse time. The Sunday before I found out about my missed m/c last June we got into an argument and I got so extremely upset. To this day I wonder if that was the cause of the m/c. So I am really mad at myself for blurting out about the party before even allowing him to tell me about the plans last night. It was all my fault and I am doing everything I can to make it right and to not get too upset. Ugh. Marriage isn't easy!

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Lots of positive energy and hugs and baby dust out to everyone!...
Glad to hear the appointment went well, Bann. Also great to hear it sounds like your OH is doing everything he can to help those little swimmers :spermy: be in the best shape possible! Sorry to hear about your argument :hugs: I think it's understandable with all the stress that trying to conceive can cause that it's easy to misunderstand each other and get into arguments. I know I'm on quite a short fuse some of the time and really sensitive at other times. Hopefully you'll get through it quickly enough. Also, I think it's really natural to want to find a reason for a m/c and I know myself that when I had mine I kept wondering if it was something I did that made it happen (like I had a few drinks when the IB came because I thought it was AF coming a couple of days early) - but in reality everything I've read says that normally early m/cs are caused by a problem with the egg or the sperm and nothing to do with anything we do. Roll on Feb 17th so you can see the specialist!! :hugs:

We've got our follow-up appointment on 16th March now so fingers crossed this will give us some more answers and help us understand the options.

Hi to everyone else :hi: - enjoy your weekends xx
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Me and the hubby are on speaking terms again. We had a wonderful weekend and spent some really good quality time together. We are so focused on TTC, work, we took on a major backyard project that had quadrupled in cost, we both are on short fuses right now. Sometimes you just need to sit back, take a break from everything and just enjoy each other without thinking about anything else.

I go for my CD21 testing tomorrow. Anxious to see how that turns out. I asked if they could go ahead and do a blood pregnancy test but they said it is still too early. Not that I am having any symptoms right now. The 2WW is so agonizing!! I am going to try and wait till next Monday to test. That will be 13 days past O. I always say I am going to hold out but once 10 days hit I am a POAS addict!! LOL.

Yay Leeze you got your f/u appointment booked. I am sure you are counting down the days! Where are you in your 2WW? Hopefully you will not need that f/u appointment!

All you quiet ones out there hope you guys are doing good!...
Irish- I hear ya about the TI…. It was definitely very comforting this month to know that when we did our BDing that it was exactly at the right time….but just still worried about the CM issue…on the Clomid or not I never seem to have any…and if that really is the case then we will virtually never be able to get preggers even with precise timing those swimmers cant get very far if I don’t have the CM to help them. Sorry your CD21 results werent good :( you say next cycle they are uping your dosage to 150 what injections are you on? I do follistim for the follicle grow, then once my LH starts going up I also have to do Ganirelex to stop my LH from surging on its own then the trigger of Ovidrel.

Leeze-so happy your HSG went well then… good results nothing blocked… and did you decide to BD anyway or are you gonna wait out this month ? ok so ya got this HSG out of the way… now on to the FS in March ? were you getting CD3 and CD21 tests done this month too right ?

Tinareen- Hello there… so how’d your follicle scan go? See some nice sized guys ? I have actually heard Femara is quite good, don’t think my FS uses it, I went straight from 2 cycles of Clomid on to injectables because the Clomid seemed to thinned my lining…I would have like to try Femara, but he knows I need to be a little more aggressive and he wanted me to go straight to injectables so here I am….

Hey Bann… I guess if your doc doesn’t want to give up your exact values then perhaps that is how they work…but me… I didn’t take that answer…my Dr said.. they looked Average back in June and I wanted to know the exact value.. and he gave it to me…but I had to ask. And now each time I get my CD3 done I ask for all the values…I just feel that I am paying for all this (or my insurance company is) so I have the right to know… I am not trying to self diagnosis myself or anything but I like to do my own research. But good luck on your CD21 tests.. just so you know (from my understanding) anything over a 5 on that tests means you Ovulated a little,but they really love to see anything over a 10 on a natural cycle, and if your on medicated cycles they want to see over a 15 to know you are responding well to all the Fertility Drugs. Also my hubbys SA was just average as well, but for some reason my FS wasn’t too concerned about his values just yet… thank goodness because I would hate to have that conversation with him… he does exercise a bit, does eat “ok” not great all the time but not horribly bad all the time either… he does drink not excessive but a little bit more than I would like to see. So there is definitely room for improvement there BUT… I haven’t approached that subject with him just yet…If FS gets really concerned about his levels then I will have to have a talk with him, but he loves his life style the way it is..I don’t know how he would adapt If I told him to cut out his nightly glass of wine, and his “wings” twice a week…he would not be a happy camper. I did however get him on a nice multi vitamin that has some selenium, zinc, and folic acid it is called Maxi Health Two Complete, got him it from Amazon… I wanted to get him on some supplements but didn’t want to force the guy to take 5-6 pills from different bottles a day so did some research and decided that from Amazon was a pretty good solution (but I also have him take an additional 1000mg of Vit C a day as well.) Leeze I did try to look up that supplement you recommended when I was looking for hubby but that seems to be a UK thing perhaps sold by a different name in the states but I couldn’t find it :( Oh an Bann sooooo happy you and hubby made up…I totally agree with Leeze…this TTC stuff ends up being sooooo stressful I swear I also end up almost starting little fights with my hubby, that I later look back on and think…wow that was mean…oooops… I am trying to make a more conscious effort to watch what I say to him…

