Urgh munchkin id be so frustrated at those opks
Hope you all had a good weekend, here we had mothers day and i had such an emotional day. My first loss was concieved last mothers day, my cousins unplanned pregnancy was born ton mothers day yesterday, she is doing well considering the circumstances, loving relationship but baby born with cleft lip & palate (like me)
At church i was meant to do the sunday school whoch i was fine with as we had intended to dedicate our baby to God on mothers day like we did our living kids two years ago. I didnt realize the sadness i had til i stepped in, i saw a baby born when i was due that first time and i broke down n tears.
Husband was serving in church as well, he was behond the computers doing multimedia but one guy said to him he needed to be with his wife today, this guy spoke to hubby briefly but he himself had a (further along) loss years ago, his 8 year old is actually a twin

So he sat with me as i cried and grieved that i had no baby to dedicate on mothers day.
Also on a better note i went out on Sat night and i am listening to a podcast to help me prep for this baby and i listened to two shows about miscarriage and stillbirth. It was quite good and they interviewed women who had experineced then, how they felt what you should say etc etc. the second part was abput pregnancy after loss which at times was sad as none of these woman were feeling happy go lucky. One woman had a baby then two miscarriages then a loss at 2,5 days old, then a miscarriage then finally a healthy baby. I cannot imagine going through all that. She explained how her baby didnt replace the other angels but rather he was now the joy walked alongside her grief.
One woman had had two perfect pregnancies before two or three losses and was again pregnant and hanging on. I resonated with her so much.
Well i hope you all have a great week x