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Anyone ovulating 31st oct/1st nov?

hi lunaty yep i definitely think the drink u had may have diluted ur urine, so why not test again? and ivory i remeber with my daughter i dint get a bfp until morning sickness set in and that was like a week after i missed af. so whatchathink? maybe? maybe not? well lets try maybe!
carrieb howz the LO, nice to see u still remember us here!
I don't know about that, i just absolutely, catagorically do not feel i'm pregnant. i could be having morning sickness and i still wouldn't believe there was any chance at all! If i ovulated on the Thurs, which i now think is the case due to lack of AF, we only BD'd on the sunday anyway so chances are soooo low. x
oh dear the witch had better show up soonthen so that we can start counting together! where''s lunaty?
BD'd sunday before ov, i mean! And then the Saturday night after ov, although i was getting ov pains late at night in bed so i prob ov'd friday now i think about it. so perhaps i'm only 14 dpo and won't be due AF til sunday if i still have the 16 day LP. its so confusing!!! x
u can say that again im also confused!
Well, the upshot is that i think i got mixed up again about when i ov'd and i'm not due AF til sunday. This is cycle day 34 and i'm thoroughly fed up x
I just want to start afresh and i've got a horrible sore throat and feel like i'm getting a cold. I'm sick of looking over my diary and wondering when i ov'd!! There have been 4 occasions over a week and a half when i had signs of ov this cycle! I'm angry too because there were times we didnt BD because i thought ov had been and gone and we maybe could've caught my egg! :hissy: x
oh dear! dnt be like that, ur baby just wants to be special and will arrive at a special time! come to think of it, remeber that medically u have a 25% chance of conceiving each cycle so u may have bd at the right time but the bean just didnt stick, besides u havent seen af yet so dnt lose hope love and stop thrashing urself!pls?
sorry about ur sorethroat i have one too!
carrieb howz the LO, nice to see u still remember us here!

Are you kidding? This is my favourite thread, it's where all my buddies are! LO seems fine but my hormones are all over the place!! Have been :growlmad: all day!

Looks like Team Rainbow have been spending too much time together. I've had a sore throat the last couple of days and now today have no voice. This has been the best week of DH's life, a :bfp: and a wife with no voice :rofl:
oh carrie i do so envy u and ur LO. i mean dt in a good way though!nice to hear from u
Hey girls sorry for the absence (was in bed hahaha) it's saturday morning here now.. Well ive done a test this morning as well and it was again :bfn:..

So i must have read the test wrong.. (maybe the line was from the dye coming through?!).. No :witch: still so hopefully that wont take to long ~~

And then off to by preseed and O sticks hahaha

I cant believe it told my DH it was a :bfp: He looked do happy and shocked !! :cry:
I was super moody to him yesterday after the second test.. and am still a bit off but ive accepted it hahaha... At least i stil got you lovely girls here.. and we can go through another 2ww together :muaha:

Stupid :witch: hag!!!!!!!!!
hi lun, sorry about the bfn, well we can look forward to the 2ww at least, i just have a feeling that we'll get out bfp's this xmas.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! firstly, my hubby couldnt come home this weekend and i had a really bad cold coming on last night (i never get cold, ever) so i was feeling really sorry for myself and my hubby called and said he prob cant get home the weekend of 5th dec (when i was thinking i would ov) and i started crying and talking about how he's obviously not bothered about us having a baby (i NEVER cry, seriously, it takes alot to make me cry) and i thought afterward, thats odd. So i thought right, one more shot at testing with a cheap ebay strip tomorrow with FMU, knowing full well it'd be :bfn: again and i got a really faint line! I thought i was imagining it but it's there! So i started thinking evap line and wondered if i'd left it too long so i did 3 more all with v faint lines in natural light, hard to see them in artificial light!! Then did a normal midstream test (25mui i think) with the same FMU (the cheap test strips are early 10 mui ones) and got :bfn: but i know i just mightn't have enough HCG for that yet. Oh my word!!! Don't know what to think!! Help me girlies!! xx
I am the shining example of a barely there line being the result of a little bean! Get that piccie posted and retest tomorrow! I really think this could be it sweet [-o< :hugs:
Pic posted in gallery! Come on Sams! Lets have your opinion please!!! I totally don't believe it at all... x
oh dear im so excited for u. u have a bfp. ure pregnant gurl!
OMGOMGOMG, Holy Sh*t hahaha at least one of us has a good shot hihi, im going straight to the galary now :D

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