anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Haha! Melissa, that's funny now, but I'm sure it was just frustrating at the time!

Well, still no AF for me. Seriously wondering what's going on. Although, if that OPK was correct and I did ovulate on the 4th, then that would mean I'm 14dpo today. So I guess if she doesn't show in the next few days then I can pick a date to use my one HPT I've got "in stock." Might as well use it if there's even a tiny chance, right? :)

How is everyone doing?
Rachel, I think we're definitely going to need to see a test. :winkwink:

Things are going okay here. Just chugging along. Liam and my DH were both hit with awful allergies this past weekend and have been struggling with it ever since, which means there's not a lot of sleep happening around here. Also, I think I've become somewhat lactose intolerant during this pregnancy. :( Every now and then, I'd wake up in the middle of the night with the most painful stomach cramps I've ever had, and it would be about 2 hours before I could go back to sleep. I knew it had to be something I was eating, but I couldn't really pinpoint what. However, DH and I had frozen custard a few nights ago, and then I had the cramps later that night, and then yesterday I got another frozen custard for lunch (because it was soooo delicious) and then had the cramps in the evening, rather than at night. That pretty much secured my suspicions. So while small amount of dairy, or stuff that's pretty mild, seems to be fine, I think I'll be avoiding excessive or very rich dairy for a while.
whoop! def need a test!!!!

jordyn- I got lactose intolerant with my last few pregnancies. not fun! had stomach cramps and eventually started getting diarrhea. my dr told me to stay off dairy and take calcium instead
Yikes jordyn doesn't sound good. That would suck for me because Iove dairy stuff. HAppy 18 weeks!!!! How are you feeling?

Rachel: I'm not sure about the lp part of the cycle and I never have. Can someone explain it to me? I'm glad that you all are doing well. Wow that's great he is still nursing and taking breast milk.

Heather TEST!!!! I'm very curiouse to see what will come of it.

Melissa how's the baby! I wanted to ask you a question. Like when you say you will be ntnp for life does that mean even when you get older? It's just something I have been wondering :)

I hope I didn't miss anyone

We are all ok here. Jonathan has started daycare at Natalia's daycare and is doing great. Eva too as been with a few different people she seems to be doing well to. She is very smart lol the other day the night light was on the floor and she went to pick it up and put it back in the outlet. Maybe lots of babies do that but I was just shocked she paid attention that much to remember where it's supposed to go haha. She is so close to walking I think soon she will. She still only has her two bottom teeth lol it's soo cute. Does anyone keep up with soccer?
Melissa, did your lactose intolerance get better after the babies were born, or were you stuck like that afterwards?

Stacey, I think that's pretty clever that Eva plugged back in the nightlight. I don't think Liam would do that (but it's hard to say, because he's WAY more interested in UN-plugging everything :dohh:).I don't really keep up with any sports, but I take it you the soccer world cup? You'll have to keep me updated on how the US is doing, since I'm oblivious. :haha:

As for me, 19 weeks today! I decided to take a bump pic with my tummy exposed so you could see how totally popped out my belly button is. It's been like that since 12 weeks! :dohh:


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Stacey, Eva does sound like a little smarty pants, putting the nightlight back in. I've noticed a big difference between Ozzy and Jimmy in terms of that kind of thing. Ozzy is much more "destructive" and Jimmy will actually interact with his environment more and seems notice all kinds of things. So strange how they can be so different even when they are so young.

The LP is the part of the cycle between ovulation and when your period starts. It's usually about 14 days, hence the "two week wait." But not everyone ovulates right in the middle of their cycles. I tend to ovulate later in my cycles, so my LP is a bit shorter, usually more like 11 days. If it's too short, then the egg doesn't get time to properly implant and it can mean having trouble getting and staying pregnant. At least that's how I understand it!

Jordyn, that sucks about the dairy intolerance. At least with stomach cramps you know what you can do to avoid them. Speaking of cramps, how's your irritable uterus?

