Hi all, sorry for the late post, crazy day at work and mental traffic all the way home. mental note to stop leaving offices without looking at the traffic app i specifically downloaded to my phone!
Twinkle, glad you are feeling more positive and hope the swollen girls are a positive sign. Stick with it, you aren't out until you are out. So many people get their BFP with anything from "signs" before they even have ET to absolutely nothing at all. Hopefully these are your specific signs of a BFP.
Star - Get the clinic called, honestly I bugged mine and they might not have liked it but at least i wasn't sitting at home fretting that the post it note with mine and DH's names on it had just gone astray. The person must be back from holiday this week so I don't think they can blame you for asking for an update. Let us know how you get on.
Hey jackdoll that is brilliant news for 4 to have fertilised

Give us an update tomorrow on how they are doing. keeping everything crossed for lots of cell divisions overnight while they are tucked up.
Yearningheart - that absolutely sucks, i hardly know what to say because you must be so frustrated. With my 'impartial' hat on though 17mm sounds like you really are nearly there now, in another two days by friday i'm sure they will call time on all the stemming and schedule your EC. Try to hang in there, by this time next week you should be posting about transfer dates if not be already PUPO. Sending you lots of Follicle Dust (no smilie for that so you will have to imagine for now
