Hi ladies
I saw a baby due a the day after i was the other day and it was bittersweet, ok mostly because i am pregnant but it was the wierdest feeling looking at the baby, remembering the blueberry fetus i held in my hand...
I am a christian and try to find peace in Gods plans, however i have a super religious friend who doesnt have kids and never experienced any huge loss and she told me after the first mc that death comes from the devil and long story short made me feel like my baby died because i didnt beleive enough
or pray enough
So now i avoid her, you can image what she tood me when she heard of the second mc because i did feel a strange peace and calmness, because n my heart i knew something was wrong and she got really angry at me for thinking that way.
Anyway, i do beleive its all in Gods plans, i dont know why i had to have two mc, i dont know why Rowan survived as long as she did and why some people have to experience so many losses. My one friend who had a late loss, baby died in utero at 30 weeks posted something loverly on facebook. It was a pocture of a little girl runnong thru the poppy blossoms and the text read something like "i can picture you running free in the blossoms wild and so carefree and timless that by the time you stop to look behind you, i will be there." I love that analogy very much.
Sorry for the long winded post!
Not rubbing my oregnancy in anyones face but ive had alot of stresses at home and i was so worried it would kill the baby. I know it sounds silly but my stmach felt hard and twisted. My moms been her three weeks and leaves tomorrow thank goodness, she and hubby get snippy with each other and i get caught in the middle