Well, I'm trying not to freak myself out, but I checked my cervix today in the shower, and I think maybe it's high and open? It's so hard to tell because I don't check it every day, but it definitely felt different. So, does it get high and open before or after you ovulate? And how long does it stay that way? Does it also get that way before AF starts? I really don't know much about cervical position and I don't think I want to google it while I'm at work. lol
Oh, and forgot to answer about soccer! I don't usually enjoy watching it, even during the World Cup. I'm not sure why, but it's one of those sports I like to play but not watch. But I did watch the highlights from that Mexico Brazil match the other day. OMG. That Mexican goalie is amazing!!!!
Rachel, I notice that my cervix gets high and open before I ovulate, so it's possible that you had a surge, hence the OPK, but didn't actually drop and egg. But you might be getting ready to now.

As for my uterus, I haven't had any contractions for weeks now, but the past few days I've really overdone it, and have been sore and having a lot of round ligament pain, and so yesterday I actually did have a few contractions. My problem is that in order to heal the damage I did, I really need to avoid carrying my 20+ lb children around, but Liam doesn't walk yet, and there's no way I can get Alia to go downstairs and get in bed for a nap without carrying her down there. :(
Melissa how's the baby! I wanted to ask you a question. Like when you say you will be ntnp for life does that mean even when you get older? It's just something I have been wondering :)
yep, forever. but of course fertility is only for a season in life and it WILL come to an end. im 36, so already older :haha: I read peri menopause generally starts around 40, which means not o'ing every month. and the average age of menopause is 51, which means no more o'ing. I do have a great aunt who naturally conceived and had a baby at 53 though lol. so of course its different for every woman. baby Sophia is good. now that I have fish, eggs, milk, and nuts out of my diet she is happy as can be. :) Eva sounds very bright! not a soccer watcher so I have no idea. DH watches a lot of sports so that's the only way I have any idea whats going on in any sport and he doesn't watch soccer so im in the dark!

Melissa, did your lactose intolerance get better after the babies were born, or were you stuck like that afterwards?
yay for 19 weeks!!! are you finding out gender?? couldn't remember if you said :dohh: for me it has went away after the baby came. but after the last 2 I still had to keep milk out since they had milk allergy, which is a reaction to the protein and not the lactose. I love dairy so its rough. im not much of a milk drinker, but yogurt, cheese, ice-cream, etc I really miss. I hope you don't overdo it and can get your uterus settled down :hugs: I know how it goes with LO's and everyone saying to take it easy... like its that simple :wacko:

Rachel- I only checked mine a couple of times around o so I have no idea what it does any other time. wish I could help! hope something happens soon for you though. I know that confusion of wondering whats going on!
forgot to say... Jordyn- you are absolutely gorgeous! and such a cute bump! my belly button just sinks in further, so I never get the pop out. so cute!
Rachel: test! So your cervix is always slightly open after having children. Before your af it's supposed to be low and open. Us it hard or soft?

Jordyn. Very cute bump. I'm getting more and more jelouse lol! Did your belly button pop with every pregnancy? I really hope these pains ease. Can you try other methods with your kids like with Alia try to be downstair when she falls asleep so your not carrying her? With Liam there's really nothing you can do for him yet I don't think

Melissa: I'm glad Sophia is doing great!!!! I love that you will plan ntnp for life!!! I love that thought. I secretly wish I could do the same thing too. I just don't know how I would support more children right now.

Well I'm putting Natalia and Jonathan in swimming lessons. For both if them it was only $20.40 for the two week session. Not bad I think. I'm soo exited. They start Monday.
Stacey- it really wasn't my plan, so I cant take credit. I thought I would have no more after my 2 girls. my 3rd was a surprise. 4th was planned so he would have a sibling more his age to grow up with. had 2 girls and 2 boys when I wanted to get my tubes tied. decided to pray about it and God asked me to trust His will for my family size. I must admit I didn't want to at first and was very fearful of how many we would have and how would we support them. I kept hearing Him tell me that if I trusted Him, He would provide. my DH was like me in thinking 4 was enough. so I told God if He wanted me to submit that to Him, He would have to tell DH that too. God wont lead a husband and wife in two different directions. He joins you as one to walk through life together. when my DH came to me saying God wanted us to let Him build our family I was amazed and we haven't looked back. I would say if you're feeling that desire, pray and ask Him to lead your DH in that direction if its His will. you don't have to 'know' how you would provide. God is more than able to provide ALL your needs and ALL the needs of anyone else He creates :)
Oh, I forgot to say that I love your belly button pic, Jordyn! So great! And you do look amazing.

