Hi Kate I'm so very sorry for your losses. It's crazy how our bodies change after a pregnancy. You can't guarantee anything! Sounds like you and brunette are having similar experiences. I don't know if I could do it but in your case I think a break might really help, pregnancy, however short, will be messing with your hormones and uterus and lining etc and maybe your body needs to get back to equilibrium if you've been pregnant every cycle?
Mrs W yes I love the snakes and ladders analogy, and yes we're totally due some ladders now! I think the acupuncture will really help. We had a 2 hr session, the first hour was talking about anything and everything. I didn't know how much she needed to know but we basically went through the story of my life! I learnt a lot about how I only relax by escapism, ie reading, watching telly, driving, coming on here! And how I'm
Always living in the future. She says my problems are definitely mental not physycal which I agree with. She said something about my heart flow, I didn't quite get it! Then we had 45 minutes where she kept checking my pulse and them put needles in my legs and tummy and then give me an amazing neck massage. I felt much more relaxed and happier afterwards, although it could just be the massage! She also said red wine is very good for the blood and she thinks my blood needs nourishing because I don't eat much meat and all the bleeding I've had. So red wine it is
I told her I wanted to feel more relaxed about ttc and not so fixated and if I could get to where you are mrs w I'd be over the moon!!
Hope you manage to get some BDing in over Easter! I'm technically meant to start BDing today for smep but I'm still bleeding so no chance! I think I'll wait until I start at least getting a faint line on the opks. I know thus cycle will be stupid long xx