it is indeed perfectly normal..and it will get worse lol but it just means you are preparing yourself for a huge life change. its all exciting and knew and a wonderful experience, even labour in the right conditions is an amzing time.
My first labour was very quick and i didnt have a supportive OH and i generally had a bad time (not anything wrong or the sucha dn no horror stories for you theres nothing worse, i just mean emotionally it was all very clinical and my OH was really a idiot and my mum was there but not very supportoive really.
however on my 2nd it was just me and OH in a dimly lit room, he was very caring and supportive, he rubbed my back when i needed it, called the midwife when he needed too, talked to me softly etc it was lovely and the minute DS2 was placed in my arms was the best feeling in the world, the look of love in OH eyes and yes i was a soppy cow and cried lol. of course it hurt theres no denying it but it was sucha lovely experience worth all the pain
I have decided to bite the bullet and head to the doctors, have an appoint at 10.30 and im just worried that they'll say its perfectly normal and not to worry like they always do, i have been tested for PCOS just b4 xmas and that was negative. im wondering if they'll pay more attention as its been over a year now since i came off BCP (which i took for about 2 months lol) and we had been NTNP till january when we really started TTC. and the fact i have had only 2 AF in that time, and still no sign of this one
or if they tell me to lose weight etc...i joining slimming worl nxt tuesday
as much as i hate having them i just want regular AF and hopefully OV.
sorry im just rambling, hope youre well today...i'll let you knwo what the doctor said