Stacey, thanks for the info. Well, when I felt it yesterday, it was a bit higher and softer than all the times before. And I do notice it's always softer than before Jimmy came along. Not sure I ever checked it before Ozzy.

Well, I started feeling really crappy last night, and I'm pretty certain it's another uti. boooo. i went to a walk-in clinic after work and my urine test came back negative, but the doctor prescribed me antibiotics anyway. he said if i've had one recently and know what it feels like, then that's most likely it. they also used my urine sample to do a pregnancy test. i guess they wanted to rule that out (it was neg). the best part, though, was the look on the doctor's face when he asked when my last period was and I told him 20 months ago! Haha!

So, yeah. On antibiotics again, should be feeling better real soon. Darn lady parts. I do not like what babies have done to me down there!
Melissa, I totally agree. God can easily provide for more children if you have faith and trust in Him. I think even more so now than ever before, because people are having fewer and fewer kids, and some are having none at all, but all those precious spirits need to come to Earth and I believe God will make it possible for families that actually want to have children to provide for them. :flower:

Rachel, I'm sorry to hear that you have another UTI. That sucks! I hate the discomfort of having them, but I also hate that the antibiotics they give me always seem to make me feel nauseous, too. I hope you start feeling better soon. :hugs:

Stacey, I'm trying to get DH to do as much of the lifting as possible, and trying to find ways to entice Alia to go downstairs willingly, so the round ligament pain is gone. However, now my left shoulder feels like I have some sort of torn muscle! I feel like my poor body is just falling apart. :dohh:

Oh, and Melissa, we're staying team yellow this time, so no finding out the gender for us. Although I'm still really excited to see baby this Tuesday...I just hope the tech doesn't accidentally ruin the surprise!
sorry Rachel - uti's are horrible!

Jordyn- I agree! and love that you're not finding out :thumbup: Dh said for the first time he 'may' agree to doing that if we are blessed again. I think it would be cool. although actually being pregnant and not finding out may be a completely different story:blush:
Thank, ladies! I'm feeling so much better today. Well, at least as far as the UTI. I think I have a bit of a cold now. Booo. Jimmy and Daniel have it too, but thankfully Ozzy seems fine. And the antibiotics they gave me this time haven't made me nauseous so far, so that's also a plus.

I also like the idea of staying team yellow if we ever get the chance, but I'm not sure how it would actually go over!

Jordyn, that's good you've found ways to avoid the RLP. I hope it doesn't get worse for you. And I sure hope the tech doesn't ruin the surprise on Tuesday! Looking forward to hearing how it goes. :)
One more day until my scan! It's funny because with Alia and Liam, I was so excited to find out the gender, but this time, I'm just looking forward to seeing baby and making sure he/she is growing well, so it's kind of fun to have that as my main goal, and not the gender. :flower:

Rachel, I'm glad you're feeling better. Sorry that you and Jimmy and your DH all have colds, though! :hugs: My DH and Liam are both still suffering with allergies.

So Liam says "Mama" and "Dada" now, and usually only when the correct parent is near, so I think he actually understands what he's saying. Last night, when I went in to comfort him after he'd been crying, he saw me and said, "Mama!" It was so cute. :flower:
It's been pretty quite around here! I hope you're all doing well. :flower:

My 20 week scan went great! Baby was healthy and squirmy, but was also very cooperative for the ultrasound tech. We are successfully still Team Yellow! Baby is so cute, though! DH and I still think it will be a girl, but we'll see!

Here's a scan pic, as well as my 20 week bump pic. :flower:


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Jordyn: I love the u/s pic!! Very cute lo. I love your belly bump!!! You look wonderful. And yay for staying team yellow!!!!

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