Anyone struggling to get baby number 2??

Yes I'm doing the trial, we have a clearblue trial ladies thread in ttc, come and join us! The opks you get are really good and the wee samples aren't too much hassle really.

I hope you're right button. I'm so scared now, I just want to get my bfp, it's so stressful wondering how long it will take. Secondary infertility is just so unexpected.

Yes your plan sounds good. Is only really sex during your fertile window that means anything so don't stress about those earlier days if it adds pressure. I weaned off temping too, started doing just around ov and then stopped all together! X
Still waiting for my call so will join that thread when I know I'm on it.

You're right, it's the unexpectedness that's so stressful. You just find yourself thinking but I've done it once with no problems.
Ok cool, hope to see you on the trial thread soon.

I agree, I just can't understand how come the last two time I ttc I got bfp first cycle. Since my mmc I'm on cycle 7 and I'm sure something must be wrong. We had so much sex this month if everything was working I'm sure I'd get a bfp?!

How many cycles have you ttc now button?
We've been trying since September with our mc in March. Although a couple of cycles either me or OH have been ill around O so probably shouldn't count those.

I have to keep reminding myself even with perfect timing theirs only a 20% chance of success, which means odds should be in our favour again sometime soon. Especially if you factor in healing time from the mcs.
Yeh I don't really understand the 20% chance thing. I caught first time twice before, that's very lucky and I know SO many people who have got pregnant first cycle trying, including one person who has 3 kids all conceived first month. I can't but think that those statistics are based on averages in that some women catch first cycle and others take five cycles but I don't believe everyone has a 20% chance, I think your chance is individual to you. Don't know if that makes any sense.

I started ttc last October with mc in January so similar time. We've dtd over ov every single cycle since January.

What are you up to this weekend? We went shopping today as I needed a dress for my brother in laws wedding next Friday, had a really nice day including lunch out. My dd is 2 on Monday so we are celebrating tomorrow and have got all her presents (she will have some tomorrow and some Monday), a cake for each day (princess castle for tomorrow and a peppa pig one for Monday) and loads of balloons to fill the playroom tonight! Can't wait. Absolutely gutted I am not allowed the day off Monday but ill finish early and we are meeting lots of her little friends for pizza so she will enjoy her day <3

I joined the clearblue, a lady rang me and said I will get my packaging for next cycle but I received a letter which I will have to sign and send back in order to join the study?

Did you get that Mrs W?
That sounds fab Mrs W, she'll have a great time. My LO has been ill today with a temperature and we were up with him 6 times last night so we just had a quiet day at home. He seems a bit better now (of course he would perk up at bedtime!) so if he's well in the morning we'll take him swimming. There's a family fun day in one of the parks in the afternoon but don't know if we'll make it to that.
Babyjan I had to sign a consent form and send back yes. Then they called me for a more detailed chat and confirmed I was eligible to join and agreed date to send out my pack. Good luck!

Button sorry your lo is poorly :-( hope he feels better tomorrow. Enjoy your family day together.

He's a lot perkier today thanks and his temperatures gone down to normal.

I seem to be getting shorter AFs, I only get a proper flow for 2 days then spotting for a day or two after. Not sure if it's a problem or no.
Hmm I'm not sure, mine have always been around 4-5 days. Have you tried asking in ttc, someone will know x
Buton, I just asked my Dr this same question a couple days ago. He said that the volume of flow doesn't have a lot to do with anything and it's not a problem. You just need to make sure that your lining is building up enough to support implantation. The only way to check that is with an ultrasound.

My periods used to be pretty heavy. four days of changing a tampon every 4 hours. Now I get one day of bleeding and a couple days of spotting. But, my lining has been thick enough every time I've looked and I've done that on at least 6 different cycles.
Thanks Slg! I won't get any ultrasounds now and the ones I had before my mc they said my lining was fine so I won't worry about it.

How are you getting on?
Button, I think you are fine. I wouldn't worry.

