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Anyone ovulating 31st oct/1st nov?

Girls i feel totally dazed, i'm irritating myself that i'm just not believing this. My head is telling me to have none of it til i've got something more concrete! must get to chemist now. hubby doesnt even know, not telling him til i can see his face which is wed/thurs!! x
Well i got 2 digis and did one with my left over FMU and it was i'm fed up. Just did another internet cheapy early test strip with the FMU and got another faint, and did one with this afternoon's pee and got a faint. Going to keep testing with my internet cheapies and save my other digi til wed or thurs. x
Ok, so our lovely Ivoryapril needs to distract herself from thinking about :bfp:'s until she can test again for a darker line, so ladies I'm collecting suggestions for ways for her to pass the time:

Christmas shopping
Start writing your Xmas cards (buy when doing the above)
Catch up on your ironing - if you're anything like me you'll have loads!
Clean out your kitchen cupboards (I didn't say this would be fun)
Re-organise your wardrobe (btw am not suggesting your house is unclean/messy!)
Meet up with some friends.
Have a chickflick marathon (esp as OH is away)

Please add some more, and if they can be far more imaginative than mine more the better!! :hugs:
Thanks so much girls, i updated the other thread. Am still keeping fingers crossed but am extremely cautious as i literally can not believe it. I'm not calling it a BFP and agreeing that i'm pregnant till i've got a reliable line on a midstream HPT instead of those crappy little sticks. Also, i'm a bit concerned that i've had a couple of sharpish pains around my right ovary like i did last wed/thurs which may have been implantation cramps if i am pregnant. Shouldn't it be like AF pains? Got crazy ideas of eptopic pregnancy going round in my head. Help x
Sweetie I've been getting all sorts of pains before and after my BFP, including some stabbing pains. As long as you're not doubled over or bleeding I'm sure it's fine, but if it's still as intense in a couple of hours you could call NHS direct if you're concerned. I'm fairly sure you've got a little bean and in which case it's probably just your uterus moving and stretching xx
Its not intense and no bleeding, TBH i've only felt it twice today since last week but i wasn't happy about it being around my ovary! Thanks for putting my mind at rest x
No worries. TBH, I've thought eptopic more than once when I've had pains but then I get distracted by work, or TV, or hubby and when I think about it again an hour later I realise they've completely gone! It's natural to be concerned hun xxx
From reading around it sounds like more girls in their first trimester seem to have those.. so try not to worry ;) Have you had the chance to tell your hubby yet?

My AF still has not arrived.. :( I had AF pains yesterday but they have disappeared when i woke up this morning. This is not what i had planned *sight..

I had been to the doc last month because i was a week late and they just did a pee test and told me to go home and wait it off... (100$ later of course)
Oh Sam, i could say it's a shame AF hasn't arrived, but maybe its worth another test? I'm actually only due AF today as far as i know. No, i'm not going to tell hubby until i see him. Will see him Wed but we'll be staying with family for a few days so won't want to tell him on wed night, planning on taking him somewhere nice for lunch on thursday just the two of us and brandishing my digi. If all goes to plan of course.... x
That sounds like a very good plan !

I already did 3 tests in the Friday and Saturday.. besides i am already on CD39 :cry:
Im afraid i would have gotten a :bfp: by now...

If Af still hasnt arrived next weekend ill give it another go...(against all better knowledge) I was even to depressed to visit BnB this weekend.. (welll appart from congratulating you of course and giving my results...)

I just feel blue right now haha but im trying to get over it ;)
I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check :bfp: announcements!!! x
Thank you Sam! I didn't see your post til just now, i didn't mean to be insensitive slapping my news on there. I'm keeping my fingers so tightly crossed for you and Morayo for next cycle. Team Rainbow has a 50% success rate so far so keep smiling! :hug: x
Girlies, I'm so sure it's going to be a 100% success rate for Team Rainbow for :bfp:'s before Xmas :hug:
oh loves, im so happy for u ivory! its great news, yes team rainbow is enjoying rave reviews at the moment i really belive im going to have my bfp this xmas and im working very hard towards it. congratulations again ivory already lefta msg at the announcements section but it wont hurt to say it again here. lunaty! wahts our strategy?
phuu i wish i could start plannin but until AF has showed up im a bit stranded im afraid haha :hissy:

I was planning to buy some OPK's and preseed though just to help things a long.. (im not the most patient person :muaha:)

Ow and ofcourse have loads of :sex: maybe we should make a schedual...?!
how many days did you do it Ivory ?! hehehe
oh lunaty maybe ur bean is taking its time to show up too pn ur hpt? have u triedtesting again? im going to try n get as much bd as i can, i just started on pregnacare conception vits and wow the cm was out of this world, me and dh bd this morn and i thot someone tured on the taps.lol(tmi)im really keeping my fimgers crossd this cycle, i wanna join carrieb and ivory! yes i can , lunnaty....YES WE CAN!
Well i wish you are right but whats the chances of getting a :bfp: after 3 :bfn: on 18DPO?!, they should have at least gotten me faint lines right?

Oww i dont know *sulk...

Maybe ill buy another test on Wednesday, but ill have to do it sneaky because if my hubby finds out i spend anymore money on tests if i clearly had 3 negs he'll freak out hahahah. He already though i was over testing with the second one.. (never mind the third the next day hahaha)

*slapping herself for holding up hope!
Sam, i was 16 dpo on saturday and only just getting faint lines on early 10mui tests so you never know!! Got a total :bfn: on the same early tests on thursday x

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