Anyone pregnant after IVF or assisted conception?


Finally a mom!
May 13, 2011
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Hi all,

I'm 6 weeks today after a (finally!) successful IVF cycle. My first u/s isn't until next week, but I'm optimistic about this one. I think women who have been through IVF have a unique perspective once they get pregnant, and I was hoping to find others who were successful after assisted conception to chat with. Anyone?
I am pregnant after IUI, that includes 2 failed IVF cycles.
OMG!! So excited for you! Congrats :)
This pregnancy is actually natural but my son was conceived with egg donation. I tried iui and had 3 failed ivf's. We got pregnant after a failed frozen transfer in February. I'm 42 and we can't believe we are 7 weeks pregnant. I totally understand how special it is to conceive via assisted conception. It was a long road for us.
Shelby that is awesome!! Amazing!!
I don't really belong on first tri anymore but we are 23 wks preggo with #2 after another 2 full rounds of ivf and 5 transfers (2 fresh; 2 FETs) and 2 mcs and 2 chemical pregnancies.
I'm pregnant after AC. Luckily simple drug therapy and monitoring works for us. This is baby #2 with the same procedure as baby #1.
I'm tentatively pregnant (tentatively because i still can't quite believe it!) after two failed IUIs and one failed IVF. This is my first ever BFP after 4 years of ttc and comes from a double FET with 5 day blastocysts.

Got my first beta back last night - at 12dp5dt, I'm at 1252! Doctor says only congratulations and come for a scan in two weeks. I'm going to go for another beta tomorrow at 14dp5dt, just to see how the numbers are rising.

I've already got people (on another thread) predicting twins! DH thinks it is (they are?) a girl. I agree with him, but also consider that twins is a definite possibility.
Congratulations! I am in the same boat and driving myself crazy waiting for my first scan next week. We have been trying for seven years and this was our 10th ivf cycle. I have done 20 pregnancy tests but can't believe there is something in there and terrified we will see an empty sack next week. I am 6 weeks 5 days today and apart from sore boobs and occasionally feeling queasy not many symptoms. I had a tiny blob of jelly like yellow discharge this morning so now terrified that is a bad sign. Would love to chat with others in a similar position xx
I'm 5 weeks, 1 day pregnant from IVF (with isci) this was our first IVF cycle!!! I'm going a bit crazy waiting for the first ultrasound may 17th...11 more days!! My hubby & I were married late (we are both 40 now) so we went to fertility testing after trying on our own for 1 year.

We feel pretty fortunate that we didn't have to endure any more rounds (yet) of injections, 2 week waiting, etc etc. But we are not out of the dark just yet.

I am extremely nervous because we implanted 2 (3-day embryos) but my first Beta was high (860) and I am now dying to know if everything is OK and whether we will have a singleton or twins.

This will be mine/his first Baby!!:happydance:
The wait for the scan is worse than the two week wait!!! I just can't bring myself to believe there is anything in there after all this time, even though we both talk to my tummy all the time!!
Ours was a frozen embryo transfer with an early blastocyst and a 4bc so not sure which one has taken. We had two more embryos that they thawed but decided not to refreeze.
I keep reading about people having lots of sickness after 6 weeks but I only have the occasional wave every couple of days.
They don't do betas here in the UK so I have no idea what mine is. Were both your embryos good quality futuretwins? It sounds like a high beta may be twins. How exciting!!
How many embryos did everyone else transfer? Xx
We transferred 3 ���� but only one stuck around!
Cvaeh I have exactly what you describe and I wear a liner all the time.
I am LOVING all these stories!!! Thank you all for sharing! While I totally believe every pregnancy is special (obviously), there is just something extraordinary about it after a long, difficult journey.

Hi Mobaby! I cannot believe you are 23 weeks already…congratulations! Have you been having a good pregnancy so far? It looks like we had somewhat similar cycles this time around. We also planned to do PGS due to all the unexplained early losses, but then didn’t have enough embryos to make it worthwhile in the end. All we had on day 5 was one hatching blast, an early blast, and a morula. We only transferred the good blast. I questioned that decision later, but since the others didn’t make it for freezing on day 6, it probably wouldn’t have mattered. Not a great cycle overall, except that this one seems to have stuck.

