Anyone starting IVF cycle in April/May?

Whoohoo for PUPO Twinkle :happydance:

Glad transfer went smoothly and you have two onboard. Lol at the first family photos and videos, see how much luckier we are than fertile myrtles??! Have you named your embies to talk to?

Hope you have a relaxing few days while the bury in and stick, sending you lots of dust :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

Twinkle - Thats excellent!!! Hope everything goes smooth and well for you! Im so happy for you! :) xx
Hi ladies, guess what?! Ok I'm still at the clinic, I've just had my scan and they said the follicles are STILL growing, it hasn't even reached size 18 yet! Man this really sucks! :( I've been on stims for 14 days now.

The nurse said I have to have a blood test again! Seriously no lie every time I have come for a scan I have been getting a blood tests done. Anyhow they said they will do the blood test and then most likely increase my dosage. I'm just waiting for the nurse. Feeling frustrated now :(
Hello just a little update from me, i had a call from the clinic this morning to tell me that we had 2 little emblies ready & waiting for transfer today. I had only just got into work hadnt even sat down & i was back out that door.
So i am now sat here with 2 on board & i have nick named them Bert & Ernie lol

Yearningheart - Fingers crossed your follicles get there soon it must be so frustrating xx
Congrats Emz on being PUPO!!!! Wonderful news about ur two embies, and I love the names! I haven't named mine, have just being calling them the twins! Are u taking any time off work?

Yearningheart, u will get there soon, and it will all be worth the wait. Its better this way than goin too fast and risking OHSS and poor egg quality. Just keep positive xo
Wow emz and twinkle, so happy for you both, soo exciting!!
Emz, was yours a 3 or 5 day transfer? Sorry I'm on phone and cant see back without going off page, I cant wait to be at your stages, just hope I do get there and have some embies

Yearningheart, it must be frustrating but still sounds like you are doing well and you will get there and have lots of healthy big eggs when you do, hope it's not much longer

Lizzie, how are things with you?

I love this thread, it's so encouraging and exciting!
Twinkle - As i had the transfer this morning i have come back to work for the afternoon as i only sit in an office i didn't think it would make much difference sitting here than sitiing at home but i to fully intend to do nothing all weekend apart from walk the dog as they said light exercise was aloud.

Star25 - Mine was a 3 day transfer as they said that they were perfect for today & didn't want to leave them just incase.

Nearly home time for me as i finish work at 5pm can't wait to go home & put my feet up xx
Congrats Emz on your two little embies, love the names and sending you some sticky dust too :dust: :dust: :dust:

Yearningheart - That must be incredibly frustrating and not at all fun but try not to get too downhearted about it this is much more positive than if OHSS kicked in. They sound like they are just being careful in how much they up your stims each time. Hopefully this adjustment will be the charm. When will you go back for your next scan?

Star - nothing to report I'm just behaving myself and waiting for time to pass. I've been taking pregnacare preconception as recommended by my clinic but think I might have to stop as I'm feeling awful, barely keeping my eyes open at work and my tummy hurts. I "Dr Googled" it last night and there are quite a lot of reviews out there where people have felt the same so think i'll drop back to just folic acid or maybe try a different brand. Glad I found out that they don't agree with me now rather than later though. How are you? I bet time is crawling as slowly for you as it is for me "sigh" ;)
I know lizzie, its torture! When do you think you will start, end of the month?
emz - Ohh Congrats on the 2 little embries! :happydance: I like the names you kept. Sounds cute :) Thats so exciting, both you and twinkle have 2 put in, hopefully you both have twins! Thats just so nice. Im so excited for you both. Make sure you take good rest.

Thank you so much to all of you ladies for your kind words and motivation. Im feeling much better, I think I typed when I was in an emotional phase. lol but yes its true, I would rather go slow on stims than to have OHSS. My next scan is on Monday (The nurses reckon it will be the last scan). I really really hope we all get BFP on this thread.

Hope everyone is doing well, star, lizzie, twinkle. Im just sitting here trying to plan my weekend. Anyone doing anything special in the weekend?

Star- should get AF at some point in the next 10 days so have to call the clinic then for final blood tests and baseline scan and will start down regging 21 days after that. It's a nightmare because I'm trying not to tell people what we are doing but all of our friends are hellbent on making arrangements to meet up in July and if things progress well they would fall around ec and et. I'm just going ahead with them at the minute and waiting to see since anything could happen between now and then. I'll just have to come up with excuses nearer the time if necessary.

My weekend is about looking after a friend. She has an autistic daughter that she is battling away to get supported by an unsupportive system and her husband has sent her to me for a weekend as she is close to breaking point. So I'm trying to plan easy things to do and just listen really. I feel so ill equipped to deal with the issues but hope talking will help. Hope you all have good weekends xxx
Hey girls,

Lizzie, that sounds like a nightmare for your poor friend. Hope she gets the support she needs, but it certainly sounds like she's getting plenty from you. It really angers me that autism is still so poorly understood and the NHS/social workers don't seem to be much help. My colleague's brother has aspergers, and he's actually doing great, he's at university studying a degree is history and is now able to socialise well with his peers, so maybe there will be light at the end of the tunnel for your friend.

