Anyone starting IVF cycle in April/May?

Hi Ladies,

You wont believe my update. I went for the scan today morning. On my right ovary there is one 19mm and one 18mm follicles and rest smaller. On the left ovary there is one 17mm and rest smaller which means it is still NOT ready for egg collection! I seriously can not believe it. The doctor was surprised it still is growing slow that she had to consult another doctor for advice. They said I have to continue like normal and I have another scan one Friday (Friday will be my 7th scan!). When she told me that, I felt so disappointed and taken back that my tummy felt so sickish, I thought I was going to throw up. I had to drink cup of water to feel better. Im just so shocked and just dont know how to react or feel if that even makes sense. :cry:

Today is my 20th day of stims! Come one who has stims for that many days? I always hear max of 14/15 days. My medication are all finished, the hospital kept giving a little, now the hospital ran out so tomorrow I am going to get a delivery of meds. This just really sucks!

And yeah I had a blood test today, so usual for me. Even the nurse was shocked when she realised how long I have been on stims which makes me feel more crap.

Sorry for my rambling, I just feel so rubbish right now. :cry:
oh so sorry yearningheart, I know anything I say won't make you feel much better but you have all our support and you WILL get there! How many follicles do they like to see to say you are ready for egg collection?
hope you feel better soon and praying Friday will be the end of stims for you xx
Hey girls, well the dreaded phone call this morning was made and I have 4 embies, the others wearnt great and didnt make it! I was disappointed at the start and felt annoyed that I was on such a high yesterday with 12 eggs and only 4 today. But I'm now ok and realise that 4 embies is great and we only need the 1... Xx

How is everyone? I'm trying to read through posts and find out what stage everyone is at but their is that much. I know twinkle is on the 2ww.

Good luck everyone. This really is an emotional rollercoaster with so many ups & downs. Xxx
Hi Jackdoll, glad to ear you have 4 fertilised, sorry about the others but sounds like you have a great chance :)

I haven't started anything yet, It can be difficult to read up on where everyone is at!
Im just waiting for my first IVF appointment, the letter should be here anytime soon so I'm just waiting and in the meantime this is a great thread for support

will you be having one or 2 transferred?

yearningheart, I can't remember if I wrote back to you saying this will be my first go and will be on the NHS so will be 1 transferred back, assuming I get that far! I didn't know they only put 1 back on the NHS so thank you for the info, I just thought it depended on the quality of the ones you had etc
I don't mind though, whatever they think is best and I will be grateful to have the chance of having 1!
Star thanks, I wasn't aware that NHS was 1 transfer! What clinic are you attending? I am at the royal in Belfast, I will wait and said what the docs advise on Friday. I don't mind 1 or 2. My last transfer was 1 blast. Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer on your letter. Why don't you give them a phone and keep them in their toes.
Star, thanks for ur kind words xo

Jackdoll, well done on ur embies! Fingers crossed they all keep going. Are they bringing u back for transfer on Friday then?

Yearningheart, sorry to hear they're making u wait again, I'm sure these eggs will be worth all the waiting xo

AFM, back to work today and feeling more positive this afternoon, still going a bit mental but better than I was this morning. Still cramping on and off and the girls have swollen up again! Fingers crossed xo
Yay for swollen girls twinkle! They say symptoms can come and go so hope your in for a bfp :)

Jackdoll, I will be at complete fertility in Southampton, I called last weds and the lady dealing with my case was on hol so I'll definitely call tomoro, your right about keeping them on their toes, my current fs at local hospital works there too as a consultant and he said I should have letter in 6 weeks and it's now coming up for 7 weeks

Is yours on the nhs too?
Hey star, yes this is my 2nd cycle and NHS. While on the waiting list for NHS I had a private cycle. Which failed and then I reached the top of the list for NHS. Can be 8-12 months in Northern Ireland and really didnt want to sit back & relax. We only get 1 free go also :(

Twinkle did you see Nettes update on other thread? She had got BFP 9dp5dt...
Hi all, sorry for the late post, crazy day at work and mental traffic all the way home. mental note to stop leaving offices without looking at the traffic app i specifically downloaded to my phone!

Twinkle, glad you are feeling more positive and hope the swollen girls are a positive sign. Stick with it, you aren't out until you are out. So many people get their BFP with anything from "signs" before they even have ET to absolutely nothing at all. Hopefully these are your specific signs of a BFP.

Star - Get the clinic called, honestly I bugged mine and they might not have liked it but at least i wasn't sitting at home fretting that the post it note with mine and DH's names on it had just gone astray. The person must be back from holiday this week so I don't think they can blame you for asking for an update. Let us know how you get on.

Hey jackdoll that is brilliant news for 4 to have fertilised :) Give us an update tomorrow on how they are doing. keeping everything crossed for lots of cell divisions overnight while they are tucked up.