As for me… as my little ticker states… I got AF this AM… blah blah blah It came right on time (so these injectables did not do anything to stop my own body’s clock) as always I had my 12 day LP so here I am back on CD1 boooooooo… As you guys may remember I have high FSH/LH values, and typically what that means is a grading system on how hard your Ovaries have to work to produce follicles, and if its high that means your body has to work extra hard to produce a follicle which would then perhaps mean the eggs are not of good quality either, and also can be an indication to FS on how you would respond to fertility drugs. Generally if it is High, that would mean I would not respond well to the meds…Well even though mine is high, it appears I (so far) have been responding pretty good to Fertility Meds… which is definitely good news.!!! THANK GOD!! I also did get my CD21 results back and they came back pretty good at a 41…which is actually fantastic… basically means that I did Ovulate very strongly (but hey I better have as I took a trigger shot to make sure I did O…so if that value wasn’t where it needed to be I would have been in trouble). I am not terribly upset though that AF came, and I know the reason is, is because I have a plan this month and hubby has agreed to an IUI for sure!! I am over the moon excited…. Sure I would have loved to just gotten a big fat BFP this month, but I think it’s the knowing we have a new plan up our sleeve for this cycle so means we are still moving forward, so I am staying positive. !!!

So I go for CD3 blood tests on Wednesday hoping that my FSH/LH isn’t getting any higher. and I will also have an Ultra Sound to make sure everything looks good in there, and then I will move on to my 2nd month on all these injectables. From the Ultra sound they need to make sure that I don’t have any left over follicles from last month…means they will become cysts…this month (my FS said there is a chance even on non-medicated cycle that this can happen to all women…but when taking Fertility Drugs there is a bigger risk of this) I am sure hoping I don’t have any…cause I would have to sit out this month… but to tell you the truth I just got AF this AM and it is the worst cramping I have ever had…I sure am hoping that doesn’t mean I have a cyst(s)….I would sooooo cry to have to sit out a month.

Not sure if I mentioned this to you all or not but I am in IT so am on computers constantly and have been so busy with work and stare at computers ALLLLLLLL day long, that I have been trying to get away from that once I get home…hence the reason I am not on here as much as I was before… but I make sure I do go back and read all the posts and get caught up ;) it’s a santity thing that I am trying to fix… I work on computers all day I just can not come home and do the same…its getting pretty old…

Hi to all the newbies… where did ya go future_numan and Shannie ?? hope you girls are doing well.. Best of luck to all of us and crossing fingers we all get some good testing results….Baby dust to us all!!!
:hi: everyone

Bann - great news that you are speaking again and that you had a good weekend together. :thumbup: Good luck with your CD21 test tomorrow, I hope it comes back with good results :hugs:

TTC - understandable that you don't want to sit at a computer in the evening when you're sat in front of them all day. As long as you don't forget about us!!! :hugs: Also, for me, I go through days of being on here every day and being a bit obsessive and then I'll need 2 or 3 days off and having a different kind of life outside of here! Sorry to hear AF got you but sounds like you got some great PMA going on there. Fantastic that your OH is on board with the IUI. Thanks for all the info about all the different levels, really interesting. Glad to hear your levels all sounding good. The no CM is a bit of a problem, isn't it? I hardly ever get any either (or if I don't it's more creamy rather than egg white) - I think I've had it about every 4 months or so since I've been looking. GRRR :growlmad:.

I'm not due to have CD21 tests, I'm not sure why but the clinic I'm with doesn't do them as part of the initial investigations. I'm guessing they check all the other stuff first and then maybe try that later on? We've had CD3 tests, SA, HSG and tests for various STDs.