I'm doing ok. I have a new fertility Dr. that I like a lot. Our plan is to wait two months for my supplements to take full effect and then do one more medicated cycle with all the bells and whistles so we don't ever have to wonder if doing anything else would have helped.

I've had some mixed feelings lately. Emily is turning 4 this month and is getting gore independent. Part of me thinks life would be so much easier without a second. Of course I'm scared that in a couple more years I would really regret that decision. I think I would like a second baby with a live-in nanny :rofl:
Brilliant plan! Ashley's had me up at night being poorly and I'm shattered, a live in nanny for number two is a great idea.

I'm glad you've got a fertility dr you can get on with. I hope it makes all the difference.
I've had some mixed feelings lately. Emily is turning 4 this month and is getting gore independent. Part of me thinks life would be so much easier without a second. Of course I'm scared that in a couple more years I would really regret that decision. I think I would like a second baby with a live-in nanny :rofl:

Your LO 4 so soon! I really hope I am pregnant before my daughter turns 4 in January......

For me it's really sad watching her grow up on her own....but I know what you mean about the independence and not wanting to go back to the newborn days....however for me it is really important to be able to give her a sibling because I don't want her to be on her own....a couple with only one child always looks really odd to me and I always feel sorry for the little one having to be all on their own in the company of two adults...

On another note AF finished today so I'm gearing up for a new cycle....going to try and work hard for it this month....
Just out of interest do you have regular cycles? Mine are irregular....range from 30-37 days so predicting ovulation is a bit tricky. Also since we started ttc in September 2013 I had mid cycle bleeding twice....

My cycles have always been irregular.....I think I was very lucky to conceive my little girl after only 3 months of trying.....but back then we had more time for that sort of activity....nowadays we struggle to find the energy....

How do you find the time and/or energy for ttc?
button, thanks for the support! I did like my old Dr. too but I think I needed a fresh look at things.

I agree with a lot of what you said. I've had many only children tell me that they like being an only, but I can't shake the feeling that it would be very lonely. My older sister has one daughter and I think she is lonely and depressed. I think there are other factors (including my sister not being a super great mom) but the feeling still sticks with me. I'm one of 6 and hubby is one of 12!!

I do have significant energy problems but I always find a way to cope when I have to.

I do have regular cycles now. I didn't have a cycle at all for over two years and when they came back they were irregular. I worked with an acupuncturist and I really believe that is what got my cycle to return and get to be so regular. I would suggest using OPKs if you aren't certain of when you ovulate. You can buy cheap ones on that work really well.

I conceived my daughter on the third month too. BUT, that was before cancer and chemotherapy which is what destroyed my fertility. I hate to say it but we don't put that much energy into ttc. Well, I put a TON of mental and emotional energy into it and I'm the one that seems to constantly be dipping something into my pee. :haha: But, when it comes to actually DTD we are very business minded about it. We have been at this for 2 years now and it has taken a toll on our sex life. Scheduled sex stinks! I tell hubby when I'm ovulating and we just find 10 minutes where we can to dtd. Sometimes we give DD a cookie and a cartoon and lock ourselves in our room. The sex isn't great because all that really matters is that he finishes. It just is how it has to be for now. I tell him he owes me about 100 sexual favors once we finish ttc :rofl:
Hi ladies. Do you remember me?? I had to dissapear from all things ttc for a while, it was just too hard. I eventually had a proper period 3 months after Rowan was born, ov'd on time and got AF a bit early. Then I ov'd a but early (13dpo) we did it like rabbits and 11 days later this happened....


In fact I lie, I had such faint lines at 10dpo I had to Facebook poor old Celine to tell me if I was going nuts. I'm now 13dpo and happy and excited but terrified! I had to tell you lovely ladies though because you've been my support and I felt so bad for deserting :( so here goes another load of massive mountains to climb but I have to be positive all the way.

Got a lot of catching up to do here too. Anyone want to give me a brief recap??
Of course we remember you! We've all been thinking of you. Congratulations on your BFP!!!! So happy for you and wishing you a h&h 9 months.

Nothing much exciting happening with me. I'm on CD5 and waiting to O.

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