Anyone starting IVF cycle in April/May?

I forgot to add my comment - Ok here it is

I had my scan today and the follicles have grown bigger than before but still NOT ready for egg collection. I seriously thought today I would get a date for the EC obviously not! Anyhow the doctor said to continue the stims and I have another scan on Wednesday which should be the last scan before EC. Can you believe it today is the 18th day of stims for me! haha I dont know why I am laughing!

And as usual I had another blood test! My veins are pretty small/thin so the nurses always struggle finding the vein. I dont know what the nurse was doing but it killed mad, she was moving the needle around coz she couldnt find the vein then she takes the needle out and says oh sorry I cant do it, you will have to go downstairs to the blood clinic! That arm of mine still hurts. So I went downstairs to the blood clinic who did the blood test on the other arm. I think next time I go Im going to google how to make the vein appear!

So yeah thats my update.. still on stims.. and seems like forever. but Im smiling :)

(I feel like in a very weird happy, confused mood today) xxxxx
I yearningheart, sorry you didn't get a date for ec but at least they have grown and you should Have a date on wednesday, is your clinic far away?
I know what you mean about awkward veins, mine are the same and always takes ages, last one the lady was just sitting waiting for the blood to start flowing,thought she had fallen asleep!
Do you know if youre clinic transfers 1 or 2 embryos, what are your thoughts on it? Obviously it has to be played by ear and the different circumstances but it's something I think about anyway
Talking about testing I thinking about that too and as im not much of a tester as always too scared of bfns, I think I would wait until official test date
I'm rambling but just things I think about while I'm waiting and like to see what other people think :)
Star - Hii, No my clinic is not too far, couples of minutes drive really. Im just little worried what IFI get OHSS, the nurse said I have so many follicles just not all at the biggest stage so she gave me a leaflet regarding OHSS. I really hope I dont get that. Ohh your comment made me laugh! Yes sometimes the blood does take long you think hey wheres the nurse, is she day dreaming or what! lol

Well I am currently having IVF through NHS. With NHS in the first cycle you can only have 1 embryo put it (There is no choice of 2) and in the second round of IVF you can have either 1 or 2 put in, me and husband choose 2 embryos to be put in.

Yeah I dont think I will test this time either, because as far as I remember there was a lady on babyandbump forum who tested and got a bfn but when she went for her actual test it was a bfp because sometimes the machine things cant detect as good as the doctors blood test. I dont know but either way I know how I am like, if I test and see a bfn I would start crying an ocean so I think I will save it for if it is really a bfn confirmed by the nurses.
Oh by the way star, are you going to have IVF through NHS?
Oh dear god that has terrified me lol!

Yearningheart - I hope your arm feels better soon!
lizzie - haha same! But that lady is so relaxed, I dont know how some people do it seriously! I think my arm will be fine by tomorrow, maybe little bruise :)
Hey, just reading through the thread, good luck to everyone PUPO, and waiting for egg collection,

I have egg collection in the morning & feeling excited xxx
Hi Jackdoll, good luck for EC tomorrow, be sure to come back and tell us how it goes x
Jackdoll - Hi! Oh thats good :) Good luck with the egg collection, yep it sure is exciting! Is this the first time you are doing IVF? Hope all goes smooth and well and do let us know how it goes. x
Hey this is my 2nd cycle. 1st one BFN, my egg collection last time was dreadful, so lets hope this time around it won't be as bad! I've them warned I want double dose of everything!
Hi Jackdoll, fancy seeing you here lol!! Good luck for this morning hun! Will look forward to seeing your news! xo

Star, I'm hoping you are psychic!

Yearningheart, fingers crossed you only have a few days left. All this waiting is good practice for the 2ww! My veins are the same, a nurse has never gotten blood out of me at my clinic, they always have to go and get a doctor. On the plus side, the anaesthetists always get it first time so that's one less thing to worry about for EC day.

AFM, I'm going a bit mental, woke up this morning convinced I could smell a roast chicken cooking! At 6.50am!! Really?? Bbs also super sore. Hoping it's all a good sign. DH is going mental too, he says it's hard for him cos he has no symptoms to feel. I think I would prefer this lol!