Congratulations, danser! I definitely remember you from some other thread somewhere. What made you do IUI after your failed IVF cycles?

How fantastic, Shelby! I love hearing stories of a natural conception after so long. I bet you were SHOCKED!

Hi MrS. MaBrEy. What types of drugs did you have to do?

Newbie, I totally understand how difficult it is to believe it worked after so long! That does sound like a high beta. I agree it could be twinsies. Keep us posted on your follow-up results.

Wow, cveah, you have been through so much! Amazing! I’m driving myself crazy waiting for the first scan too…ugh. When is yours? And I’m having similar discharge, and I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. There is always something to worry about, right? And regarding sickness, I’ve only had the occasional queasiness, but I am only 6 weeks, 1 day. With my son, I was incredibly sick early on until about 16 weeks, so I’m hoping I avoid that (although it was reassuring)

Congratulations, future_twins! What a blessing to have it work the first time around!
Oh wow s08! Our cycles were almost the same! We actually got 22 eggs but for some reason we had maturation issues (meds were too high; estrogen spiked to early; not enough stim days. New clinic) but In the end it worked!
Pregnancy has been good just stressful. I'm hoping the next 13 weeks goes by fast. I'll deliver at 37 weeks again so not too much longer!!
12 weeks tomorrow with IVF 2nd baby. 1st was IUI and took 5 years to finally get pregnant. We had limited sperm left so did ICSI for our second child and IVF cycle 1 worked! have had our ups and downs with this one already (big bleed) but hopefully all will settle nicely
S08- My scan is on Thursday so still 6 days to wait. When is yours?
You're right, Mo, not much longer for you at all. I'm sorry your pregnancy has been stressful. What has been going on? With my son, it seemed we had every red flag (umbilical cord cyst, possible echogenic focus, pre-term labor, etc.), but he is perfectly healthy.

Welcome, hopeful! When did you have bleeding? I bet that was incredibly scary, but glad to hear things are going well now.

cvaeh, my scan is on Wednesday at 6 weeks, 6 days. I'm ridiculously anxious.

Anyone on lovenox or PIO here? I'm doing both for the first time. The PIO is actually not that bad for me, and I wish I had always done it over the messy prometrium.
First the ivf cycle was messed up so I didn't think I would be pregnant. Had positive hpt then spotted for 4-5 days. Then first beta was great but 2nd beta 3 days later wasn't double. 2 days later that beta didn't double either but re said "close enough" so had first u/s and 2nd u/s no issues. Then nt scan- nt was slightly abnormal (2.97-3mm) and I had the first trimester screening test and it came back with high levels of hcg so my risk of Down syndrome was 1:18. Harmony test was negative.So anatomy scan was at high risk. Didn't see stomach there (and had bad experience) but everything else fine and no markers for anything. Had fetal echo because of DS risk and nt which was normal. then some really bad things happened in my family, tragic things so I started having a ton of bh contractions. Had follow up anatomy scan and saw choroid plexus cyst. Cervix was closed and long. So now I have another follow up scan next week. And because of the abnormal screening I have to have growth ultrasounds and stuff and they recommend careful neonatal evaluation at birth. Although the genetic counselor has said harmony test is pretty accurate for DS. Guess they just need to cover their self. No markers seen on any scan and baby is always measuring 3-4 days ahead. I have f/I at high risk Tuesday so hopefully I'll get the your scan looks good spill and hopefully my cervix is still long. I'm ready for smooth sailing.
Had bleeding from just before 9 weeks - subchorionic haemorrhage but it stopped. Scary and thought that was it at the time. Being monitored as I have a clot still.
Second beta is back for me. 3015 at 14dp5dt! Doubling time of about 39 hours.
Hi guys! Congrats on the pregnancies! I'm a little over 5 weeks pregnant with our miracle baby. TTC for 3 years with my husband who is post chemo and radiotherapy. SA showed poor chance of conceiving naturally. Weren't considered for funding for IVF as I have Crohn's Disease. We decided instead to go for home insemination with donor sperm. This was our 4th cycle and finally got our BFP!! We have booked a private scan on 23rd May cos here they don't do early scans :dohh:

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