Could it be implantation bleeding if you ovulated on Thursday, it seems very early. However I did have very short lp just after my mc too. So confusing.
Slg can't believe you've gone from 80s to possible snow! Yikes!! Probably best to plant the flowers in a few weeks then! I need to sort my garden out today as well. Buy a few flowers to plant and make it look pretty.
Munchkin, sorry your opks are light again. I had a good old whine to my acupuncturist today about how I'd been told it took on average 3 cycles for the body return to normal and to expect regular cycles and how my af keeps coming early and I'm scared something's wrong. He said to remember that everyone is different and that my body just needs time to heal and get better after such a trauma before its ready for pregnancy again. I underestimated how long it would be for me. But everyone is different, I know.
Gosh how scary your little girl running off like that. Freya has done it too, and your heart literally stops doesn't it as you run round searching. Petrifying. So glad all was ok.
I'm feeling knackered and really thirsty as well. So odd whatever hormone stuff I have going on is weird.
Also it's really windy here today and I hate wind!!!