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Anyone ovulating 31st oct/1st nov?

how many days did you do it Ivory ?! hehehe[/QUOTE]

Honestly? :blush: If i'm right about when i ovulated then we only :sex: the sunday evening and i ovulated on the thursday evening/friday morning, so there's lots of hope!!

Which is exactly why i can't believe it's happened! x
Sam, i was 16 dpo on saturday and only just getting faint lines on early 10mui tests so you never know!! Got a total :bfn: on the same early tests on thursday x

Still no :witch: here :dohh:

Ill buy some more tests tomorrow (yay pay day ;) )
And then secretly do one Thursday morning... what am i gonna do though if it is a :bfn: :cry:

Well if it's :bfn: ill just have to wait until i meet my gyno and explain her the situation.. mayeb she can prescribe me something..

Well i had AF like pains on the 3/4/5 and i wasnt sure what it was so i posted on here and they said it could be O pain.. So i kinda assumed that i O'd around that time.. but i dont have any OPK's to prove it hahaha

Nor did i temp.. so no i cant be sure.. i still have cramp like feelings down there now.. and even in my side?! I just hope i dotn have some kind of kidney infection ..

I always start worrying about those kind of things haha
Well lunaty, i have pains in my side too! You have no real reason to believe you ov'd those days! Did you keep a record of your CM? x
If you did ovulate when you think you did then you're 19dpo, which means either you're pregnant, or you didn't ov then, or there's something amiss cause your luteal phase would be longer than normal. Personally i think it's one of the first two options!! So i don't think you're out yet! x
Well i ofcourse still hope i might be preggers.. (my back is killing me and i overall feel a bit off) but it could be so many things :( thats one thing ive learned unfortunately..

Im afraid it's just me wishing/stressing that is causing the delay.. (although i was more stressed last month and it showed up eventually)

And no i didnt check my CM daily.. its been lotiony and a bit yellowish lately..
Here is praying for a :bfp: in 3 days.. and if not ill probably ask for a blood test at the Gyno.. :( I wonder if they even do that or if i should ask my GP?!
lunaty what can i say dnt give up yet no af is a good sign in my books! im a bit sad though that all u guys are leaving me and going to first trimester but then look on the bright side ill join u soon enuff. amen! pls buy the tests and do some soon ok?
Lunaty, i demand you buy a cheap pack of tests to try tomorrow morning. morayo, you'll be over here before you know it! :hugs: i read that stress can delay ovulation and hence, your period, but not your period itself since your luteal phase should always be the same x
im kinda upset today my oh is pissing me off bad, i think ive been allowing the grudges to pi le up over time and now im real pissed off and on the verge of exploding! ahhhrg!
lunaty what can i say dnt give up yet no af is a good sign in my books! im a bit sad though that all u guys are leaving me and going to first trimester but then look on the bright side ill join u soon enuff. amen! pls buy the tests and do some soon ok?

Ahh sweets dont worry.. i wont leave you ..
I will do another test Thursday morning.. but the chances of such a late :bfp: are pretty slim i think ;)

Ughh my stomach feels like it is been punched.. like a real tense feeling and my back muscles are so sore when pushing on them.. Hmm i might go to the toilet and see if AF arrived.. (again hahaha)

Thanks for helping me out girls :) much appreciated.. what would i do without you all huh :blush:
nope no Af yet.. maybe later :hissy:
well the stomach punch feeling just went away again..
Well i would have expected it at the latest on Saturday the 22nd.. but i havnt tested after the 22nd i think..?! Then again the 22 was calculated from my last cycle of which i was late a week already hahaha

confusing isnt it.. but hey who knows :) Thanks Ivory your a dear !
:test: woman! That's all i have to say on the matter! Wishing you lots of luck and :dust: for a :bfp: i'm off to bed. night night x
No i didnt manage too, for those of you interested to read what happened have a look in my journal, i wrote all of it down in there ;)

Gosh that was a full on day.. ill be getting some test today though and test tomorrow morning :)

Please wish me luck lady's im not to sure what im gonna do if that ones :bfn: too :cry:
oh dear! hi ladies, lunaty y do i get the feeling that ure running away from the truth that u might be pregnant. i understand that u might not want to get ur hopes up though.i wish u a bfp though. and af is howmany days late now?
Yay your online.. :) How are you?! hope your alright~~ Were are you at in your cycle hun? Feeling any better?

im on CD 41 now
Last month lasted 37 Days

I tested on CD37 of this month, calculated CD3/4 as O so calculated CD37 as 18/19DPO

But i might have O'd late (wouldn't know why i had pains on those days though)
Or for all i know not have O'd at all...

Tried to get some test yesterday but ended a bit in tears (read my journal hahaha)
Ill get some today though..

Im sounded pessimistic because ive had so many :bfn: were everybody incl. me was hopeful it could be :bfp: it just kinda broke me down haha

ok dear i feel you, well dnt be sad, i just wish the witch would show up if shes coming or just bloody stay away. cd47 is long enuff for af to have arrived in my books, fx that baby is just taking time to announce his/her presence? i think we may have to start a new thread though or do we join the august babies thread? as two of our esteemed members have moved on to first trimester( happy for u guys carrieb and ivory) whatchathink?

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