Yearningheart, you're almost there! Just another few days, hang in there!

Hope everyone is well.

AFM, I had an episode of really bad cramping last night. Brought me out in sweats and thought I was gonna throw up. It lasted about 30mins, by which stage I was in floods of tears convinced it's all over. Hopefully it was just the crinone, or maybe even implantation cramps! Fingers crossed it was nothing to worry about as I'm fine again today.

Hope you are all having a nice weekend ladies xo
Meant to say, Lizzie, try not to worry about your friends and all the plans, people will understand, even if you don't go into details of what you're doing. My DH stayed sober for a stag weekend and no-one really said much, he just said it was for medical reasons. xo
Lizzie, I'm the same with you about plans, although mine are mainly with family and they all know anyway, it's hard when you cant say for certain if u can do something or not
How was your weekend? Hope you and your friend had a relaxing time

Twinkle and emz, how are you both feeling? Will you be testing or waiting for a blood test?
I had a dream last night you both got bfps!!

Yearningheart, how are you feeling? Is it a scan you have tomoro?

Ive just been working, 7am start yesterday and today, looking forward to my lie in tomoro!
I'm on CD21 today, just have to wait and see when af decides shes going to show this cycle
Star25 - My clinic don't do bloods first they have given me a rather strange looking pregnancy test that i think must be more sensitive than normal test. I am going to try my hardest not to test before 22nd as thats the date they have given me, its driving me mad already & its only been 2 days.
I did get a call from the clinic this morning to let me know that 1 of the 2 embryos that they still have is at the blastocyst phase & good for freezing, they are going to let me know tomorrow about the last one.

Twinkle - How are you feeling anymore pains or twinges? Is this TWW driving you as nuts as me?

I hope everyone else is doing ok xx
I wasn't sure if clinics do blood tests for pregnancy or you do hpt, must be such a hard wait
Twinkle, when is your test date?
Star, hopefully AF won't keep u waiting too long this month. A girl I work with is going through a donor egg cycle in Spain and waited 65 days for her period to come so she could get started, she nearly went mental waiting.
Emz, I'm still getting the odd twinge but not as bad as the first couple of days. My boobs are sore too and feel like they weigh a ton! Test date is 20th for bloods at the clinic but I think I'll probably test next Saturday or Sunday myself if I make it that far-I started AF on day 17 first cycle, then day 14 on second. But I know how u feel, it's driving me nuts! Congrats on your frostie! Hopefully the last one will make it too xo
Emz - that's great news that one of your embies has gone to blast and you will be able to freeze.

Star - hang in there AF will show her face for both of us eventually ;)

Twinkle, keeping everything crossed for whenever you test!

Yearningheart - Hope you are starting to feel 'fuller' and your follies have grown over the weekend.

Twinkle,I think I just want af to show so I know it's not a long cycle, then I'll probably get my appointment then have to wait for af again before starting the ivf!
I'll give the clinic another ring mid week as I last called them last weds, I dont want to sound like a pest lol

Yearningheart, how did scan go today? Hope all is well

Ive got my nephew today while my sisters at work, hes nearly 3 and so cute then ive got 12 hr night shift, at least work keeps me busy through all the waiting, my manager knows, we're all quite close where I work and shes really supportive and cant wait for me to start!
lizzie - Yeah I would say wait and see how things go with you before planning something. My family are planning a trip over the sea for the weekend in the summer holidays but I know I cant go if this IVF works out, Im not going to tell them yet, just going to see how things go really. Oh it wont be long before you start the stims then! Yaaay :) x

twinkle - How are you doing? I got scared when I first read you post until I read you felt better the next day! I hope everything goes well, try not to stress yourself out (I know easy said) because I had bad cramps too at the beginning, apparently its alright. You got a week left for your blood test! Wow not long (Well I bet for you it does feel long) You make sure you take it easy and lots of rest, no stress. Wishing you the best!! x

Star - Awwwww thats such a lovely dream! How sweet.. emz and twinkle thats probably a sign! :thumbup: Heyy Im sure you must feel frustrated with the waiting but dont worry all this will be worth it and sometimes things going slowly works out better (Rich coming from me who feels frustrated! haha) x

emz - haha I know its a killer, the 2WW its only few days but its crazy. Stay strong, not long left before you have your test. If you can stay away from testing yourself thats fantastic. I was so tempted to test but my husband didnt allow me, I think thats in case if it turns out to be a BFN and I start stressing. So if you can its best you wait. I hope these 2ww goes super fast for you. x

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