Emz, how are u getting on with 2ww? xo
Jackdoll - Oh snap! Same with me, this is my second round and my EC was dreadful too the first time. I felt so sick and the worst is I didnt vomit. Sometimes when you have that twisting turning sickish tummy feeling you just want to vomit and get it all because after that it feels better. Anyways I hope your EC went well today and you are feeling good. Hope we hear some good news on the eggs :) x

twinkle - haha yeah I might as well call this 2ww (2 weeks wait before EC) lol! with all the waiting I am doing. Yeah you know what your so right, the anesthetists do get it right straight away without any problems and thats one injection you want it to go in, in the right place. I guess that is because they are experienced and well trained in that field. Anyhow I was just thinking, I remember when I first read you were doing IVF, I thought I would be at similar stage as you, my stims kept me behind. I have a scan tomorrow hopefully I get an EC date. Hows your 2ww going? Your not working are you? x
Twinkle - This 2ww thing sucks it's only been 4 days & ive had enough already. I hate waiting for things so this is driving me mad especially as i know there is nothing i can do to help things along. I have had a few twinges & some really vivid dreams but apart from that nothing much to report.
How are you coping?

Yearningheart - my fingers & toes are crossed that you get an EC date soon.

Jackdoll - Hiya i hope that your EC went ok today fingers crossed for some fab eggies xx
Hi Jackdoll, hope all went well today for you :)

yearningheart, good luck for tomorrow

emz and twinkle, hope you are both having good signs and soon to get bfps!!

lizzie, how is your waiting going? frustrating like mine probably!
star - frustrating beyond belief although I'm sure its nothing compared to what is to come. I'm as bitchy as a bitchy thing though so AF should be here in the next 5 days - always a sign when I'm ready to murder lovely DH. Your letter must be going to come in the next couple of days I would think??

Emz & Twinkle, keeping everything crossed for you although I imagine that doesn't help int he slightest.

Jackdoll - let us know how today went.

Yearnignheart - hope you get a good night's sleep and tomorrow goes well.
Hey girls, well I have had EC over me and have to say it was like a breeze compared to my last cycle! Don't get me wrong now I could still feel loads going on but could stick it..... And wait for it........... We got 12 EGGS. Can't believe it, was only expecting 4-7 as they said from my scans I had 4-7 follicles.. Totally in shock and so proud of myself lol

Hope everyone is doing well. Yous all sound so supportive and a great bunch of girls xxx
Hi ladies!

Im laughing as Im reading everyone's comments :laugh2:
We are all frustrated and tired of waiting, look:

star and lizzie waiting for IVF cycle to start
Twinkle and emz waiting for beta test
me waiting for EC date
We might as well just :coffee: haha

(Its so nice though to have one another for support, I seriously appreciate everyone's comment, I love to come on this thread! Thanks Ladies!) xxx

Jackdoll - Well done!!!! :happydance: That sure is a great number!!! Im super happy for you :) Good to hear the EC went well this time. Let us know when you get the call for embryo transfer and also let us know if you get any bloastyness or any kinda feeling. Just want to hear everyones experience before my EC. Wishing you all the best! x
:haha: ha ha, that's so true Yearningheart!

Wow jackdoll that's amazing, well done you and your superovaries! Definitely keep us updated with progress and symptoms :happydance:
Congratulations on ur lovely eggies Jackdoll, that's a a brilliant number, I'm sure u couldn't believe when they were calling out the numbers lol! Be sure to update us on how many fertilise xo

Yearningheart, ur so right, all the waiting is a pain! I'm starting to go a bit mental, can't stop crying. Just feels like I'm out already as I don't feel any different to how I felt on my last 2 cycles. Still having some cramping, one really bad one that took my breath away last night. Also my boobs were sore and swollen and they've pretty gone back to normal now. Sorry to be so down and grumpy girls but I just feel like it's all over and can't face having another bfn.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good day, Yearningheart hoping u get good news at ur scan today xo
So true yearningheart, we must be so patient! Thinking of you and hope you have a date today
It really does help to hear everyones experience as they go through it, makes me feel that when I am talking to drs I will know a bit more of what I'm talking about and understand what they are saying, saying it would be horrible to be completey clueless

Lizzie, hope you dont have too much longer to wait, not that we normally hope for af to arrive!

Twinkle, sorry to hear you feel down, it's still early and you could find tomorrow you have more symptoms than before, I know it's hard to feel positive when you feel that way but you have every chance with your 2 embies and sending you lots of babydust

Emz, how are you feeling?

Jackdoll, thats brilliant news! Hoping all 12 fertilise and you have your bfp very soon, what a great number!

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