We are TTC this cycle because both Doctors I saw said no problem with TTC in the same cycle as HSG. One said it's not advisable to TTC if you get the procedure done right around O time. I had mine done CD11 and was a bit worried about this but no sign of O yet this month. I had expected it tomorrow but I've not even had a high reading yet on the CBFM. I'm hoping this is a good thing because my OH is on business until Wednesday eve and this still gives us time this month to catch the egg when he gets back!!!

Irish, hope all ok with you :hugs:

Hi to any of the newbies if you're still around, be nice to hear from you xx

Howdi guys just a quick one from me, welcome to Tina you are in the right place it will definately happen it is like preggapedia here between us all we could write a medical paper which is really reassuring since someone on the thread can always offer some insight, experience or answers/suggestions to most issues or problems - we all really lean on each other.

Lets face it guys there are good days and bad ones but at least we are all on the same journey and there is definately some comfort in that.

Leeze sorry the HSG was painful but at least it is behind you and you have peace of mind as you say one more think off the list hope the IUI goes well for you if that is the route you take will be really interested to see how it goes - I am contimplating it myself for next cycle.

Bann glad the Pap is behind you it is never nice but as you say so important. Have all my fingers crossed for you will be checking in to see how you got on this could be your month. Best of luck with the FS and the CD21 results. Brill that you got over yoru argument it was probably just as well to have it out it was probably just stress and that is much better out than in.

TTC1st hear you about the CM I am exactly the same it gets me down sometimes which is why I am seriously leaning towards the IUI for next cycle to give myself the best chance. I am going to be doing 3 ampoules of Menopur from CD 3 - 10 then they will scan and if I have any good follicles then they will use a trigger shot "Ovidrel" hopefully my lining will be better and I will respond more positively to the injections as last time at CD10 I only had one very average size follicle at 13mm so this could also be why I ended up ectopic I am even doubtful that they should have left me proceed that cycle but I have just decided to put it behind me now.

Anyhoo from my side started to get heavy spotting on CD29 but had abdomen pain yesterday and started a very scant period. This the other thing that I am struggling with I am not really getting anything like a period so just really when I go to the loo so the lining can't be good really hoping that the acupuncture will help me there has been some improvement since my last cycle but not a huge amount. The injections are supposed to help this also so fingers crossed for me.

Can't wait to start the injections again, well not the injections as such :) but more the possibility of seriously trying again can't believe that the months have flown by it is hard to imagine that it has been 10wks since my Methotroxate shot :-(

Anyhoo to all the quite ones hope you are all well drop a line let us know how you are getting on. Baby dust to everyone xxxxxx

Irish, good to hear from you :hugs: I can understand your worries about having a scant period. Mine have been getting shorter and lighter over the last couple of years and I can't help but worry about it. Glad to know you've got a few options ahead and it sounds like they're being really thorough with you in the next cycle. You sound like an emotionally strong person and it's great you've got back to this place of being able to try again so quickly. Fingers crossed this is your successful cycle!! :hugs::hugs:

I got a peak reading on the CBFM today and my OH has just got back from business so we're going to be getting some BDing in tonight. I can't remember if I said but we got our follow-up appointment on 16th March now with fertility specialist so we've got 2 more cycles of trying naturally before we find out about all the results from our tests and scans etc and get to discuss the options. It would be lovely to get the BFP this month especially with all that HSG trauma but I'm not holding out too much hope really. Am planning to have some fun trying though!!! Catch you all soon xx :hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies!...

TTC, sorry about AF! How did your ultrasound go?? You are doing the IUI this time right? Good luck with that!!

Irish, when do you are your injections again? Hope they go well for you!

Yay Leeze, happy you got your peak and are on your way to the 2WW!

Af for me, I have not got my CD21 results back yet. Hopefully soon. Thanks so much TTC for info about the numbers and what to look for, etc! At our specialist visit next week I will ask for the numbers. I am 9 DPO right now with no symptoms. A few twinges in my stomach last night but nothing out of the norm. I am going to do my best to hold off testing till early next week.

Take care ladies. Lots of hugs and baby dust!!...
2nd day of peak on CBFM for me so one last chance to catch the eggy this cycle!! catch up with you over the weekend xx :hugs:
Bann you have a steely nerve I am the biggest POAS junky its never over till it's over ;-) best of luck with trying

Happy BDing Leeze hurray it is nearly the weekend

TTC and the other guys hope yee are all doing well. CD6 for me so trudging along will be starting my injections on CD3 of my next AF totally out of the swing of it so not looking forward to voluntarily shooting myself with a sharp object but hey it's worth it.

