Had my scan this morning 5 wks 6 days saw a yolk sac and itty bitty baby dot and a HB of 96.15 He said that was great everything looked great the CRL (crown rump length) was 3.26mm which on the report that he put up online for me to ck says that is 6 wks but the ultrasound said 5 wks 5 days but he said they are a day off sometimes so I am inbetween 5 wks 5 days and 5 wks 6 days I guess you could say I am 5 wks 5 1/2 days lol. The gestational sac in his report measured 6 wks 4 days at 16.52 mm? So so far good he wanted me to come back next week but I told him I could not till that next mon so on my next US I will be 7 wks 2 days that would be the fartherest I would ever have been with a Heart beat if there is one.
CONGRATS!!! That is great news )) You must be super excited I'm soooo happy you got that heartbeat you really wanted! Can't wait to hear more great new!
My scan didn't show up quite what I wanted but I'm still VERY positive that it will turn out great. There was a gestational sac measuring 10mm but not a definite yolk sac yet They took blood for hcg and its still rising was 2000 on Mon and now 6000. I have to go back Dec 10th for another scan. Doc says it could be just on the borderline of a yolk sac developing and just a day makes a huge difference!!
This waiting game sucks!!!
CONGRATS to all the new ladies with BPFs!!