Yearningheart - that absolutely sucks, i hardly know what to say because you must be so frustrated. With my 'impartial' hat on though 17mm sounds like you really are nearly there now, in another two days by friday i'm sure they will call time on all the stemming and schedule your EC. Try to hang in there, by this time next week you should be posting about transfer dates if not be already PUPO. Sending you lots of Follicle Dust (no smilie for that so you will have to imagine for now ;))
star - I need to have at least size 18mm follicles, which I have only 2 of. Im hoping by Friday I have little more. Thanks Im feeling much better now. Yeah as far as I know, the first time its only 1 embryo and second time upto 2 embryos with NHS. How many free IVF cycles do you get with NHS?

twinkle - I guess one advantage of going to work is that it will take your mind off the 2ww. Im thinking of taking 2 complete weeks off from work during 2ww which I dread but my work is slightly stressful so need that break.

Im feeling much better now, I was just little emotional when I came back from the clinic. Anyhow there is no point in stressing because it cant change anything so I might as well look at it from a positive angle. :)
lizzie - lol we posted at the same time! Yeah I guess your right, 17mm should be bigger by Friday. My follicles are growing but pretty slow, everything has its advantage eh!
follicle dust haha I like that! Yeah maybe they should create an animation/icon/smilie for that

Thats traffic for you! Those apps are no good sometimes but some do say they are good. I have never downloaded them apps but sometimes I think I should. Its madness especially school time. I dont mind traffic but it drives me mad when I am in a rush. lol
In Northern Ireland we only get 1 free cycle. It's sucks but we have to deal with
Yeah I heard most places in the UK do only 1 free cycle of NHS. In London and few other parts they give 3 free cycles. I guess 1 free cycle is better than nothing. In many countries you have to pay, no round if free. x
I'm one round free here, my fs said there isn't a waiting list luckily though I will definitely be on their case tomorrow, I'm on night shift tonight so I'll ring when I wake up
I think I'll be taking a week or two off after transfer, I work in a dementia care home where manual handling equipment is needed on the majority of the residents and alot are aggressive so I wont be takin any risks

On a different note, at what point does the man do his part in this process?
Just wondered as havent heard when that is
Hey star, when you go in for Egg Collection you partner will do his sample before or after the procedure. That's the only thing the men have to do! Lucky them...

Yes I'm off work from egg collection day and don't entend to return until after my pregnancy test which is roughly 2 weeks after embryo transfer. If you can take time off then you might aswell. Especially if you do manual handling..

How is everyone today? I have embryo transfer in the morning, just praying I have 1 embie left. So nerve recking to think I mightn't have any... But everything crossed and its only like a spear test so I've nothing to worry about pain ect xx
Sending you lots of babydust for your healthy embies jackdoll, oh and thank you for the info, how exciting you have transfer in the morning, that will be 3 on this thread soon to get bfps and yearningheart right behind you all

I'm off to bed now, hope can get a good few hrs sleep but it's so lovely and sunny already
Ill check for any updates later, night!

Oh not that its interesting but I'm CD25 ,mild af pains since CD21 which is early for me and boobs starting to hurt which is normal for this time, dont expect a miracle bfp but at least it looks like heading towards a normal length cycle, yay!
But everything crossed and its only like a spear test so I've nothing to worry about pain ect xx

So long as it's only like a spear test we have nothing to worry about then Jackdoll :winkwink: It must be nervewracking but tomorrow will be here before you know it and you will have your embies.
Yearningheart - I really do have everything crossed for you for Friday as i can not imagine how you must be feeling, hopefully your follicles are just going slowly cos they know they have to grow perfect eggs for you.

Jackdoll - 4 embellies is still good we only had 4 & they transfered 2 at 3 day for us. Fingers crossed your transfer goes smoothly, mine was a tad uncomfortable but nothing to major.

Thankfully we get 3 funded cycles on the NHS here & this is our first cycle & they transfered 2 for us so i don't know if its up to the clinics how many they transfer, i think if they had got to day 5 then they would have only transfered 1.
AFM I had mild cramping all of yesterday with bouts of nausea & then to top it all off heartburn. I really hope this is a good sign cos I never have heartburn, I've still got a week left until testing I wish I could just find out now!! :growlmad::growlmad:

Sending dust to everyone cos i love this emoji lol
Jackdoll - Oh thats great and so exciting. Cant wait to hear update from you. I am praying everything goes smooth and well for you and you come back with good news. This thread is so exciting with all the IVF journeys. Hopefully its all BFP! x

star - yep thats all the men do. like jackdoll said they are sure lucky! No injection, no meds, no scan, just give their sperm. Hope you had a good nice sleep :) x

lizzie - how are you? hows life? any update on your appointment? x

Hope everyone is doing great. I have to be home until 12:30 because of the delivery of the meds thereafter I am going to go for a walk on my own. Maybe to the park. I could do with a walk and some fruit shopping :)

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