Not doign much over the weekend have a Christening on Sunday and going for an Indian tonight but will be a quite one with the girls some of who are preggers (Oh the Joy of other people being pregnant :) In fairness they can't help it and I don't think they would get it if I phoned and said "You know that whole business of you being pregnant well that kind of annoys me so I would prefer if you didn't come" LOL - :) Anyhoo enough of the sarcasim - have a great weekend and will catch up with yee next week Baby dust to all and Good luck with the testing!!!!
LOL Irish! Yeah, around our good friends we have to just grin and bear it. It is so hard sometimes though. I decided not to go to a baby shower a couple of weeks ago. I just was not in the mind set or mood to be around all that. There were going to be 2 girls there with their newborns and then two others who are both due soon. So I opted out of being around all the reminders of my m/c and that I am having such difficulties getting pregnant. The shower was right around when my due date was supposed to be also.

I still don't have my CD21 results back yet. They did not tell me how long it would take but it has only been a few days. I e-mailed them today though just so I know when to expect the results. I am normally a POAS fanatic but I am holding out strong this month. I just don't have any symptoms at all and I am not feeling very positive. I hate the disappointment of testing and it being negative. It is still a little early though. I am just 10 DPO so we will see soon.

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Take care ladies. :)
Hi lovelies

I feel you on the "all those women around us are pregnant or having babies" theme!!! My due date would have been 2nd Feb so we're obviously just passed that. I just went on facebook to see pics of a friend's newborn and read a post from another friend that she is being induced in a couple of weeks. These are both friends that I found out where pregnant within a couple of weeks of me having the m/c. Hard times. I'm actually feeling reasonably ok today though, my OH has just texted me to say he's accepted an offer on his flat (we've been trying to sell it for over a year so we can buy somewhere together) - so this is pretty exciting and at least means we're moving forward in this part of our lives!!! We will get there, I feel more confident about this today (1dpo!!) - ask me again the next time AF comes and I will probably be feeling really miserable!!!!

have a great weekend everyone xx :dust: :hugs:
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

So I did not hold true to my words. I tested Saturday morning, Sunday morning and this morning. All negative. :( I just faxed in my new patient paperwork to the infertility specialist and I am really looking forward to our appointment this Thursday. I was really hoping it would not be necessary but I am glad we are moving forward in that direction.

I hope everyone is hanging in there. Take care ladies. :hugs:
Oh Leeze, congrats on your husband selling his flat! One less thing to have to worry about! That is great!...
AWWW - Bann, sorry to hear about the BFNs :hugs::hugs: maybe, just maybe, it's still to early to test and that BFP is still coming? If not, then it's good to know you got your appointment on Thursday. I hope that goes ok and they have some good advice/options for you. You definitely deserve that BFP and you deserve to get it very soon!! :hugs: Let's hope that some of nature's Springtime magic and the fertility treatment combined get you that sticky bean!!

I'm feeling a bit grumpy and sorry for myself today. Seems like nearly everyone in my life at the moment is pregnant or knows someone who is pregnant, or they are posting up lots of pics on facebook of their beautiful children. I'm trying really hard not to be bitter, but I am a little bit bitter!!! :growlmad: I guess, I'm getting really fed up with how long this is all taking and I want my BFP now!! NOW!!!

Hope everyone is hanging on in there :hugs::hugs:
I completely understand how you are feeling Leeze! We were watching House Hunters the other night and I think every couple that was looking at houses was pregnant. They were playing episodes back to back and I swear in every episode the woman was pregnant. I had to turn the channel I got so annoyed. LOL.

I just got my CD21 results. They said they came back at 11. They said that was on the low side. But from what all I have been reading that is low on the "normal" side so I am ok with it I guess. I am going to explode at my appointment though if they want to schedule me to come back for more testing before they will do any type of treatment. I am feeling a little bit crazy right now. I am so tired of waiting for test results. I want something to happen! I will do the IUI right now if they will go ahead and do it. The Thursday consult can't come fast enough!!!

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for us and we will not feel so grumpy. I have been having major mood swings lately which is just not normal for me. We are feeling the stress!

Lots of hugs and baby dust to everyone!...
thanks Bann :hugs::hugs: - I don't know what the CD21 results mean, but if I were you I think I'd be trying to focus more on the word "normal" rather than "low" !!! Good luck for Thursday :hugs::hugs:

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